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The Official 2010-2011 NHL PLAYOFFS thread.

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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Oy Vey You really dont have a clue about Hockey do you? The day you can snap your fingers and a championship team is born, let us all know. Ok, get back on your bandwagon now, your seat is getting cold

Actually Iggy after all the time you guys are bragging about the Leafs and talking like 90% of the time about drafting issues and stats on this player or another I really think you guys are REALLY the BANDWAGON team !

Your team sucks ! can it be more clear ? :rolleyes:

Habs played well but Bruins are BETTER this year and they can still have a shot at the cup.
They Whooped the Flyers and even if they have players that I luv to hate, I can honestly say that they are a far better team than the Leafs since 1967.

Bruins have been a lot more consistent and to think that the Leafs are the best Canadian team when the Nucs are still in.. is completely ridiculous, absurd and retarded !

My suggestion is to Go back to school a bit.
I suggest maths for starters !
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Lets see, coming from a bandwagon fan, i can fully understand and appreciate you have no clue about running 1. A Business, and 2. How to build a professional Hockey team. (same thing really) So your ramblings mean notta to the average Hockey fan. What Doc and Myself see also is seen by "real" hockey minded folks, unlike yourself and biased hab fans, and what the "avg" hockey fan will soon see as well as Burke's acquisitions come to fruition, as soon as next season.

The draft is weak for Star players, but that doesnt mean there isnt good talent there, now next years draft will have many more top notch prospects. Like i said i could easily see Burke trading some picks to either trade up into the top 8 or as a package deal for a top centre. This however is something you dont understand (go back to #2 above, ah heck, #1 as well)

Peter C and Claude J. are good executives, but they did not ever go through a complete tear down and rebuild like Burke has done to the Leafs, so Boston should not have suffered much, and they have not. (meaning making the playoffs) You will see "Burkes" Leafs in the playoffs after a little over a 2 year rebuild this coming season and depending on this summers additions, maybe even contending, it is possible, just look at Philly last year and the horrible year they had before.

The Leafs were one of the best teams in the League the last 40 games of the season (btw, thats half a season, and when all the pressure is on and the best hockey is being played by every team night after night) but the Leafs are not being built with a one hit wonder in mind, they have now stockpiled the farm and that huge hole they once had in that department is long gone and under the current management, it will never become that way again. You always need kids ready to step in when the key guys get hurt, and for the first time in years last season, we saw that, and the farm is only gonna get stronger.

Now, your Hockey 101 lesson for the day is complete, back on the "wagon" for you. :wave:

PS, i played hockey as well, but unlike you, i never crossed over the blue line with my head down, apparently, you did. :nod:

Hmmm, Let me help. Player development and trade strategies create potential, in all sports not just hockey. Only solid results are real; no matter how much you think you have in the bank for the future nothing is guaranteed, duh. The goal is to get to the playoffs, which the Leafs haven't in a very long time, and which the BRUINS and CANADIENS have. You never played hockey, I did. Burke has had two years of drafting and trades, but has only achieved 22nd place. Calling him a genius now for the terrible results so far shows YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HOCKEY, unless your goal for the team is an early golf season. With a weak draft coming, which both you and Doc admit, whatever you might get out of it will be a crap shoot. Finally,, 22nd place is where losers :nod: end up, and contrary to your view you have to SUCK to get there; so there are no geniuses in 22nd place. :faint: On the other hand, Claude Julien led the Bruins back to the playoffs in his FIRST year.

Cheer, Merlot


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
The biggest problem Burke has faced since he was hired by the Leafs was thinking he had decent talent to contend with right away, and as soon as he realised he was wrong, he made changes, and to the point of where the team was one of the best the second half of this past season, and thats a major step to contending next season, for the playoffs and beyond. You guys dont see all the great moves he made cause frankly, you dont care, and you are a habs fan so therefore until Burke wins a cup, you wont acknowledge him and even then i'm sure you wont but as Leafs fans, we really dont care what haters think.

Now, if i were you, i would be worried about your little team, you have 9 guys signed for next year, half are at huge contracts that cant be moved (gomez being the biggest joke of them all) and a little over 24 million to sign 14 players, good luck with being "as good" as this season. Dont forget Markov is coming off 2 seasons with serious injuries, what's he gonna be worth and what can he still do to help the team???? And you cant grossly overpay for another "star" because Price will need big $ after next season and Subban will command a big raise as well (assuming they play like they did this season) I would think gauthier's headaches are just about ready to kick in.

