Montreal Escorts

The Official 2010-2011 NHL PLAYOFFS thread.

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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Currently on pace to be the biggest choke of the NHL playoffs: Montreal Canadiens & Vancouver Canucks. It's a dead heat & the title will possibly be handed out within the next couple of days.

Safety in the lower middle of the pack for the playoff envious:rolleyes:...can't even say that the Leaf's (A NON playoff team) where the biggest choke of the NHL they safely finished 9 spots out of dead last in 22nd overall...:p.

Habs did it at home...going to Game 7.

Oh yeah...and the Canucks won...2 Canadian teams still in the hunt for the Cup...:thumb::D
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Hey Habs fans,

Of course. I never thought otherwise. You bet to win not to prove loyalty, though so many seem to betting and loyalty are inseparable. In any case, I'm having fun seeing JHF on the defensive.

The point is after being up 2-0 in games Montreal shouldn't be in this position, and these allusions to great collapses wouldn't be relevant at all.

Good luck to Montreal tonight. I mean the city area around the arena. Here's hoping the Bruins win. That way the city wins, being spared the impromptu midnight property barbecues.

For safety sake to prevent acting on suicidal urges in case of another Canadiens CHOKE...GoHabs will be locked in a padded cell under constant surveillance, I'm sending a case of Johnny Walker to Techman so he'll be too blind drunk to know the game results, and I'm sending 4 or 5 strippers to JHF to give him some badly needed anatomy I would send the strippers to Techman, but the last few were never heard from again. Let them

And, a very special kiss to both Naomie and Lola of Montreal Lust.



Hey Merlot, just got out of the Molson Center.
Don't worry, ain't gonna be any BBQ tonight, it's raining hard.

Yup ! we won and these two teams clearly showed they deserved each other.

No matter how it ends we really got to see that there wasn't gonna be any choking from any of them.

I'd say this is a very nice playoffs !

So send them 4 to 5 strippers anytime baby !
I'll be on the defensive with them anytime for ya !


JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Currently on pace to be the biggest choke of the NHL playoffs: Montreal Canadiens & Vancouver Canucks. It's a dead heat & the title will possibly be handed out within the next couple of days.

As for the post-game bonfire celebrations, it'll happen whether the Habs win or lose. Unless, of course, the city has spent millions (again!) on beefing up the police force considerably for tonight's game. History has shown us that Habs fans simply want an excuse to go nuts & riot after a hockey game! Winning or losing is just a detail.

Wow Doc ! you should really stop taking medicine !
Ever tried just... Tylenol ?
No need to get into narcotics to ease the pain ya know ?

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Defensive breakdown or lack of toughness to blame??? Either way, if 1 or both team choke out in Game 7 their GMs will have a long summer to figure out how to patch the team up for 2011-12.

First guys... may I remind you that a choke is when a team loose when they were strongly favored to win or had a large lead in the end ?
Which isn't the case here for the HABS ?

What's the matter ? never learned playin or maybe it is that you played so long ago that you forgot all about it ?

Here's is the authentic definition of a CHOKE in Hockey :
(BTW this is what kids learn by the way when learning to play hockey nowadays)

In the 2010 Stanley Cup Playoffs, the Boston Bruins entered Game 4 of the Eastern Conference Semi-Finals with a 3-0 series lead, with the prospect to sweep the Philadelphia Flyers in Philadelphia. At 14:40 in overtime, Simon Gagné scored the game winner in Game 4. The Flyers then won Games 5 and 6 to force a Game 7 in Boston. In Game 7, the Bruins had built up a 3-0 lead late in the first period, but after losing all of that lead in the second period, got whistled for seven men on the ice midway through the third period. Gagné scored on the ensuing power play 11:10 in the third period to score the go-ahead goal, and the Flyers would win the game and the series 4-3. In the process, the Bruins also became the first team to lose a 3-0 lead in Game 7 and then lose in regulation.

Sorry guys ! you can try and try again to hide this but it just won't go :)
And the more you'll talk about it.... the more it will come out again, and again, and again !
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Meanwhile Vancouver finally get ahead !

So far it's :

Wings in 4
Caps in 5
Sharks in 6
Nashville in 6
Flyers in 7
Canucks in 7

So half will be decided in a 7th game.... this is what I call very nice playoffs !

Only Wings (the ever consistent ones) got away in 4.


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
First guys... may I remind you that a choke is when a team loose when they were strongly favored to win or had a large lead in the end ?
Which isn't the case here for the HABS ?...

Actually JH Fan, a choke can also be defined by a team with a clear advantage in a game or series and allows the opponent to rally for a comeback win. So Montreal held a clear advantage with a 2-0 series lead after taking home ice advantage away from Boston only to fall behind 2-3 in the series after losing 3 straight.

Not what I wanna see the Habs do but it happened and luckily they've forced a Gm7 with that 2-1 victory last evening. Maybe Mtl mgmt imposed a no escort rule prior to Game 6. Either way, something clicked for Montreal.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Actually JH Fan, a choke can also be defined by a team with a clear advantage in a game or series and allows the opponent to rally for a comeback win. So Montreal held a clear advantage with a 2-0 series lead after taking home ice advantage away from Boston only to fall behind 2-3 in the series after losing 3 straight.

I totally agree.

Maybe Mtl mgmt imposed a no escort rule prior to Game 6. Either way, something clicked for Montreal.

It's quite possible. From what i've heard from several escorts over the years, some habs players are also quite fond of escorts.....i guess we have that in common! :D

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Actually JH Fan, a choke can also be defined by a team with a clear advantage in a game or series and allows the opponent to rally for a comeback win. So Montreal held a clear advantage with a 2-0 series lead after taking home ice advantage away from Boston only to fall behind 2-3 in the series after losing 3 straight.

