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The Trump Crime Family

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jeff teliska

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Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
Showing the American people his tax returns , would help squash the rumors and speculations...but I guess that is how one acts when he has nothing to hide.


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Would you trust a judge to be impartial if his business interests involve your case?

His son in law is refused a loan by the Qatar. Soon after, Trump imposes sanctions on Qatar.

He receives a 500 million loan from, in effect, China. He then softens the sanctions against ZTA, a Chinese company which did business with Iran. Soon after that, Ivanka gets 13 new trademarks from China.

Both impartial decisions in the best interests of the American people as a whole, right?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
It's obvious that there was collusion. Whether it'll be 100% proven is another story. But the real story which will come out of the special counsel's investigation will be all the crimes Trump comitted over the years such as laundering dirty money for the Russian oligarchs. Trump absolutely doesn't want the world to find out about this nor does he want the world to find out that he's not actually a billionaire.

I guess can accuse anyone of anything when the threshold of proof is zero.

I personally think the U.S. is in a very difficult time for foreign relations. Global trade has become a silly game where the U.S. is the only want not knowing it was in a game. We're still being manipulated to think we are not behaving responsibly.

China's rise and reluctance/refusal to play by the rules of world trade and security has made the three dimensional chess game even more complex. Russia cannot project its power very far. It's foolish for people and the media to not understand the real threat and the need to use Russia as a lever.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
You guys do realize the U.S. government has Trump's tax returns.

The conspiracy theories surrounding tax returns are all interesting. I actually think Trump learned from Romney that the liberal media would try to use the tax returns to attack wealthy Republican candidates and insinuate wrongdoing even when the candidate had been through extensive tax audits. Oh yeah, kind of like all your accusations.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Would you trust a judge to be impartial if his business interests involve your case?

His son in law is refused a loan by the Qatar. Soon after, Trump imposes sanctions on Qatar.

He receives a 500 million loan from, in effect, China. He then softens the sanctions against ZTA, a Chinese company which did business with Iran. Soon after that, Ivanka gets 13 new trademarks from China.

Both impartial decisions in the best interests of the American people as a whole, right?

All of these are of concern. The United States needs to write new laws for politicians in an increasingly globalized world. It isn't easy. How do you legally prevent family members from trading on their family name and contacts?

It's more problematic and endemic than just the Trump family. Bill Clinton overseas speaking fees went up when his wife was Secretary of State and Presidential possibility. $500,000 I believe not to mention millions and millions for the Clinton Foundation raised from overseas. Biden's son Hunter landed an enormous Chinese investment for his private equity firm after he traveled to China with his father. The Bush family had business ties to the Saudi royal family.


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Sep 9, 2015
I think "right to pardon himself" was a Presidential euphemism for masturbation. Let's face it. He's been locked up in the White House with Secret Service agents around him 24/7. Melania's probably cut him off.

Maybe he needs to take his Secret Service crew to Colombia. They can sneak back a chica for him.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I am with you Sambuca. Trump's probably so pissed that he cannot grab any pussy these days that he is on a revenge to piss anyone as much as possible.

So it seems Trump brought up that Canadians have set fire on the white house to prove relation between the 2 countries were not always perfect. It's a lie (and it happened in 1912! By the british troops!). But I pardon Trump because he does not give a fuck about lies. What makes me laugh is I can really put the image in my head how everyone on that phone call rolled their eyes to the ceiling and mumbled at the same time "What a fucking moron" haha



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
haha yep a typo ;) I knew it was done by the British troops but President Madison had already left the white house. He never returned actually. Just the tough of bringing this up is quite funny and a bit depressing when you think who said that.

By the way these British were not all that bad you know. Because they did not want french speaking Canadian to join the US troops they kept the french civil code of law for Quebec, that played a major factor for us to keep our identity and language. If it was not for that battle there would be no more french speaking in America. Even as a french canadian I could live with that. But for the life of me I cannot live without the french speaking beautiful and nasty Quebecoise girl!!! No way!!! hehe History revisited by jalimon!