Actually Iggy after all the time you guys are bragging about the Leafs and talking like 90% of the time about drafting issues and stats on this player or another I really think you guys are REALLY the BANDWAGON team !

Your team sucks ! can it be more clear ? :rolleyes:

Habs played well but Bruins are BETTER this year and they can still have a shot at the cup.
They Whooped the Flyers and even if they have players that I luv to hate, I can honestly say that they are a far better team than the Leafs since 1967.

Bruins have been a lot more consistent and to think that the Leafs are the best Canadian team when the Nucs are still in.. is completely ridiculous, absurd and retarded !

My suggestion is to Go back to school a bit.
I suggest maths for starters !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You can tell just how good the habs played this playoff season vs. last years, this year downtown was not set on fire, therefore, the answer is clear, the habs played much better last yr.

And yea, i guess the Leafs didnt win that trade, naaaa, i guess getting top prospect Joe Colborne, and a first round pick and a conditional 2nd round pick for a aging defensman who has been all but invisible in the playoffs and pushed back to the 5th Dman making over 4 mil and playing about 14 minutes a game and was NOT gonna be resigned by the Leafs is losing the trade.... Can the habs hire you for gm? please? :lol:

PS, i would laugh my butt off if Kabby did not resign with the Bruins, unless they win the cup and he starts contributing.

He's been trying to laugh at the Habs who played a very good playoffs with the Bruins up until the last goal in OT.

This is not being humiliated but Doc has difficulties accepting the Hockey facts just like he keeps pretending that the Leafs got the better deal when the Bruins are the ones still playin'.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Actually, i enjoyed watching the Habs get humiliated by the Bruins, and now i'm watching Dion Phaneuf, Luke Schenn & James Reimer star for Team Canada at the World Championships in Slovakia. How come no Habs players on the team? LOL!!!!!! Go Canada Go!!!!!! :D

1. If the Habs were indeed "humiliated" by losing in the seventh game (!) in overtime (!), then perhaps it doesn't take much to be "humiliated"...OR, you SURE don't have a lot of respect for the Bruins!

2. I must give credit to the Leafs: I think it has now been SEVEN years since THEY were "humiliated" in the playoffs. Of course, one possible reason for that is they have been unable to MAKE IT to the freakin' playoffs in SEVEN years. We won't even talk about their 44 (!!!) years without even a SNIFF at the finals. Maybe if Burkie spent more time on hockey and less time marching in Gay Pride parades, he could at least bring his squad back up to the 21st overall position they occupied before he took over. Sure, 21st overall sucks the big one, but it's still better than Burkie has ever achieved with his pack of Hogtown losers.

3. If you want to see a REAL GM, just look at Kenny Holland, whose great Red Wings are ALWAYS in the hunt. And speaking of great Red Wings, how about their valiant comeback win last night against the Sharks? Datsyuk played one of the greatest and most courageous games in playoff history - not that that will be any surprise to hockey fans anywhere. Even the blind and witless fans of the Leafs must realize that a) the Wings are by far the best, classiest, and most consistent hockey team of the last two decades, and b) Datsyuk is one TERRIFIC hockey player.

4. If you want to see ANOTHER REAL GM, look no further than Stevie Y., who was not only a great, courageous player (just like Datsyuk...and so many other Wings), but who is also a brilliant hockey mind (no doubt helped by watching the genius of Kenny Holland for so many years). Compare what Stevie has done with T-Bay in his FIRST year as GM to what Burkie has been UNABLE to do in SEVERAL years in loserland.

5. As for the World Championships, let's face it: they are nothing but a CONSOLATION event for LOSERS like the Leafs who never make it to the REAL event. Dion, the most overrated player in the entire NHL as voted by his FELLOW NHL players (!!!), can go there and pretend he's a big man. Sadly for Dion and the rest of his loser Leafs, however, reality will set in as soon as the next season starts. Before long, he and the other Leafs will be making their usual plans for either golf or the consolation event, and their brainwashed deadhead fans will start braggiing about how the NEXT year will be better (just like they always do, only to fall on their faces and look like total idiots when the Leafs bomb out time after time). You'd these same fans, who have been bragging for at least half a decade about how their team is going in the right direction might have learned by now. but like PT Barnum supposedly said: There's a sucker born every minute (and most of them come out of the womb wearing a Maple Leafs sweater).

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Lets see, coming from a bandwagon fan, i can fully understand and appreciate you have no clue about running 1. A Business, and 2. How to build a professional Hockey team.

