Montreal Escorts

The montreal sex industry is really going crazy


Jul 24, 2007
During the last couple months, I've noticed changes and some new trends:

1) Indy trend: We have more and more "Indies" in Montreal, pretty much all the famous SPs from the Montreal scene are now indy or affiliated to Indy agencies ( I’m still questioning myself about this concept!). Fucking crazy! Prices are increasing like never before. Just to mention few examples: Vicky Vix, Jasmine (now 250$/h), Alyssa and her indy crew, Maria Divina, Kim and Veronica ( used to work with MTLgeisha and now charging 200$/h). Reasons why they're going on Indy mode?

My theories are:
- agency owners are not really taking care of the business
- agency policy (stupid as fee! I’ve been told some agencies are giving them "ticket!! Exactly like LE do! Few agencies are imposing crazy 8-12 hours shift, others are encouraging drug abuse. We all know that drug use and high-quality SPing simply don't mix. Too many physical and mental signs of deterioration, big drop in reliability and availability....)
- "stupid clients" telling them stupid shits like " you're too good to work with an agency, you should be Indy", "I'm in love, let's meet anytime, I'll pay whatever the price", ....

There's only a few having what it takes to be a REAL INDY (girls such as Lilly Lombard, Sensual Cleo, Iris from MGF even if she's not indy (yet)).

2) New agencies: Let me ask you one question. How many new agencies do pop-out from nowhere during the last few weeks? Based on what I noticed, here is a non exhaustive list:

Montrealgirlfriends, angelescorts, forbiddenmontreal, queens of spades, 2hot2touch, escorts-express, montrealasianescorts, tempted2touch, montrealgems,....

Just to name a few, sorry but I've lost the count! For real, there's a new agency popping every week. Based on the point 1, there's some Indy who actually decided to pimp their collegues. At the beginning I was like "ok cool, new girls are coming!", yeah right. Still the same girls moving faster than ever from one agency to another. I'm not going to talk about the 'spin off' agencies, you got to be stupid to run spin off while you just can't run 1 agency the right way. This is a very strange phenomenon, I don’t know why suddenly we have so many new players jumping on the Montreal scene. Especially if we do consider the Montreal market as a very small one compare to Toronto, Vancouver or N-Y. It seems counter-intuitive. In such a competitive market, you would expect there to be fewer agencies, as over-supply will just boost competition, restrict prices and therefore profits even more. Who are these marketing geniuses?

3) SP's Migration: Here in Montreal we have (should say "had") the chance to have a good quality/price ratio. Montreal was a way station for farm girls coming to the big city to make a little money before starting their careers but now SPs are hungry for the money like never before (if it's not them, it must be their pimps craving for cash!). So agencies or pimps or the girls themselves are now going to USA, TO or Alberta. Don't know what's going on in the Anglo world but Is it possible for you to keep price low! I would encourage you to visit our lovely city, we have nice restaurants, nice clubs, nice hotels, exciting nightlife and living in our city is really affordable!!!!!!! NO NEED TO SAY I LOVE MONTREAL.

4) Gang and organized crime infiltrations: I've been told recently that Gang members are trying to take and reign over the industry (it’s probably going to be worst with the death of mister Rizutto). Many young SPs are controlled (exploited) by pimps (yes it does happen...). Sad but true. There's a rumour saying Gang members are also trying to sell girls to agencies. Recently here in MTL it's been publicly said that MTLGeisha was under the control of BIKERS, we all know how the story has ended...LE got them and closed them.

My conclusion is that we should encourage "decent" agencies instead of doing business with agencies having 0 client services (examples are numerous) or showing no respect to their clients money.

5) Pricing policy: The Montreal SP has been taken over by pure greed and has priced itself out of the market for some of the guys I know. They could barely afford $160. At $200 and over there's no chance they’re paying that. I do understand their situation but at some point it's not about how much we are making per year. In my situation, I'm making really good money and I could afford Indy rates without a problem. But even If I'm making good money I've never forgot where I come from and I still have respect for money and I know what worth what. Couple of my friends are making 30$/h through payroll, after tax they have in their pockets something like 20$ net....Keep this in mind ladies. To me the hour rate should be 160 to 180$ (the girl is making 100$ to 120$/h net!) and tip should be given based on the girl performances and not by default as it is now. I remember a year ago, agencies used the gas price to legitimate the increasing...the gas is now back to 0,95$, do you think they'll decrease their rates?

