Classy Angel
Montreal Escorts

The Official MERB 2010-2011 NHL Hockey Thread

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Knowing you're in love with the Thornton, i kind of expected this reply.

For the record, Colton Orr hasn't played in over 20 games because of injury. I suppose that the stats you checked your info from didn't specify this. He suffered a concussion over 20 games ago after striking his head against the ice. He hasn't even been able to practice with the team since the possibly career-ending injury.

The difference between the two players is that Colton Orr never misses a game, nor a shift. The guy is actually a fairly good player who can skate & pass the puck. Thornton doesn't even come close to Orr in terms of skill & he's basically just a goon taking up a spot on the roster. He never averages more than 9 minutes a game & all he basically does when he's on the ice is to try to pick a fight with anyone. He's a journeyman goon, nothing more. At 33, he's considered old for a one-dimensional player (fisticuffs only) and he's playing his final year(s) as a useless hockey player, something the NHL doesn't need & should get rid of.

As for Colton Orr, the Leafs don't really need him other than when they play teams like Boston (goon teams) in order to protect the Leafs players. He's a good player when he's not dropping the gloves, but there are other players on the team that have the same skill-set. However, as i wrote earlier, the difference between a player like Orr & a bum like Thornton is that Orr can actually skate & has skills.

First off, where do you get the "knowing your in love with the Thornton" shit??? Where have I ever defended him in any way before and why you making nonsense up?

You're beginning to sound as delusional as another Leaf's fan Doc! Lol. You seriously want to base your argument on Orr being a "fairly" good player who never misses a game or a shift? Guys never had more than 6 points in a full season, 6!!!! He's on the ice for one reason and that's to goon it up Doc. Face it, he's a bigger example of exactly what you're calling for the league to get rid of.
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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There is no way Cooke does not get a suspension this time, not after the GM Meetings last week in Florida where this very thing was the #1 thing on their agenda. Since Cooke is not new to all this, they may make an example out of him this time. Then again, maybe not.

Sentence came down and Cooke is suspended until the end of RD 1 of the playoffs.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Sentence came down and Cooke is suspended until the end of RD 1 of the playoffs.

Hey Hey ! that basically means that... the whimpering and sh*t disurbin' that Habs fan did....really have some weight.

It probably won't last but hey ? looks like Canada's favorite clown should shut the f*ck up next time about Goeff Molson ! DUH !!!!

BTW Grapes... I just found a new place for shopping your next outfit !

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hey Hey ! that basically means that... the whimpering and sh*t disurbin' that Habs fan did....really have some weight.

It probably won't last but hey ? looks like Canada's favorite clown should shut the f*ck up next time about Goeff Molson ! DUH !!!!

Been hitting the hard stuff again, JH?

What does the Cooke ruling have to do with Don Cherry, Molson & Chara/Pacioretty? Nothing!

I still insist that the Chara hit was a clean one. It was a routine 'hockey' play. The unfortunate thing was that it occurred at exactly the wrong place on the ice, where the habs organization were extremely guilty of neglecting. The Bell Center is currently one of the most dangerous buildings to play hockey in. Lawsuits will begin to file in if Molson doesn't take care of fixing the problem a.s.a.p.

As for Max Pacioretty, it looks like he won't die or be crippled, after all. He's expected back for the playoffs. This is great news!


I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
I still insist that the Chara hit was a clean one. It was a routine 'hockey' play.

I agree for the most part and that's why I never commented on it before however I wouldn't describe it as "clean" since he received a five minute interference penalty. Other than that it was a case of a guy being bigger and stronger than everyone else resulting in a major injury. Just like if an average man played against Pee Wees weighing 75 lbs less and being 8" smaller.

My opinion did sway a bit last week when I saw Bobby Clarke on Off The Record. According to him Chara knew exactly where the stanchions were and did it on purpose adding he should have been suspended.

When the Yoda of the cheap shot says a guy should be suspended who am I to argue. ;)

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Been hitting the hard stuff again, JH?

Does it mean the 'cease fire' is over ? :)

... why explaining this over again...

We (Habs fan) made so much a 'rackett' out of Chara's "Uh ! I don't know he was there DUH !" that the GMs got together to discuss this and a week after.... Cook (that we all think was due for rehab) didn't get the message and got his share.

WC about the building, lawsuits ? ben oui tse !.... problems is head shots and Cook didn't need any stanchion... hello Houston ?

Now will Bell center do something ? Uh I think they already but I'm not sure Duh !
And... will it change anything ? Uh I don't know but I think not Duh !

Now since the cease fire is out here something to add to this once again :)
Chara "said he didn’t know Pacioretty was on the ice, and didn’t know who he hit. The guy lined up for the faceoff on the right side. He expects us to believe he wasn’t aware who was on to cover him the instant the puck was dropped? It’s not possible. He expects us to believe he didn’t know who he was racing to the puck against? It’s not possible. And he expects us to believe he didn’t know whose head he ran into the turnbuckle? Not true.

If he didn’t know who it was...would he not have turned to see who it was?

Or was the conversation with Gomez: “Scott, any idea who that was? Was it your linemate?”

Chara was upset with Pacioretty for three games. He went after him after O/T in January, and he went after him the whole game in February. I really don’t think that it was just a coincidence that he got him in March."

If it was anyone other than that specific player hitting that specific player, I could argue it.

Don’t blame the turnbuckle. Every rink in the NHL has stanchions. In fact, every rink in the world has stanchions. No hockey player has ever laced up his skates for a game and not had stanchions. Chara knew where he was. Players are used to stanchions.