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
You gotta love those Quebecoise girls even if the vast majority are not pure French but a melting pot of Irish, Scottish, English, German, Native, Italian and these days every other nationality mixed in.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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What Trump should have complained about is that French Canadians gave Americans absolutely no support in the Revolutionary War against a common British foe, instead staying neutral and allowing the Americans to be driven out of Canada. This effective betrayal actually forced the Americans to stand up to the British completely on their own, and at Saratoga they did, defeating the British for the first major victory of the Revolutionary War:

This was sort of like the bullied kid in the neighborhood looking for help against the bully from the French kids in the neighborhood, not getting any, and then standing up and punching the bully in the face himself. This is basically what happened. The French Canadian indifference shocked the Americans but forced them to dig in and do it themselves.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
EB that's what I mention below. In 1774 the British brought back french civil code of law to please quebec population and prevent them from joining the US rebel troops who fought just a year later.

That is probably responsible for Canada to remain a country (thank god!) and for quebec to keep it's main language, cool!

Trump should learn and worry more about not to repeat history. What happened in the past is not always right. Knowing Trump's a total racist and in today's world, that does not look very good.



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Sep 9, 2015
I'm not sure why Trump would bring up the War of 1812 other than he thought it would be funny. A lot of the press criticism is unimportant and a bit of quibbling. Canada was allied with Britain and was at war with the United States during that period. As someone said, Trump is not going to be a historian when he leaves the White House.

What's troubling is the press conference with Larry Kudlow yesterday where they presumed what the Administration was doing was unconscionable and tried to pick over his trade actions. The status quo always seems more appealing especially when the Press has a President they find unappealing. It's very hard to find any clear, well-written articles on the trade disputes. The basic premise of many articles is the global trade system is A-OK why mess with it. None of the non-affiliated economists ever supported that view during the election cycle. Quite the contrary, the massive trade imbalances are feared to be creating economic instability.

If you are a Canadian, you should realize the U.S. is trying to realign trade and tariff negotiations around bilateral agreements. Trudeau favors large, multilateral agreements. Trump believes that these agreements are unnecessarily complicated and virtually unenforceable. Kudlow said it very clearly that the WTO is failing the global trade system. He also said that much of the world wants the U.S. to put pressure on China. If the United States can put downward pressure on Chinese trade deficit, it will likely be good for Canada and U.S..-Canada trade in the long run.

While were on a monger site, I just want to say I find Chrystia Freeland an attractive, curvy MILF. Trump's probably thinking her title Minister of Foreign Affairs for Canada as very apt. Do you have a MILF in charge of Domestic Affairs?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I'm always amused by Trump's relations with various world leaders. Merkel clearly hates him. I think she's been terrible for Europe as sure as Europhile journalists will declare her greatness for decades. Theresa May seems to be a dead woman walking. Does anyone know what she stands for? Whether you liked Thatcher or not, she was always very clear in her direction. How bout Thatcher having the clairvoyance to keep Britain out of the Euro (EMS at that time)? Huh fellas?

Then you have the interesting relationship with Macron. The Asian leaders seem to understand him. In respect to this Montreal forum, I'll leave Trudeau out of this although I think he much preferred dealing with Obama.

So the Trump Doctrine after 18 months seems to be to respect your strong allies, call out your enemies and perhaps confusing to some, he calls out his unhelpful allies. The latter is a unusual approach in the post-World War era.

Imagine a Thatcher-Trump alliance if you can. They would be a strong partnership. I could also see Thatcher lecturing Trump to mind his manners and getting away with it.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
, I'll leave Trudeau out of this although I think he much preferred dealing with Obama.

Obama used Justine as a puppet, got him to go all in with the climate change and shut us down meanwhile having record drilling and pipeline construction in the US. Justine does not deal with people, people deal with him.
Added point, in Obama's final days in power he gave $221 million to the Palestine Authority... Smooth move.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
STN, I don't understand the Paris Agreement whatsoever. I understand the economic imbalance between China and India and the rest of the developed world. However, materially impacting global greenhouse gas emissions won't occur until China and India get tired of choking on CO2. A few days visiting a city in either and you'll understand. The Paris agreement gave China and India many years of the same type of dirty development.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The Paris agreement is a distribution of wealth and nothing else, no amount of taxes will change what is happening. Correct, until China, India and many other countries do something we may as well exploit our resources and make a few billion $'s. In the last 7 years Canada has lost 112 billion $'s by not getting our oil to a coast and buying oil from Saudi etc.... Kind if fucking stupid if you ask me.
Justine is a sucker for it, Obama made others believe in it while fracking the fuck out of the east coast and built enough pipelines to circle the globe. Trump has it right, the US is now the new economic power house and pulling out of the Paris accord was one great move.
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