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The Trump Crime Family

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump did an interview with Sean Hannity where he bragged about his cognitive health test in a desperate attempt to attack Biden and hide his own decline. This comes as he plans to run again in 2024.

The only test that Trump “aced” was the Covid Test.

When you have an IQ below 90, when it starts to tumble it's fast.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman discusses how former President Donald Trump is reacting to Trump Org. CFO Allen Weisselberg getting indicted in New York. Weisselberg pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The people who screamed “Lock her up” are now crying about investigations becoming too easy.

When James Comey said... "these are not honourable people"

I love how everything is called a “witch hunt” but not talking about the actual crimes that were found.

When all his loans get called he's going to lose his shit lmao. Hope his health holds up to see the inside a jail cell.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The Trump Organization indictments show that the company is "one gigantic ponzi scheme." As (Bernard "BernieMadoff). Ben predicts that the Trump will be indicted in November and that the Trump Organization will go bankrupt within 18 months.

I can only hope that this will be the end of the road for Trump & Company. That this is his last bankruptcy! Truly Bankrupt! Not a penny left and not a friend to his name.

"Weisselwho? Never knew him. Never met him. I hear he's a good guy. Never heard of him. He's a loser."

This is going to be hilarious to watch as Trump Inc. burns to the ground.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger this week didn't hold back when he went after both Donald Trump and his rabid supporters.
Kinzinger said that Trump is a "loser president" and then went on to say that his supporters need to accept the fact that he was defeated in the 2020 election. Kinzinger made these comments after Donald Trump's rally this past weekend, and they couldn't be more true.
Trump lost everything for Republicans yet they still cling to him as their savior.

He is the only republican that tells the truth ,that how sick the republican part is.

I hope Rep Kinzinger remains safe since there are so many nutcases spurred on by Trump's lies.

As many have said. Donny needs the presidency to escape prosecution.

Of course DJT is a loser. He's a master. Everything he touches becomes ruined.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Former President Donald Trump cancelled plans to host a rally in Mobile, Alabama marking the Fourth of July after town officials denied a rally permit over concerns about it turning into a political event.

Mr Trump, who left the White House in January, has continued to push conspiracy theories about his election defeat and claimed that he actually won the election in the months since his term ended.
At private events, he has even pushed the idea that he could be reinstated as president, according to The New York Times.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump's rally speech in Florida was awful, and was full of not only hatred but also his severe cognitive decline, and lies. Trump also admitted openly that he and his business have committed tax crimes.

Donald Trump keeps getting on stage to humiliate and incriminate himself.

His speech doesn’t make sense to anything it’s like he’s saying words but mean nothing to anything.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

While traffic at virtually every news site and outlet has gone down this year, no groups have felt the sting quite as much as the outlets that made a name for themselves propping up Donald Trump. Sites like Newsmax and The Federalist have seen their traffic fall by more than 40% since February, and that's never good for an online media outlet. The truth is that people are just tired of Donald Trump.

The news is boring without Trump, but that's a good thing.

They are now literally pulling his name off buildings. This guys fiscal toast. Especially when he has to pay massive fees up front to all his new lawyers because they all know he’d stiff them otherwise.

There's nothing more stale than old news. And that's exactly what Trump is these days.

Worst case scenario for a Narcissist “EGO” is, that no one is Listening.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

According to reports, Donald Trump is keeping a very close eye on Republican Florida governor Ron DeSantis, as DeSantis is quickly becoming more popular than Trump himself. DeSantis recently beat out Trump in a conservative straw poll, and now DeSantis is worried that he's becoming too popular and he knows this could make Trump angry.
Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains how ridiculous this is, and why Trump's lingering presence in the GOP is a gift to the Democratic Party.

Trump need to take all of those Republicans down with himself.

I'm sure Trump will say DeSantis beating him in the polls was rigged.

So Trump is deciding if he'll need to try and ruin DeSantis' life or not.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump has a new spokesperson, and they are already making some pretty serious mistakes. Over the weekend, Liz Harrington tweeted out an article about his rally in Florida, not bothering to read it to realize that it contained a line about how his claims of election fraud were all lies.
Harrington was immediately roasted on Twitter.
This is the kind of competence that we have come to expect from Trump's people.

