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The Trump Crime Family

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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
..and many are still cheering for this crook to run the country again ....incredible.
Since "Mexicans are rapists and I'm sure some are nice people," demeaning John McCain and every insane thing after that, Trump's support has always been a symptom. The disease, an uncurable one at that by this point, are the people who still vote for him after seeing or hearing every unconscionable thing he does.

Same goes for the Republican Party that supports him no matter what because they need the votes of his idiots. Even with this "terminate the Constitution" nonsense, there are Republicans like Mitch McConnell or Kevin McCarthy who cannot bring themselves to say in public, "No, I no longer support Donald Trump. This is a bridge too far." They dance around how he cannot win an election but they don't disqualify him. Shit, there have been election officials who have been directly harassed because of Trump's lies about the election like Rusty Bowers and Brad Raffensberger who didn't rule out voting for Trump again or actively said they would. In Bower's case he actually said he would vote for Trump (if Trump ran against Biden again and how wonderful the economy was pre-COVID), then later said he would no longer vote for Trump. But that the decision to vote again for Trump--after what he put you through!--was a difficult choice is the madness currently in the country.

I've never voted for Trump (obviously :D) and even though from 2016 I thought it was obvious he's not presidential in anyway, I'm VERY, VERY slightly sympathetic to the idea of "Hey, let's give him a shot." But after EVERYTHING that's happened and being said, Trump is still your guy? There isn't anything he can do or say to disqualify him?! The future of this country looks very dismal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Since "Mexicans are rapists and I'm sure some are nice people," demeaning John McCain and every insane thing after that, Trump's support has always been a symptom. The disease, an uncurable one at that by this point, are the people who still vote for him after seeing or hearing every unconscionable thing he does.

Same goes for the Republican Party that supports him no matter what because they need the votes of his idiots. Even with this "terminate the Constitution" nonsense, there are Republicans like Mitch McConnell or Kevin McCarthy who cannot bring themselves to say in public, "No, I no longer support Donald Trump. This is a bridge too far." They dance around how he cannot win an election but they don't disqualify him. Shit, there have been election officials who have been directly harassed because of Trump's lies about the election like Rusty Bowers and Brad Raffensberger who didn't rule out voting for Trump again or actively said they would. In Bower's case he actually said he would vote for Trump (if Trump ran against Biden again and how wonderful the economy was pre-COVID), then later said he would no longer vote for Trump. But that the decision to vote again for Trump--after what he put you through!--was a difficult choice is the madness currently in the country.

I've never voted for Trump (obviously :D) and even though from 2016 I thought it was obvious he's not presidential in anyway, I'm VERY, VERY slightly sympathetic to the idea of "Hey, let's give him a shot." But after EVERYTHING that's happened and being said, Trump is still your guy? There isn't anything he can do or say to disqualify him?! The future of this country looks very dismal.
In the primaries in 2016, I told myself : what a despictable human being.
My opinion never changed since then.
At the the beginning of the Covid pandemic, he proved his complete ignorance of any science matters.
Except when he told at a European G7 meeting I think, that it was an American that invented the Wheel !

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
As of tonight the money laundering rapist, embezzeler, tax cheat, murderer, pedophile, raving lunatic has likely lost his grip on the Republican party. No more Fox News & Mitch McConnell to protect him. He’s kryptonite to every politician he supports. He was impeached twice, something that has never happened to any President. He’s defended & befriended the world’s worst tyrants. He was a one-term President & didn’t even have the courage to concede. His attempt at organizing a coup against the US government failed. He loves bigots, racists & anti semites. He’s a loser & we are all enjoying his quick downfall! Trumpism is dead!

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
In the primaries in 2016, I told myself : what a despictable human being.
My opinion never changed since then.
At the the beginning of the Covid pandemic, he proved his complete ignorance of any science matters.
Except when he told at a European G7 meeting I think, that it was an American that invented the Wheel !
I'm with you. I thought the Mexican rapist comment was awful.

Then he insulted a guy who actually gave his body in service to the country. John McCain could have been released early from the POW camps in Vietnam because his father was a military big wig. McCain declined because he wanted those imprisoned before him to get released first. If that isn't the definition of honor, then I don't know what the word means. Till the day he died, he couldn't lift up one of his arms due to how badly he was tortured. Instead, you had a guy whose personal Vietnam was avoiding STIs, that never served, insult an honorable military man--and the majority of the GOP electorate went along with it.

