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The Official MERB 2010-2011 NHL Free For All Thread

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005

Exactly: other teams come to Hockeytown to lose.

How can you not lose to a team with the best ownership, the best GM, the best scouts, the best management team, ONE of the best coaches (I'm not saying Babcock is the best, but he's up there somewhere), the best overall talent (including remarkable players such as Lidstrom, Datsyuk, Zetterberg, and on and on and on)?

Their long TRADITION of great players (Howe, Delvecchio, Lindsay, Abel, Yzerman, Ullman, and on and on and on) is another factor that makes Detroit "Hockeytown" to all knowledgeable fans and insiders and "Losertown" to all visiting teams.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Exactly: other teams come to Hockeytown to lose.

How can you not lose to a team with the best ownership, the best GM, the best scouts, the best management team, ONE of the best coaches (I'm not saying Babcock is the best, but he's up there somewhere), the best overall talent (including remarkable players such as Lidstrom, Datsyuk, Zetterberg, and on and on and on)?

Their long TRADITION of great players (Howe, Delvecchio, Lindsay, Abel, Yzerman, Ullman, and on and on and on) is another factor that makes Detroit "Hockeytown" to all knowledgeable fans and insiders and "Losertown" to all visiting teams.

Exactly. I'll admit Detroit has good ownership (not the best), a good GM (not the best), good scouts (not the best), a decent management team (not the best), a decent coach (saying he's one of the best is a stretch) and USED to have very good (not best) overall talent. Those guys are getting older & their leader (Lidstrom) will likely retire after this season. The goaltending is questionable, and so is the rest of the team outside of the three players mentionned. Their future looks bleak, at best.

I still remember those great decades....especially the 70's, with the likes of Nick Libett, Gary Unger, Red Berenson, Terry Harper, Jim Rutherford, Dennis Polonich, Henry Boucha & Dale McCourt. I also remember Rogie Vachon, Reed Larson, Danny Grant, Paul Woods, Jean Hamel & Vaclav Nedomanski, among others. Their GREAT coaches Bobby Kromm, Larry Wilson (Ron Wilson's dad), Wayne Maxner, Nick Polano, Ted Lindsay & Harry Neale, among others. Yep, the 70's & the 80's were some great decades, alright! :D

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I still remember those great decades....especially the 70's, with the likes of Nick Libett, Gary Unger, Red Berenson, Terry Harper, Jim Rutherford, Dennis Polonich, Henry Boucha & Dale McCourt. I also remember Rogie Vachon, Reed Larson, Danny Grant, Paul Woods, Jean Hamel & Vaclav Nedomanski, among others. Their GREAT coaches Bobby Kromm, Larry Wilson (Ron Wilson's dad), Wayne Maxner, Nick Polano, Ted Lindsay & Harry Neale, among others. Yep, the 70's & the 80's were some great decades, alright! :D

You forgot Mickey Redmond.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Let's compare two NHL players who seem to have a lot in common.

Johan Franzen is 6'3' and 222 pounds. Colton Orr is 6'3" and 222 pounds. (Hey -they could be twins!)

Oh no, scratch the twins theory, because they are different ages (although fairly close). Franzen just turned 31 and Orr will soon turn 29.

Franzen has played 319 NHL regular season games coming into this season and 49 so far this season. Orr has played 327 regular season games coming into this season and 46 so far this season.

Wow - talk about similarities!

But wait! As we examine further, the similarities are about to come to a SCREECHING halt!

Before the current season, Franzen has 93 career goals, 71 assists, 164 points. Orr has 8 (!!!!) career goals, 9 (!!!!!!) career assists, and a whopping total of 17(!!!!!!!) career points. Think of it: a right winger with 17 points in 327 games!!!!

