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The Official M.E.R.B. Hockey Thread

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Quebec City deserves a team more...... with that said Winnipeg also deserves a team again.... Hamiliton doesnt make sense, and it's not becasue im a Leafs fan, it's just not as smart as the other 2 cities listed above... 3 teams in Ontario?

Winnipeg already has an arena to accomodate an NHL team, Quebec City doesn't. Yet.

The only problem i have with a team in Hamilton is because it'd be located right next to both Toronto & Buffalo. It wouldn't harm the Leafs' market, but definitely would do serious damage to the Sabres. I see another team in Toronto (NYC has two) or in the Kitchener/Waterloo area (or London) and call it 'Ontario' for marketing purposes.

I'm still surprised there's no team in Seattle, which would be a natural geographical rivalry with Vancouver.

I'm willing to bet that Phoenix will still have a team in the near future & Atlanta won't. Nobody goes to the games in Atlanta & the ones footing the bill are the players. Once the NHLPA gets its house in order, they'll put pressure on the league to relocate that team.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
I would love to see more canadian teams in the nhl seeing as how hockey is canadian but

gary buttman wants to get rid of the canadian teams not lose american franchises and give

more teams to canada.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I agree with some ideas here

There should be NHL hockey in the Pacific Northwest ( Portland or Seattle )

Hockey should return to Canada ( Winnipeg or Quebec City )

I used to love it when the Rangers would play on TV in those cities

Kansas City seems to be the destination the NY Islanders are looking at. Really no competition market wise there... They are looking for an NBA franchise also...

Even though I'm a Ranger fan, it would be a shame for the loyal Islander fans

They would feel what the Jet and Nordique fans felt....

Best Regards



Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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From Leaf boards on last nights game:

Where has the supposed team toughness gone? Wasn't Burke making a big deal about our forwards getting more room and not getting knocked around anymore? Stalberg was leveled, ok it was clean hit but did ANY Leaf do anything about it later on? Nope. Same old crap as last season so far.

The whole team can't pass.

Beauchemin is still not good

Blake has 2 moves: Drive wide behind the net and lose the puck Drive wide and fall down

No truculence.

Ponikarovsky is consistently painful to watch. Such a big man, and plays like he is 5'7" and 150lbs.

What frustrates me is that he has poor hands and no hockey sense. He fumbles the puck all the time and can't pass. Other than that he's great.

That game last night was freaking Pond Hockey on the part of the Leafs.

No offense at all. You would think working 1 night in 3 you would be goosed and ready for action. Not this crew.

How bad is it when Stempniak is the best hitter on our team?

I really, really miss Mats Sundin.

It's pretty sad when all three of the new defensemen have been terrible so far.

I frankly don't know what it's going to take to get this team going, as games like this one demonstrate. A slow, sluggish start coupled with questionable defensive/offensive lapses... certainly they won't win too many games this way!

I can't believe that after waiting 7 years to see a game in person I'm rewarded with the garbage I witnessed tonight.

The whole team seemed generally invisible

Another aspect of the game which I found very telling was the Leafs could not manage ANY sustained offence at all.

I've been a strong supporter of the additions Burke has made, but it's very, very obvious that we're missing players with skill and size.

The biggest problem in my mind right now is how the Leafs got pretty much physically man-handled by the sens. Where the hell is all this truculence, etc...? They bent over for Ottawa tonight

I'd like to know where all this "Teams will be punished" BS went?
Looks to me like they get pushed around just as much as last year.

That was ugly. I didn't think they could look worse than Washington. In some ways, they did.

Beachemin has been a let down for me. At times, I can't possibly imagine what he's thinking and it's been going on since his first game in preseason.

What a pathetic display of hockey that was last night. Can we make a simple pass out there without putting it on the opponents stick or 5 feet in front of the player? Brutal.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
juat getting ready to watch the Scabs/Canucks game, what happened to that big opera singer who used to let the crowd sing half of the Canadian National Anthem?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

It appears as though the Toronto Maple Leafs may be in a bit of hot water as they have been accused of tampering by the Vancouver Canucks.

You're kind of late with your news. The Leafs' Ron Wilson received a small fine today for comments he made a few months ago. No further discipline by the league will be imposed.

(I'm really enjoying tonight's game right now.....Habs trailing Vancouver 5-1.....Habs defence, as predicted, has been terrible tonight.....Price isn't playing saviour tonight! The smurfs haven't done much....playing like smurfs, i guess! LOL!!!!)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Routed? that would be if they got beat say, 5-1, .... NO, tonight. they plain got MURDERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....... gonna be a LONG 4 months w/o Markov Scab fans.......

Honeymoon's over Habibis fans! Lol. Routed tonight.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
From Scab Forums about last nights game

Price can't stop a f*cking beach ball tonight


Ray Ferrero is making excuse after excuse for Price and the Canadiens....Ray, sh*t the Hell up!!!! they f*cking suck!!!!

7-1 For f*cks sakes!!!! get the bum out of the f*cking net!!!!

pretty brutal defence tonite...Spacek is stinkin big. Cripes the losses of Markov and obyrne are really being felt tonite.

sigh... has price been pulled yet.... i turned my tv off after the 2nd

yeah hes gone..and gill sucks... guy couldn't even beat up a guy that is like 8-9 inches shorter and half his weight...

that was just awful. terrible. that ruined my night

Can't blame Price for this loss.. he didn't play great but wasn't horrible either..
This loss goes to the HORRIBLE excuse for a defense..

the SMURF line played really really SMALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,

gonna be a long long season...... dammit Gainey, we look even worse than last year!!!!!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
wow, your still here? ohhhhhh silly me, thats right, one more loss and your gone again, silly silly me, last night was only the scabs 2nd loss in a row, not 3...... i guess after Edmonton Saturday night it's vacation time....... try not to get a sunburn :p

Remind me again, how many wins do the Leafs have this season? Yeah, that's what I thought.
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