By the way have you ever look at the amount of immigrants or son of immigrants in the list if self made millionnaires and billionnairesMany! You wont find Trump tho haha The problem I am trying to point out is you cannot count on them to have a great society. They and will always remain a minority. The inequities is what is killing America right now. I will say it again... No free education and no free healthcare in a country like the US is absurd. And it will gt worse.
Free education and free healthcare are very good goals, but of course the devil is in the details. Just the declaration sounds too much like Bernie Sanders. Everyone might have idealistic views of what this means. A University Chancellor might think it means he can charge whatever he wants and the government will underwrite a student's expenses. Rosbos' example points out the flaw in what Rand Paul calls enslaving doctors and other healthcare providers in a single-payer system. Either way there will be some sort of rationing which isn't always a bad thing. The rich will always get excellent healthcare and excellent educations. This probably pisses off the far left. We would almost have to adopt communism to stop the rich from getting better healthcare and education than the average person.
Income inequality exists in the U.S and it is at historically high levels. It's happened before in history. Democracies are incredibly adaptable. I am confident they will ameliorate the negative effects of income inequality. Like Rosbos, I am also optimistic about technological advancements. We shouldn't fear accelerating productivity. Productivity is what made people comfortable and rich in advanced societies.