Montreal Escorts

The Official MERB 2010-2011 NHL Hockey Thread

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
We even have a tv serie recreating the good old time !

I watched it a couple of times last year. I found it so-so....i was mostly interested in listening to the dialog between Bergie & Ron Fournier.

I tried to watch it this season but gave up...found it boring & kind of stupid.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Dubbed ‘Punk Kid’ by the Flyers’ Mike Richards, and considered to be one of the most arrogant players in the NHL, Subban’s act grew stale upon the Bruins until there was no where else for the exciting rookie to turn. Extending their divisional lead to four points over Montreal, exposing Subban and company's fraudulent tough-guy act, and out-muscling the Habs for the first time in too long, the Bruins did everything the way it should be done--with authority and brute force.

Thanks for posting this great article lg but could you please state the source? I'm curious about who wrote it and where it appeared. Thanks.

Of course, Subban isn't the first Hab d-man whose "fraudulent tough-guy act" has been "exposed" by the Bruins. That honor would have to go to Milan Lucic's utter DEMOLITION of Komi a couple of years ago. Since then, Komi has been afraid to mix it up with anyone not carrying a purse.

And you know, this great article you posted also makes me realize that Subban would be an almost perfect fit for the Leafs. Let's list the reasons: 1. He was born in TO. 2. He played for Markham in the GTHL. 3. He played 4 seasons for Belleville in the OHL. 4. Aside from not being a fan of his hotdogging, Leafs fan Don Cherry loves him. 5. He's described in the great article you posted as "one of the most arrogant players in the NHL", which PERFECTLY fits the current Leafs, who already have: a)the most arrogant GM, b)the most arrogant coach, and c)the most arrogant (AND most overrated as voted by his fellow players) "captain".

The ONLY thing preventing Subban from being a PERFECT Leaf is that he gets too many points. If he can just sharply reduce the number of goals and assists he gets - like "Captain" Dion did - I can see a trade being made. Now that Burkie has built Boston with all the trade picks he gave away for Phil "Hey, where did the net go?" Kessel, maybe he can mortgage his team's future for a few MORE years by sending several first-round picks to Montreal for Subban. It would be one of those "everyone wins" deals.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
At least I give Krejci, a complete NON Fighter, credit for dropping the gloves and going, unlike that pussy P.K Subshit!

Anyone notice Gomez & Kostytsin sitting next to one another on the bench & chuckling during all the fighting? It would have been a cold day in hell if these two quack-quacks would have dropped the gloves in that game! :D

Note: Hal Gill hasn't laced them up since that night. Word is that he's suffering from shell-shock (a.k.a. upper body injury). :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
PK needs someone to kick his butt before he really gets hurt. Did you see how pissed Claude Jullien was that Krejic got in that fight?
At least I give Krejci, a complete NON Fighter, credit for dropping the gloves and going, unlike that pussy P.K Subshit!

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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PK needs someone to kick his butt before he really gets hurt. Did you see how pissed Claude Jullien was that Krejic got in that fight?

He needs to but he's doing a great job of actually avoiding any type of fisticuffs.


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
...he's doing a great job of actually avoiding any type of fisticuffs.

Special K... agreed, especially the way PK has zero balance during his so-called fights to date. All I see are his legs flailing around and he usually drops 5-10secs into a fight.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
PK fights Lupul. What do you think?

Nice of P.K. to sucker-punch Lupul as he was about to remove his helmet, under the assumption P.K. would be doing the same. The fight was a draw, but only because P.K. surprised Lupul by starting to throw 'em before the bell rang.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Nice of P.K. to sucker-punch Lupul as he was about to remove his helmet, under the assumption P.K. would be doing the same. The fight was a draw, but only because P.K. surprised Lupul by starting to throw 'em before the bell rang.

WOUHEEE !!!! another historic one ! sh*t this one goes back to Rogatien Vachon...

Keep on complaining about P.K. if it can make you feel better for loosing once again...
Ain't it fun having a TO guy playin' for the HABS and getting everyone else pissed ?