Sorry but can't define the situation to your licking. :rolleyes:

If your definition was 'ok' then the Bruins just chocked since they won this 'clear advantage' with those 3 games in a row and lost it yesterday after loosing it.

Which isn't the case also.

When you go on a 7th game with series tied 3-3 with alternate wins in both arenas there is no choke from both sides.

But since you guys wants to use it so bad... here's a good definition for ya !
Chocking : desperate for relief, typically in the form of alcohol or sex. The phrase ‘choking for it’ invariably refers to sex. Gagging is a contemporary synonym.

This one could probably be refered to the Leafs this year


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey Merlot, just got out of the Molson Center.
Don't worry, ain't gonna be any BBQ tonight, it's raining hard.

Yup ! we won and these two teams clearly showed they deserved each other.

No matter how it ends we really got to see that there wasn't gonna be any choking from any of them.

I'd say this is a very nice playoffs !

So send them 4 to 5 strippers anytime baby !
I'll be on the defensive with them anytime for ya !


Hey JH Fan,

You do know this is 2011 and it is called the Bell Center (Centre Bell)? Or are you time warping backwards. :confused:

I'd say this has become a classic series except for Lucic being kicked out of the game. From my point of view that is exactly what should have happened, but it's inconsistent with how the NHL has handled such incidents. :crazy: The 5 minute major should have been enough according to this season's standards.

The I'm pretty disappointed with the Montreal fans inconsistency toward the referees decisions, all applause when the refs agreed with the crowd on a major turn of the game in Lucic being tossed, then reacting so badly to another major turn by the refs disallowing the goal, and embarrassing themselves with by trashing their own arena with litter. That's pretty fickle and a bit cheap.

I just hope tonight's game is clean and balanced on both sides. :cool:


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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Hey Jman,

You do know this is 2011 and it is called the Bell Center (Centre Bell)? Or are you time warping backwards. :confused:



Sorry don't give a sh*t about Bell...
1st-Bell used to screw everyone and got very rich as a monopoly for way too long.
2nd-Molson owns the team. To me it's Molson'.

Centre Bell.. ? fait sissy anyway ! Le Centre Ding a ling tant qu'a y etre ?
We drank, drink and will drink Molson while the Habs play.

I've never heard of a real guy on the phone while Habs play unless he's.... ben Bell e !

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
I just hope tonight's game is clean and balanced on both sides. :cool:



Well maybe keep Chara on leach then :)
Seriously, a 7th game between those 2 teams is fantastic so... good luck to your team Merlot !

Have fun !



Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Hey Jman,

You do know this is 2011 and it is called the Bell Center (Centre Bell)? Or are you time warping backwards. :confused:

I just hope tonight's game is clean and balanced on both sides. :cool:



Hello M,

Wrong J my man...;)

And yes sir I am fully aware it is called the Bell Center as I have a few fond memories of both being there and spending some quality time overlooking that property from a 5* hotel, with a 5* view, in the company of a 5* lady...OH...LA...LA...:cool::nod::thumb:.

Here's hoping the Habs kick out the B's...I'm tired of my HD BB getting kicked off NESN for hockey...:lol:

Have fun,


JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Well it's 2-2 after 2nd period of 7th game.

Don't have any nails left... think I'll start munching on my toes :)


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Well maybe keep Chara on leach then :)
Seriously, a 7th game between those 2 teams is fantastic so... good luck to your team Merlot !

Have fun !


Hello JHF,

We'll keep Chara on a leash, if you guys don't take any fake dives. :eyebrows: Anyway, it has been a terrific series. I am very proud of the Bruins for playing with great spirit and guts no matter how it turns out, and I still have fond memories of the Bruins kicking out the Canadiens 4 games to 0 a couple of years ago.

Go Bruins,


JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Go Bruins,..


Ben oui ben oui !
Go Habs Go ! a place !

Ah Sh*t kesse j'fais la ! ca va m'couter un bras si Boston perds !

Ok la c'pas drole sti ! y m'rest pu rien ou quoi ?
Ca m'prends kekchose a bouffer bordel !
Woyons ! sh*t j'dois ben avoir au moins une poptart de cacher kekpart !

Ah yes ! en v'la une :)

Enwaye ! sti rentre la !
Shhhhhooot epais !!!!!!!!
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
And we're in OT ! Thanks to PK.
It can't get closer than that !

Funny everythin' I've read over here about how 'some knew everything about Hockey !' and how Habs were gutless, how PK was going to get it one day, bla bla bla !

Bah ! What a waste !

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
And it's over !

Congrats to Merlot !
The only one that really had any arguments for his Bruins over here !

No need to send any of your 4-5 strippers I'll be having plenty of $$$$$ and SPs up to Grandprix :)


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello JHF,

We'll keep Chara on a leash, if you guys don't take any fake dives. :eyebrows: Anyway, it has been a terrific series. I am very proud of the Bruins for playing with great spirit and guts no matter how it turns out, and I still have fond memories of the Bruins kicking out the Canadiens 4 games to 0 a couple of years ago.

Go Bruins,


And it's over !

No need to send any of your 4-5 strippers I'll be having plenty of $$$$$ and SPs up to Grandprix

ole ole ole all,

Canadiens 3, Bruins 4, GoHabs on life support :faint:...PRICELESS!!!

As I said, it was a "terrific series." I thought Montreal was clearly controlling the ice more in overtime and then...BANG! Horton!!! A lot of Bruins fans owe this team an apology for having doubts about their hearts at times, including me. They proved during this series it was always strong. :thumb:

Cheers, :peace:

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Just checked, and with the habs losing tonight, i was good for 5 Wins and 1 Loss..... (loss was the Kings losing out to the Sharks.)

anyone keep track of their record for Rd 1 predictions... mine have been brutal. I think I'm only batting .500
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