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The red pill men going their own way (what is it and what its not)

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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
You are the sole master of the life that has been given to you, you either have to choice to learn as you get older, from life experience or you can remain in your comfort zone and simple ignore the truth.

The red pill is based of the movie the matrix where Morpheus offers Neo a choice, it is quite simple you take the red pill you learn the truth it will hurt but you will come out stronger or you simply take the easy way out the blue pill and you go through life like usual and don't learn from your mistakes.

The concept of feminist when first started was a good concept women equality to men, same salary respect etc and to be honest i am all for this, i actually fought for the women i train at my job so she could get a raise i trained her she is excellent in her job she got great reviews from our client and she deserve the raise that she got.

Feminist taken to far is the danger, women who fears getting into a taxi when its a man driving in fear of getting raped, or pure hate against men for being a man.

The same applies to men going their own way the red pill and worst incels. There are some men that have hate women for real and like extreme feminist this is very bad.

The alpha male concept (better version of yourself), alpha male by most people is perceived as bad, a man that only as sex with multiple women, lives to own expensive material things, is a bully and does everything he does in life for the wrong reason. Ho yes this version of alpha male sadly does exciste, and it's the version that you want to avoid.

My own meaning of alpha male is a man that stand by is belief whatever others think, does not care what people think of him, and he thrives in life even when life hits him hard, he gets knock down but does not stay down. He does things for himself not for others and he does not need anyone to do what he wants nor seek approval from others.

I went back to school when i was 23 years old, because i was tired of dead end jobs i was aging and seeing no future in the jobs i had, it was a very hard road even worse when i got into IT college, my family was very toxic 20000$ debt in studies, i was never a guy for a desk job after all i always worked with my hands etc. Yet is was determined to succeed. At 25 i graduated and started my IT career that has spanned for now 25 years. Of course many ups and down etc but that is life. For me this qualifies as an alpha male and i am very proud of myself.

I don't believe in magic spiritual or supernatural but sometimes i guess life throws you a curveball and tries to make you understand things. My sport doctor was very mad when is wife sent him a fax with divorce papers in Brazil when he was out on formation, she had met a dentist. He told me that if he sees the guy he would set him on fire. I told him that if i see the guy that my ex left me for i was going to shake is hand and thank him, because after all he made me realize that my ex was a selfish person and that if i would have grown old with her and fell sick she would have left me.

There are two ways in life to see things.

The white knight thing don't get me wrong some men are worthless too, they do not respect a good women they are with or do not realise the chance they have. But at some point some men need to stop defending women, going so far as to put themselves in arms way.

PUA pick up artist, some men try to make you think that with some pick up lines, great attitude confidence you can pick up women even women that you thought were out of your league. Well sorry guys but you just wasted your 69$ for a pack of lies, because women nowadays are even more aware when you try to throw a cheap line, cold approach or simply pick them up. In other words if you don't have to looks you are disqualified by at least 80% if not more of all women today.

Call it whatever you want evolution or else this is how it is today at least in the western world, in my 5 years looking for a good women i must of chatted up at least 100 women if not more, either in private or on facebook singles groups where you see everything that is going on and i can honestly tell you that the illusion is real.

Women either alone or with other women watch reality shows like love island, swat and all those series where men have unattainable standards, anyone here looks like Chris Hemsworth, no Shemar Moore? mmm try again Hugh Jackman, all time favorite Brad Pitt or George Clooney no.... well you are sht out of luck because those are now the standards of your favorite single mom.

This is based on the conversation i had with online dating women, i did meet some women through introduction but those were also disasters, romanian women needed to get married to stay in Canada, 50y old teenager men want me etc..... hey don't worry i fail at this too.

The truth is that i got most women when i was younger had a beach body and since i am tall close to 6 feet it was easy back then, but now that i got older gained weight i am a ghost and women pass me by without even a second glimpse, the only thing is that i accepted my faith i am 50 not 20 anymore aging is normal, hair thinning, weight gain sometimes cannot be control i will admit anti inflammatory drugs, anti depressant, various medication thyroid issue will all cause weight gain.

Hence you should always try to have a healthy body weight even more as you age, get at least 3 times per week weight training sessions to keep your strength and muscle mass to keep fit as you go up in age.