Yeah and who's that stupid nobody who cross-check PK with 1min. left ?

Like Subsh*t K said GO LEAFS GO !!! Bwawawa :)

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
If i print this and get it framed, will you autograph it for me? :)

Wow ! more sissy stuff ?

If it can make u happy.... here's another one : GO LEAFS GO !
I just love to say it ! specially when I know they will loose ! :) :) :)


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
the habs got their A** handed to them, like they will this Sat night.

Another in a long line of incorrect predictions by lggy.

The Leafs lost 3-0, were outshot 39-27, were never in the game, and were exposed as the pathetic bunch of losers that they are. They played with no balls and no brains (i.e.: a typical Leafs game). Their coaching was a joke (look at the players on the ice when the Leafs should have desperately been trying to salvage a point late in the game), Kessel was his usual invisible self and had his usual no-goal game, and Boyce had a penalty hat trick in a single period with three idiotic, selfish, undisciplined penalties that certainly did not help his team.

But that's not the point lg. Hey, on another night maybe the Leafs might have won (true, that's unlikely, but in hockey anything can happen). The POINT is that as usual you shot off your mouth BEFORE the game and therefore look like a total dummy AFTER the game, as I TRIED to warn you very recently in this thread. What you should do is keep your mouth shut until after the game - by all means, ROOT for your team, by all means, state publicly that you hope your team will win, but don't BRAG until the game's in the BAG (hope you liked the rhyme). Otherwise you end up - for the 10,000th time - looking like a sad version of the little boy who cried wolf.

Face it: Maybe Mark Messier can predict the outcome of games but you have proven time and time again that you cannot. And let's not forget that Messier had the advantage of PLAYING in the game he predicted - maybe his hat trick had a little something to do with making his prediction come true.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hey Subban! Take your visor off!

MONTREAL — Add newest Maple Leaf Joffrey Lupul to the growing group of NHLers who don’t appreciate the feistiness of scrappy Habs defenceman P.K. Subban.

The Toronto native fought in a spirited bout with Lupul late in the first period Saturday night, a tussle which left the Leafs forward crying foul afterward.

Prior to the fight, Lupul appeared to gesture to Subban to take off his visor before they began, since both players had them. Instead, Subban tried to clock Lupul, who dodged the blow but was caught off guard by the move.

“It’s a pretty standard move when you both have visors on to take them off and go,” Lupul said. “He’s a good, young player but his name keeps coming up over and over again (around the league.)

“I’m telling ya, eventually guys are going to stop giving him the benefit of the doubt.”

In November, Flyers forward Mike Richards blasted Subban for “not earning respect” of his fellow players. For his part, Subban said he didn’t understand Lupul’s signal and said he tried to smooth it over with him when the two were in the penalty box.

“He’s the new guy to his team and he wanted to show guys he can step up,” Subban said. “I don’t know if it’s a code thing. If I would have knocked him out, that’s a problem. But we talked. I don’t think there’s any animosity there.”


Hey asshole! Take your fucking visor off!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
why cant you bring anything but personal insults and sarcasm/s**t disturbing when you debate/respond to a post? almost EVERY post you do? That is not a way to win a debate and only makes you look silly, grow up. Like i said before, you be the kind of fan you want to be and i will also, neither makes us right or wrong. btw, i really could care less what a bunch of men who pay for sex think about me as a fan or as a person, lol,,,,, get over yourself bro... again, some take this stuff a little too seriously.... with that i say the Leafs 3-1 over the habs in their next game! :)

GO LEAFS GO! series tied 2-2 with the next game between the two in a week and a half back at the Bell Centre.

Another in a long line of incorrect predictions by lggy.

The Leafs lost 3-0, were outshot 39-27, were never in the game, and were exposed as the pathetic bunch of losers that they are. They played with no balls and no brains (i.e.: a typical Leafs game). Their coaching was a joke (look at the players on the ice when the Leafs should have desperately been trying to salvage a point late in the game), Kessel was his usual invisible self and had his usual no-goal game, and Boyce had a penalty hat trick in a single period with three idiotic, selfish, undisciplined penalties that certainly did not help his team.