PS, i played hockey as well, but unlike you, i never crossed over the blue line with my head down, apparently, you did.

Ok... I guess I didn't make it clear then !

Here it is : WFC about the Leafs in this thread apart from you 2 ?
It's the Playoffs thread so go play in the Leafs Nation thread.... this is not the Bandwagon Thread !

Leafs didn't make it !

Since Habs lost I'm not bragging like a fucktard about how Habs will be better (over and over again) in this thread. You guys keep bringing up the Habs back as if you can't get over the fact that they at least made the 1st round while Leafs didn't make f*ck all !

BTW I think your Burke knows a lot about Hockey ! :rolleyes: and any twit could gain 4 little positions in a year ! There are hundreds of coach who did it in the past.

Hiiii... that was a little harsh !

But not much compare to JC's previous post :lol:
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Now, if i were you, i would be worried about your little team...

Wrong !

NHL isn't the same anymore and no team will be able to gain supremacy like Habs did !
So I know Habs won't win it easy and probably not in the near futur !

At least they're giving me a very good show !

But you guys in TO are loosing all credibility on hockey as if it's gonna make a big f*king difference if your Leafs will ever win once again the cup, once.

Specially after all the problems they had in the last years.

Be a man and get over it !
It doesn't take a genius to know that Leafs won't have it easy next year, the year after, etc...

Even a Bandwagon fan like u should know it :)

BTW I sleep very weel every night without even a spasm over what Price, Subban or any other player's salary or whatever he eats in winter ! I don't care what type of underwear they have, who they are dating or the sound of their fart.

It has nothing to do on how it will be in the playoffs.
How a player or a team will do or not has nothing to do about money or whatever details we used to read on Hockey cards...

You said you played Hockey ? Big deal ! 95% of the population of Canada did in their lifetime.
Even my grandma did !

Now if you really like hockey I suggest to watch all the matchs between Bruins and Bolts !
Both teams whooped their previous opponent by 4-0.

So let's hope it will go up to a 7th match between those 2 !
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello hockey aficionados...and iggly.

You can tell just how good the habs played this playoff season vs. last years, this year downtown was not set on fire, therefore, the answer is clear, the habs played much better last yr.

BWAHA! I have to say I love this. It's hilarious...and very true. You can always tell how well the Habs are doing by the frequency and intensity of the Car-be-cues on Ste Catherine in late April. I was there during game 3 and 4 versus the Bruins this year and the peace matched the Canadiens losses perfectly, except for some irate Canadiens fan swearing his way into the hotel one night around 11:30 after game 4. I'm sure several guys on the 5th floor in the expensive Canadiens jerseys were in the same mood.

The biggest problem Burke has faced since he was hired by the Leafs was thinking he had decent talent to contend with right away, and as soon as he realised he was wrong, ...

Ohhhhhh WHOA!!! So the "genius" made a mistake? He was "wrong" and had to reassess? Well sure and begorrah...glory be...and tura lura lura...he sounds real after all. ;)

Peter C and Claude J. are good executives, but they did not ever go through a complete tear down and rebuild like Burke has done to the Leafs, so Boston should not have suffered much, and they have not.

Maybe the Bruins had more to work with. Maybe Burke just didn't assess the situation properly ...ooops ...as you just admitted above. So under your standards Julien is the genius and Burke not. The difference is the Bruins improved immediately, and the Leafs went from 21st to 29th back to 22nd, in other words...two years wasted regarding results so far.

Actually Iggy after all the time you guys are bragging about the Leafs and talking like 90% of the time about drafting issues and stats on this player or another I really think you guys are REALLY the BANDWAGON team !

Your team sucks ! can it be more clear ? :rolleyes:

Failure to make the playoffs is nothing to crow about, especially when the Leafs have still finished worse than before Burke took over. So why does Iggy keep making that noise?

Habs played well but Bruins are BETTER this year and they can still have a shot at the cup. They Whooped the Flyers and even if they have players that I luv to hate, I can honestly say that they are a far better team than the Leafs since 1967.

This years Bruins-Canadiens series was very close and very entertaining. These were two teams with different playing styles where each team had to adjust to compensate for the other's strengths and that made it a battle.

Unfortunately, Bergeron the Bruins key two way pivot man is uncertain to play depending on his day to day condition and when the next round begins. Bergeron has been a big factor in the Bruins offense and any loss of him in games can be significant. It's a crime to see any series tipped either way because of key injuries, especially when these teams seem very balanced against each other.

Wrong !

