The late Oliver Kloseoff...
Re: Give posters the benefit of the doubt
Just a quick comment regarding the death of Oliver Kloseoff, who was recently banned permanently .... once again.
I won't get into the facts of the banning. There are two sides to every dispute, and once again this dispute is no exception.
However I do think it would pay to think twice about banning someone who, for all his faults, is simply one of the most entertaining and informative hobbyists around.
I for one visit the blue board on a regular basis for no other reason than to read what Oliver is up to. And banning Oliver will over the long term only serve to steer more Merb traffic there.
Of course Oliver is not alone. The list of banned Merbites who post regularly on the blue board and in the Devilish board includes (IMHO) all of the most interesting posters around: Corleone, JMB, GG, Beauty Digger (how can I stick up for that guy? --- but he provides great laughs) and Hal the John. Coco des Iles simply disappeared, but he was pretty good too.
I won't deny Merb's strengths; the non-review threads, the great PM system and the advertiser thread (no kidding) that shows who is on tonight, are very useful.
But there is now no question, that Merb is coming close to banning a critcal mass of interested hobbyists... and that process could eventually hamper the boards ability to remain the top forum in town.
Re: Give posters the benefit of the doubt
Just a quick comment regarding the death of Oliver Kloseoff, who was recently banned permanently .... once again.
I won't get into the facts of the banning. There are two sides to every dispute, and once again this dispute is no exception.
However I do think it would pay to think twice about banning someone who, for all his faults, is simply one of the most entertaining and informative hobbyists around.
I for one visit the blue board on a regular basis for no other reason than to read what Oliver is up to. And banning Oliver will over the long term only serve to steer more Merb traffic there.
Of course Oliver is not alone. The list of banned Merbites who post regularly on the blue board and in the Devilish board includes (IMHO) all of the most interesting posters around: Corleone, JMB, GG, Beauty Digger (how can I stick up for that guy? --- but he provides great laughs) and Hal the John. Coco des Iles simply disappeared, but he was pretty good too.
I won't deny Merb's strengths; the non-review threads, the great PM system and the advertiser thread (no kidding) that shows who is on tonight, are very useful.
But there is now no question, that Merb is coming close to banning a critcal mass of interested hobbyists... and that process could eventually hamper the boards ability to remain the top forum in town.