Maybe things are changing this season though, as both players are snipers with more goals than assists. Franzen has 26 goals and 15 assists. Orr has 2(!!!) goals and ZERO assists! He has been unable to pick up even ONE assist in 46 games! (And let's not forget that ONE of his two goals was the infamous screwup by the officials that awarded Orr a goal when it SHOULD have been a penalty, thereby unjustly stealing a win from the Panthers and even more unjustly giving a rare win to the execrable Maple Leafs.)

Franzen had FIVE goals in a single game last night against the Senators...which means that Franzen scored more goals in that ONE game than Colton Orr has ever scored in an entire SEASON! (ORR'S "best" - ha ha ha - season EVER was last year with the Leafs when he racked up 4 goals and 2 assists in "only" 82 games!!!!!!!)

Of course it gets even FUNNIER if we talk playoffs, where Franzen has 35 goals and 34 assists for 69 points in 75 games. Can you say "clutch player"? The laughable Colton Freakin Orr meanwhile has ZERO goals, ZERO assists, and ZERO points in a miserable 12 career playoff games. Whereas Franzen ELEVATES his game in the playoffs, Orr LOWERS his....and when you're Colton Freakin Orr it's sure as hell not easy to LOWER your game even further!

Nah, I guess they're not really that similar after all!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
As we are all aware, consideration is being given to renaming a bridge in honor of Detroit Red Wing great Gordie Howe, also known as Mr. Hockey. This is symbolic of Mr. Howe acting as a true ambassador of the sport and as a bridge between Canada (where Mr. Howe was born) and the US (where he had his remarkable and awe-inspiring career in Hockeytown and for one season in Hartford, as well as several amazing years in the WHA).

In the spirit of equality, since a Red Wing is being honored, I feel a Maple Leaf should also be honored, and I suggest renaming the Missing Persons Network after Phil Kessel (The Invisible Man, who is SO OFTEN "missing" in action).

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Hey ! just came back to North America and looking at the standings I have to say I am quite shocked.
The Habs slipped 2 positions... sh*t !

But hey ! they're still in top 10. So does Detroit and Boston.

Sh*t I even won my bet that TO would still be at the bottom coming back :)

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
... I suggest renaming the Missing Persons Network after Phil Kessel (The Invisible Man, who is SO OFTEN "missing" in action).

You have to be in Action first...before declared "missing".
In his case it's more like the AWOL honor.
Although I'd give the citation to his entire team instead.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
According to an article posted earlier today, "merging superstar" (sic) Phil Kessel has ZERO goals and THREE assists in his last 10 games - those are almost Colton Orr numbers!

On the season so far, Phil is a LAUGHABLE minus 22!!!!

He was benched several times in TO's 6-2 loss (so what else is new?) against the Sabres.

He has been demoted to the third line.

He said of his "relationship" (ha ha) with "Coach" (ha ha..ha ha ha..ha ha) Ron Wilson: "Me and Ron don't really talk. That's all I have to say about that."

Now folks, this isn't just ANY player - this is the "merging superstar" (sic) that Burkie traded his team's future for! This is the "merging superstar" (sic) that made Boston a FAR better LEAVING IT! This is the guy who was supposed to turn the Leafs around offensively! This guy is just ONE MORE example of why Toronto has been the laughingstock of the league for over four decades...and why Toronto will NEVER win a Cup in our lifetime (or probably even in the lifetime of our children, grandchildren and GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN!)

And...oh yeah: might it not be a good idea for a "coach" to at least OCCASIONALLY talk to the guy who's SUPPOSED to be his best player? Well, I guess Ron "Least Respected Coach in the entire NHL, as voted by the PLAYERS" Wilson doesn't think so!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Great Article from The Hockey News Plus Two Great Comments from Readers: Blog: Kessel situation a real mess for Maple Leafs
Phil Kessel has 19 goals and 35 points in 52 games for the Maple Leafs this season.
Ken Campbell
2011-02-07 12:10:00

So if things come to a head between Phil Kessel and Ron Wilson in The Center of the Hockey Universe™, who do you figure will ultimately emerge from the mud fight on top?