But that's not the point lg. Hey, on another night maybe the Leafs might have won (true, that's unlikely, but in hockey anything can happen). The POINT is that as usual you shot off your mouth BEFORE the game and therefore look like a total dummy AFTER the game, as I TRIED to warn you very recently in this thread. What you should do is keep your mouth shut until after the game - by all means, ROOT for your team, by all means, state publicly that you hope your team will win, but don't BRAG until the game's in the BAG (hope you liked the rhyme). Otherwise you end up - for the 10,000th time - looking like a sad version of the little boy who cried wolf.

Face it: Maybe Mark Messier can predict the outcome of games but you have proven time and time again that you cannot. And let's not forget that Messier had the advantage of PLAYING in the game he predicted - maybe his hat trick had a little something to do with making his prediction come true.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
why cant you bring anything but personal insults when you debate/respond to a post?

Let it go, Iggy. Let it go. Although i totally agree with you, you'll never be able to reason with someone who shows signs he was abused & beaten when he was a child. The poor lad likely never had any affection from his biological parents when he grew up. Sad!

By the way, Iggy...what do you think of that PricK Subban? I never thought there'd be anyone in the league who'd actually make Sean Avery look somewhat likeable. If i'd be an african-american, i'd be ashamed of P.K. Subban!

His antics are shaming all the black players who ever put on an NHL jersey!
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Well, we shouldnt call him names in this thread as it is the hockey thread that is supposed to be free of instigating and name calling so with that said, yea i was thinking earlier this week that pk reminds me ALOT of avery, only with ALOT more pure and raw talent. If he grows up plays the game the way it was meant to be played, he will be a franchise player and someone the habs can build around.
Let it go, Iggy. Let it go. Although i totally agree with you, you'll never be able to reason with someone who shows signs he was abused & beaten when he was a child. The poor lad likely never had any affection from his biological parents when he grew up. Sad!

By the way, Iggy...what do you think of that prick P.K. Subban? I never thought there'd be anyone in the league who'd actually make Sean Avery look somewhat likeable. If i'd be an african-american, i'd be ashamed of P.K. Subban!

His antics are shaming all the black players who ever put on an NHL jersey!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Well, we shouldnt call him names in this thread as it is the hockey thread that is supposed to be free of instigating and name calling so with that said, yea i was thinking earlier this week that pk reminds me ALOT of avery, only with ALOT more pure and raw talent. If he grows up plays the game the way it was meant to be played, he will be a franchise player and someone the habs can build around.

Quite true & i've made a slight edit to my post. :D

However, i don't think he'll ever be a franchise player. He has no idea how to play defense. His teamates all seem to hate him. You need a good support staff & people willing to go in the trenches with you in order to be able to play like a franchise player. I'd rather have a player like Dustin Byfuglien on my team than someone who's all over the ice like Subban. I'd also rather have the likes of Drew Doughty & Shea Webber. What makes Subban stick out is his skin color. It's rare to see an african american playing professional hockey. It's even rarer than seeing a white guy playing NBA basketball!

The fact he's a cocky mouthy little s.o.b. doesn't endear him to his fellow NHLers. Mark my words: he'll get his due one of these days. It always happens.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
NHL's Brett Favre to retire AGAIN

Peter Forsberg's return to the NHL didn't last long.

The Swedish star, who battled foot ailments over the last few years, will announce his retirement from hockey at a press conference in Denver this afternoon.

The Colorado Avalanche signed Forsberg to a one-year contract on Feb. 6. He suited up for only two games in which he had three shots and was a minus four with four minutes in penalties.

The 37-year-old centre played in parts of 13 seasons in the NHL, scoring 249 goals and 885 points in 708 games. He added 171 points in 151 games in the playoffs, winning the Stanley Cup twice with the Avalanche.

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts