Montreal Escorts

The Most Reliable and Satisfying Escort Agencies Poll.

The Most Reliable and Satisfying Escort Agencies Poll.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Girls on Fire

The Devils Twin
Mar 30, 2007

Hey guys,

I am jealous there is not more time for me to try to get my agency at par with the others...I'm trying real hard to get GOF up to the standards and get some votes.....:cool: Maybe next time i will be in the race....



Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Korbel said:
Hello Jessy,

Just one year old and Montreal Sex City is on par with Eleganza, close to Devilish, and competitive with all...Not bad at all. :D

Two Thumbs Way UP!



Even if I am the one who choose who's going to be part of the team,
I do have do admit that 50% of that success goes to the girls who
are reliable and the drivers that are patient enought with the

Thanks again to the team, from me, Miss Jessy (including Peter ;) ).



Jul 5, 2008
Polls are always interesting and give a nice overview of a topic. But numbers being numbers, it's fun to play with them.

Just for the heck of it, and not wanting to change by anyway the overall subject, I crunched the numbers based on the number of girls/agency applied to the number of votes. Interesting enough it does change the overall ranking.

It's a little hard to read being in comma delimited format, but can be clearer if exported to a spreadsheet.

Montreal Sex City,40,9,4.44,1
Satin Dreams,23,6,3.83,2
Eleganza Escorts,43,15,2.86,3
Montreal XXXTASE,60,36,1.66,4
Devilish Escorts,48,38,1.26,5
Montreal Girls On Fire,10,15,0.66,7

I apologize for Montreal Hot Girls and My Prime Time Escorts since I was unable to connect to their websites to get the number of ladies working for them.



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
DouMan said:
Polls are always interesting and give a nice overview of a topic. But numbers being numbers, it's fun to play with them.

Just for the heck of it, and not wanting to change by anyway the overall subject, I crunched the numbers based on the number of girls/agency applied to the number of votes. Interesting enough it does change the overall ranking.

It's a little hard to read being in comma delimited format, but can be clearer if exported to a spreadsheet.

Montreal Sex City,40,9,4.44,1
Satin Dreams,23,6,3.83,2
Eleganza Escorts,43,15,2.86,3
Montreal XXXTASE,60,36,1.66,4
Devilish Escorts,48,38,1.26,5
Montreal Girls On Fire,10,15,0.66,7

I apologize for Montreal Hot Girls and My Prime Time Escorts since I was unable to connect to their websites to get the number of ladies working for them.


Hello Douman,

Some agencies list a lot of ladies in their employment, but often have few of these ladies listed as working or available for an encounter. How does that factor into you equations? Did you just use their list of ladies or account for the number of days they actually worked?




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hello all,

Thanks to each of you who voted over the past three months. Having 164 voters is a record as far as I can ever remember seeing since 2001. Perhaps if this had been a private poll there would have been even more voters. But we sure got a lot of votes here by frequently posting members and many who rarely if ever post. That's quite a broad sampling. So I think it fair to say we got a pretty good representation and a fair chance for everyone who wanted to cast a vote to do so. So many thanks for your votes.

I do regret that some agencies like Asservissante were not represented. It was a very regrettable error on my part. I would like to suggest to the mods that any future poll, perhaps in the late fall, should be set up with a space for all Merb advertisers. Since this sort of poll can affect the direction of business, especially for newbies, that would be the fairest way to have any other such poll in the future.

Best wishes,



Oct 16, 2004
6' under
i learned something from this poll... i should start using primetime, bodylish, and mhg more. there ain't no waiting. ha!


Jul 5, 2008
Korbel said:
Hello Douman,

Some agencies list a lot of ladies in their employment, but often have few of these ladies listed as working or available for an encounter. How does that factor into you equations? Did you just use their list of ladies or account for the number of days they actually worked?


Korbell, no I did not go into that depth and only used the total number of ladies posted on the individual websites.

I really hope you don’t interpret my post as being in any way offensive since, as stated, I was only playing with numbers. If any member found my post as being out of place, I sincerely apologize.