It says here Kessel wins. By default. The Leafs can always fire Wilson and replace him with someone just as condescending and ill-tempered - and, apparently, as disliked by his players. But there’s absolutely no way GM Brian Burke is going to be able to drive Kessel out of town, as much as he would probably like to. No other GM in the league is going to take on that contract.

The line on Kessel is that he has played 122 games in a Toronto Maple Leafs uniform and has scored 49 goals and 89 points and is minus-30. Not abysmal totals for a guy playing in his situation, but tell us this: Has Kessel scored a single important goal in a Maple Leaf uniform? Has he made the players around him better as opposed to expecting to be surrounded by more talented teammates?

No and no. But that didn’t stop Kessel from carping about his situation Sunday afternoon when responding to his benching in a loss to the Buffalo Sabres Saturday night. No fewer than five times Kessel talked about requiring some sort of change. He looked like a beaten man, certainly not one who looked intent on changing his fortunes himself.

“It’s not working,” he said. “Obviously, hopefully it changes, but like I said it might not.”

In response to another question: “Like I said, it might not be working out here. What can you do, you know?”

The Leafs just have to be thrilled that the player in which they placed so much hope, money and term of contract is so utterly willing to pack it in. There were no answers from Kessel, no accountability on his part and no willingness to take any ownership over doing something to make it right. That it comes in a season in which Kessel is making $6 million in cash – with a $5.4 million cap hit – makes it all the more difficult to fathom.

This is certainly not the kind of player Burke was expecting to get when he dealt away the future and signed Kessel to a five-year, $27 million deal in 2009. But it is the kind of player he should have expected. Kessel has never had the reputation of being a player who could be either the on-ice or inspirational leader for any team, but asking him to do so on a bad team with so little talent is not only a terrible mistake, it’s not the least bit fair to him. You can’t blame Kessel for taking the money and the term, as ill-equipped as he was to accept the responsibility and burden that came along with it.

Have the Leafs done an adequate job of surrounding Kessel with the kinds of players who would allow him to be as effective as he can be? Of course not, but Mats Sundin played for years in Toronto without adequate wingers and it didn’t stop him from being the face of the franchise, its best player and the one who had no problem accepting the burden of leadership and accountability.

Kessel will never be that kind of player and he proved that beyond any doubt with his comments Sunday afternoon.

Ken Campbell, author of the book Habs Heroes, is a senior writer for The Hockey News and a regular contributor to His blog will appear every Monday throughout the season.

Didn't like the move to get him from the start, Wison and Kessel, two americans plus an American GM in the heart of hockey Canada. Who in the H was thinking what. Too big a contract for a little above average player. Too many no trade contracts on this team, shuffle upper management, bite the bullet and do a major over haul with Canadian talent.

This may come as a shock to Toronto fans but, Toronto hockey sucks, unless you're a fan of the team there playing. Brian Burke should be fired for the deal. If he had done his homework he would have known that Boston couldn't wait to get rid of Kessel. He was known as being self absorbed and uncoachable.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Blog By BEER from The Cheap Seats:

Level-headed sports fans in Toronto are accustomed to being lumped in with the parade route-planning mouth breathers that the rest of the country so enjoy to point and laugh at. Especially when it comes to hockey. Leafs fans are commonly called idiots and morons for giving MLSE their hard-earned cash for an inferior on-ice product, as well as over-reacting to every little comment and finding symbolism in the smallest of statistical details.

Toronto media is often called the culprit, right or wrong, for continually stoking the flames of Leafs fan frenzy. The media then holds its hands up defensively ("Who us?") when blamed for making the biggest of mountains out of the littlest of mole hills. Sometimes, for good reason. But not this week.