NHL isn't the same anymore and no team will be able to gain supremacy like Habs did !
So I know Habs won't win it easy and probably not in the near futur !

You mean two teams (Montreal and Toronto) don't have unfair advantages over the other four, which is spelled "monopoly" not "supremacy".

LEAFS/CANADIENS SIGHTING: James Reimer and Carey Price shot 78 and 136 respectively on the greens today. After Reimer's impressive showing he was said to be considering turning pro until he was informed goalie sticks for putting and checking the opponent as he shot are not allowed.


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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Your right about one thing jhfan, this is the playoff thread, so anything more in here should be about that, but thats about all your right about lol.

Ok, back to the playoffs, i know alot of people are not big fans of Gary Bettman, but man, the atmosphere in Nashville is unreal, and i love the Carrie Underwood camera shots :nod:
I think the NHL is doing just fine and will continue so in Nashville.

The sharks may have made a huge mistake by not taking care of the red wings in San Jose, now its back to detroit, and could be tough for the sharks to finish them off. Tampa and the Bruins will be an exciting series, but im getting a feeling the bruins will make it to the finals, but will fall one game short of the cup.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Don't forget to learn some hockey from the winners side called the "playoffs" when the BRUINS play in round 3, while the Leafs play with their tiny balls in tiny cups :eyebrows:...AGAIN!

First off, i'm really happy that the Bruins destroyed the Habs in round one. I won $1000 because of that great comeback on their part. Number two, i won another $2000 when they beat the Flyers. Yay!!!

Then, let's be frank. The Bruins got a bit lucky during their series. They were lucky in the first round when Montreal choked big time & left poor Carey Price all by himself against the Bruins. The Bruins had heart, the Habs had none. End of story & that's why the Habs have been playing golf for the past two weeks.

And then, the Bruins met the Flyers....great forwards, poor defence, and even worse goaltending. This was a team with no goaltending once again...and no heart when Chris Pronger wasn't in the lineup. If Mtl hadn't choked & would have beaten the Bruins, they would be facing the Bolts in a few days. What i'm saying is that Boston has a very good team, led by a very good coach who was going to be fired had they lost the series against the Habs. But they're not as good as they think they are. If not for Timmy Thomas, downtown Mtl would have been going up in flames a couple of weeks ago.

As for the Leafs supposedly playing golf these days, if they are, they're playing golf in Slovakia.......half the team are currently proudly representing their countries at the World Championships. The only Habs that bothered to show up in showing some national pride were the Europeans. The Canadian & American hockey players on the Habs roster were a big no-show. No wonder these bums let go of a 2-game lead & choked against the Bruins.....no pride! No heart! :amen:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Tyler Seguin set to make his playoffs debut

The Boston Bruins have begun preparing for Round 3, with rookie Tyler Seguin poised to make his playoff debut.

Chris Kelly moved up to the second line between Brad Marchand and Mark Recchi at practice Monday, replacing Patrice Bergeron who is sidelined with a concussion.

Seguin, a healthy scratch through the first two rounds, was on right wing with Rich Peverley at centre and Michael Ryder on the left side.

Bruins coach Claude Julien said was encouraged by the way Seguin practised.

"You saw him use his speed, his skill," Julien told reporters.

"Watching the playoffs, I guess it really does make you hungry, and you hope that he's hungry enough that he steps in there and showcases what he can do, because he's a good player and certainly is improved from Day 1 to now."

Seguin had 11 goals and 11 assists in 74 games during the season.

The Bruins and Tampa Bay Lightning will meet for the Eastern championship in a series that is expected to start Thursday or Saturday in Boston.

Bergeron was hurt Friday on a check by Philadelphia Flyers forward Claude Giroux.



Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
My original pick for the finals was Vancouver vs Montreal...oh to dream...:thumb::nod:.

That said...the Canucks are still in it and will go to the finals against the Bolts...

Vancouver vs Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay takes Lord Stanley on a Florida vacation.:cool:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Dont feel bad, my original pick was Philly vs Vancouver, but Philly did not keep up their end of the deal, man, they need a major upgrade in goal in the worst way. Without Bergeron, Tampa might just beat the bruins, thats a huge loss.

My original pick for the finals was Vancouver vs Montreal...oh to dream...:thumb::nod:.

That said...the Canucks are still in it and will go to the finals against the Bolts...

Vancouver vs Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay takes Lord Stanley on a Florida vacation.:cool:

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
The Bruins had heart, the Habs had none. End of story & that's why the Habs have been playing golf for the past two weeks.

