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The Official MERB 2010-2011 NHL Free For All Thread

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
last i checked, 2 points is all that matters..... and lookie lookie.. Les canadiens are looking up at the Leafs, maybe you can mention the past like only true habs fans can do, eh? (oh thats right, your not a habs fan) Bwhahaahahahahahahaahahahah!

I have to give you credit: you're bragging while you can, before the inevitable collapse by Canada's National Embarrassment.

Just your bad luck that it's 50 years too late: for a very brief period back in the early 60s the leafs actually had a good team: you know, before Kennedy was assassinated (in 1963!), before anyone had ever heard of the Beatles (who broke up FOUR DECADES AGO), when people who are collecting PENSIONS today were TEENAGERS, when Barack Obama was in a get the picture? The leafs WERE good... a LONG, LONG, LONG time ago!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Like how the wings sucked for years and years, BTW, MANY more years than the Leafs ever have? like that? BWHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHH!

Leafs are on the right track back to the playoffs, more than i can say for your habs! :lol: (this is your que where u say your team is the dead things) ;)

I have to give you credit: you're bragging while you can, before the inevitable collapse by Canada's National Embarrassment.

Just your bad luck that it's 50 years too late: for a very brief period back in the early 60s the leafs actually had a good team: you know, before Kennedy was assassinated (in 1963!), before anyone had ever heard of the Beatles (who broke up FOUR DECADES AGO), when people who are collecting PENSIONS today were TEENAGERS, when Barack Obama was in a get the picture? The leafs WERE good... a LONG, LONG, LONG time ago!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Like how the wings sucked for years and years, BTW, MANY more years than the Leafs ever have? like that? BWHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHH!

Leafs are on the right track back to the playoffs, more than i can say for your habs! :lol: (this is your que where u say your team is the dead things) ;)

Leafs are back on track are they? Oh, I guess that means they won last night. Wait - let me check. Oh NO! It seems they actually LOST - yet AGAIN! They are now 5 and 5 in their last 10, including that fluke win where they were badly outplayed and outshot by a 2-1 margin yet got an undeserved win when Sieve Scrivens had one of his rare good games. Too bad he sucked again in last night's humiliating loss.

Yep, the usual Leaf slide towards the bottom has already begun. Give them credit though: this year their crappy results started about 15 games later than usual. For a sad sack bunch of consistent losers like the leafs that's progress! Now if they'd only get rid of their GM, their head coach and 20 of their players they might have a chance at making a fresh start and actually winning something before the 22nd century.

What a laughingstock of a franchise - 44 (soon to be 45) years without even a sniff at the finals. Add to that their overpriced tickets, clueless fans, and Maple Leaf Garden sex scandals and you've got the most useless and hated team in the history of the NHL.

By the way Detroit is now 4 and 0 in its last 4. Class will tell. Oh and Toronto is rapidly slipping in the standings. Even several teams BELOW the leafs have better winning percentages and will soon surpass Hogtown when they catch up in games played. Even Montreal, which is way down in the standings, is 6-3-1 (for 13 points) in its last 10 while the sinking (and stinking!) leafs are 5-5 (for 10 points). Hope the leafs and their gullible fans enjoyed the brief flirtation with success because - as usual for the hopeless and hapless hogtown squad - it's all over...AGAIN.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey Boyz,

If anyone can explain to me why Merlot is attacking Iggy without any provocation whatsoever, please tell me. This childish & silly flaming is stupid & should cease immediately. No reason to provoke other hockey fans for no reason!

PSS, TY to M8 for stopping the harrassing pm's from this guy, MUCH APPRECIATED! :D

First, are you allowed to post without your training wheels and daddy standing by to hold you when you start crying.

Translation, you're pissed you were warned not to PM and would love me to give you an excuse so you can stalk again. NO! You don't know when to quit.

F—in’ Habs. There, I said it. It’s not like I don’t say it at least 30 times a day. The paperboy misses the porch: F—in’ Habs! The Windows and Doors people wake me up from my afternoon nap with one of their incessant calls: F—in’ Habs! I burn the noodles: F—in’ Habs! An earthquake levels Bali: F—in’ Habs! Everything that goes wrong in the world, I blame on the Montreal Canadiens. It’s convenient and it fits. I believe we would all be much happier and the world would work better and there would be no more stress or pain or misfortune if only the Habs would throw their skates into the river already. But this isn’t going to happen. ...and, yes, I am learning to cope.

So you want everyone to know you go through life constantly in pain obsessing about how the Habs hurt you and blaming them for everything. That's an epic psychosis you admit too. :crazy:

Like how the wings sucked for years and years, BTW, MANY more years than the Leafs ever have? like that? BWHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHH! pissing about who is the bigger LOSER!


