Montreal Escorts

The Post-Corona/Covid escort world, once its over, how will it be?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The Nature Boy,

Good points. Obviously the big thing to consider is how many Johns are financially impacted by this lockdown. Me personally as soon as they remove the lockdown I will not waste time to go back and will go on a stripclubs and take out binge. I was not financially impacted by this at all in fact I made extra money since I worked a lot of overtime. I still believe this lockdown is excessive and too much fear mongering by the media.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Someone please explain to me a viable scenario under which things go back to "normal" without a vaccine?

Either in the world at large or in the hobbying one?

Which are the same thing, anyway ... as far as the disease is concerned.

What is needed is a quick way to determine if you have the virus or had the virus. If I've had it and she has had it than no problem.

Ultimately, a vaccine is needed but until then, a test like this that can be inexpensively administered with almost instant feedback will get us back on track.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Yeah, unless is as accurate as in-office doctor test for strep and they say 'nope, no strep, you are good to go' ... only to get the call 3 days later after swab came back from lab that "oh, we're sorry, yup, you tested positive for strep - stay away from people" .... science is not an, how shall we say ... exactly science.

As to other "job" for the ladies .... how about Blow and Hand .... for starters. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^ Agreed. We need to see how accurate they are. If I have the anti-body and I'm reasonably sure, I'll go back. I like the risk based approach rather than the hazard based approach. If you are hazard based thinker than you would never do this in the first place. Hell, you could be hit by a truck on the way over to the incall or jacked and murdered on the way back.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^I guess what matters to me most is if I'm immune. Girls with an immunity certificate? I would love to see this but the girls can't share their true identity. There are a few delusional Johns that will become stalkers. This will be tricky but I've heard of guys demanding to see their age on their ID and the girls will cover their name and address and show only their birth date.


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
It'll take a few years before people will forget this virus. Girls would be reluctant to do GFE for a while. The good thing for us hobbyist is to pocket the money and save it and invest in ourselves. Those of us who have jobs should work hard to keep it and keep an eye out if our employers downsize.

NBA wants to cut players' salary by 50%. Everyone is taking a haircut. Cut your your money for a rainy day.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
I have no inside info, so certainly have no idea what I'm talking about ...

... but I could see local incall agencies reopening in a month or two, especially in tandem with a lessening of restrictions both municipally and provincially ...

... perhaps at a lower volume at first, and with many nervous restrictions regarding GFE -- not that Corona cares about that.

Just a guess, but, to cut overhead, given that no one knows how long this will last, perhaps they have given notice on a number of their spaces a while ago or are perhaps "subletting" them, if that's the right word ...

... just some idle speculation.

PS Had a series of dreams about a particular SP this morning, and damn if that's not the first time I can say that!


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2007
“They will find other jobs” made me laugh.... and the reply “what other jobs” was on point. I think you can’t argue with the rule of offer and demand.... lower classes are impacted way more by this virus its true, stats in the USA show that. I think there will be more girls and slightly less clients. Hence the price would drop slightly, I’d call it at 20 to potentially 40$ drop at first untill things get back to normal.

As far as service is concerned, I will hold off on dfk for a while, nothing else. Might be good for agencies to adapt gfe to no dfk untill this is under controle actually?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017

Do you think if you have sex with someone that just because you don't DFK her, that you won't catch this virus? DFK will likely make no difference at all.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

if you have had the virus and have the antibodies, your ok to swing brother, hopefully won’t matter if the SP is + or negative for antibodies.

if your negative, well, maybe another story,

there will be be no way other than honour system with SP’s and clients to tell if either are antibody +


New Member
Mar 31, 2013
I have already schedule a one month stay in Montreal for September of this year before the coronavirus blow up starting coming to America. I'm coming from USA. How do you think the status will be in September? Will seeing escorts and massage parlors no longer provide GFE and will the hobby be high risk? Also, will the social distance still be in effect, and perhaps people are recommended or required to wear mask out in public? If this is the likely scenario, I think it's best I cancel my trip altogether and wait next year when a vaccine is available.

what do you think?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Anybody can guess but nobody knows for sure. Almost every day we are hit with a new surprise.
One of to-days many negative headlines is that some people in South Korea are getting re-infected and nobody knows why.
If I was you …..I`d cancel my trip till the border re-opens.


Jul 28, 2012
Montrealnewbie... you won't be able to enter Canada in September... the borders will be closed for a while


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I agree, the borders will be closed for a while. You come to the USA, soon 20,000 dead.

With the attitude of Donald Trump, I am sure he will want to reopen these borders, soon.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2020
I normally budget on escort per week or 2 and I am currently accumulating those tickets so as soon as vog re-open, I will party.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2016
As for online, I only know one girl (whom I am kinda assisting) started doing camming because of this (she was a stripper). Shes really enjoying it but will not be replacing her dancing. Prob gunna go 50/50 on days for stripping and web cam.

Is her last name Snow?

medfar 2

New Member
Feb 26, 2016
It'll take a few years before people will forget this virus. Girls would be reluctant to do GFE for a while...........

I'm agree . For me the real problème is not GFE service . Not more than STD . Traitement exist for a lot of STD , vaccination exist , and condom exist in term of prévention since a long Time . But for the hobbyist , c'est toujours les mêmes deux problèmes . La loi interdit l'échange d'argent pour des services sexuels, et pour ceux qui sont en couple , il y a le risque d'une séparation , si la conjointe ne sait pas pas que monsieur baise des escortes .But now there is a new élément , actuellement on ajoute la santé publique . Si vous êtres contaminé par une escorte et que vous contaminer votre femme , qui elle contamine ses parents âgés de 60 à 70 ans plus ces collègues à la banque ou madame travaille , puis sa sœur mariée à un urgentologue qui lui contamine des patients malades et etc... . Les enquêteurs de la santé publique vont faire une enquête et possiblement remonter jusqu'au Hobbyist . So just un few exemples of thaïs situation , report by the média ... Prier pour qu'il n'y ai eu aucun morts dans le cluster que vous auriez provoquer . On risque d'attraper la covid-19 si on est à moins de 6 pieds d'une personne contaminée . GFE or not .
C'est juste une opinion , parano peut- être , mais qui tient la route . Je ne crois pas que les prix vont augmenter . Trop de filles aujourd'hui veulent faire de l'argent vite . La patience n'est plus de ce monde . Et les hobbyist vont finir par avoir peur d'une maladie sans traitements , et sans vaccins avant plusieurs mois . Le coronavirus lui est sur la planète pour plusieurs année . Ça va changer à jamais nos vie . Thiago about that guys .
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