Sadly it will not get any easier i been struggling with recuperation since 48 i am now 50 i change my training to a push pull type upper body lower body one exercise per body part and walking for cardio. I recently started growth hormone therapy with peptides, signal the pituitary gland to produce natural GH pulse instead of the synthetic drug you inject, mod gfr 1-29 100mcg per day with 200mcg ipamoralin before bed, sleep is so much better and i recup faster. Loving it so far.

Guess i covered what i wanted to, you either have the choice to take this knowledge or ignore it, i do not watch red pill content online anymore nor read it, i feel some of it does push the envelope to far .

Its true that women do hit the wall before 30, the age rapidly after that losing there collagen, arthritis pain etc, but this is human physiology and to be honest some men look awful even at 25 with the junk food era, lots of younger people get disease real fast due to obesity and more.
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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
I used to get flamed by the feminists on the board and their white knights whenever I discussed this subject. I will try to articulate better.

The entire Alpha Male concept is based on a traditional role of the male as the pursuer and the leader and the breadwinner. It functioned in an antiquated system.

It is about fucking time a large percentage of men went their own way. Do you know what caused it? A large percentage of women went their own way first. They got educated and built careers and found lesbian lovers (or chose single life) and do whatever the fuck makes them happy. And they didn’t take either a red or a blue pill.

Build your fucking life based on how society currently works. It is likely that any relationship or marriage will not produce as high of a level of enjoyment for a man as it did decades ago. Don’t spend time dwelling on the past, either your’s or how society once was.

Read some of the things this lady has to say. Singles are now a majority.

Find things in life that make you happy. That probably won’t be a 1950s style marriage with children. Kids aren’t that great any more. They grow up fast, and their structured lives cost a fortune. You won’t find a submissive, loving wife outside of a religious structure you would resent.

The male no longer has the traditional role he had in the past in most situations. And those that do aren’t always that happy. Build your life from a current reality-based standpoint, not some old-school fantasy nonsense. There aren’t a bunch of 18-30 year old hotties who want or need any guy, let alone one much older than them, for a relationship. The fact that some of them sell companionship and sex in blocks of time is a godsend and the purpose of Merb. For many, it is part of building a good life without a traditional relationship.
Not sure why you would get flamed you are entitled to your opinion and from what i am reading its very valid now:

A large number of people theses days stay single, 35 and up this is very true. This goes for men and women.

My mother neighbor who is 41 was in a relationship with a hair dresser that barely worked had 3 kids 2 suicidal and 1 ADD, he had stomach pains all the time, at some point he broke up with her and she left the house, all is pains went away..... he told me that never again.

Kids today in this society maybe not to generalize but most of them are lazy, i must have trained in the last year alone 5 or 6 young men, we work 3-4 times per week on 12 hour shifts the salary is good and we have lots of time off yet it was not what they wanted.

One of them was 23 had a AUDI car quit the job like that then regretted it how am i gonna make my car payments. I am glad i never had kids i see men my age struggling with their kids or older adult, not leaving the family home etc.

I am 50 years old and recently moved back in the family home to be a caregiver for my mom, i pay her rent 500$ per month which is a joke, i also buy the grocery and cook, take out garbage, renovate the house, take care of her computer, we have 4 cats so litter box food etc, and i am saving money right now invested 100k for the sale of my condo if everything goes well i plan to retire before i am 60.

Amen to that my mother is the only one left, after her i am all alone and believe me its scary my grandmother passed last year at 98, she was always a very big part of my life and to this day i still miss her very much.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2019
Most men nowadays are more like MSTOW (Men Sent Their Own Way). The dating scene has gotten excruciatingly harder especially since the advent of those bloody modern social medias. I'm not a mgtow per say but I fully understand and respect this way of life, without condoning some extremes and fanatics that self-proclaim be part of the movement.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
Most men nowadays are more like MSTOW (Men Sent Their Own Way). The dating scene has gotten excruciatingly harder especially since the advent of those bloody modern social medias. I'm not a mgtow per say but I fully understand and respect this way of life, without condoning some extremes and fanatics that self-proclaim be part of the movement.
Like i said there is so much rejection any man can take, you go on dates with women who are obese, make less than 30k per year, have 2 kids full time, some are smokers and inactive, yet you that trains and keep fit have a good job and no baggage get constantly rejected.