Trump was done to me from the moment he insulted McCain. It only got worse because he kept finding another low to stoop to. There is no bottom for him--none. The Marianas Trench is the lowest known point on Earth. For Republicans, that may as well Mount Everest.

Doc, all you people writing Trump's epitaph keep underestimating his super power that up to a third of electorate love him regardless of what he does. And if more people feel emboldened to run for the Republican nomination in 2024, then that replicates how Trump won the nomination in 2016. The field was so splintered with too many candidates that someone like Trump that had the plurality but not majority won. The Republican field is going to have to do what Buttiegieg did and consolidate votes (which allowed a head to head of Biden and Sanders) if they don't want a repeat of 2016.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The Trump Organization, the family real estate business that made Donald J. Trump a billionaire and propelled him from reality television to the White House, was convicted on Tuesday of tax fraud and other crimes, forever tarring the former president and the company that bears his name.

The conviction on all 17 counts, after more than a day of jury deliberations in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, stemmed from the company’s practice of doling out off-the-books perks to executives: They received luxury apartments, leased Mercedes-Benzes, extra cash at Christmas, even free cable television. They paid taxes on none of it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The Trump Organization, the family real estate business that made Donald J. Trump a billionaire and propelled him from reality television to the White House, was convicted on Tuesday of tax fraud and other crimes, forever tarring the former president and the company that bears his name.

The conviction on all 17 counts, after more than a day of jury deliberations in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, stemmed from the company’s practice of doling out off-the-books perks to executives: They received luxury apartments, leased Mercedes-Benzes, extra cash at Christmas, even free cable television. They paid taxes on none of it.
I always knew trump was the worst public villain


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Trump organization found guilty on all counts of tax fraud.
How can anyone be found guilty of tax fraud when the very idea of taxation is theft? Government has been stealing everyones earnings since the Income Tax Act? Is anyone from government will ever be held responsible for robbery?

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
How can anyone be found guilty of tax fraud when the very idea of taxation is theft? Government has been stealing everyones earnings since the Income Tax Act? Is anyone from government will ever be held responsible for robbery?
Like sometimes I wonder if you're genuinely serious or trolling the fuck out of everyone?! It's a legitimate debate to wonder how much taxes one should pay, but to be against all taxes as theft? Do you think the roads you drive on, or municipal services pay for themselves?

I recently read a story from 2010 about a guy whose house burned down because firefighters refused to put out the fire. The homeowner had forgotten to pay a $75 fee that is required for fire department services.

The libertarian argument, as put forth by people like Glenn Beck, is that if the firefighters had put out the fire for the non-paying homeowner, then the non-paying homeowner would be mooching off paying homeowners.

Ok so if you make everyone pay, no one would be mooching off anyone, right? Do you know what we call it when we make everyone pay so they have equal access to public services? They're called taxes.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Former President Donald Trump unveiled Thursday a “limited edition collection” of NFT trading cards featuring cartoon-like images of himself depicted as a superhero, Hollywood actor and more.

He pity


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump's collection of non-fungible tokens, or NFTs — all 45,000 of them — have been completely sold out, raking in a whopping $4.45 million.

What Happened: Over 45,000 NFTs were sold out in about 12 hours, resulting in $4.45 million raised at $99 a piece, with nearly 14,000 people purchasing one or more of the online tokens, according to OpenSea data.

14,000 conspirators and uneducated.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Even Steve Bannon and other key advisers to former President Donald Trump have had enough of his latest stunts — demanding everyone behind his wacky NFT collection be “fired today.”

“I can’t do this anymore,” an exasperated-sounding Bannon said Thursday on his show, “The War Room,” when discussing the widely derided collection the 45th president launched the previous day.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

Donald Trump's collection of non-fungible tokens, or NFTs — all 45,000 of them — have been completely sold out, raking in a whopping $4.45 million.

What Happened: Over 45,000 NFTs were sold out in about 12 hours, resulting in $4.45 million raised at $99 a piece, with nearly 14,000 people purchasing one or more of the online tokens, according to OpenSea data.

14,000 conspirators and uneducated.
What i’m hearing today is that this is likely another one of Trump’s money laundering schemes. I’m curious if we’ll ever find out who the bulk of the ‘buyers’ are. Saudis? Russians? Anyways earlier today on Trump’s social media site people were bitching that they spent $99 on one of these digital cards & that today they were no longer showing in their virtual wallet or email account. Lol

Like Trump Steaks & Trump University this looks like another obvious scam by the master grifter & once again way too many suckers fell for it! Hillarious! Lol
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