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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Chris Devilish Escorts said:
If you only knew the lengths i go to convince girls to stay at 4am!!!Just so that people like you can have a good time before going night-night.More often than not if a girl doesn't want to stay for another 30 minutes at that time then chances are it's got a little something to do with you.;) Besides we can't force anyone to do something they don't want.

p.s. you are a rude man,buy some manners instead of some fun:rolleyes:


And you, sir, must learn to read. Nowhere in my post do I complain about Natasha. Not once, not with a single word, letter or comma. I praise her and I say I agreed with her. Sure, at the end of a long Saturday night, one hour was plenty.

What do I complain about? That's an intelligent question. To answer it, you must do one thing ... read the post you are "responding" to.

Ok, on reading my post we see that I am complaining about the meatball phone operator who told me -- despite my own clearly voiced skepticism -- that, sure, Natasha would be delighted to work 90 minutes at the end of an 8-hour weekend shift.

Some other character here dropped a little roll-eyes icon on me because, in his view, the common-sense step was for me to call up Devilish again. Someone (called the "boss") would want to hear about the oafishness of the other fellow I talked to. Well, sure. If you have a hard time with Moe and Curly, call Stooge headquarters and hope for Larry.

I'll settle for Mikey's board post. It's as much Devil-ishness as I can take. There are other agencies, agencies staffed by fully functioning humans. Normally those are the agencies I deal with, and that's what I'll keep on doing.

p.s.: to Mod 5. You have a good point there. Yet I regret nothing.

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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Korbel said:
Thanks Mikey,
Sometimes I have gotten impatient calling around 4:00, but that's my fault. ... But, I wouldn't dream of calling around 3:00 even if I was in the most rested condition. Any agency would be hard pressed to provide a lady who is still at her best after so long on the job and so late at night. What could anyone really expect...reasonably.

My good Korbel, the question is not what I expected; the question is what I was told. My post is darn clear about that.

I wanted 90 minutes but told the phone guy I wasn't counting on that long, given the time of night. The phone guy then replied that of course 90 minutes would be ok. And of course it wasn't.

Oh well. Let me put it this way. If I read you correctly, you are offering Mikey and Chris your assurance that you woudn't call them at 3 in the morning and expect a long session with a girl. I think that's a fine assurance to make. I join you in it.

The problem is that Mikey and Chris can't assure us that, when we call them, they will tell us the truth. When I call Asservissante, Martin is up front and honest about the girls and what I can expect. When I called Devilish ... no. They weren't honest, and that's a difference I care about.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
DouMan said:
Korbell, no I did not go into that depth and only used the total number of ladies posted on the individual websites.

I really hope you don’t interpret my post as being in any way offensive since, as stated, I was only playing with numbers. If any member found my post as being out of place, I sincerely apologize.
Hello Douman,

It was interesting. I just wanted to learn more about how you did your evaluation with this chart. I think the "on duty" factor would be more relevant than a simple count of agency girls. Otherwise I think you have a good point about weighting the votes.


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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Red Paul said:
My good Korbel, the question is not what I expected; the question is what I was told. My post is darn clear about that.

I wanted 90 minutes but told the phone guy I wasn't counting on that long, given the time of night. The phone guy then replied that of course 90 minutes would be ok. And of course it wasn't.

Oh well. Let me put it this way. If I read you correctly, you are offering Mikey and Chris your assurance that you woudn't call them at 3 in the morning and expect a long session with a girl. I think that's a fine assurance to make. I join you in it.

The problem is that Mikey and Chris can't assure us that, when we call them, they will tell us the truth. When I call Asservissante, Martin is up front and honest about the girls and what I can expect. When I called Devilish ... no. They weren't honest, and that's a difference I care about.

Hello Red Paul,

All I can say is that in my experiences with Devilish I have never known them to lie to me or make promises they couldn't keep. Some other agencies have lied to me. I can't know what you experienced. I did back you up on the lapse in the agencies keeping the "Who's On Tonight" section updated. But perhaps you lost your cool with the we all do at times. I do know the frustration of having call go wrong, But there are many ways to express this.



Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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Korbel said:
Hello Red Paul,

All I can say is that in my experiences with Devilish I have never known them to lie to me or make promises they couldn't keep. ... perhaps you lost your cool with the language... I do know the frustration of having call go wrong, But there are many ways to express this.