If you want to see the real damage get on a free facebook dating group, the illusion from those women is real. If you message a women who is most of the time average to below average she is gonna be pissed and reply something very mean to you.

They ask to post sexy pictures of us men, i had a shirtless pic but no abs, this guy comes in with is roided body chisled to the max and all those fat moms went nuts.

Its like they don't realize what to look like vs what they can have.

The last time i was on Plenty of fish i did a study in human nature i created a profile, put some good values in it, and got some pictures of men that i think match the women i message.

There was this 42y old tattooed pierce short curly hair chubby women that wrote in her introduction, can you please forget about our appearance right now.

Man i should have saved this honest, so i message her hi, i read your profile and i found you interesting and i would like to know you a bit more. To this profile i put in a man that fit pretty much with what she looked like a big chubby short thin hair beard. She replied that what i said was stupid and to never write to her again because i was not her type of man at all.

In a sense below average women because don't kid yourself they are pretty much all below average online, have huge standards set up and this is why a few years later they realize that the dream man they are waiting for will never ever arrive so they quit online dating and they give up and stay single.

Closing all my online dating apps and leaving all facebook single groups was the best thing i ever did. The women on there are atrocious looking and they think so much of themselves its not even funny


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
Like i said there is so much rejection any man can take, you go on dates with women who are obese, make less than 30k per year, have 2 kids full time, some are smokers and inactive, yet you that trains and keep fit have a good job and no baggage get constantly rejected.
I heard that the dating scene in Australia is similar. You see a good looking guy with a great body paired with a land whale.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
I heard that the dating scene in Australia is similar. You see a good looking guy with a great body paired with a land whale.
The dating scene is like that everywhere sadly, i remember one time when i was younger that the ugly women knew their place, i know this sounds mean, but believe me from a guy that as been rejected by those it can scew up your confidence big time, now with the woke society SJW, the fat acceptance movement you cannot say anything or you are blamed for fat shaming, and all sorts of things.

You actually think its normal for a women who is obese to say well i would not date a fat man. What is the logic in that isn't that what you are fat too.

To push this further and i am not making fun of handicap people don't judge me on that, but its a real video on youtube from a guy from England, well she was not handicap but short stature a midget like 3 feet something, and the interviewer ask her what do you want in a man, she said i need 6 feet tall.....

How hypocrite is a relationship today when you start off by saying and this is my first criteria that the man be 6 feet tall, if you look at the demographics you just disqualified 80% of all men that are shorter than 6 feet in many countries for that matter. Add to the list well if you have tattoos you score extra point.

So relationships and love are solely based on your looks, then women cry they can't find a good man, when they do something is wrong and they end up dumping him.

You cannot help grow older, some people will lose their hair, some people will gain weight do to various reasons, and so much more but in the world we live in today and i seen this at the gym about 10 years ago before i decided to build my home gym, men in there 50 and 60 paying lots of money to stay young dye hair, sport cars i heard one say yeah the young women really like that... my god. ....

Why do men turn their backs on women look no further its because of stupidities like that. No sorry i won't spend 12000$ to get a hair transplant if the hair falls let it be, that money has been invested in a retirement plan where it's going to be put to good use later on in life. Botox sorry i got that for neck pain not aesthetic and i had the worst headaches ever.

Society is sending an image and even those perfect men with six pack abs have modified pictures, they are not like that year round, pure illusion.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2019
@vanhamm Unfortunately, western societies are all messed up in that regard. Things are also getting worse year by year (I personally believe that male-female dynamics and the whole world went absolutely downhill since 2012).

Going abroad is an option. Although not always easy for various reasons but things should definitely be way saner than here.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
@vanhamm Unfortunately, western societies are all messed up in that regard. Things are also getting worse year by year (I personally believe that male-female dynamics and the whole world went absolutely downhill since 2012).

Going abroad is an option. Although not always easy for various reasons but things should definitely be way saner than here.
Funny you mention that because i did my research on this has well i was looking into thailand but the passport issue and language barrier (you need to learn thai) was too much for me.

I turned my attention to the Philippines i got into contact with an agente annabelle she is located in Cebu Mactan and Bohol. The country is in developpement right now, but the only issue is there is still a lot of poverty, so you can have a high class condo next to the slums.

Now looking for a partner overseas might seem like a good idea but its a huge gamble, some men lost a lot of money going that route, usually they go online lots of scammers.

Now if you manage to meet a good filipino there is 90% chance and more she will already have kids not a big difference from the situation we have here with the western women... also the Asian culture works very different then here, they are very family oriented, meaning that the kids pay for the parent send money work etc... if you meet a good filipina there is a very good chance you are going to be an ATM for the whole family this is a well known fact.

After i spoke to a few expats they told me that the cost of life is rising, and to live comfortably now you need between 2000-2500$ per month, sorry basic pension here does not cover that, and if by retirement your house is paid condo you can easily live with less than 2000$ per month.

From my research i found a lot of negative going to a foreign country in other word it might not be the paradise you are looking for, women there will marry you, you can get a really hot women but don't kid yourself you are a provider a means to a end to get her out of poverty nothing more.


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
After i spoke to a few expats they told me that the cost of life is rising, and to live comfortably now you need between 2000-2500$ per month, sorry basic pension here does not cover that, and if by retirement your house is paid condo you can easily live with less than 2000$ per month.
You said you are in IT. Is it hardware or software? If you can program, perhaps you can work remotely as a SE for a western company. It seems like you are pretty smart. You could probably pick up programming.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
LOL @vanhamm. You are too much ha ha.
Lol Why you carry this around? look at it this way i rather have a condom and not need it then have not have it and need it. Yeah i guess i am it's called leaving humanity behind.

Lets just say you can blame my financial advisor on this one, when i invested 100k and ask him if i could retire at 55 he kind of made me understand that 100k theses days is pocket change. I did a bit of research and found that many expat leave their home country to retire in Asia. The main issue is that lots of those country like Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos have language barrier, a bit less in Thailand in the red light district, so if you want to retire in those country you need to learn the language. Cool if that is your bag, its not mine.

Depending on where you live you won't have access to what you want like food etc some days the grocery store will have some and it can be like 3 months until they get more. There are power outage quit often, and also risk of hurricanes. Yes some expat do make it work find a young filipina and marry her, but to be honest if i would retire there at 60 you actually think i am gonna start a family and have 2 kids at that age.... a bit to late no.

For me this was a huge move considering the fact that after my mom dies i am all alone. So retiring in the Philippines looks like a sound decision until i really looked into it. You have to show me a lot more than beautiful beaches. Which BTW are dangerous jelly fish some fish in there poison squids. Lots of places have stray dogs, for me this would break my heart because i am an animal lover.

So now my guess is i am 50 if i save money invest more, i have some action at my job which is a bit like a pension plan i could retire before 60 keep the family home that is fully paid and live my dream of drinking a good coffee in front of the window when a huge snow storm hits and i won't have to go in trafic for 3h.
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Feb 8, 2004
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These days, children love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. They are tyrants.​

Sound familiar?

That quote is attributed to Socrates. Yes, the famous Greek philosopher who walked the Earth over 2400 ago. So what do we get from it? That kids have steadily been getting worse for the past two millennia? That we managed to make them better for a while (just before your time, when things seemed perfect, right?) and then suddenly, somehow we lost the magic touch?

Tell you what, let’s blame social media in 2020. Or internet since 2010. Or reality TV In the 90’s. Or MTV before that. Or video games in the 80’s. Or Hollywood in the 70’s. Or Rock’n’Roll in the 50’s. Yeah, let’s blame fuckin’ Elvis!

Notice a pattern here?

SPOILER ALERT!!! Kids have always been and will always be one thing, and one thing only: kids. It is their calling to challenge the ways established before them. Our ways. It is our lot to complain about it. No matter how comforting it might be for you to entertain the notion that they are the ones who changed, that they are different, that they are worse… they‘re not.

Face it: you are just getting old.

Oh, and by the way, a lot of this thread is complete bullshit.

Relationships have never been easy. Never. Traditional mariage, the old « male provider/housewife » model… Easy?!? None of that was simple or easy!!! None of it!!! Clinging to the notion that « things used to be so much better » or that « women are so much worse now » as a justification for shutting yourself off is just fooling yourself. It’s a crutch. It’s lazy.