I have noticed the significant deterioration of the MTL scene for hobbyists in the past years and there is no sign the situation will improve anytime soon which I really regret. I just don't think the market can support that many indies and agencies most of them will not make it. It will be interesting to see how this changes the Montreal scene in the long run.

Do you guys have the same feeling about the Montreal situation or is it me being paranoiac?
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
During the last couple months, I've noticed changes and some new trends:

Do you guys have the same feeling about the Montreal situation or is it me being paranoiac?

Hello MarathonMan,

Let's see. Why become an Indy???

1. Make your own hours.

2. Make your own rules.

3. Weed out idiots, jerks, and animals.

4. You decide who to fuck, not the boss.

5. No boss to coerce you to fuck him in order to get appointments. :eek:

6. You can avoid gang or organized crime influence and/or control.

7. You decide which services to provide.

8. No one to push alcohol or drugs on you.

9. Your personal information is your own.


11. All responsibility for business, service, and protection is yours alone. If it isn't handled right then...pffffsssst!

I think you are spitting into the wind on this. The benefits of being an Indy compared to an agency lady are overwhelming. All the issues I outlined above are inherent in the business generally, even if some agencies treat their ladies better than others. And who is to blame? Agency owners control most of these factors. Then there are the clients demanding more and more intimate services regardless of hygiene, safety, and manners in general.

The simple fact is being an Indy is a much better deal if one can cut it. Many of the things you say point to the negatives of being an agency girl. When you display the rates Indys get and the problems with agencies you are making a case for the opposite of your goal. So I think all you will accomplish with this thread is to highlight the benefits and encourage more ladies to turn Indy.

Hey it sucks for me to see the best go Indy. I can't play in that price range except on very rare occasions, and I haven't in years.

Good luck,


Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
Point 5 -

In 2007, the standard rate was 140/hr
2008- 160/hr
2009 -180/hr

and as we head into 2010, we are seeing more and more of the "top ladies" at popular agencies at 200/hr

I'm seeing some of the newer agencies (Point #2) price themselves at either $140 or $160 (even $120 with the newest of agencies) so 2010 should be an interesting year to, with the global economy turning around, to see at what price point the supply/demand ratio intersects

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007

I've voiced your concerns recently and have been told I'm wrong. I've been told by many on this board there are no such issues. So it must be true. Forget your concerns, you must be imagining things. So give MGF a call and have a great time.

Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
- "stupid clients" telling them stupid shits like " you're too good to work with an agency, you should be Indy", ....

There's only a few having what it takes to be a REAL INDY (girls such as Iris from MGF even if she's not indy (yet)).

So you're one of those clients encouraging girls to go indy are you?

Of course, MGF's pricing is a touch over other agencies.

Not sure I see prices having gone up this last year : wasn't 200$ starting to look standard, now back to $180? On the other hand, compared to two years ago, I am not sure we have the quality of choice we did then with the agencies. Hopefully just a cycle.

If there's a nasty recession this should have an impact (hopefully not on my budget though!) but there must also be important demographic, cultural and scientific trends. Internet availability, greater comfort with the "concept" of paying/being paid for sex, divorce rates among older men, job prospects for younger women, baby echo, dating websites, etc, etc.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
in a very polite way MM, i think a bit of Paranoiac, there are still plenty of agencies at $180 and below, even one of the new agencies is at $150 ...... just a few months ago Eleganza "LOWERED" rates from 200 to 180... if a agency like mgf cant get 300hr then they will lower as well, theres a market in any business for different price points, and this is no different, it's just business, be thankfull you have choices for your budget

Do you guys have the same feeling about the Montreal situation or is it me being paranoiac?


Jul 24, 2007
MERLOT, Sps don t really wait my permission to become Indy!

Let's see. Why become an Indy???

1. Make your own hours.

it means no schedule!

2. Make your own rules.

it means no rule!

3. Weed out idiots, jerks, and animals.

You could be surprise on this one!!

4. You decide who to fuck, not the boss.

Good point on this one, you can choice your clients....Beginning the month most potential clients are ugly, end of the month they're all cute and handsome!ahhaah

5. No boss to coerce you to fuck him in order to get appointments.

LOL, it s so real!

