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May 3, 2003
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What a comeback for the beloved B's tonight! Down 3-0 in the 3rd period they scored 3 goals in the final 8 minutes to force an OT and shootout, then won the shootout for the 2 points!!

What'd the Leafs and Habs do last night? :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What'd the Leafs and Habs do last night? :D

Like i said earlier, they both suck right now. To think that if Carey Price hadn't stood on his head in the first two games where Mtl were grossly outshot & outplayed by both the Leafs & Sabres, Montreal would be 0-5 right now. What an embarrassment to their legends!! :mad:

What do you think, GHG? Have you gone into hiding yet? :D


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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What an embarrassment to their legends!! :mad:

Embarrassment? You want to talk about embarrassment? Let me step aside and let Leaf fans do all the talking …

I feel a bit foolish. I think I honestly believed Burke when he said this team would compete for a playoff spot. I would like to see them compete in a game first.

I am still waiting for 1 of the top 6 forwards he talked about. There are plenty of bottom 6 forwards.... plenty

They traded their only top six forward last year. He plays for Atlanta now. Anyone think Burke is feeling the heat?

The team sucks right now and everybody knows it.

I cannot hold it in any longer, I want a coaching change
Wilson has lost this team.

Anyone still want to say Ron Wilson is a defensive coaching genius?
The guy is a bum. Everyone thought Paul Maurice was a bum but look at what he is doing with a shallow depth team like Carolina.

what can be changed when the whole team looks dreadful from top to bottom.

Are the Leafs going to get it together to the point where they can dig themselves out of the hole they're in so far? I wouldn't put money on it.

the quality of the assets that Toronto can ice, is piss-poor.

As long as the mindless idiots continue packing the ACC win or lose the suits at MLSE are going to continue to give us talent poor teams that they try to dress up in the media as contenders.

I don't see an effective system in Toronto right now. There's a lack of organization in general.

Right now, I haven't seen anything that makes us look tougher than last year. It's kinda pathetic really.

this team, once again has all the earmarks of a poorly coached team. There is no game plan, nobody seems to know where they are supposed to be and nobody seems to be where they need to be.Even a team with this little talent should be able to at least offer up some sort of game! I can't think of a single part of their game that looks to be on track. They don't/can't hit, they can't score, they can't defend, they can't penalty kill, they have no power play

When you come right down to it, nothing has worked in the past - at least the past 42 years.

the only proven way to build a winner is via the draft and you cannot do that dealing away 1st & 2nd rounders year in and year out.

Very little talent -- agreed. Ineffective systems -- let's suppose we give Wilson a mulligan on that, too, and the players won't listed to him because they all know better. But, what is the excuse for what appears to be a very disinterested group of players who show no urgency to win, pride, or consistent effort? I thought Wilson was supposed to be an effective, albeit unorthodox, motivator.

We have too many mediocre, support-type players

The problem I have with this team is effort, desire, passion, belief.

I have to admit to feeling a little disillusioned with this team right now. I think it was stupid to aim for the playoffs this season.

We have nothing but a bunch of third-liners on this team.

Our team toughness is vapourware.

this is very bad times


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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on last nights game …

I have no comments beyond this because the Leafs game was simply ugly and too awful for me to watch completely so I didn't watch all of it.

Lets face facts...that performance was a disgrace...Rosehill the only player who deserves to even wear the jersey.......No Heart..No Effort...No Skill...No anything...disgusti ng .......didnt even look like they cared either......

tonight's game really made me wonder why I've been a Leaf die-hard fan for so many years! Frustrating isn't even the word (it's beyond that...). Last year when they had a chance to get a higher pick, I was on the Tank-team side but Burke has screwed us over on that so nobody wants to see the team tank this year. The problem is, this team has no superstars and questionable (to say the least) goaltending & Kessel won't be the savour we need to make the playoffs. I have no idea how they're gonna right this ship but if Boston gets a top 3 pick this year thanks to the Leafs, Burke will be in the doghouse for sure! What a flipping mess this team is this year....

about leadership the problem being that we have NO legit candidates for that role...these guys seemed happy enough tonite to just show up
....where is the truculence and beligerance that these guys r supposed to have? they were made to look like a bunch of wasters was always gonna be a tough one to win but they came out with NO desire at all......terrible.

it's becoming increasingly clear that Mats Sundin brought a hell of lot to this team, quite apart from his points. Leadership has been a HUGE missing ingredient for the squad in the past few seasons.

