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The Official MERB 2010-2011 NHL Hockey Thread

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Matt Cooke Headhunting Again...

A typical Matt Cooke hit this afternoon. What I don't understand is why another player hasn't taken this asshole's head off yet? Unbelievable. Will also be interesting to see if that piece of shit hypocrite Mario Lemieux has anything to say about his player's actions.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
A typical Matt Cooke hit this afternoon. What I don't understand is why another player hasn't taken this asshole's head off yet? Unbelievable. Will also be interesting to see if that piece of shit hypocrite Mario Lemieux has anything to say about his player's actions.

Matt Cooke has to be one of the dumbest players in the entire NHL. The league has had enough of dumb cheap-shot artists like him! If they want to send a clear message to these players, the league must suspend him for the rest of the regular season & demand that he get a thorough psychiatric evaluation prior to giving him permission to return.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Ya know, I really hate to agree with a habs fan, even a little, but last night, when Toronto had it 5-1 in the third and nathan horton wanted a piece of Dion Phaneuf, and after Phaneuf gave the "Kid" (as Don Cherry called him, btw, they are the same age, lol, love ya Cherry, but, you are getting old, face it) what he wanted, a beatdown, i feared for Kessel or one of the other players on the Leafs because of the reputation the bruins have made for themselves this season.

Love how Dion pushes the ref aside and as much as tells the ref at the 19 second mark, "get off bro, this "Kid" is gonna get what he asked for"


Very classy, especially coming from the a fan of the league's dirtiest team.


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
... Reimer was absolutely fucking awesome!
Reimer has been a great story for the Leafs - totally bounced back after a couple of subpar games to plough the Canes and the Bruins. And Crabb picking up the slack during Armstrong's absence. Aulie also turned in a great game last evening. Now if the Leafs could only get this level of play outta their boys the first 3/4 of the season, Toronto would be near the top of the standings and I wouldnt have to call for Wilson's head wkly.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Very classy, especially coming from the a fan of the league's dirtiest team.

You want to tell me this wasn't a brutally dirty hit Octavian? Has nothing to do with which team I support.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Matt Cooke should be suspended for the rest of the year and be forced to undergo psychiatric evaluation. If they can call for that with Avery for making his sloppy seconds comment, they can do it for someone who seems to have a desire to seriously hurt someone. This guy has problems and it's only a matter of time before someone goes to the hospital because of one of his dirty shots.

Evillethings, don't worry about the Leafs. They're just following their standard pattern. They lose for most of the season and then when they're all but eliminated from the playoffs, they start to win. This gives their fans hope for the next season where they'll do the same thing all over again. And their fans will have the same excuse - the team is rebuilding - again. Look forward to more of the same next year.


New Member
May 8, 2008
Don Cherry !

Ya know, I really hate to agree with a habs fan, even a little, but last night, when Toronto had it 5-1 in the third and nathan horton wanted a piece of Dion Phaneuf, and after Phaneuf gave the "Kid" (as Don Cherry called him, btw, they are the same age, lol, love ya Cherry, but, you are getting old, face it)

Darling what Grapes was reffering to is :
1- Prior to fighting Phaneuf refused to remove his visor
2- Earlier in the game Phaneuf refused to dance with Chara

Both points are valid Sweetheart !



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Not really, you can clearly see Dion was not interested in fighting the "Kid" lol..... (ps, they are the same age Don, still love ya tho) so horton must have said something to trigger Dion as he went from not wanting to fight to punches thrown, BUT i agree, in a fight, both players should have helmets on or both off. And about your #2......... Would you fight Chara? LOL... Dion didnt need to fight him at that time of the game, kudos to Mr. Phaneuf
Darling what Grapes was reffering to is :
1- Prior to fighting Phaneuf refused to remove his visor
2- Earlier in the game Phaneuf refused to dance with Chara

Both points are valid Sweetheart !


JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
A typical Matt Cooke hit this afternoon. What I don't understand is why another player hasn't taken this asshole's head off yet? Unbelievable. Will also be interesting to see if that piece of shit hypocrite Mario Lemieux has anything to say about his player's actions.

Here's one time Cook got it !

I have to go with Octavian though !
Mario may be hypocrite like all the rest :) but he ain't a piece of sh*t !

Special K must be havin' hallucinations again.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
There is no way Cooke does not get a suspension this time, not after the GM Meetings last week in Florida where this very thing was the #1 thing on their agenda. Since Cooke is not new to all this, they may make an example out of him this time. Then again, maybe not.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
i feared for Kessel or one of the other players on the Leafs because of the reputation the bruins have made for themselves this season.

I agree with you that the Bruins are gooning it up this season. Some may also refer to them as the 'Matt Cooke' of NHL teams.