Lazier than the kids you complain about.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021

These days, children love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. They are tyrants.​

Sound familiar?

That quote is attributed to Socrates. Yes, the famous Greek philosopher who walked the Earth over 2400 ago. So what do we get from it? That kids have steadily been getting worse for the past two millennia? That we managed to make them better for a while (just before your time, when things seemed perfect, right?) and then suddenly, somehow we lost the magic touch?

Tell you what, let’s blame social media in 2020. Or internet since 2010. Or reality TV In the 90’s. Or MTV before that. Or video games in the 80’s. Or Hollywood in the 70’s. Or Rock’n’Roll in the 50’s. Yeah, let’s blame fuckin’ Elvis!

Notice a pattern here?

SPOILER ALERT!!! Kids have always been and will always be one thing, and one thing only: kids. It is their calling to challenge the ways established before them. Our ways. It is our lot to complain about it. No matter how comforting it might be for you to entertain the notion that they are the ones who changed, that they are different, that they are worse… they‘re not.

Face it: you are just getting old.

Oh, and by the way, a lot of this thread is complete bullshit.

Relationships have never been easy. Never. Traditional mariage, the old « male provider/housewife » model… Easy?!? None of that was simple or easy!!! None of it!!! Clinging to the notion that « things used to be so much better » or that « women are so much worse now » as a justification for shutting yourself off is just fooling yourself. It’s a crutch. It’s lazy.

Lazier than the kids you complain about.
Lol man please don't go down the history lane, because we can bring the world war 2 in this how many soldiers came back home to find their wives pregnant.

Your post does and does not make sense, there was a book written back in 1971 by a women entitled the manipulated man which outlined how women viewed men and treated men.

Since i am stupid and dumb and probably dated but a few women from 18 to 41, manage to hang out with a stripper and a firefighter, was a indy pro wrestler for 5 years and was in tip top shape i was pretty repulsive to women back then too.

I have seen things and heard things that you would not believe. Now mister white knight because this is clearly what you are in disguise and also a defender of kids which i don't hate by the way but glad i never had because i would probably be bankrupt in alimony payments by now Ya DIG.

I decide to turn my back on women because i am bored plein and simple, the last dates on went on i felt i was wasting my time, those women who by the way did rejected me i was not even interested in them. After my last relationship i sat down and did a study on myself and why i was so miserable in relationship, simple because i could never really do the things i liked. And now that i am over this i am free.

Its weird because all married man at my job tell me how lucky i am..... funny how people are.

Good luck GreyPilgrim anger management and consultation can take time for some people to be less angry and judgmental of others when they don't really know what is going on.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Ahhh lol when you are young you are always adding trying to keep things going. So you are entrapped into your own delusions and putting things on a pedestal when you shouldn't. Yet as you get older you start to do more and more subtracting. That is when you wake the F up! Being in this hobby helps you realize the true color of things much faster while you are busting your nut.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
Ahhh lol when you are young you are always adding trying to keep things going. So you are entrapped into your own delusions and putting things on a pedestal when you shouldn't. Yet as you get older you start to do more and more subtracting. That is when you wake the F up! Being in this hobby helps you realize the true color of things much faster while you are busting your nut.
Brother i really wish everybody had that way of thinking i think you get my drift. Yes i totally agree with you but sadly no some people grow old and stay stupid and retarded all their lives.

A 66 year old man force into retirement by is medical doctor do to a tumor on is kidney ask me, you have everything you are tall and built and you look good for your age, why are you not in a relationship. He had been married 3 times and could not retire due to debt that he had, he was now wondering how he would meet ends due to is doctor recommendation.

Some men never learn they actually think (social programming that is) that they need a women in their lives to be happy. Hell i am not gonna judge because at one point in my life and that was at 41 i tough the same.

For me getting older and doing a study on myself and why after dating and meeting and having fun with so many women from 18 to 41 that i had not met one to make things work.

Women are never happy: my ex girlfriend friend was dating a great guy engineer, is parents gave him there house when they retired, so he had a paid house near Quebec city, i been there the house was beautiful peaceful place, the air was fresh, they both work near the house, she had a job at Desjardins, and both were making good money, house paid, wow, yet one day she contacted me and told me she was going to leave her boyfriend. I fell down my chair why i ask her why would you want to do that you have everything....

