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Jul 19, 2008

Working 60 hours a week with shared child costudy doesn`t allow me
to spend much time to log on the board. But I like to read
whats going on every now and then and I have a question in mind.

What is the value of a REVIEW.
Lets look at this with open eyes and rationality.

We are all aware of the Study made by board Legend "" Lion Heart ""
The :
Buyer’s Beware : Warning Of Potential Bait & Switch Providers
Link :


Lets take a closer look at the Agencies listed in Lion Hearts study.And guess what.
The`re all in business paying thousands of dollars monthly in
advertising dollars.
Just look at the number of baners they have here on Merb.
Kissemeescorts and Obsession for exemple, and its been like this
for YEARS.
On the Mirror they have 2 full pages EVERY WEEK.
They CERTAINLY have a deal, but still. It doesnt come for free.
Therefore they must be receiving calls !
Should we agree that the negative reviews HAVE ZERO EFFECT
If you look closely, they tried to defend themselves only onced and
got caught with their pants down right away :


Reviews good or bad do they have a limited impact ???

Time as proven from the Study offered by Lion Heart that if
the board reviews would have such in impact, then all of the
Agencies that were brought up in the Study should have
shot down a long time ago !!! None have !

The question I believe has been answered :
The effet is marginal.

Reviews : GOOD or BAD ! Whats the impact ?

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Woody,

Are there bait and switch and disreputable agencies around? Yes, of course there are. And yes, some of them purchase advertising banners on MERB. The main reason for MERB is as a review board to allow members to post their reviews and experiences, good and bad, to inform and in some cases warn other members of what to expect when dealing with any specific agency or provider.

It is up to each individual member to decide the value of each review on the board and to decide whether or not to deal with a specific agency or provider. And do not forget, not every person who hires an escort reads the review boards.

If you wish to discuss the merits of good and bad reviews and their value to the MERB community, go right ahead. But if I see any witch hunt being started directed against any agency, advertiser or not, this thread will be closed and removed.

Mod 8
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Dec 24, 2005
Reviews help, the honesty comes when there are several reviews and patterns of service can be established. Often there seems to be 1 review that is positive and then no followup comments, and later you find less than expected in my limited experience. SO reviews help, but as Reagan said, trust but verify.

My own personal saying is that the truth is revelaed in time, not in fact, facts can change, e.g., Enron.

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Mar 24, 2007
CocaCola said:
Reviews help, the honesty comes when there are several reviews and patterns of service can be established. Often there seems to be 1 review that is positive and then no followup comments, and later you find less than expected in my limited experience. SO reviews help, but as Reagan said, trust but verify.

My own personal saying is that the truth is revelaed in time, not in fact, facts can change, e.g., Enron.

I have to agree with this (if I understand well-have to be carefull since my last misunderstanding of english in my last intervention :D)

Happy clients calling back to say about it also tells me that it wouldn't be addind anything more to write a review since everything as being said, but still wanted to let me know. Thanks for it, but something it's wrong to think this way.

Yes when few reviews have been wrote, if they said pretty much everything (well beleiving that at one point there is only that much that can be done :D), it is understandable that everything as being said.


In another hand, there is new clients, or else, that would just say that it as being a while since the lady didn't had a review, supporting what was said in the past.

Ah !

And that is 2 opposite way of thinking, completely even if in both, there is truth.

Discussion :)

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Special K said:
Woody...what happened to your original thread you started last night? Seems like you deleted it and started this one but have changed it dramatically from your original draft. Why's that?

Special K,

The thread was modified at my request to more closely reflect the title of the thread and to avoid multiple topics in one thread that are not directly related.


Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Lanum said:
I don't think the way to measure the value of Merb is whether or not it the reviews have the power to destroy rip off agencies and bad SPs. I think the value is for those of us who don't want to be disappointed, it gives us a good idea of where to go and who to avoid.

For me merb has been a short cut to good experiences and information. I try to return the favor by providing accurate reviews of my own experiences. I don't want to drive any hard working women out of work, but maybe some of them can benefit by understanding how clients think and feel about their services.

And of course there's those that only write them to stroke their own ego and be called "hero's." :rolleyes:
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