and yes he WAS cleared of all charges
Not true, he pled guilty to obstruction of justice and later admitted misleading investigators:
and yes he WAS cleared of all charges
No buddy boy, it is called giving someone the benefit of the doubt...
Have you ever not been two-faced on a principle.
You want a player tossed out when no contact was made? I see bitterness and anger runs deep among Raiders fans since the Patriots and Vinatieri kicked your butt in the 2001 snow bowl. I LOVE IT.:nod:
Unfortunately, I'll pick the 49ers too
Did you make that pick at the same time you picked them to miss the playoffs?My sure shot pick of the week is that New England will not play in the Super Bowl, oh I forgot, I made that prediction waaaaaaaaaaaay back before the season ever started.:nod:.
Football operates on a level playing field, Joe, given the salary cap. When a team wins three superbowls in 10 years and goes deep into the playoffs quite a few other times, they can hardly be considered a failure.Sorry bro but they did not win the Super Bowl, so they are a colossal, total, failure, that is my point, failure is failure no matter how you paint it, you being a Red Sox fan not need a further explanation.:nod:
Football operates on a level playing field, Joe, given the salary cap. When a team wins three superbowls in 10 years and goes deep into the playoffs quite a few other times, they can hardly be considered a failure.
If the NFL had no salary cap and the Patriots spent 2-3 times on payroll what most other teams spend and won, say, 1 championship in 12 years, then you could say that they're a failure, like some other team in some other sport that consistently spends 2-3 times on payroll what other teams spend and consistently come up short. Now that's failure, as this team's captain points out each and every October.
So true iggy, I loved Lewis's speech at the funeral of Steve Mcnair, probably the most powerful, moving, speech that I have ever witnessed.