The Canadian & American hockey players on the Habs roster were a big no-show. No wonder these bums let go of a 2-game lead & choked against the Bruins.....no pride! No heart! :amen:

End of story ? The more I read about you on hockey the more I think like G1G.
You don't know nothin' about it and keep posting other's article...

Or you're just tryin' to believe in your wildest fantasies since your team Sucks :lol:

You can pray as much as you can it won't make any difference !
Leafs sucks, they didn't make the playoffs so WC ?

Nah ! you see Doc it ain't the end of the story !

Now since the focus is on Wings and Sharks for now....
It would be appropriate to say 'Bite me' ! Speaking of the Sharks... of course ! :)

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
You mean two teams (Montreal and Toronto) don't have unfair advantages over the other four, which is spelled "monopoly" not "supremacy". Cheers,


Not again ! Sorry Merlot but the real changes came after 2005 and before that, it had nothing to do with monopoly.

Habs won more than Bruins since the 1967 extension so... don't cry again over this !

Since you know how to count (not being a Leafs fan) look up the numbers !

Of all the 6 original teams... Habs were best followed closely by Wings who has now been in Playoffs more.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Hate to say this, but merlot is right about the habs having a monopoly on Quebec born players way back when, and because of that, they won more cups than anyone, also, way back then. Its true, and can't be denied.

Detroit will win tonight, and the Sharks will take game 7 at home. San Jose vs. Vancouver will be epic and go 7. Tampa and the Bruins???? not sure anymore since Bergeron is out, tough call and might be tough for boston to win this series. But i stand by my pick, the Vancouver Canucks (which alot of credit goes to Brian Burke for alot of talent on that team, most notable, the Sedin twins and Ryan Kesler) Will win the Cup. Then lets get on with the draft and free agency!

Not again ! Sorry Merlot but the real changes came after 2005 and before that, it had nothing to do with monopoly.

Habs won more than Bruins since the 1967 extension so... don't cry again over this !

Since you know how to count (not being a Leafs fan) look up the numbers !

Of all the 6 original teams... Habs were best followed closely by Wings who has now been in Playoffs more.


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
Hate to say this, but merlot is right about the habs having a monopoly on Quebec born players way back when, and because of that, they won more cups than anyone, also, way back then. Its true, and can't be denied...

Yes, and the Buds had a monopoly on Ontario born players and did jack.

So what ur saying is QC born players are genetically superior hockey players. I'll buy that. :)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
13 cups is jack? and back then, yes QC born players were superior. Now? havnt seen a list but i would bet the rest of Canada has caught up.

Yes, and the Buds had a monopoly on Ontario born players and did jack.

So what ur saying is QC born players are genetically superior hockey players. I'll buy that. :)
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Hate to say this, but merlot is right about the habs having a monopoly on Quebec born players way back when, and because of that, they won more cups than anyone, also, way back then. Its true, and can't be denied.

Detroit will win tonight, and the Sharks will take game 7 at home. San Jose vs. Vancouver will be epic and go 7. Tampa and the Bruins???? not sure anymore since Bergeron is out, tough call and might be tough for boston to win this series. But i stand by my pick, the Vancouver Canucks (which alot of credit goes to Brian Burke for alot of talent on that team, most notable, the Sedin twins and Ryan Kesler) Will win the Cup. Then lets get on with the draft and free agency!

It's funny to see you guys looking for excuses that your team wasn't good enough because 'Quebec born players were better...' and the Habs had an unfair advantage...

Now that makes me laugh !

It's like little Johnny who tells momy that he flunked in school because all the others are better than him.

Habs were better because almost all the best ones wanted to play with the best and money wasn't an issue back then ! It was the prestige to be where Hockey has been elevated to a religion !

Leafs fan can always try to boast that from a marketing point of view Leafs sells more gimmys now but nowhere on earth has Hockey meant so much for a Nation. Quebec free'd itself from both religious and politics using Hockey. Nothing compares with Habs in the news over here !

You have to have an historic world event to make the news first when Habs are playin'.

That's what TO's is jealous about and what others don't understand.
They think it's only a couple Thugs here and there and that we suddenly become interested in Habs when they win by putting up the stupid little flags on our cars...

Vous etes completement dans' l champs !

You know why NHL doesn't want Quebec city to get a team ?
Simply because it will kill the rivality between Mtrl and Boston, Mtrl and TO and 90% of all news about hockey will come from over here in Quebec !

Point final !
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