Fair enough. In dealing with this agency, we have had very different experiences and have expressed ourselves accordingly. As long as I've been understood, fine.

You use the phrase "the frustration of having call go wrong." If by that you mean frustration over not getting what I wanted, then I have to argue against the phrase. It was 3 or 4 in the morning on a Saturday. Common sense says a girl isn't going to do long sessions then. I wasn't frustrated over getting 60 minutes instead of 90, because 60 minutes had been what I was half-expecting. I was irritated about being told of course the extra time wasn't a problem and then finding out that, of course, it was.

Mikey just sent me a very gracious private message saying any slip-up was only a slip-up, not dishonesty. I wrote back to thank him for the gesture, and now we've both had our say.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Red Paul said:
Fair enough. In dealing with this agency, we have had very different experiences and have expressed ourselves accordingly. As long as I've been understood, fine.

You use the phrase "the frustration of having call go wrong." If by that you mean frustration over not getting what I wanted, then I have to argue against the phrase. It was 3 or 4 in the morning on a Saturday. Common sense says a girl isn't going to do long sessions then. I wasn't frustrated over getting 60 minutes instead of 90, because 60 minutes had been what I was half-expecting. I was irritated about being told of course the extra time wasn't a problem and then finding out that, of course, it was.

Mikey just sent me a very gracious private message saying any slip-up was only a slip-up, not dishonesty. I wrote back to thank him for the gesture, and now we've both had our say.
Hello Red Paul,

Well, "the frustration of having a call go wrong"? I have experienced bait and switch, appointments set over months and confirmed the day before dumped less than an hour before, being shorted on time many times, a girl showing up and taking drugs, a girl showing up drunk, a girl complaining a lot and telling me she didn't like my wine then acting like a fool, girls with various quirky idiosyncrasies, a pimp showing up at my door, girls who talk over 90 minutes of a two hour appointment, one girl suddenly getting psychotic after some fabulous primitive mad animal sex, and many issues with owners or assistants on the phone, etc, etc, etc.

But about your particular situation, you wrote the agency agent said:"of course it's all right. Why wouldn't it be all right? I sure don;t like being talked to like that. It's crass. It's rude. It's bad business. But consider also
that no matter how wrong it is for someone to talk to anyone like that, it's not nearly the biggest problem anyone could face. If it's a consistent problem at one agency then it is significant, but generally I wouldn't let the poor manners of an agent get in my way. If it's the inferred promise of the time frame and not getting it that bothers you, I think your own acknowledgment of the possibilities at 3:00 am explains the problem. It's 3:00 am, the girls has worked since 8:30, she doesn't want an hour and a half so late. Yes, the agency owner could assert some control of their lady, but is it really the agent's fault? The girl was obviously not willing to give 90 minutes and unless she was the agency's slave she probably had more control over the appointment than the agency.

You have some legitimate reasons to complain with the rudeness, the inaccuracy of the agency schedule, the shorted time, and it should be reported. There no reason why any agency shouldn't clean up their act, even at 3:00 in the morning. But you said Natasha was great, so it seems that overall it was a success. It should have been perfect. But realistically, dealing with people, especially the lady who goes through such an intimate rigor through the night, at 3:00 in the morning probably wont be.




We all appreciate a gesture from the agency acknowledging the complaint and accepting responsibility. When I had a very big problem with a certain lady at Celines, Celine never answered my call, email, or PMs, and never did anything about it.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Daringly said:
With Celine's impeccable reputation on the boards this all sounds a little troubling and i am trying to get to the bottom of it. Did she by any chance owe you some money and was avoiding you at all costs:)
Hello Daringly,

No. She did not owe me anything. Up to that point she and I were about as cordial and comfortable as I ever was with any agency owner. There was never the slightest issue. After the poor encounter I first called and left a message because she was not available or busy. I let the whole thing go for a while (few days) until I got home then wrote a PM or an email, I forget which. No response. Considering how easy she had been to talk to and how responsive she was I was very surprised there was no response. After thinking about the meeting I thought, you know...that was a very poor meeting. Under most circumstances I should report the episode. But I thought...oh...she's busy...she's gone out of town...she's got some sort of computer or connectivity breakdown. Wait a while then send the messages again. I did. No response. It was just such a complete surprise to be ignored by her. I started to this is the reality with her. When it's good she's fine, when there's a serious issue she's gone. Okay. Then the whole Gia drama blew up on the boards. But there was no factor that affected the situation except the poor encounter. And I wasn't looking for anything except acknowledgment and maybe a little just plain "sorry".