"What a laughingstock of a franchise - 44 (soon to be 45) years without even a sniff at the finals. Add to that their overpriced tickets, clueless fans, and Maple Leaf Garden sex scandals and you've got the most useless and hated team in the history of the NHL."


Not to mention a HUGE embarrassment to themselves.

But the sex scandal thing is a low blow.


Question: Hey Iggy, how do you know that's the real Stanley Cup??? :confused:

Answer: There's NO Leaf holding it. :nod:

But the Leafs fans did get to SNIFF the Cup...when the Bruins brought it to Toronto to rub in their faces, then kicked their asses 7-0 just for fun.

the Leafs win...the Leafs win...the LEAFS WIN

Above, something Iggy has never heard and will never hear linked to the Stanley Cup.

Below, something the Leafs will never do in Iggy's time. Go CHARA...Go CHARA....GO CHARA!!!:thumb:


The CURRENT Stanley Cup losing streak at all, certainly not 44 years.





He's crying Doc, time to charge in. ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Coming from a bandwagon bruins fan, your post only made me laugh, at you (as usual) keep up the good work!, lol.........i am glad you cannot pm me any longer, your stalking was a little over the top "whiny" :)

Hey Boyz,

First, are you allowed to post without your training wheels and daddy standing by to hold you when you start crying.

Translation, you're pissed you were warned not to PM and would love me to give you an excuse so you can stalk again. NO! You don't know when to quit.
So you want everyone to know you go through life constantly in pain obsessing about how the Habs hurt you and blaming them for everything. That's an epic psychosis you admit too. pissing about who is the bigger LOSER! What a laughingstock of a franchise - 44 (soon to be 45) years without even a sniff at the finals. Add to that their overpriced tickets, clueless fans, and Maple Leaf Garden sex scandals and you've got the most useless and hated team in the history of the NHL."Not to mention a HUGE embarrassment to themselves. But the sex scandal thing is a low blow. Question: Hey, how do you know that's the real Stanley Cup??? Answer:There's NO Leaf holding it.
But the Leafs fans did get to SNIFF the Cup...when the Bruins brought it to Toronto to rub in their faces, then kicked their asses 7-0 just for fun.
Above, something Iggy has never heard and will never hear linked to the Stanley Cup.
Below, something the Leafs will never do in Iggy's time. Go CHARA...Go CHARA..
The CURRENT Stanley Cup losing streak at all, certainly not 44 years. BTW...LOVE SEEING RECCHI ENJOY THIS MOMENT AT 1:50. Cheers,
MerloHe's crying Doc, time to charge in.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Scott Gomez new career.... song writer?

Seems because Scottie does not really "play" hockey anymore, (zero goals in his last 41 games) he has took up a new career of writing hardcore rap songs. Together with local Quebec entertainment group, "MFSHTILBP" (Music for soft hockey teams in la belle province) they have produced a new video as well for Scotts masterful lyrics simply named "Swimming in my Money"...... He may be on to a great career after he stops sucking in the NHL, as proof by one of his better lines in the song simply that states "I be swimming in my money, bitch"

Sing along habs fans, this is something you will be talking about for years and years to come, which your good at because by then it will be the past, right? :lol: Sing it loud and sing it proud, for Scottie, a great great hab!

Scottie says "I own this city, bitch...yea boyyyyyyy"
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Not to be outdone by Scotties new hardcore rap song writing empire, Jacques Martin (rumps/merlot, thats the coach of the canadiens just so you know, and yes rumps, that is how canadian is spelt when referring to the mtl canadiens... there, you just learnt more about hockey) ordered the troops to get together to shoot the cover of the 2011/2012 hAbs official calendar. For those with a weak heart, please cover your eyes as these "boyz" look a lil to happy together!


:confused: is it just me or did Gionta pack on a few pounds and grow taller? Or did Scottie just shrink with age? And how in the hell did PK get so white and what on earth is he doing, auditioning for the rockettes? And man oh man is Jacques ever so proud of his "boyz" or what!?!?!??!!! :lol:


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Not to be outdone by Scotties new hardcore rap song writing empire, Jacques Martin (rumps/merlot, thats the coach of the canadiens just so you know, and yes rumps, that is how canadian is spelt when referring to the mtl canadiens... there, you just learnt more about hockey) ordered the troops to get together to shoot the cover of the 2011/2012 hAbs official calendar. For those with a weak heart, please cover your eyes as these "boyz" look a lil to happy together!