She said i do not know i been feeling this way for a while..... she ended up leaving him moved to Ontario met another loser wow got pregnant and married the guy. So i am having a very hard time understanding women logic.... because the boyfriend she had was a really good guy.
Aug 1, 2022
Brother i really wish everybody had that way of thinking i think you get my drift. Yes i totally agree with you but sadly no some people grow old and stay stupid and retarded all their lives.

A 66 year old man force into retirement by is medical doctor do to a tumor on is kidney ask me, you have everything you are tall and built and you look good for your age, why are you not in a relationship. He had been married 3 times and could not retire due to debt that he had, he was now wondering how he would meet ends due to is doctor recommendation.

Some men never learn they actually think (social programming that is) that they need a women in their lives to be happy. Hell i am not gonna judge because at one point in my life and that was at 41 i tough the same.

For me getting older and doing a study on myself and why after dating and meeting and having fun with so many women from 18 to 41 that i had not met one to make things work.

Women are never happy: my ex girlfriend friend was dating a great guy engineer, is parents gave him there house when they retired, so he had a paid house near Quebec city, i been there the house was beautiful peaceful place, the air was fresh, they both work near the house, she had a job at Desjardins, and both were making good money, house paid, wow, yet one day she contacted me and told me she was going to leave her boyfriend. I fell down my chair why i ask her why would you want to do that you have everything....

She said i do not know i been feeling this way for a while..... she ended up leaving him moved to Ontario met another loser wow got pregnant and married the guy. So i am having a very hard time understanding women logic.... because the boyfriend she had was a really good guy.
Very logical what she did! Stay away!


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2004
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Dude, you clearly have issues.

Reading the whole thread, I mean… who’s been posting all over the lounge about how women are the worse, they’re never happy, the online dating scene is trash, things are just going downhill and we should all stop hobbying and save our money? And then it just goes on and on with examples about your ex, your friends, your colleagues, your doctors, your neighbors, your dates, ww2 soldier’s wives, feminists, hell probably your dog too…

Look, we get it, dude: you’re frustrated! You’re getting older and you’re frustrated with women. That much is painfully clear. And believe it or not, I feel sorry for you. I genuinely do.

But for someone who demands not to be judged on his opinions and that we respect his life choices and who seeks acceptance and/or validation (on an online escorting forum, of all places), you seem awfully keen to put down anyone who disagrees with you or points out the gross generalizations you base your whole stance on.

If that flags me as a white knight, hell yeah, sign me up!


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
Dude, you clearly have issues.

Reading the whole thread, I mean… who’s been posting all over the lounge about how women are the worse, they’re never happy, the online dating scene is trash, things are just going downhill and we should all stop hobbying and save our money? And then it just goes on and on with examples about your ex, your friends, your colleagues, your doctors, your neighbors, your dates, ww2 soldier’s wives, feminists, hell probably your dog too…

Look, we get it, dude: you’re frustrated! You’re getting older and you’re frustrated with women. That much is painfully clear. And believe it or not, I feel sorry for you. I genuinely do.

But for someone who demands not to be judged on his opinions and that we respect his life choices and who seeks acceptance and/or validation (on an online escorting forum, of all places), you seem awfully keen to put down anyone who disagrees with you or points out the gross generalizations you base your whole stance on.

If that flags me as a white knight, hell yeah, sign me up!
Okey this is my last reply to you i guess we clearly don't see eye to eye so i will say this, live your life the way you want too, lots of men are not ready for red pill knowledge, and sadly reading your replies make no sense at all you are clearly the one who is lost and well refuse to see the truth for what it is. But you know what i respect your point of view because we all have different views on different things right.

I am not frustrated in anyway this is simply a response from a man who is losing an argument and wants to put the blame on others. I live a zen life i relax train keep fit etc in fact i have grown to love my life. But this is also part of the red pill knowledge acceptance or the red pill rage.

If you are unable to see how women act today then you are sadly too late from saving shame on your for signing up as a white knight.... right there you lost any real credibility you could have had.

Good day sir
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