6. You can avoid gang or organized crime influence and/or control.

Euh...Only If you're a real indy! Paying 22' mags to your BF could be considered as criminal influence?

7. You decide which services to provide.

INDY must be GFE if not, NO CLIENT!

8. No one to push alcohol or drugs on you.

Most of the time, no need to push them...they're really capable to do it themselves!

9. Your personal information is your own.

RIGHT! and at that point they re deciding to show their faces on their own websites!


They wish!

11. All responsibility for business, service, and protection is yours alone. If it isn't handled right then...pffffsssst!

LOL ask the driver, the BF and receptionnist!
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
Visit site
I agree with Marathon Man, not Merlot

Only a select few and not the average SP can be an independent and get an elevated rate.


Kim, because she has a following and some who are willing to see her once or couple times a month. Kim started when she was 18 and she is probably 23 or 24 now. She is hot and she always provided the best service.

Karyna Klein - same as Kim, but is she still providing? I am not sure.

As an independent, these girls could never do the volume that they did at the agencies. They probably made more money with the agencies, but more had more wear.

The agencies provide marketing, transporation, scheduling, and protection in rare occasions if a guy gets rowdy. The agency knows where the girl is at all times. Does the same exist for an independent?

As far as the prices, we are in a down period as far as the economy goes Most economists have not committed to a definite recovery. Increasing prices makes little sense. Probably many of you have cut back in your hobbying budgets. I know I have. As I am from the US, with the exchange rate down, it makes it even tougher for me to justify an extra trip to Montreal.

And with additional agencies that seem to be popping up, you would think the increased competition would cause the agencies to be running more specials, lowering their rates to compete?

Maybe, the local market in Montreal can spend the extra $, but I doubt it as MarthonMan points out pay scales have come down for many.

And ask yourselves, would call a call girl with no reputation, little reviews as an independent if she were to advertise in craigslist? Most avoid CL, because it is full of bait and switch.

So the new girls would have to work for an agency to get established, only the best could ever sustain themselves at increased rates even.

As far as the agencies are concerned, we should patronize the ones with the best Customer service, price, and quality of girls in looks and service. It sends a message to the new agencies - we will patronize them if they are customer focused and competitve - and the existing agencies - that there is always competition propping up. It is how the free market system works and thrives.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
In the past I have read a few comments by fellow Merbites stating that they did not review their favorite girls for fear that her price would go up or they will have to book a two hour minimum or something like that. I used to think they were wrong but now I'm not so sure. I mean “newbie” Paris from MGOF gets two or three raving reviews and her rate goes from 180$ up to 200$. Maybe these old timers on the board know what they are talking about? This is just one example but I do see more and more of this. For the first time I too held back a good review recently due to some extenuating circumstances.

On another note I noticed that the going rate went up to 200$ late last year/earlier this year before falling back to 180$ with several agencies offering girls at a "special" rate of 160$. If the price goes back up again I'm willing to pay a little more. Hopefully my salary will go up in some commensurate manner and I will once again experience a sense of job security due to an economic recovery that we can all actually see.

It sounds like there may be a murkier side to the Montreal scene that I have not noticed. I still believe that this is the best place to hobby in North America for a multitude of reasons including value, cost, service, safety, options etc.


Jul 24, 2007
As Bill gates said: Only the paranoids survive! AHAHAH

I do consider my self as a liberal, so I do believe in free market rules. Having range from 120 to 350 is a bit too wide, I did test agency at 150$ and MGF at 300$, I lle be honest and admit that I did notice a difference but not for such a price gap!

About Eleganza, John actually has opened the ball on inflating the price and he get caught to his own game...but it seems john is back on earth...was about time. It is a great move from John.

No doubt I'll have to developp the concept of FLY BY NIGHT agency soon.

in a very polite way MM, i think a bit of Paranoiac, there are still plenty of agencies at $180 and below, even one of the new agencies is at $150 ...... just a few months ago Eleganza "LOWERED" rates from 200 to 180... if a agency like mgf cant get 300hr then they will lower as well, theres a market in any business for different price points, and this is no different, it's just business, be thankfull you have choices for your budget
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
As Bill gates said: Only the paranoids survive! AHAHAH

I do consider my self as a liberal, so I do believe in free market rules.