:confused: is it just me or did Gionta pack on a few pounds and grow taller? Or did Scottie just shrink with age? And how in the hell did PK get so white and what on earth is he doing, auditioning for the rockettes? And man oh man is Jacques ever so proud of his "boyz" or what!?!?!??!!! :lol:

Looks like they pasted Gionta's face on top of Burkie's body.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Burke lost like 20 lbs in the last 6 months, lol ( typical habs fan, living in the P A S T) and he does not get paid to be in the best shape of his life, unlike your habs. :cheer2:

PS Merci for re posting the pic tho, Bwhahahahaahahaahahahaahahaahahahah! :thumb:
Looks like they pasted Gionta's face on top of Burkie's body.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Burke lost like 20 lbs in the last 6 months, lol ( typical habs fan, living in the P A S T) and he does not get paid to be in the best shape of his life, unlike your habs. :cheer2:

PS Merci for re posting the pic tho, Bwhahahahaahahaahahahaahahaahahahah! :thumb:

Lost 20 pounds - well congrats to Burkie for getting down to 295. And hey no disrespect intended - I'm sure the cheeseburger and milkshake vendors are very thankful for Burkie keeping them in business.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
U mean Burkies Dog House at the ACC!
Try the poutine dog,,,,,, they are.............. wonderful, you should get 2 or three LOL!


Lost 20 pounds - well congrats to Burkie for getting down to 295. And hey no disrespect intended - I'm sure the cheeseburger and milkshake vendors are very thankful for Burkie keeping them in business.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You know, Merlot, you've been reading too much Doc Holliday. Not only that, you seem to be taking his gibberish seriously......
Relax, pal, and stop listening to the jealous rants of John Henry Holliday. He wishes the Jays had half the talent the Sox do. As he wishes the Leafs had half the talent the Bruins do. Give the poor loser his due, sure, but stop paying attention to him. Or at least stop taking him seriously.

Now what did i say to bring about such hate?

Look who's talking about jealousy......there's a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. :crazy:

As for his comment in regards to the Leafs wanting half the talent that the Bruins have, there's the proof that this septagenarian is totally clueless about the game of hockey. Not only do the Leafs lead the Bruins in the standings, but they also have the top 2 scorers in the entire NHL in Phil Kessel & Joffrey Lupul. :confused:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Two good weeks in October does not a season make. Unfortunately for the Leaves, Doc, when the end of the season rolls around, all teams will have played the same number of games. If you think leading the Bruins by two points having played two more games amounts to leading them in the standings, be my guest. You can fool yourself, but you can't fool me.

Two good weeks in October? We're already in the third week of November, and the Leafs (not the 'Leaves'....proves my point that you know nothing about hockey) are 2nd in the entire conference (one point behind the mighty Pittsburgh Penguins) and in 4th spot in the overall NHL standings. The Leafs have already played at least a quarter of their games & have overcome the fact they were out of 7 regulars just two games ago.

By the way, since last night, the Leafs are now the youngest team in the entire NHL. That team's future looks great!! :D

And finally, my friend, here's a book that i suggest you add to your Christmas wish list:



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Two good weeks in October? We're already in the third week of November, and the Leafs (not the 'Leaves'....proves my point that you know nothing about hockey) are 2nd in the entire conference (one point behind the mighty Pittsburgh Penguins) and in 4th spot in the overall NHL standings. The Leafs have already played at least a quarter of their games & have overcome the fact they were out of 7 regulars just two games ago.
Yes, two good weeks in October. And you, my friend, are quite smart enough that there's more to the standings than simple points. When the season ends, unfortunately for the Leaves, they will not have played three more games than the Bruins, five more than the Rangers, etc.

In fact, if the standings were calculated as the should be, in points per game played, the Leaves would be in 8th place, barely hanging on to the last playoff spot.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
In fact, if the standings were calculated as the should be, in points per game played, the Leaves would be in 8th place, barely hanging on to the last playoff spot.

WTF are you talking about? Stop butting in the hockey thread, you don't have a clue about hockey! Merlot looks like a genius in the hockey thread compared to you! Heck, you even make GoHabsGo look brilliant! Quit while you're ahead & stick to baseball & your crappy Red Sox!! :lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wow, you are totally clueless about this sport more than i thought lol. :crazy: I assume your talking about goals for vs goals against and those stats especially early on in the season can be very misleading. (much more for a young team like the Leafs who will learn and grow as they mature together) For example, they got blown out twice by the bruins and in 2 out of their last 3 games they won by scores of 7-1 both times, thus, a win is a win and gf vs. ga do not always tell the real story rumpie-pooh :thumb:

And what will your excuse be when and if those teams that the Leafs have games in hand on dont win any of them or just a game or two and they dont pull ahead of the Leafs? more excuses i am sure lol....

(another couple free lessons in hockey 101 for you, pretty soon i am gonna start billing you, so go read the book Doc showed you above and save yourself some cash)

Yes, two good weeks in October. And you, my friend, are quite smart enough that there's more to the standings than simple points.