They don’t need extra padding...they need minimal respect."

Care to add more Doc ? :)
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Let's see if the NHL becomes consistent with this message of no head shots, or if they are only cow-towing until the clamor dies down.

It will also be interesting to see if the fans have the same scruples when one of their own does it.



I bet that head shots will come back and I bet I won't have the same scruples since when it's gonna be a hit from Montreal I will naturely cheer for my team, be manipulative, hypocrite and... you know it's part of the game :)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Geez Merlot,.... not quite sure who Gretsky is, :( but, WAYNE GRETZKY was and will always be a legend in Hockey. And about my highlighted part of your post, What Scruples????? They have one rule at the Bell Centre, Their Own, and if not, they turn the speakers up on the sound system when they BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

So if another hockey legend had a different opinion...such as if Gretsky said Chara didn't would still be just a guess.

Let's see if the NHL becomes consistent with this message of no head shots, or if they are only cow-towing until the clamor dies down.

It will also be interesting to see if the fans have the same scruples when one of their own does it.


JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
They have one rule at the Bell Centre, Their Own, and if not, they turn the speakers up on the sound system when they BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Hey that's not fair in this thread... you should put this in the 'Free for all' one !

Anyway there was plenty of BOOOOOOOOOOOing when the Leafs played against Bruins :) :) :)
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
They have one rule at the Bell Centre, Their Own, and if not, they turn the speakers up on the sound system when they BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I have also heard from several 'in-the-know' people that there are nights when the busiest off-ice personel member at the Bell Center is the sound system engineer. As in other arenas in some NBA cities, the person(s) in charge of audio at the Bell Center has been required often in the past to increase the noise level in the building, making it now one of the loudest buildings in the NHL. "Assisted" booing, cheering & chanting......whcih makes the noise level actually much higher than it actually is & thus creating a great atmosphere. I'm surprised not more teams have thought of this.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The three best teams since the all-star break:

1) San Jose Sharks

2) New Jersey Devils

3) Toronto Maple Leafs

The future looks extremely promising indeed! :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
What's different this year is that the Leafs are winning in March when there is ALOT of pressure to win each and every night for a team in the playoff race, unlike the last 2 seasons when we were pretty much out of it with 20 games to go

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i can hear the silence from those who say Burke has no idea what he is doing. But, lets be fair here, Burke is a very smart GM, but the $ that MLSE has provided him to spend on his management and on down the line sure helps, alot, but you need a Leader in charge to show them all the way,.... Thank You Mr. Brian Burke, for being the GM of Canada's Team!


(no matter what happens the last 2 weeks of the season, the Leafs have turned the corner to becoming a very very good team, now, next year and beyond.)

PS. Whats the biggest fear of Montreal Canadien Fans?. Answer. The Toronto Maple Leafs being a good team. Nuff' Said!

The three best teams since the all-star break:

1) San Jose Sharks

2) New Jersey Devils

3) Toronto Maple Leafs

The future looks extremely promising indeed! :D
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Burke is a very smart GM, but the $ that MLSE has provided him to spend on his management and on down the line sure helps, alot, but you need a Leader in charge to show them all the way,.... Thank You Mr. Brian Burke, for being the GM of Canada's Team!

I totally agree with you. Brian Burke is the entire package of what a great & successful GM is & should be. He'd never want a team that was driven & bullied out of Boston like the habs have been over their past 2 games in Boston.

I'd seriously consider calling my son or daughter Burke in honor of the man.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008

BRUINS 7...Canadiens 0



Hey Tabouere ! Just got back from a complete night out with delectable ones and waking up to this miserable news.

TABARN*K ! this one hurts !

The f*ck was that ?
No guts, stupid mistakes, the net was empty or what ?

They looked like 'The Superpower' pulling out of Lybia, handing over command to NATO :)

Ah well ! I'd say give the cup to the Bruins this year.
30 years is a long wait !

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Whats the biggest fear of Montreal Canadien Fans?. Answer. The Toronto Maple Leafs being a good team. Nuff' Said!

Again with your Nuff's said ?
Like I said before it was gonna hurt with Boston.
But hey do you really think we fear 2 teams who didn't get the cup since 30 years ?

There's one team to fear something about or to be proud of winning against and it's the Red Wings.
They're always in the playoffs, they show consistency and unlike all the others they aren't good only one or two year in a row !

Wake up Dude cuze even if your LEAFS would win the cup twice in a row, it wouldn't still be the team to beat.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
What's different this year is that the Leafs are winning in March when there is ALOT of pressure to win each and every night for a team in the playoff race, unlike the last 2 seasons when we were pretty much out of it with 20 games to go
The real difference is that the Leafs were pretty much out of it this season with 80 games to go. Winning in March? Barely. A 7-5 record isn't exactly a thrilling dash into the playoffs.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
People people, before we tick off the mods, i think we should take most of what was posted after the bruins/habs game last night, over to the trash talk nhl thread. Lets keep this one clean.

There is a whole new season about to start, called the Playoffs, and whether my team makes it or not, i am proud of the way the future looks, this time no false hopes, and mainly 3 reasons why, unlike past years. 1. We are young 2. Stocked with talent both on the team and down on the farm. 3. We have alot of cap money to spend this offsesason. And throw in the fact we have a gm that knows what he is doing and has since day one... the days of JFJ are long gone, but thanks JFJ for James Reimer. :) (that pick alone might make it so your able to walk the streets of Toronto again with pride, lol)
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Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts