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The Official M.E.R.B. Hockey Thread

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I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
Curtis Joseph announces his retirement.


He ends his career at number four all time in wins. For that reason and his play with Team Canada over the years, he should make the Hall of Fame in my opinion.

Another surprising stat is that he's number one all time in losses with 352. Of course he did play twice for the Leafs so that explains everything.:D

Speaking of Toronto, how appropriate was it for him to announce the end of his career in the town that's ended more goalie careers that any other. :D


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Apathetic Leaf fans are a silent majority

The last playoff game at the Air Canada Centre was in 2004, and it doesn't look like there will be one this year. That's six seasons and a generation of kids – age 8 to 13 – have little or no memory of what it's like to cheer for the home team in the playoffs.



Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

If you want to continue baiting the Leafs' supporters, could you please do it in the other thread? I would like to keep this thread for serious discussion.

Thank you,



Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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do your research and check your stats

Toronto plays very well 5 on 5,

The Leafs 5-on-5 goals for/against ratio is under 1. That means they are scoring fewer goals than they are giving up when 5-on-5.Yes, very well indeed!

And Edmonton? They're playing even worse than Toronto

They play in a tougher conference and have had worse injury problems than Toronto. The Oilers are missing their number #1 goalie. Khabibulin is a legit #1 goalie - something the Leafs don't have.
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Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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(Minnesota fans thank Mr. Gainey for that nice gift to the Wild)

Latendresse is averaging 0.47 goals per game in Minny while Pouliot is averaging 0.44 with the Habs - so what's your point?

BTW, Boston thanks the Leafs for Rask, ... etc ...
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
true, but do you really think the habs will do anything this season?? and if they dont this season, well, lets just say it is gonna be a rough 2-4 yrs coming unless Gainey can find some suckers to take some of those crazy "deals" off his hands, he was the real sucker in the gomez deal and spacek and mara have turned out to be busts so far, along with Gil... also no room to sign pleks and price so unless the kids in Hamilton can step up huge, this might be the last chance for the habs to make the playoffs let alone win a playoff round for several years to come., but yea the gainey facebook page is good, lol.....
Well, the Leafs played their last game in hand and lost to the mighty Carolina Hurricanes! So that makes it 0 games in hand and 9 points behind the Habs.

Oh yeah...I came across Gainey's facebook page... http://www.mauvaisoeil.com/extras/gainey/fr/index.html :p


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
how serious can a bandwagon fan be in the first place?, they know when their team wins and runs when they lose... but i agree, the serious talk needs to stay here, as Doc (he started this thread for real hockey talk without the nonsense) has much more credibility than our couple of fairweather fans in here , thus the serious talk in here and the silliness in ghg's thread... good stuff, thanks M8


If you want to continue baiting the Leafs' supporters, could you please do it in the other thread? I would like to keep this thread for serious discussion.

Thank you,



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
lggy, considering how well Kessel and Komi have turned out for the Leafs, they couldn't even beat Carolina tonight, I'll stick with Gomez and company. besides...how can you criticize Gomez when Doc was ready to take him on the Leafs just a few posts ago? And you yourself just testified to Doc's credibility!

And I wouldn't worry about Price. If he steps it up, they'll find a way to sign him. If he doesn't, well maybe he'll make better trade bait than Halak and will be the one traded by the end of the season. Stranger things have happened in the wonderful world of hockey. I've heard the Leafs actually won the Cup 43 years ago! Can't get much stranger than that.

finally...at least the habs have a good chance at making the playoffs this year, unlike the Leafs who will, as usual, be playing golf.:cool:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Techieeeee! :D
Kessel will be fine, he plays hard and gets robbed left and right in most every game he has played this season, even Don Cherry said eventually the puck will go into the nets, as he's to good a player for it not to, and i think Cherry has much more credibility than you or I...... Komi has played well after a horrible first 10 games, he was trying to hard and has since settled down , besides he is not making 8 million, YES EIGHT MILLON DOLLARS PER SEASON like that bum gomez is, and gomez is HEALTHY!!..... nice try, but your point fails miserably

Price or Halak wont be back next year with the habbies, thats for sure, unless gainey has another brain fart and decides a way to overpay both of them like he has so many current habs, but really , it is not possible with the cap.... so, take the current team you have now, minus one of the goalies, and minus Plekanec....(pleks is a huge % of your Offense) and bring in who to replace them not to mention the other free agents he has to try to sign?

like i said, you better win the cup this year (as the expected right , according to les Canadiens fans) , but we all know thats not happening..... it might be 43 yrs since the Leafs have won a cup , yes, but at least leafs fans are true fans of their team and respect the game as well....Golf you say? you mean like last year when some Leafs players saved Tee times for fellow hockey players from the Canadiens who joined them a mere 4 games later after Boston turned out the lights? went something like this didnt it?


lggy, considering how well Kessel and Komi have turned out for the Leafs, they couldn't even beat Carolina tonight, I'll stick with Gomez and company.

And I wouldn't worry about Price. If he steps it up, they'll find a way to sign him. If he doesn't, well maybe he'll make better trade bait than Halak and will be the one traded by the end of the season. Stranger things have happened in the wonderful world of hockey. I've heard the Leafs actually won the Cup 43 years ago! Can't get much stranger than that.

finally...at least the habs have a good chance at making the playoffs this year, unlike the Leafs who will, as usual, be playing golf.:cool:
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Don Cherry is more of a Leafs homer than you and Doc combined so pleeeeeze don't use him as an example of impartial opinion where the Leafs are concerned.

Yup, I remember last years playoffs. That was when the 'franchise' goalie dropped 4 straight after the 'backup' goalie got them into the playoffs and didn't even get a game in the series as a reward. But hey...it was 4 more games than the Leafs played!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Point is, Latendresse is a French Canadien while Pouliot is from Ontario... the homegrowns seem to never succeed theses days in Montreal, not like the outsiders, unless you cal Lapierre a success? :D

Latendresse is averaging 0.47 goals per game in Minny while Pouliot is averaging 0.44 with the Habs - so what's your point?



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ROFL!!!!!! cmon Techieee, Cherry is a straight shooter and a Hockey Legend, i would think his word over yours is golden anyday, lol.... the man knows Hockey and he's right more ofton than not which is more than i can say for well..... lets leave it at that, ;)

So your habbies played 4 more games than the Leafs last year eh? as much as you put down the Leafs, thats a silly thing to say, but then again, it's all ya got, so your proud of your team last yr, maybe this yr "IF" you get lucky enough to get into the playoffs (winning with 40 shots a game against night after night is gonna wear off sooner or later) you can try to win at least one game before your hitting the Links.. hihi ;)
Don Cherry is more of a Leafs homer than you and Doc combined so pleeeeeze don't use him as an example of impartial opinion where the Leafs are concerned.

Yup, I remember last years playoffs. That was when the 'franchise' goalie dropped 4 straight after the 'backup' goalie got them into the playoffs and didn't even get a game in the series as a reward. But hey...it was 4 more games than the Leafs played!
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Active Member
Jul 3, 2005

These three words just don't match.Komi has 0 goals,4 assists and is MINUS 9, amongst the worst in the NHL.But I guess fans of this sorry franchise are so used to mediocrity,they accept this and the fact that ''they have been playing better since bla bla bla...''as acceptable.

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