Hiring complete idiots is the only way Trump can appear smarter than everyone around him.

Shows the intelligence level of people surrounding Trump.

Anyone with a brain and a conscience would steer clear of Trump.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump held another rally this past weekend, and experts agree that this isn't a good look.
Specifically, they are warning that his talking points about the indictments that came down last week could lead to even more legal trouble for him.
Trump isn't trying to necessarily deny the charges, he's just saying they aren't a big deal - the same thing his children are now saying.
This could backfire in serious ways.

Keep digging Trump, you may be our best hope of keeping Republicans out of office.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Trump to sue Facebook, Twitter CEOs over being banned from their platforms.

Former President Donald Trump is expected to announce Wednesday that he will file lawsuits against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over being banned from their platforms, a source familiar with the coming announcement confirmed to NBC News.

This is the latest of an ongoing battle with Facebook and Twitter, which have both banned the former president from their platforms. In January, Trump's Twitter account — with 88 million followers — was permanently banned.

He thinks he's getting a lot of money out of them.

He continues to mismanage.

Many wish he would lose.

Basically it's really unpleasant to be in prison and rich.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005

Trump to sue Facebook, Twitter CEOs over being banned from their platforms.

Former President Donald Trump is expected to announce Wednesday that he will file lawsuits against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over being banned from their platforms, a source familiar with the coming announcement confirmed to NBC News.

This is the latest of an ongoing battle with Facebook and Twitter, which have both banned the former president from their platforms. In January, Trump's Twitter account — with 88 million followers — was permanently banned.

He thinks he's getting a lot of money out of them.

He continues to mismanage.

Many wish he would lose.

Basically it's really unpleasant to be in prison and rich.
I'm watching Trump's press conference as I write this. You'll find this one hard to believe Sene, but I thought that FB and Twitter did the right thing by disconnecting him from their platform. People, especially people in power need to be accountable as to how they use their platforms and he clearly crossed the line.

But, looking past the person bringing the lawsuit, I do think that big tech, especially social media companies need to get their power brought under control. They use section 230 to pretty much do whatever they want and I'm hoping that this lawsuit will look into this.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
You are absolutely right, they are powerful and they run their platforms according to their rules.

Unfortunately they let conspirators and the enlightened pass, who by their manipulative speeches, their lies because often their supporting documents come from illicit sites.

What are you doing to those who believe and say the earth is flat?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I say eliminate all politics from social media. Social media was so much more fun when you were catching up with an old high school buddy or joining a group of like minded people to talk about different things.

Much like the way MERB used to be before people started positing all the political bullshit and starting useless threads that IMHO has no place on an escort review board.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Would b interesting to hear from MERB on this.... ;) ..could b a good debate....loll......faudrait-il alors aussi faire disparaître the SPORT DISCUSSION .....plz no no no it's so much fun....lollll....always remember MERB is only a hobby...and yes there are delicate
and passionate debates sometimes on many subjects.......and we are free to participate or not.....it's a free tribune....i like it the way it is....:).....my 2 cents for today.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump to some of his staffers praised Hitler because he did good things supposedly.
But while this shows Trump doesn't understand history, it also shows his disdain for Democracy and rights.

It's not a big step philosophically to go from, Bolsonaro, and Hitler.

World leaders he got along with best? Kim Jong-un and Putin. Are people really surprised by this?

How is this new? We can see this in practically everything he has done and is doing.

Who says he doesn't know he just thinks the holocaust was no biggie.

Everyone knows Hitler is Trumps idol even his ex wives have said this.


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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

Trump to sue Facebook, Twitter CEOs over being banned from their platforms.

Former President Donald Trump is expected to announce Wednesday that he will file lawsuits against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over being banned from their platforms, a source familiar with the coming announcement confirmed to NBC News.

This is the latest of an ongoing battle with Facebook and Twitter, which have both banned the former president from their platforms. In January, Trump's Twitter account — with 88 million followers — was permanently banned.

He thinks he's getting a lot of money out of them.

He continues to mismanage.

Many wish he would lose.

Basically it's really unpleasant to be in prison and rich.
Who do you think will pay for this suit ? There is already funding in place. The poor partisans will pay not the supposed billionnaire.
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