Tell me, Iggy....why is a player like Shawn Thornton still doing in the NHL? He's in the same league as the Trevor Gillies of the world. A dumb stiff that can't play hockey, can barely skate, but is strictly employed by an NHL team because of his love of fisticuffs. He's an embarrassment for all kids wanting to play pro hockey one day....a very, very bad example in what to do to get there.

p.s. I agree that it was the wrong time to drop the gloves with Chara. Nor would it have been smart to fight him, knowing few players in the league ever beat Chara, including George Laraque. But what else do you expect from the Bruins? As soon as they start trailing, they try to turn the tide by gooning it up!


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
Here's my proposed solution to get us ALL to stop talkin' about Zdeno Chara...

... now I'll go work on a Matt Cooke solution. :cool:


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
...don't worry about the Leafs. They're just following their standard pattern. They lose for most of the season and then when they're all but eliminated from the playoffs, they start to win. This gives their fans hope for the next season where they'll do the same thing all over again. And their fans will have the same excuse - the team is rebuilding - again. Look forward to more of the same next year.
So true! You know Techman, I'm sure I can find a solution to help overly optimistic Leafs fans as well...

I agree, it's only a partial solution to the Dion problem plaguing us but it's a start. :cool:

Seriously, no more talk of Dion Phaneuf until he actually leads the Buds to a round of Playoff fun. I'd really like to see the guy return to form and make the players around him better + more dangerous like he did the 1st three yrs he was in the league!

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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It was a very dirty hit. I was commenting on your choice of words regarding Hall Of Famer Mario Lemieux.

That's my opinion of him. He's shown both as a player and an owner that he's the type of guy if he doesn't get his way then he's going to take his puck and go home. Hypocrite!!!!

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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I agree with you that the Bruins are gooning it up this season. Some may also refer to them as the 'Matt Cooke' of NHL teams.

Tell me, Iggy....why is a player like Shawn Thornton still doing in the NHL? He's in the same league as the Trevor Gillies of the world. A dumb stiff that can't play hockey, can barely skate, but is strictly employed by an NHL team because of his love of fisticuffs. He's an embarrassment for all kids wanting to play pro hockey one day....a very, very bad example in what to do to get there.

p.s. I agree that it was the wrong time to drop the gloves with Chara. Nor would it have been smart to fight him, knowing few players in the league ever beat Chara, including George Laraque. But what else do you expect from the Bruins? As soon as they start trailing, they try to turn the tide by gooning it up!

So Doc, what's your excuse for Colton Orr? Talk about a goon, guy has more PIM than Thornton this season and he's played 25 LESS GAMES! At least Thornton also has 17 points which if he was on the Leaf's would put him in the top 60% of the team! Haha.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
So Doc, what's your excuse for Colton Orr? Talk about a goon, guy has more PIM than Thornton this season and he's played 25 LESS GAMES! At least Thornton also has 17 points which if he was on the Leaf's would put him in the top 60% of the team! Haha.

Knowing you're in love with the Thornton, i kind of expected this reply.

For the record, Colton Orr hasn't played in over 20 games because of injury. I suppose that the stats you checked your info from didn't specify this. He suffered a concussion over 20 games ago after striking his head against the ice. He hasn't even been able to practice with the team since the possibly career-ending injury.

The difference between the two players is that Colton Orr never misses a game, nor a shift. The guy is actually a fairly good player who can skate & pass the puck. Thornton doesn't even come close to Orr in terms of skill & he's basically just a goon taking up a spot on the roster. He never averages more than 9 minutes a game & all he basically does when he's on the ice is to try to pick a fight with anyone. He's a journeyman goon, nothing more. At 33, he's considered old for a one-dimensional player (fisticuffs only) and he's playing his final year(s) as a useless hockey player, something the NHL doesn't need & should get rid of.

As for Colton Orr, the Leafs don't really need him other than when they play teams like Boston (goon teams) in order to protect the Leafs players. He's a good player when he's not dropping the gloves, but there are other players on the team that have the same skill-set. However, as i wrote earlier, the difference between a player like Orr & a bum like Thornton is that Orr can actually skate & has skills.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Seriously, no more talk of Dion Phaneuf until he actually leads the Buds to a round of Playoff fun. I'd really like to see the guy return to form and make the players around him better + more dangerous like he did the 1st three yrs he was in the league!

My guess is that you haven't watched the Leafs' past 10 games, where Phaneuf has dominated on a regular basis. The Leafs basically got this guy for nothing. Add Keith Aulie, who might turn out to be the best one of the bunch, and what you have is the Leafs ONCE AGAIN committing highway robbery on the Calgary Flames. Freddie Sjostrom has also been a very good addition to the team. Who did they get those players for again? LOL!!!!

(Answer: four overpaid bums & a roll of tape)

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Here's my proposed solution to get us ALL to stop talkin' about Zdeno Chara...

... now I'll go work on a Matt Cooke solution. :cool:

Oh GAWD Evil !
No real man gets in front of a camera like that an pose like a chick !
I almost puked my Ribsteak !
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