Amid the batsh*t panic among the less sane membership of Leafs Nation over Phil Kessel's 12-game scoring slumpapalooza, the Star has seen fit to launch an entire editorial series on the subject. Forget NHL head injuries, the joke that is the Canadian Soccer Association or how Mike Komisarek sleeps at night making $4.5 million a year -- readers get a weeklong series on Kessel's slump. This comes mere days after columnist Damien Cox wrote, in a blog post about the team's latest overachieving goalie James Reimer, "when the clever folks among you snort 'Start planning the parade' when the Leafs come up in conversation, remember nobody in the media and only the silliest of fans are saying such a thing... Seems people are pretty grounded about the prospects for this hockey club around here."

Apparently Cox wasn't around when they decided to take seven days for an "in-depth" look at why Kessel isn't living up to expectations. (Too busy packing up his desk?) Is that even possible in the first place? Maybe look into that. Odds are Kessel will have scored before you find any semblance of an answer.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Considering most of the posts (other than my own) in this thread are about bashing the Leafs, maybe Mod 8 should rename his/her thread "The Official Merb 2010-11 NHL Toronto Maple Leafs bashing thread".

Maybe he/she should consider imposing the same rules seen in the Sports Humor thread:

Hello everyone,

I will allow this thread to stand but if I notice any member directing the majority of his posts towards any particular sports team, this will be considered baiting and will result in a suspension. As usual, MERB rules regarding respectful posting are expected to be followed.

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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Considering most of the posts (other than my own) in this thread are about bashing the Leafs, maybe Mod 8 should rename his/her thread "The Official Merb 2010-11 NHL Toronto Maple Leafs bashing thread".

Maybe he/she should consider imposing the same rules seen in the Sports Humor thread:

Hello everyone,

I will allow this thread to stand but if I notice any member directing the majority of his posts towards any particular sports team, this will be considered baiting and will result in a suspension. As usual, MERB rules regarding respectful posting are expected to be followed.


There you go again... As usual, when it comes to bash the Habs, Montreal and Quebec... MERB rules about respectful posting are not followed but when it comes to bash the Leafs it's sissy time.

Pathetic !

TO use your own words about your Thread on the Leafs... If you can't handle it, don't read this thread... that is... if you can't take the heat !

Say ! How's the white Corolla ? didn't have any recall yet ?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
There you go again... As usual, when it comes to bash the Habs, Montreal and Quebec... MERB rules about respectful posting are not followed but when it comes to bash the Leafs it's sissy time.

Pathetic !

TO use your own words about your Thread on the Leafs... If you can't handle it, don't read this thread... that is... if you can't take the heat !

Say ! How's the white Corolla ? didn't have any recall yet ?

Not at all. What i'm saying is that what's good for one thread should be the rule for other similar threads. Why is it that in one thread (sports jokes thread) you can't talk about the same team in the majority of your posts while in another, started by the moderator himself/herself, it's okay to continuously blast the same team? It's discrimatory, that's what it is. I'm simply asking that the rules apply for every thread where fun is poked at particular teams, that's all. It would make the thread(s) more enjoyable to read & keep flaming/insults to a minimum.

As for my Corvette, it's running fine, thank you. No recalls yet.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Not at all. What i'm saying is that what's good for one thread should be the rule for other similar threads. Why is it that in one thread (sports jokes thread) you can't talk about the same team in the majority of your posts while in another, started by the moderator himself/herself, it's okay to continuously blast the same team? It's discrimatory, that's what it is. I'm simply asking that the rules apply for every thread where fun is poked at particular teams, that's all. It would make the thread(s) more enjoyable to read & keep flaming/insults to a minimum.

As for my Corvette, it's running fine, thank you. No recalls yet.

Doc, this is the Free For All thread. You and lggy (and anyone else) are more than welcome to come here and participate in any way you choose, including "blasting' any team you choose - including the Wings and Habs. Perhaps it is has evolved into largely a Leaf-bashing thread because: 1) the Leafs are the most hated team in hockey and also the most hated team on MERB, and 2) there is a separate thread - YOUR thread - where ONLY positive musings about the Leafs are allowed. A Yin always needs a Yang, but people are not ALLOWED to say anything anti-Leaf in that thread - which leaves ONLY this one.

