...and got like 3 or 4% less than the going rate, i was totally fine with it and not going to cry over getting a few dollars less than the going rate.
Well, that's all well and good if the bank is your favorite charity. Personally, I prefer to give to Doctors Without Borders.
I did a little experimentation today, not really the best day with the loonie dropping almost 2¢ since opening. To the numbers:
Last night's close: $1.379
Right now: $1.396
I went to Calforex with a pile of US dollars. It appears that they discount off the prior day's closing rate. They gave me a pretty lousy 1.3575, taking more than a 2% cut on top of the $3.50 fee.
I next went to a Desjardins ATM and pulled 500$ out of my US account. Desjardins does not but pulls it dynamically from somewhere out in the ether. I got better than last night's closing, but a rate several hours behind the current. The rate was $1.382. Add to that a $2.00 fee to Desjardins and a $1.00 fee back home.
Next stop was transferwise.com. To use Transferwise, you'll need a Canadian bank account to drop your money into. Their rate is dynamic and is updated every 11 minutes. It appears that their fee drops as the transfer gets larger. Right now, for $1,000, the rate is $1.382, for $10,000, $1.384, and for $100,000, it's $1.386.