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The JoelCairo Habs Suck hockey thread

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
You forgot Christophe Letang, who may be his team's best defenseman.

Another amazing piece of analysis by Holliday. After Doc anointed Letang as the best Pens Dman, Letang scored the WINNING goal in game 4! Congratulations! Oops - one little problem: it was the winning goal for the Habs, not the Pens. Keep up the good work Doc.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
thanks for sharing this, classic piece of journalism, and so true!

Deceased country singer Tammy Wynette once had a hit song called "Stand By Your Man". If it ever gets re-made as a video, I nominate you and Doc to star in it.


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Aug 27, 2003
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
From a proud Sharks fan

Habs: built for the post-season

Leafs: built for the golf season

If being very opportunistic is being built for the post-season, so be it. But i'd like to counter that the Leafs edition in the last 2 months of the season were also a team built for the post-season. The big differences between the two teams is that the Leafs wouldn't have been as opportunistic (they outshot their opponents in the majority of games this season) and you have to find a way to get into the playoffs. The habs managed this by squeaking into the playoffs in their last regular season game by losing in overtime against those same Leafs, who were a totally different team with the likes of Dion Phaneuf & JS Giguere in the lineup.


Nov 21, 2006
Funny how the Leafs fans' bitter comments about the Habs playoff run seem to taste so sweet.
From now on, no matter what the Habs haters say, they can't take away the fact that the Habs fans had a lot of fun in these playoffs. FINALLY, they had a team with heart and a never say die attitude to cheer for which exceded all expectations despite numerous injuries. And who is to say it's over. It's now a best of 3 series against the defending Cup champions. Great stuff!

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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What I don't understand though is the Habs fan mentality. Just last night as I was leaving my hotel heading out for the evening, walking along the streets of Montreal was idiotic. People acting like they won game 7 of the SC finals. Seriously, it's game 4 of the CONFERENCE SEMI FINALS, NOT THE FINALS FOR THE CUP!!! I mean, just jackasses everywhere you turned. When you win something meaningful then celebrate and do it graciously, not when you win game 4 to tie a conf semifinals series, that's asinine! This is exactly why I root for anyone playing the Habs.


Nov 21, 2006
As I said in a previous post, you (anybody) should'nt generalize about Habs fans. I agree there are many idiots amongst them but they are in the minority, they only happen to be more vocal than the rest (you have fans like that in EVERY team). And if they want to celebrate a game 4 victory in the CSF... why not? Let them have their fun, life is too gloomy at times.
I personnaly root for anybody playing the Yankees so I understand you on that point ;-)
The one thing I find laughable in this forum is the Hab haters continually mocking the Canadiens run in the playoffs saying things like Caps in 4, then Caps in 5 (and soon to be Pens in 6) and so on just to try to rile up the Habs fans and still continuing while the Habs are heading into game 6. How about acknowledging what they have done so far rather than trying to antagonize and simply look like an idiot?
The thing is they are a less talented team but they are playing their hearts out and you've got to respect ANY team that does that. Still mocking them only demonstrates petty jealousy and that is also laughable.
I personnaly don't really like the Bruins but if (when) they make it in the Conference Finals, I won't be saying things like Habs or Pens in 4. I will give them their props for making it there despite also having injuries. Any team that has made it this far has my respect.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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TW, I may have over generalized but like you said, the complete idiots are the most vocal, obnoxious of the fans and that gives the rest of the fans a bad name. You are also correct in that they are a less talented team, by far, but...Halak, at this time is far superior to the Pens Fleury, Fleury is the most overrated goalie I've ever seen. Every goal scored by the Habs last night was an incredibly soft goal that had no business crossing the goal line.

I didn't think Halak would be able to continue his incredible run so for sure I was thinking Pens in 5 or 6, his play is the only thing saving Montreal right now. The Habs have been completely out played in 99% of the playoff games this season. TSN showed a stat last night before the game that Pittsburgh had already outshot Montreal by something like a 143-79 margin.

Another reason I don't want to see the Habs win is this...the city will explode, it'll be like something nobody's ever seen, I'm sure!!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
i'd like to counter that the Leafs edition in the last 2 months of the season were also a team built for the post-season.

What's the point in having "a team built for the post-season" if that team is so wretched that it never MAKES it to the post-season?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
you have to find a way to get into the playoffs. The habs managed this by squeaking into the playoffs in their last regular season game by losing in overtime against those same Leafs, who were a totally different team with the likes of Dion Phaneuf & JS Giguere in the lineup.

Yes, I see your point. BEFORE they got Jiggy and Egoman they were 29th, but AFTER they got Jiggy and Egoman, they ended up...uhh...29th. You have quite a point there.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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From a proud Sharks fan

But i'd like to counter that the Leafs edition in the last 2 months of the season were also a team built for the post-season.

Hilarious. Where was "your team" earleir in the season when the games counted?

If I recall, the Leafs also played better over the course of the last two months of the season last year as well - after they were eliminated from post season contention for the 4th straight year and the games meant nothing. How did this carry into the current season? Answer: 29th place and no playoffs for a 5th straight season.