The team sucks right now, doesn't matter who says it or doesn't

Let's face it, this team seriously lacks not just leadership but offence in the middle and a sense of consistency from their defence.

Star forwards are something other NHL teams have. Never our perpetually mediocre Leafs.

It's only 4 games but it's the same problems as last season. Crappy goaltending, a brutal PK and a D that anyone can walk right through and score on.

No legit scoring threat for "star" player...very little talent...etc.

our goaltending is suspect and Toskala leaves a lot to be desired, but let's face it, this team overall talent wise (save Kaberle) is near pathetic.

It really is pathetic that Stajan is our 1st line center. And I'm sick of Blake and his weak shot from the perimeter. Ditto Grabovski and his one-man band.

It's embarrassing when the only "toughness" we have on our team is a couple of goons, and the rest of them are the same bunch of wusses that got pushed around all last year, and the year before, and the year before that.

Honestly, I really believe that NYI have more front line talent at this point then the Leafs.

Komisarek and Blowchemin are abysmal.

The more things change the more they stay the same. The thing that hurts me even more is that we can't even look forward to tanking because we have no first rounder for the next two years.

This group seems worse than Ferguson's teams.

This is as bad as the Leafs have looked as a team in as long as I can remember.

I think its time to call up some farm guys, they guys that played well during the regular season, maybe it will light a fire under some of the Leafs lazy ass's.

Too many of the old guard stiffs still here because of their ridiculous contracts.

There were teams in the 80s that showed more fire than this bunch of clowns.

Like others have said, it's not so much about the fact that they're losing, it's how they're losing. I mean, they're practically rolling over and peeing themselves. It hasn't exactly been encouraging.

The reality is that we've got one point of eight and not a single solid effort in any of the the games.

Its sad to watch really...I'm not sure how things will turn around.I know they will win a game but at this rate when is the question

The whole team looks completely disinterested!

The ACC crowd is the most pathetic in the league. They should be booing these guys right off the ice.

still stuck trying to figure out how they could have paid so much for see so little effort... Fans should be chanting "refund"

No need to rush Phil Kessel into action. There isn't any forward on this team with enough talent to play with him.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Ah, but it keeps getting better and better …

Leaf Nation, get used to your team finishing 16th instead of the usual 15th place in the Eastern conference standings.

No finish. No defence. No goalkeeping. No playoffs.

Coach decided to go with the more highly paid veterans. Big mistake.

Still too many passengers and the special teams play is horrid.

Leafs Lose - By mid-season that phrase will have a very familiar ring to it.

I begin by thanking CBC for the nationwide broadcast of the hapless Leafs - truth in advertising would have resulted in changing the name of the broadcast since whatever the Leafs were playing, it wasn't hockey.

I also thank The Burke for assembling such a gritty and tough team with special upgrades on defence. The proof is in the pudding, isn't it.

I also want to thank Wilson the ranter whose histrionics and high volume blather have already been discounted by this veteran group of, of, well, veterans.

Finally I thank the Leaf Nation for their blind and mindless loyalty to the cash cow that is MLSE. Boo birds notwithstanding (and there were several tonight at the ACC) these fans are solidly behind The Burke and believe every contradictory word he utters.

The Charlestown Chiefs vs.The Pittsburgh Penguins.The Burke-Wilson era will be responsible for turning these sad sacks into the Harlem Globetrotters of the NHL.Who is Ron going to blame tonight? Take a peek in the mirror Ronnie. You have been outcoached in every game so far.I'm looking foward to the big, fat turkey you will be serving the Rangers on Monday.Joey Mac in goal Monday.

You look at this team and they have absolutely nothing on offense. When I heard before the start of the year that the first line was supposed to be Stajan, Blake and Hagman, I figured it had to be a joke.

But none of these guys are worth anything. How many times did you see Stajan on his butt tonight?

All I can say is can you imagine paying 500 bucks for two seats to watch this team play? Where can I find these suckers? Even the ice at the ACC is in pitiful condition. IT looked like the paint was coming right through.

What sad shape this franchise is in. Not even the arena they play in is condusive to hockey.