In fact, if the standings were calculated as the should be, in points per game played, the Leaves would be in 8th place, barely hanging on to the last playoff spot.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Wow, you are totally clueless about this sport more than i thought lol. :crazy: I assume your talking about goals for vs goals against and those stats especially early on in the season can be very misleading.
Jeez, and I thought you knew something about hockey. Let me explain points to you. When you win a game, you get two points. When you lose a game, you get none. When you lose a game in overtime, you get one. That's probably simple enough for you to understand, but let me give you an example. Let's say a team is 4-1-1. They have nine points. 8 for their 4 wins, 2 each; none for their loss; 1 for their overtime loss. That's 8 plus 1, or 9. Got it?

Right now, the Maple Leaves have 26 points, but it took them 22 games to get them. The Bruins, (that's the team from Boston, iggy, you know the town that has 7 titles this century, 2 in baseball, 3 in football, 1 each in hockey and basketball) also have 26 points, but it only took them 20 games to get them. In fact, there are so many teams close to the Leaves in points that have played fewer games that once things equalize, the Leaves will be in 8th place...if they're lucky.

Is there anything else you'd like me to teach you? Maybe I can help you write a review.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You can babble over and over, you still come up with the same one word result, Clueless. It is nice to see your learning but learning the scoring system is the first thing a new nhl fan can do and also the easiest thing as well, to learn, so your off to a good start. Now, explain to me how the Leafs, after 1/4 the season and currently tied for first in their division and 4th overall in points in the entire NHL is a bad team? Or a team that is not "real" or the excuse you say of "more to the standings than simple points" because of the same goals for as goals against. Clueless you are, but there is hope you can one day comprehend the great game of hockey. Dont be so cheap and get yourself a ticket for saturdays game at Le Centre Bell and you will see the games best player, Crosby......... no rumpie-pooh, not Bing.... :lol:

PS. Nice to see you doing such a fine job oy ignoring, haha...

Jeez, and I thought you knew something about hockey. Let me explain points to you. When you win a game, you get two points. When you lose a game, you get none. When you lose a game in overtime, you get one. That's probably simple enough for you to understand, but let me give you an example. Let's say a team is 4-1-1. They have nine points. 8 for their 4 wins, 2 each; none for their loss; 1 for their overtime loss. That's 8 plus 1, or 9. Got it?

Right now, the Maple Leaves have 26 points, but it took them 22 games to get them. The Bruins, (that's the team from Boston, iggy, you know the town that has 7 titles this century, 2 in baseball, 3 in football, 1 each in hockey and basketball) also have 26 points, but it only took them 20 games to get them. In fact, there are so many teams close to the Leaves in points that have played fewer games that once things equalize, the Leaves will be in 8th place...if they're lucky.

Is there anything else you'd like me to teach you? Maybe I can help you write a review.
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Jeez, and I thought you knew something about hockey. Let me explain points to you. When you win a game, you get two points. When you lose a game, you get none. When you lose a game in overtime, you get one. That's probably simple enough for you to understand, but let me give you an example. Let's say a team is 4-1-1. They have nine points. 8 for their 4 wins, 2 each; none for their loss; 1 for their overtime loss. That's 8 plus 1, or 9. Got it?

Right now, the Maple Leaves have 26 points, but it took them 22 games to get them. The Bruins, (that's the team from Boston, iggy, you know the town that has 7 titles this century, 2 in baseball, 3 in football, 1 each in hockey and basketball) also have 26 points, but it only took them 20 games to get them. In fact, there are so many teams close to the Leaves in points that have played fewer games that once things equalize, the Leaves will be in 8th place...if they're lucky.

Is there anything else you'd like me to teach you? Maybe I can help you write a review.

From you tone, Rumps, you come across as one condescending _____________ . (fill in the blank with an adverb of your choice). lggy know a lot more about hockey (just like baseball) than you, but even if he didn't, as I am theorizing here only, you shouldn't talk down to others, rumps.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
He is the type that when his team fails miserably, (cough, red sox cough) he will never give credit where it is due. The fact the Leafs are finally seeing much improvement compared to the last 6 years is too much for some haters to comprehend. But usually haters should at least understand the basics about hockey before they act out, lol. But give the old dog credit, he is willing to at least learn, and trust me rumps, it is gonna be much easier to learn hockey than for you to learn French. :thumb:

From you tone, Rumps, you come across as one condescending _____________ . (fill in the blank with an adverb of your choice). lggy know a lot more about hockey (just like baseball) than you, but even if he didn't, as I am theorizing here only, you shouldn't talk down to others, rumps.
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