Make it into the playoffs and win a round or two then come back here and tell us how good your team is, otherwise you've got absolutely nothing.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Fleury is the most overrated goalie I've ever seen. Every goal scored by the Habs last night was an incredibly soft goal that had no business crossing the goal line.

Your point is a valid one, but my choice for most overrated goalie in the NHL is Roberto Luongo. He's terrible!!! Even in the Olympics, he sucked. Canada won the gold DESPITE him! As for that first goal that Fleury let in the other night, that has to be the worse goal let in by any goalie in the past 10 years of playoffs hockey! How can a team be expected to win when they can't depend on their goalie stopping those shots? It's demoralizing!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What I don't understand though is the Habs fan mentality. Just last night as I was leaving my hotel heading out for the evening, walking along the streets of Montreal was idiotic. People acting like they won game 7 of the SC finals. Seriously, it's game 4 of the CONFERENCE SEMI FINALS, NOT THE FINALS FOR THE CUP!!! I mean, just jackasses everywhere you turned. When you win something meaningful then celebrate and do it graciously, not when you win game 4 to tie a conf semifinals series, that's asinine! This is exactly why I root for anyone playing the Habs.

The article i posted the other day, written by a member of the french Mtl media, who's also a die-hard Habs fan, backs up what you just posted. It's too bad that the article is in french, because it talks about the ignorance of the average Habs fan & how idiotic they look during games. You'd swear the lunatics have escaped from the asylum! They're self-centered & truly believe the hockey world revolves around the Mtl Canadiens. They have no respect for any opposing player & everytime their team manages to pull out a win, they get the urge to go & riot in the downtown area.

They're the only team in the entire NHL (or in all sports, for the matter) where the public address system announcer has inform the crowd prior to the signing of the American national anthem that the Habs have four players (by naming each of them) on their team that are Americans & he proceeds to tell the crowd to show their respect to those players' country by being quiet during the signing of the national anthem. They're doing this because as shown in the past, half the people attending the games are too ignorant & will boo the American anthem the first chance they get.

People think the most ignorant fans in sports are in Philly? Guess again! They're right at the Bell Center in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. They're the ones who'll put down their team when they lose a game & complain that they have no heart, etc.....and as soon as they steal a game (because of great goaltending), their team is bound for the Cup & it's time to head down to Ste Catherine street once again to do some serious property damage & harrass the people driving by. Yep, typical Habs fans!

By the way, since my favorite team is out of the playoffs, my current favorite playoffs team are the Bruins. After watching them perform during these playoffs, it's impossible for me to root against them. Go Bruins!
Last edited:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
By the way, since my favorite team is out of the playoffs...

Ummm, they're not out of the playoffs, they didn't make the playoffs. there's a difference.

It's hard to compare Toronto fans to Montreal fans. Montreal is a passionate city full of passionate people and we like to win! Sure some go overboard sometimes but it's a hell of a lot better than being perennial losers and getting used to it. And as far as the people who cause damage are concerned, they aren't hockey fans. They tend to be organized gangs who come into town to get things going so that they have a cover for their breaking and entering activities. Once they get enough shit going on, they break into retail stores and loot them. It has nothing to do with sports and they'd do the same thing in any similar situation that might arise. The old saying still Montreal we work to live and in Toronto people live to work.

Oh yeah, if you think Montreal hockey fans are rowdy maybe you should take a look at European football fans to see what rowdy fans are really like.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Doc, that is not a nice way to talk about our 2 resident punching bags in here, go easy on Mrs.C and GSG, there preparing the underneath of the "wagon" for a all night drinking fest to drown their tears when the scabs are eliminated next week. give em a break ok? ...................................................................:)

People think the most ignorant fans in sports are in Philly? Guess again! They're right at the Bell Center in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. They're the ones who'll put down their team when they lose a game & complain that they have no heart, etc.....and as soon as they steal a game (because of great goaltending), their team is bound for the Cup & it's time to head down to Ste Catherine street once again to do some serious property damage & harrass the people driving by. Yep, typical Habs fans!!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
By the way, since my favorite team is out of the playoffs, my current favorite playoffs team are the Bruins. After watching them perform during these playoffs, it's impossible for me to root against them. Go Bruins!

That's funny - a day or two ago your "current favorite playoffs team" was the Sharks. Do you switch allegiances by the day, or by the hour?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Ummm, they're not out of the playoffs, they didn't make the playoffs. there's a difference.

Your entire post was excellent Techman but I've quoted the BEST part, where you really zing it to Holliday.

Unfortunately, Holliday doesn't have a lot going on upstairs so it will probably be wasted on him.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Doc, that is not a nice way to talk about our 2 resident punching bags in here, go easy on Mrs.C and GSG, there preparing the underneath of the "wagon" for a all night drinking fest to drown their tears when the scabs are eliminated next week. give em a break ok? ...................................................................:)

And how have you and your dear butty been consoling each other since the leaf collapse? Watching Doc's Battle of the Blades reruns and glancing at your fashion magazines during the commercials? Maybe going out to get your nails done as a special treat on those occasions when the agony of missing the playoffs for the last half decade really starts to hit home? Or just gently wiping the tears from each other's eyes as you cry over the loss of Rask and your key draft picks?
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