I was a huge leaf fan for 25 yrs but I figured out that Haley's Comet will come again before the leafs win another cup. I honestly don't know why they would suffer and sweat for so many decades.

The Leafs looked horrible. Offense was terrible.

I hope the CBC stops broadcasting this hopeless team and shows us other Canadian teams. The Leafs can fight but little else. I'm not interested in seeing a bunch of goons, I want to see skilled hockey on Saturday nights.

So what's a Leaf Nation fan to do? Blame it all on bad penalty calls all season long? Wait for The Burke to use his high draft picks to build the base (Oh wait, he doesn't have those any more).

Okay, that was painful. I was at the game tonight and it was clear to me that this team has no belief in itself. It is a team without a soul. Yeah, they've got fighters, but they don't have a guy who will win them games.

we'll be lucky to get 3 wins this month

Well its seems we are going to have to get used to the Leafs new game plan. Get the goons out and let the other team know we plan to beat you in the alley. Someone needs to tell Burke and Wilson that game is won on the ice by scoring more goals than the other guy which becomes hard when you spend a lot of time on the penalty kill.

Well, at least if we keep playing this way, we will get the 1st draft pick next year......oh wait, we gave that to Boston.

We dress 3 forwards who can fight - Orr, Rosehill and Mayers and meanwhile we don't seem to have any forwards capable of scoring on even a semi-regular basis.

Of course everyone is waiting for saviour Kessel to finally dress. Well I got news for you, Matt Stajan is not a Marc Savard clone and Kessel will learn that very fast. Stajan will turn Kessel back into a 20 goal scorer.

The Maple Laughs suck. The fact that their high priced GM has mortgaged the team's future in the hope that they could solidify the team, now makes the situation ten times worse. This will be a looonnnng season and I can't see it improving.

I never thought I would say this, but maybe the Leaves should have kept Gerber around.

For a city that is supposedly the mecca of hockey, it really doesn't know much about running a team.

you are delusional if you believe this Leaf team can compete in the NHL. All of them think 'truculence' is a dessert served after a turkey of a game they have played. They are looking forward to a double helping after tonight's effort.

Gerber showed he could block well - in Toronto. No one offered him a contract, so he went to Europe for $200k. Add to that the idiotic decision to start Gus too soon; and in front of the home crowd. The downside was even worse than losing a game.

The present contingent of Leafs are reminiscent of a bunch of hired mercenaries playing hockey.
Burke's credo is to create mayhem on ice. Using Burke's law will only see the Leafs continue to wallow proudly in its own mediocrity.

If burke doesn't trade away any more 1st round picks, the leaves may get to 500 hockey in about 5 years...that is if they can pick a couple of good 1st rounders in 2014/2015 seasons. If I was burke I'd be looking for a way outta my contract...cause the future is gonna stink in toranna for years to come.

now your draft picks are gone(and it looks like those are going to be some valuable picks.) it`s painful to watch...for everyone(and thanks to the sadistic HNIC that`s the case.) that Burke`s first order of business was to go out and get some fighters must have been the first clue. Scrappers ae supposed to be the afterthought, a dime a dozen. Then he picked up a oddball collection of castoff defencemen, not a few key guys but a whole bunch of mediocre guys.

whatta joke..i never thought i'd say this but burkie might actually break up leaf nation..does anyone buy their kid a leaf jersey any more?..they'd get beat up at the playground ..if u wear a leaf jersey in public your a fool

and btw, no rebuilding team trades away draft picks like that. that`s final piece of the puzzle stuff.

these clowns on ice are off to another disasterous season

It appears from an outsider that the Leafs greatest talents are exhibited after the whistle blows. That may have worked in the 1970's, but I doubt it will be successful today. Speed and skill are required now in addition to fisticuffs and the desire to intimidate.

