Montreal Escorts

The Official MERB 2011-2012 NHL Hockey Thread

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Bruins' Chara won't face charges over Pacioretty hit


After eight months, the police case has been officially closed on Boston Bruins captain Zdeno Chara's devastating hit on the Montreal Canadiens' Max Pacioretty.

There will be no criminal charges laid over the on-ice incident last March.

The hulking defenceman shoved the young Canadiens forward into a stanchion, breaking a vertebra and ending his season in an act that prompted a national debate on violence in hockey.

In a statement released Thursday, Quebec's director of criminal prosecutions said it did not believe it had a solid case.

“After carefully examining all the information provided in this affair, the (office) is not reasonably convinced it could establish evidence of guilt,” the provincial prosecutors' office said.

Chara received a game misconduct but no further suspension from the NHL, and the ensuing uproar in Montreal prompted law enforcement to take a closer look at the case.

Montreal police met with various witnesses and concluded their investigation in August after meeting with Chara himself.

Pacioretty had been critical of the NHL's non-suspension, but even he had called the police involvement unnecessary. He has since recovered and returned to play this season.

The investigation was delayed because police held off on interviewing Chara during the Bruins' lengthy championship run last spring.

Some legal experts had warned from the get-go that it was difficult to imagine a court convicting Chara.

For charges to stick after an on-ice incident, they said prosecutors would have to prove the behaviour in question went far beyond what might be reasonably expected in a hockey game.

A stick-swinging incident might meet the criteria, they said, but sidelining someone into a stanchion might not qualify.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wow, you are actually right for once, i mean TWICE! Bwhahahahahaahahaah! i could not have scripted this any better if i had tried! :thumb:................................... wait for it........... wait,........... i said WAIT..............:lol:
Hello Fans
Homer? Proud to be. Too bad you CAN'T say the same. ;)



:cheer2: :crazy::cheer2:

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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One of the best beatings I've seen in awhile. The replay starting at about 1:20 is great. This McGrattan is one tough, psycho looking SOB!!


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
One of the best beatings I've seen in awhile. The replay starting at about 1:20 is great. This McGrattan is one tough, psycho looking SOB!!


His knuckles were all bloody & cut-up after the fight. Very dangerous for infection, but i think he's too stupid to realize it. I've met him when he used to play for Ottawa & he has to be one of the dumbest persons i've ever met in my entire life (Ken Belanger comes a close second).

Good to see that he's out of rehab again, having spent the past decade in & out of rehab....mostly in. He's the NHL's version of Lindsay Lohan.

Don Cherry was one of his biggest boosters. Considering the scene he pulled after the fight, i can't wait to hear what Grapes has to say about him on Coach's Corner tomorrow. Personally, i didn't see a problem with it. It was a staged fight, after all, and if the goons want to act like clowns during & after one of their staged fights, it's their prerogative.

As i've stated in the past, fighting is on the way out in hockey & it's a good thing for the game. It's a sideshow for the clueless fans, nothing more, nothing less. Goons take up a roster spot of someone who actually can skate, pass & shoot a as long as fighting is tolerated & all you get is a 5 minute penalty, so be it. Let them have their fun while they still can.

p.s. Good for Rosehill for hanging in there with an opponent who had a considerable size advantage. I guess Rosey's strategy was to use his own helmet to inflict damage. McGrattan didn't land a single punch to Rosehill's face during that long exchange. Rosehill is lucky he had to wear a helmet! lol


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Fighting may be out in hockey, but there'll always be a place for a goon.


RIP Warren.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
And your choice was what? 39 years? lol.... oh wait, thats right, you were not a fan until last season, now why oh why is that :confused:

You like a team and stick with them because your a FAN, not jump on and off the wagon quicker than you can open another bottle of "whine" ;)

For one, i am happy for the bruins to win a Cup, it is great for the sport and i LOVE the Sport. The only thing better for the game would be for Hockeys #1 market to win and bring the cup back home to the Hockey Mecca, in Toronto.
Hello fellow hockey fans,
I'm very proud to be a Bruins fan. Of course you had no choice after 44 years of stinking to have any reason to be proud to be a Leafs fan. Gald you agree.:



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Actually, the video does not show the first few exchanges of the fight, which Rosehill landed one nice shot to Mcgrattan, and snapping his head back.... Mcgrattan landed maybe 2 punches to Rosie's head/face, all the rest either missed or hit his helmet, thus the cutting of his hands, It is not the quantity, but the quality of punches landed.... i would call it overall a even bout, but based on Mcgrattan looking like he was enraged from steroids and other chemicals, and the blood, people easily would say he won the fight.

p.s. Good for Rosehill for hanging in there with an opponent who had a considerable size advantage. I guess Rosey's strategy was to use his own helmet to inflict damage. McGrattan didn't land a single punch to Rosehill's face during that long exchange. Rosehill is lucky he had to wear a helmet! lol


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Hey John, It is pretty simple actually...........


A person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular sport, art or entertainment form, or famous person.

AND then you have these types:

Bandwagon Fan

Anyone who claims they are a "fan" of a particular sports team, even though they had no prior support for/interest in the team until that team started winning. These types of fans only show playoff interest, have probably never watched a regular season game, don't own any type of team merchandise, nor would they buy any.

I've never understood this sentiment. I see nothing particularly meritorious about "sticking with" a perennial loser, nor do I see anything particularly untoward about supporting winners.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Actually, the video does not show the first few exchanges of the fight, which Rosehill landed one nice shot to Mcgrattan, and snapping his head back.... Mcgrattan landed maybe 2 punches to Rosie's head/face, all the rest either missed or hit his helmet, thus the cutting of his hands, It is not the quantity, but the quality of punches landed.... i would call it overall a even bout, but based on Mcgrattan looking like he was enraged from steroids and other chemicals, and the blood, people easily would say he won the fight.

You guys are fucken blind!! Not that I didn't expect such uninformed comments.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Dallas Stars now have a Canadian owner

The Dallas Stars are now officially in Canadian hands.

On Friday morning, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Del., approved a pre-packaged bankruptcy deal that saw the team handed over to Vancouver businessman Tom Gaglardi. has all the details:

The NHL announced Friday afternoon its board of governors unanimously approved Gaglardi as the new owner of the team.

“Dallas hockey fans have been waiting a long time for today,” said Jim Rossiter, a partner in the law firm Baker and McKenzie, who led Gaglardi’s acquisition team. “Tom loves hockey, has roots in Dallas and is in the hospitality business. This is a great day for hockey in Dallas.”

According to those familiar with Gaglardi’s plans, he feels the most important thing to do now, since Stars general manager Joe Nieuwendyk has the team on the rise, is to win back the fans who left the team in droves over the past several years. The feeling is former owner Tom Hicks alienated them in several ways, from sticking long-time season-ticket holders with big price increases when the team moved from Reunion Arena to the American Airlines Center to shoving those who wouldn’t pay into way worse seats.

Then, when the fan base eroded, the Stars began heavy discounts on tickets and lots of giveaways, which dropped them among the NHL’s worst teams in producing revenue.

The personnel move to watch for is president. Tony Tavares, a veteran NHL executive, was brought in by Hicks’ creditors and the NHL to run the Stars but he is expected to depart any day.

Gaglardi’s people have said there will be a new president but haven’t offered any candidates. However, an report says former Stars president Jim Lites, who was not successful in putting together a bid for the team, may return to his old job.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
And the stalking continues :crazy: at least now you have to do it publically for all to see your obsessions and not in private like you used to do on a daily basis.... keep up the good work so all can see what i (actually, many of us) have known for years. :lol: :crazy:

Hello JHG. Let's be clear that Iggy's basis for the position is childish pissing in the first place. Let's also be clear that what he bases being a fan on is consistently pissing in the hockey threads as long as one is a Merb member. Let's also be very clear he has nothing else to bring up to attack others because simply because his team is in such a poor position historically. He's also acting quite ignorant purposely because he has nothing else to complain about in regard to others, and he clearly doesn't want to accept any facts that contradict his need to whine. On Iggy's basis, EB is no longer a Yankees fans because he hasn't chimes in for a few weeks to piss and moan like him. If the basis of being a fan is having a loud mouth in all sports threads that keeps pissing consistently and endlessly then Iggy wins the prize, though it could also be described as simply being obsessed and near psychotic. Great proof of Iggy's mania when he has to act like it wasn't so bad or imply the Leafs player might have done just as well in a battle where he clearly was a punching bag. It all speaks of a Toronto fan desperate to find some poor vindication any way possible regardless of reality.
Still I shouldn't use "Toronto fan" for Iggy. It doesn't apply. He likes to put others down for not being a "loyal fan" but totally ignores betraying the Jays to carpetbag his fandom in baseball to New York. I'll leave out the same for the Cowboys since Toronto doesn't have an NFL team, but he's already proven he has no problem betraying the home town team to bandwagon himself out to wherever it suits him.
Why do I feel guilty making you feel like Rosehill. ;)



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
How so? Let Rosehill land one punch to your jaw then you can throw 25 to his helmet and see who is hurting more after... lol... your knuckles will be bloodied (since your hitting a helmet) so you win right? :nono: Oy Vey
You guys are fucken blind!! Not that I didn't expect such uninformed comments.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
How so? Let Rosehill land one punch to your jaw then you can throw 25 to his helmet and see who is hurting more after... lol... your knuckles will be bloodied (since your hitting a helmet) so you win right? :nono: Oy Vey

You're absolutely right. If SK's reasoning is that throwing dozens of punches to a helmet & lands maybe one punch to the face, while the other guy lands 2-3 punches to the other guys' face....... the guy who landed 99% of his punches on a helmet wins? If you SK says so, then i guess he's correct. :confused:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Exactly, and if "sk" does not agree, then i suggest he contact Rosehill, throw 25, awwww heck, throw 50 to Rosies helmet, then let Rosie take one shot.... i guess Rosie would still lose that one as well eh k-man? After you woke up you might feel differently however, lol. Love ya bro, but get real. :cheer2:

Btw, is it possible for it to be anymore obvious that Mcgrattan is roid raged and most likely on something else as well? lets just hope he is not the next one to be found in a hotel room dead.

You're absolutely right. If SK's reasoning is that throwing dozens of punches to a helmet & lands maybe one punch to the face, while the other guy lands 2-3 punches to the other guys' face....... the guy who landed 99% of his punches on a helmet wins? If you SK says so, then i guess he's correct. :confused:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Only thing you got is a sick obsession of stalking (your right Cairo, thanks for that)..... and you keep showing everyone what you used to do in pm's , only here in public you cannot get away with the threats and sick insults.... poor you, lol........... but TY for keeping to prove my point!

By the way, the Leafs beat the Alexander Ovechkin led Washington Capitals, 7-1, not the ottawa senators lol (newsflash, the sens did not even play today) you could not possiblly get anymore "wagonized" now could you? :lol: Bwhahahahahaahahahahahahahaah...... nice try and thanks for playing little buddy! :thumb: :D and a huge TY for proving me right, ONCE again! ;)

PS. partying a lil to hard again? Your only several days late about chara not being charged, just saying lol

Hello Fans,

LOL,I know I gotcha good when you repeat your lies.Looking forward to many more of the same.
Bruins' Chara won't be charged for hit CITY (AP)

Quebec's prosecutor says Boston Bruins captain Zdeno Chara won't face criminal charges for his hit on Montreal Canadiens' forward Max Pacioretty last spring.

Pacioretty broke a vertebra and was out for the season after being shoved into a stanchion by Boston's 6-foot-9 defenseman in March.

The provincial prosecutors' office said in a statement Thursday that it does not believe a court would find Chara guilty of a crime and it has closed the case.