Oh well,

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New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Korbel said:
Hello Daringly,

No. She did not owe me anything. Up to that point she and I were about as cordial and comfortable as I ever was with any agency owner. There was never the slightest issue. After the poor encounter I first called and left a message because she was not available or busy. I let the whole thing go for a while (few days) until I got home then wrote a PM or an email, I forget which. No response. Considering how easy she had been to talk to and how responsive she was I was very surprised there was no response. After thinking about the meeting I thought, you know...that was a very poor meeting. Under most circumstances I should report the episode. But I thought...oh...she's busy...she's gone out of town...she's got some sort of computer or connectivity breakdown. Wait a while then send the messages again. I did. No response. It was just such a complete surprise to be ignored by her. I started to this is the reality with her. When it's good she's fine, when there's a serious issue she's gone. Okay. Then the whole Gia drama blew up on the boards. But there was no factor that affected the situation except the poor encounter. And I wasn't looking for anything except acknowledgment and and maybe a little just plain "sorry".

Oh well,



Strategies 101 when trying to resolve any problem at a distance when the money is already spent always appeal to their greed.

In your initial contact never imply there was a problem but that you are looking for an enhanced service, product , whatever........... then casually mention the previous bump in the road.

BTW "Sorry" is not legal tender.

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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Korbel said:
If it's the inferred promise of the time frame and not getting it that bothers you ...

It isn't. I did not mind that Natasha could spend just 90 minutes with me. I hoped for 90 but understood immediately why that couldn't be the case. This is a point I've made a few times.

Korbel said:
But about your particular situation, you wrote the agency agent said:"of course it's all right. Why wouldn't it be all right? I sure don;t like being talked to like that. It's crass. It's rude. It's bad business.

Depends. I wouldn't mind that tone automatically.

Korbel said:
But consider also that no matter how wrong it is for someone to talk to anyone like that, it's not nearly the biggest problem anyone could face.

It isn't, and neither was my actual problem: that the guy was full of it. But all I did was write an Internet post. And as a result Devilish may start to wise up.

Korbel said:
But you said Natasha was great, so it seems that overall it was a success.

That's all because of her. Staff should do its part too, and that includes giving customers reliable info about basic matters like availability.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
eastender said:

Strategies 101 when trying to resolve any problem at a distance when the money is already spent always appeal to their greed.

In your initial contact never imply there was a problem but that you are looking for an enhanced service, product , whatever........... then casually mention the previous bump in the road.

BTW "Sorry" is not legal tender.
Hello Eastender,

Actually, I often call agencies to thank them for a successful meeting. With Celine it had always been very successful previously, so she had no reason I knew of to expect the reverse. And, if I did try to use "greed" I would have gotten blasted by white knights, considering Celine's impeccable reputation at the time, for being a conniving manipulator.


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Jul 19, 2008
Korbel said:
Hello Eastender,

Actually, I often call agencies to thank them for a successful meeting. With Celine it had always been very successful previously, so she had no reason I knew of to expect the reverse. And, if I did try to use "greed" I would have gotten blasted by white knights, considering Celine`s impeccable reputation at the time, for being a conniving manipulator.



Well said.

Its my beleif that the paying members that are active on a daily basis on the board, either by advertising or by interacting with the merbites are legetimate and will not ripe you off. However I noticed that those that appear on this thread :

will rip you off . they never tell whos available, any promotions or anything.
I have called Nadays vips and GOF and I was very satisfied.
Montrealhotgirls if it wasn`t for the booker that called me back in the middle of my fuc#%@ session for more money, then that was great to.
I trust those that publicize daily.
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