The Burke has gambled on a Bertuzzi-like goon squad of big bruisers who can drop their gloves after each goal they allow, leading to about five or more fights per night based on recent trends. Problem is, you can't hit what you can't catch and you can't stop speedier and more talented players without incurring a penalty for tripping, hooking, and/or interference. Add to the mix a high octane screamer coach with a focus on negativity as motivation and you have the toxic mix that is the current Leafs debacle.

the natives are getting restless....comeon give The Burke and Rompin Ronnie a chance to weave their magic...I mean look at The Burke's signings so far......the much sought after Colton Orr ( should have been 1st star tonight ), Komisarek ( invisible tonight, only because he didn't get a penalty )Francois Beauchemin ( the defensive saviour ?, where did he play before ?) It is early, only 78 more games to go.....ouch that is a painful thought

Burke decided to build from the front lines back, instead of the real weakness in goal. Had he recruited a truly-talented goalie and worked out, things would be different. Toskala is like Red-Light Raycroft, Belfour, and back and back to Curtis Joseph, the last goalie with some ability. How could the team resign Stempniak, Mayers, Blake, and the other never will be's. Kaberle is becoming a liability, too. We can wait for Kessel, but at his price of two first round draft picks, the way this team is playing, it has mortgaged the future again. The ghosts of Cliff Fletcher and Ken Dryden have supplanted Imlach and Ballard. Woe, Leafs, woe.

Prepare for futility because this team is not good at all.

Amazing how the whole Toronto media swallowed all of Burke's flimflam since last season ended. Now, what? Surprised that 29 other teams are not intimidated by all that growl and scowl, all that talk about "truculence".

Like Pat Quinn's "good, old boys" mentality," Burke's like-minded, hand-picked cronies don't seem to yet realize that their style of game has passed them by.

I blame Burke....
He is making every single mistake every single past GM has made since Punch Imlach brought the 1967 Stanley Cup to Toronto. Traded away all of the first round draft picks for quick fixes, unfortunately what he picked up were other teams problems.
Sad, Sad, Sad,,,,,

It looks like Burke traded the number 2 pick over all in 2010 and the number 1 pick overall in 2011 for Kessel. Bahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha .............

Does Wilson know how to coach? Burke's Goon Squad is doing their job tho - putting warm bodies in Leaf jerseys so the plebes pay $200 a ticket to watch.

I would rather have Kubina back then Komisarek et al.

This is what happens when you build a team of fighters not players. Leafs are a bunch of ego-driven "tough-guys" with no idea on how to play together as a team.

Let the Marlies join the NHL and send the Leafs to the OHL. I've been a Leafs fan since I was born. For the first time in my life: Go Habs!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
funny coming from you, and your so called GREAT Scabs team that is suppossed to be given the Cup every yr, news flash ballsonchin, your Scabs SUCK! and you even know they very well could be 0-5 and should be, HAHA! and its gonna be a long year for the small and old scabbies..... Price is not a Majician, not for 82 games, and well he showed he is human against the Canucks... o well, look at the bright side, maybe tickets will get cheaper as the season and the losing goes on for Les Habitants :p

If my "current" team was 0-4 I'd be posting about baseball in a hockey thread too. :D

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
gohabsgo, don`t you think these long "What the Leafs fan are saying" posts are annoying at best?

Have you personally checked the loyalty of whoever is saying these things? As far as anybody is concerned, they might be Sens fans!

Where is this privileged info coming from?

How can you tell there is an ounce of truth coming from those sources?

You know how unreliable info from anonymous forums can be, don`t you?

This is borderline to posting bullshit and that is not allowed so be careful, the line is very close.



New Member
Nov 19, 2004
That's not any worse than all the crap posted by our two resident Leafs fans. Plus, it echos what Leafs fans in general now think, and have been writing about their team. And I mean somewhat objective fans that don't have their heads firmly screwed up their arse.

And talking trash when your team hasn't won a single game? Really? That's pathetic and should warrant a suspension. :p


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
again it all goes back to what a TRUE FAN really is,.,,,,,, just cause your team doesnt win are you suppossed to jump off the wagon and go away or pick another team,. ? yea i guess so bob if your not a true FAN, but if you are a true FAN then you root for your team win or lose ...... after one week of hockey, it's silly , and the only fans i see acting retarded and with their heads up their butts are lol, SCAB fans, :D...... and why is that? i will tell ya why robert, because you see your team is not even as good as last year and for a scabs fan, thats scarry...... but then again, Halloween is this month :p

can you do me a favor bobby? quit being a fan of my Dallas Cowboys, i hate the idea of sharing with you :D........ just kidding bro

That's not any worse than all the crap posted by our two resident Leafs fans. Plus, it echos what Leafs fans in general now think, and have been writing about their team. And I mean somewhat objective fans that don't have their heads firmly screwed up their arse.