Besides, there IS - or at least, there once WAS or SHOULD BE - such a thing as freedom of expression. And, as you yourself have often said - and quite correctly and wisely, I might add - "if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen". You're welcome to ignore this thread or to participate in this thread, but it seems contrary to all that freedom represents to eliminate or censor it merely because some posts are not to your liking. Let's be honest: you and lg have certainly taken MANY, MANY shots at the Habs (and recently even the Wings) in MANY threads here over the years, and I think you should have every right to continue to do that also. You should also have every right to come here and respond to posts and defend your team - something that non-Leaf fans can NOT do in your thread.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I just want the rules to apply to all threads that are similar in nature, that's all. I'm not asking that the bashing be put to an end. I'm simply asking that the bashing be spread out. Just like in the sports joke thread.

As for the shots taken at Habs fans, they're simply done in retaliation. We wouldn't want things to excalate into a bloodbath, do we?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
What i do NOT understand is that if people hate the Leafs and hate even more, reading positive things about the Leafs, Canada's Team, then why do you go to the Leafs Nation thread, other than to instigate a flame war there or to get one going in another thread??? Use your own advice and just "IGNORE" simple really.

Doc, this is the Free For All thread. You and lggy (and anyone else) are more than welcome to come here and participate in any way you choose, including "blasting' any team you choose - including the Wings and Habs. Perhaps it is has evolved into largely a Leaf-bashing thread because: 1) the Leafs are the most hated team in hockey and also the most hated team on MERB, and 2) there is a separate thread - YOUR thread - where ONLY positive musings about the Leafs are allowed. A Yin always needs a Yang, but people are not ALLOWED to say anything anti-Leaf in that thread - which leaves ONLY this one.

Besides, there IS - or at least, there once WAS or SHOULD BE - such a thing as freedom of expression. And, as you yourself have often said - and quite correctly and wisely, I might add - "if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen". You're welcome to ignore this thread or to participate in this thread, but it seems contrary to all that freedom represents to eliminate or censor it merely because some posts are not to your liking. Let's be honest: you and lg have certainly taken MANY, MANY shots at the Habs (and recently even the Wings) in MANY threads here over the years, and I think you should have every right to continue to do that also. You should also have every right to come here and respond to posts and defend your team - something that non-Leaf fans can NOT do in your thread.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What i do NOT understand is that if people hate the Leafs and hate even more, reading positive things about the Leafs, Canada's Team, then why do you go to the Leafs Nation thread, other than to instigate a flame war there or to get one going in another thread??? Use your own advice and just "IGNORE" simple really.

What I do not understand is why this thread was ever created. What good could it bring? All it does is bring nastiness!

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
What I do not understand is why this thread was ever created. What good could it bring? All it does is bring nastiness!

What's up doc ? Feeling sad ?

I don't know u, probably never met u, will most probably never will...
To me your just another character here on Merb.

So why should I bother about good or bad ?

Why should I bother about the Leafs ? I'm just teasing all you guys who bash Montreal, Quebec and the Habs. Basically serving u the same medicine... acting like a raging nut... which is fun once in while when I'm not banging, working, hacking, blogging, etc.

Haven't you ever been in front of the camera ?

The answer is simple and I'm surprised Iggy still doesn't get it... the more you'll say the Leafs are the best, Canada's best, bla bla bla... the more we'll have fun at blasting them.

In fact, it's like what Canadians do in face of the Bloc at Ottawa... the more they'll put Quebec in front, the more they'll be canadians to bash Quebec.

So why the long face ? Who cares ?

And please stop thinking all my post are directed to u.
I know very well you don't have a white corolla... someone else does here that's all !!! :)

I suspect there is even a big Blue Leaf on the hood !

Don't u love it when people are all confused and fucked up ? :)
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