Liberals do not believe in free market rules? I was not aware of this either?:confused: BTW I believe the sex industry is a classic example of how the free market works
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Ariane Valmont

New Member
Mar 17, 2009
There's only a few having what it takes to be a REAL INDY (girls such as Lilly Lombard, Sensual Cleo, Iris from MGF even if she's not indy (yet)).

I would be curious to know what it takes to be a "real indy" according to you. :)


Jul 24, 2007
Here is my 25 cents...

1: Commit to your business (yes you're a business). Believe in it more than anybody else. If you love your work, you'll be out there every day (euh not 7 days a week!) trying to do it the best you possibly can, and pretty soon everybody around will catch the passion from you (probably the best marketing ever!). If you don't like it...find another career.

2: Listen to everyone in your industry (especially your clients) and figure out ways to get them talking. You'd better find out what they want. This really is what total quality is all about.

3: Exceed your customer's expectations. If you do, they'll come back over and over. Give them what they want — and a little more. Let them know you appreciate them. Make good on all your mistakes, and don't make excuses — apologize. Stand behind everything you do. Apply the Wal-Mart sign: "Satisfaction Guaranteed." They're still up there, and they have made all the difference. Try to provide your customers with more than they expect. Go the extra mile to give exceptional quality, exceptional service or exceptional value. A little extra can go a long way. Your customers will remember and reward you with their continued business.

4: Always better your best. Constantly strive to improve your services. A happy customer will only be too please to pass on your service. Having found a bunch of good and satisfied clients is the best way to have repeat clients

5: Find a niche. Become an expert in your field. Stick to what you do best.

6: Build your reputation on integrity, quality and value. Don't do anything that might compromise it. Once your reputation is tarnished, it is difficult to redeem yourself in the eyes of your customers.

7: Listen and react to your customer's needs. Success comes when you give your customers what they want. Ask your customers what you can do to improve your service, website, communication, booking.

8: Never Take Shortcuts! The market is unforgiving. You only get one shot at making a GREAT First Impression! Do everything in a first class way.

9: Take good care of you (you're the only product you have to sell, you better take care of it if you don’t want to run out of business): Stay in good shape and healthy (physically and mentally).

10: Develop your interpersonal skills, successful indies are comfortable relating to any kind of people; they easily create rapport and are at least more extroverted than they are introverted...being able to adjust yourself to any kind of individuals is a priceless characteristic

11: Have an exit plan and stick to it, know when it’s time to leave...know your exit and have an exit plan.

12: Providing services is only part of the work, if you want to succeed. The real difference is in how you manage your website, advertise and build your business. Indeed it’s not simple as just having sex!

13: It takes money to make money: No one has ever made big money without investing any money at all. Most escorts want everything for free. Invest in nice clothings, boob jobs if needed, effective website, lingerie kits, ....

14: Update your website often: learn how to keep your clients coming back to your website.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST: If your are paid 1M$ and you spend 1M$, you have earned nothing. If you don’t know how to save money, you have earned nothing. Save and invest your $$$ so you don’t waste your time working in a very particular industry.

Having this read, you should understand why it is so tough to be a successful Indy. Being an INDY is more than just having sex, as an INDY you're becoming an entrepreneur.

Ladies, If you're looking for coaching and counselling feel free to ask my price list! LOL that's exactly why I'm doing in life! (apply rule 13)
I would be curious to know what it takes to be a "real indy" according to you. :)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Point 5 -

In 2007, the standard rate was 140/hr
2008- 160/hr
2009 -180/hr
On what planet? When I started hobbying in Montreal in 1999 or 2000, the standard rate was $150 for mid-range outcall agencies. Over the last 10 years, the rate has gone up about 20%, less than the rate of inflation.

I don't know where you get this $140 unless you've been doing your business at South shore incalls.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
MERLOT, Sps don t really wait my permission to become Indy!

Let's see. Why become an Indy???

1. Make your own hours.

By means no schedule!

We all would like to work whenever we wished. Huge advantage Indy.

2. Make your own rules.

By means no rule!

We all would like to live as we wished. Huge advantage Indy.

3. Weed out idiots, jerks, and animals.

By MM...You could be surprise on this one!!

No I wouldn't. No one said being an Indy made the weeding out process perfect. But it sure beats having to deal with whatever waits in the room. Huge advantage Indy.

