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The Purpose of Merb v Bickering Merbites


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Not Accurate

StripperLover said:

What I meant in that post consistent with the applicable VBulletin software & the configuration that this board chooses to adopt, is that a thread starter can absolutely delete his opening post & as a result of the 2 factors above, the whole thread will be removed.

There is no current provision, within the VBulletin software to do what Korbel is suggesting & I realize that it's just a suggestion. I do agree with a thread starter's right to pre-determine, in writing, in his opening post, the absolute direction of a thread, as is his right to remove it all but that being said I don't agree that anyone should be able to censor in or out posts as he/she chooses. I'm saying either remove it completely as this board allows or leave it there for all to agree or disagree within board rules.

Without taking a stance one way or the other your knowledge or interpretation of the vBulletin software and/or board policy is somewhat flawed.

Regnad the originator of the New Improved "I Hate the Yankees Thread -2006" deleted his posts and the thread disappeared but was restored by the mods.

Obviously the thread starter chose to delete the thread but his wishes were not respected.

No PMs Just public posts.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I assume regnad's wishes were not respected in this case due to the fact that it was an extremely popular thread and the subject matter was not dependant on regnad's posts. If it had been a review thread where the first post was essential to the content of the thread I don't think it would have been restored. No one has said that a mod was unable to restore a thread, just that the first poster in a thread would delete the entire thread if he deleted his post. There is no provision for a poster to close a thread. Deleting is not the same as closing.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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As I said on the other board... Yawn! Are you done yet Oliver? One thing though, at least he has a voice on the other board whereas now it's a one way bashing here that's making you come off as childish! Drop this bullshit already!


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Stick to the Issue

oliver kloseoff said:
his wishes over the good of the board members--his only wishes to be respected are for his posts to disapear--so if i started the thread and he wanted to delete his posts the thread would be as it is now minus his posts
he is being childish and he is on the other board this minute bashing me and the mod and twisting things-personally in due of his continued twisted venue and his continual bashing of the mod if i was he i would increase the suspension

The issue is whether the system works as described by SL.It would not matter if someone other than SL made the post - the system would not work differently if a different poster had made the comment.Techman's post and your post just confirm that it does not work the way it was described.

The why,the because or any other scenario does not change the fact that there are exceptions and ways of bypassing that what was described.

The situation would be the same whether you or regnad had a dispute or not and you should not use this thread to sidebar your issues or tell people how to do their jobs.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
eastender, the issue of the thread that was deleted and then restored had nothing to do with the content of said thread. The reason regnad deleted the thread was a childish effort to get revenge on the board as a whole and a bit of extra attention for himself. It has nothing to do with the discussion in this thread as to a poster locking a thread or deleting it due to inapropriate conduct. The yankees thread is a very popular thread, second only to the cleo's one if I'm not mistaken. The decision to restore it was the right one. The actions of any one poster should not be allowed to make the entire community suffer the loss of such a large number of posts.

SL's post said nothing about the possibility of restoring a thread. He only brought up the method for a poster to delete a thread. In most cases the thread would be left to die. In this case it was not. If I'm not mistaken this is not the first such occurence as I believe other threads have been restored after being deleted and cleaned up. For all intents and purposes the system does work as SL described and as with everything in life, there are exceptions.

Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
Techman said:
If I'm not mistaken this is not the first such occurence as I believe other threads have been restored after being deleted and cleaned up. For all intents and purposes the system does work as SL described and as with everything in life, there are exceptions.

I agree. Maylee's thread (Massage tantrique) is another example of a thread which was deleted because of the thread started erased all his posts but was retored by the mods for our benefit.

While I perfectly understand my friend Korbel's frustrations over bickering and what he refers as "thread degeneration", I think the mods are doing a very good job in cleaning things up when necessary. I started a thread last year and saw it degenerate, as Korbel says, beyond control through a few people who obviously had a personal agenda against the SP. I was very tempted to delete it at one point but the mods closed it and I was very happy with their decision.

I don't think we need modification to the current posting and thread deletion/closure procedures. I do think we need a more stringent mod enforcement of the posting protocol to prevent childish flaming and personal attacks from immature members.

Lion Heart
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