See was that so hard?

and it is simple
cairo, i play by the rules, Insult the team, not the person, and one thing i do not do unlike you, i dont take sports threads like a life and death situation. I give back only what others give also, and if that upsets you or others, either grow a thicker skin or do not post negatives about anothers team, quite simple, and i respect the rules in threads that are non flame threads. Baseball is a give and take thread and as long as no personal insults, we all have a understanding over there, most of the time. Again,
Insult the team not the person, BUT, do so in the correct thread! The Leafs thread has strict rules as do some other sports threads. Instead of complaining about it, how about try posting something positive for once? Is that so hard to do????
PS. "by the way 42 yrs is less than 44" ..... what was that you were saying about childish?
PSS. So if your team fails to win a championship, no matter how long it has been, in
your mind, you should stop being a fan??? Tell that to the Cubs and all those red sox fans who stayed devoted to their team for over 8 decades and always thought "this was the year" good grief man, get a grip. I may go back and forth with red sox fans but they are true fans for sticking with their team for so long. Did you hate the red wings for 42 years or would you have if you were alive then? Did you not think you had good teams at times during those 42 years? Being a fan means to get excited about your team, otherwise, why bother being a fan? Gimme a break

I always find it amusing how you avoid suspension in spite of your constant rudeness, bickering, and shit-disturbing with anyone who doesn't fall down and kiss the ground the Leafs or Yankees walk on. I guess your secret is that you do this in the sports threads.
Your post here continues your usual rudeness and childish antics (capital letters for your teams, small letters for anyone else's). Some intelligent people might even consider your post to be paranoid: you seem to be AWFULLY upset by the GENTLE post of mine that you quoted. Maybe 44 years of failure will do that to a guy who roots for losers?
It also continues your silly little reference (and misuse of the English language) by referring to my "scapegoat team" although I have corrected you on this time and time again. Strange that Mod 8 never has a problem with your behavior?
Needless to say, it also continues your pre-season boasting about the Leafs - just as you have done every year for the past several - only to see them fail as always at season's end.
By the way, 42 years is less than 44, and the Wings emerged from their funk as THE powerhouse team of the last two decades. If your hopeless Leafs ever do that, maybe THEN you can brag and have it mean something. Until then you've got NOTHING to brag about.