And talking trash when your team hasn't won a single game? Really? That's pathetic and should warrant a suspension. :p


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
HNIC After Hours Interview with Scott Gomez

Did anyone see this? i cant find video of it yet but they asked him if it bothers him and his teammates being called smurfs? i cant believe they asked him that , and he was clearly pissed off and it was to say the least a uncomfortable situation for him and Scott Oake...... Oake clearly was feeling stupid for asking the question as Gomez was making him look a fool....... guess thats a victory for the Canadiens , lol


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
again it all goes back to what a TRUE FAN really is,.,,,,,, just cause your team doesnt win are you suppossed to jump off the wagon and go away or pick another team,. ?

Jump off no? But criticizing your team instead of always harping about other teams yes. You're not a true fan, you just sound like some retarded child using silly name calling. Plus, again, talking trash when your team hasn't won a single game is pathetic.

can you do me a favor bobby? quit being a fan of my Dallas Cowboys, i hate the idea of sharing with you :D........ just kidding bro

Since I've been a Cowboy fan longer than you have, know more about their history and football in general than you do, no sale. And despite the win today, they still pissed me off. I'm a true fan. :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
the same negatives are being said about the Canadiens on habs boards as well but to post them after every loss is a bit stupid , retarded, and childish, well, that does explain it right there i suppose, :p...... but i guess when your a habs fan and you realise you have a worse team than last year (and we all know how that worked out in the 100th season) :D then all you got left is to bash the leafs who are not even suppossed to comepete this season by most experts..... but then again all this is after one week of the season, and is a little ridiculous...... lol.......

ghg is just running scared and doesnt wanna prove he`s bandwagon and leave after 3 losses in a row by Le Canadien, i guarantee you if the leafs had the same 4 points as the habs he would not even be here posting anything,,,,, so this is his only way to say he`s not bandwagon and to stay on that Wagon a lil while longer., its one thing to post jokes about a team but be creative, but to keep posting what "this fan said or that fan said" over and over again is being a moron, once or twice in a season , ok, but after every game? ..... anyways, lets get back to real Hockey talk,.,,,,, if the few children in here can possibly do so :rolleyes:

gohabsgo, don`t you think these long "What the Leafs fan are saying" posts are annoying at best?

Have you personally checked the loyalty of whoever is saying these things? As far as anybody is concerned, they might be Sens fans!

Where is this privileged info coming from?

How can you tell there is an ounce of truth coming from those sources?

You know how unreliable info from anonymous forums can be, don`t you?

This is borderline to posting bullshit and that is not allowed so be careful, the line is very close.

Last edited:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
if you'd look, Robert... i am responding to some lame scab fans comment, not starting it, but seems some cant let things alone, and true it is all in good fun back and forth,thats what passionate fans do, like i always said, if you cant take it, grow a thicker skin or get out, but then again im sure you wont see it that way as the blinders will never come off your eyes.... always bled leafs Blue and White, always will..... that never has nor ever will change, unlike some people with their team :rolleyes: (not you)

Ahhhhhh yes the ever so knowing all that is justbob...... this is the hockey thread so just one remark about the nfl....... take it over there if youd like to continue to get schooled but im sure you know as much about football as i do., well in my pinky finger that is...., and maybe or maybe not you have liked them longer,...and you critisize others for childish statement? .(now whos being a hypocrite?), you lil silly boy :D.........NOW, can we get back to hockey?

Jump off no? But criticizing your team instead of always harping about other teams yes. You're not a true fan, you just sound like some retarded child using silly name calling. Plus, again, talking trash when your team hasn't won a single game is pathetic.

Since I've been a Cowboy fan longer than you have, know more about their history and football in general than you do, no sale. And despite the win today, they still pissed me off. I'm a true fan. :D


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I am not the hockey fan that all of you guys are, but isn't it true that both Montreal and Toronto stink? Isn't it true that TO has severe goaltending issues and Montreal has severe defensemen issues? Who really cares which team stinks worse if neither one is playoff calibre?

There should be more discussion in this thread about the winners in the NHL and less dwelling on the losers. The only think that either Toronto or Montreal will be sniffing is the horrendous odor of their shitty performances. Let's stop dwelling on the losers in the NHL and start talking about who the winners will be.

Exactly right!
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