Chara received a game misconduct but was not suspended. The ensuing uproar in Montreal prompted the police investigation.

Montreal police interviewed various witnesses and concluded their investigation in August after meeting with Chara.

Pacioretty was critical of the NHL's handling of the incident, but had called police involvement unnecessary. He has returned to play this season.[/I]

Nice to see there's some sense on this matter outside Montreal fans.

Bruin 6 Islanders 0

Ohhhhhhhhh, and the Bruins murder the Islanders. Mark this day. With the Senators losing to the lousy Leafs, the Bruins move into the 8th spot for the playoffs from the bottom of the league in just 7 games...a remarkable show of talent and power for the Stanley Cup Champions.




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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Only thing you got is a sick obsession of stalking (your right Cairo, thanks for that)..... and you keep showing everyone what you used to do in pm's , only here in public you cannot get away with the threats and sick insults.... poor you, lol........... but TY for keeping to prove my point!

By the way, the Leafs beat the Alexander Ovechkin led Washington Capitals, 7-1, not the ottawa senators lol (newsflash, the sens did not even play today) you could not possiblly get anymore "wagonized" now could you? :lol: Bwhahahahahaahahahahahahahaah...... nice try and thanks for playing little buddy! :thumb: :D and a huge TY for proving me right, ONCE again! ;)

PS. partying a lil to hard again? Your only several days late about chara not being charged, just saying lol

Gee lgna, give poor Merlot a break. He only got the wrong opponent and outcome. The Leafs did play tonight. He got 1 out of 3. Can't get everything right. Maybe, Merlot got a little Obama syndrome, and thinks there's 57 hockey teams in the NHL (just kidding Merlot).


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I rest my case folks............:crazy: some peeps should not be in love with their merb handle, if ya know what i mean ;)

Meanwhile, what this thread is really about, serious NHL talk and "real" fans......... the Leafs with their pulverizing defeat of the (sorry merlot, it was not the ottawa sens, and in fact they did not even play tonight) Washington Capitals, are now 3rd in the entire NHL in points. Kessel got 2 more points to up his lead to 27 in the entire NHL, ty bOston for trading a future hall of famer to the Brian Burke led Leafs :thumb: Merci!

You have my unlimited permission to post publicly ANY threat or insult from me you also sent to Mod8 for proof, because he knows what a LIAR you are. Now post it. LIAR!
Last edited:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Meanwhile, what this thread is really about, serious NHL talk and "real" fans......... the Leafs with their pulverizing defeat of the (sorry merlot, it was not the ottawa sens, and in fact they did not even play tonight) Washington Capitals, are now 5th in the entire NHL in points. Kessel got 2 more points to up his lead to 27 in the entire NHL, ty bOston for trading a future hall of famer to the Brian Burke led Leafs :thumb: Merci!

Indeed, Mr. Iggyramus. The Leafs destroyed the highly regarded Washington Capitals tonight at the ACC by a score of 7-1, which you predicted prior to the game. Eat your heart out, Joe T.....we have our very own little "Nostradamus" right here on Merb. Iggy indeed told me prior to tonight's game that it would end by a score of 7-1....unbelievable!!

Phil Kessel had another one of his "Phil the Thrill" type of performances....a goal & an assist to continue lead the NHL in goals & points. Thank you, Bruins!!

Call-up Joe Colborne, who also is one of the goals leaders in the AHL, had a decent game for the Leafs. Oh yes, thanks to Boston again for giving him to the Leafs in that awful Tomas Kaberle trade, where Mr. Burke pulled one under the Bruins' carpet by getting Colborne, a first-round draft pick & a third-rounder for the now-departed Thomas Kaberle, who didn't really do shit during his stay in Boston.

Even though the Leafs have 7 regulars out of the lineup with injuries, they still managed to easily beat one of the NHL's top teams. Well done, Leafs!! :thumb:

Oh yeah...Boston beat the lowly NY Islanders, one of the worse teams in the NHL.
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