4. You decide who to fuck, not the boss.

By MM...Good point on this one, you can choice your clients....Beginning the month most potential clients are ugly, end of the month they're all cute and handsome!ahhaah

Glad you liked it. Successfull Indys have already built up a following of familiar and faithful, usually well-monied clients and can add more far more carefully and steadily. Huge advantage Indy.

5. No boss to coerce you to fuck him in order to get appointments.

By MM...LOL, it s so real!

This is a huge problem eliminated. I know one of the most popular and in demand escorts in the history of Montreal who had her appointments held hostage because she refused to fuck the agency owner. She certainly isn't the only one. A friend of mine discovered from another lady that her appointments were also held hostage. The first lady went back to her former agency. Huge advantage Indy

6. You can avoid gang or organized crime influence and/or control.

By MM...Euh...Only If you're a real indy! Paying 22' mags to your BF could be considered as criminal influence?

Of course only if "you're a real Indy." If one is in the situation above they aren't a real Indy. Being free of gangs or organized crime control...Monster advantage Indy.

7. You decide which services to provide.

By MM...INDY must be GFE if not, NO CLIENT!

No brainer here. So what's your point? Most of those who go Indy have already built up very solid reputations for being great GFEs. Miss Samantha, Lilly Lombard, Vicky Vix, Jasmine, Karyna, Miss Maria and many others are spectacular GFEs, and they still get to choose to avoid some excessive (as the lady defines it) services agency owners might otherwise coerce them to perform. Huge advantage Indy.

8. No one to push alcohol or drugs on you.

By MM...Most of the time, no need to push them...they're really capable to do it themselves!

True. Individuals always have their own vices. But as an Indy you choose instead of being in an environment where substances are pushed on you. Advantage of choice Indy.

9. Your personal information is your own.

By MM...RIGHT! and at that point they re deciding to show their faces on their own websites!

None of the Indys I have met do this though I have seen others put their faces on their own websites. So have some agency ladies. As an Indy it's still a matter of having the power to control all your personal information instead of others knowing too much. Huge advantage Indy.


By MM...They wish!

A totally vague substanceless useless response. If as you noted the lady is a "real Indy" then she controls all the money. What she does with it after...expenses, entertainment, etc. is her choice. THE CENTRAL advantage Indy.

11. All responsibility for business, service, and protection is yours alone. If it isn't handled right then...pffffsssst!

By MM...LOL ask the driver, the BF and receptionnist!

LOL...what Indys have you met? I have never gotten a receptionist no matter what day, time of day or night when I call. I almost always walk them to their own car (sans driver) and kiss them goodbye before they drive off on their own or I have rode with them in their car or my car (as they choose) to dinner or other diversions. Of course they may have a real boyfriend (not pimp) they may or may not mention. If they take care of business properly...Monster advantage Indy.

All of your responses are either about the greater difficulty for the average client to meet an Indy, conjuring faults that good real Indys don't face, or unavoidable human quirks everyone has. But if you are saying it's better to be an agency lady than an Indy then that is ridiculous! Obviously, hopefully you aren't.

Here is my 25 cents...

All generally good business points. Generally I have no quarrel at all with this. Still, those who turn Indy have already mastered these points. Simply put, they already excel at service and now just have to be responsible about their business details.

But in the context of escorting your phrase “try to provide your customers with more than they expect” also can mean give me what I want not just what you wish to. It's self-serving for the client. Another key point where it’s a huge advantage to be an Indy considering the idiots, jerks, animals, and dirty pigs agency escorts may have to serve.




Jul 24, 2007
Montrealxxxtase was 140$/h back in 2006

On what planet? When I started hobbying in Montreal in 1999 or 2000, the standard rate was $150 for mid-range outcall agencies. Over the last 10 years, the rate has gone up about 20%, less than the rate of inflation.

I don't know where you get this $140 unless you've been doing your business at South shore incalls.

Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
Montrealxxxtase was 140$/h back in 2006

That's correct and Asservissante went from $140 to $160 in 2004

So 140/160 in the 2004-2006 period to 180 in 2009 is justified from an inflationary perspective

But from the US tourist (and I know this is a whole separate discussiion), $140 5 years ago = approx. $115 USD whereas $180 current date = approx. $175 USD which is more than a 50% jump
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