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The Trump Crime Family

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
.....anyway again and again AM so happy for this third indictmemt pour avoir voulu renverser et annuler le résultat du vote par des actes illégaux....special counsel said he wants a speedy process....let.s hope it will happen...and more to come for this bastard.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
.....anyway again and again AM so happy for this third indictmemt pour avoir voulu renverser et annuler le résultat du vote par des actes illégaux....special counsel said he wants a speedy process....let.s hope it will happen...and more to come for this bastard.

On CNN, a lawyer clown of Trump is trying to defend him.
He accuse the DOJ of politicising the Justice Department.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
.....anyway again and again AM so happy for this third indictmemt pour avoir voulu renverser et annuler le résultat du vote par des actes illégaux....special counsel said he wants a speedy process....let.s hope it will happen...and more to come for this bastard.

He constantely interrupt Kaitlin Collins by repeating his lies.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
Even if Mr Cheetos is condemed and jailed, there is nothing in the american Constitution to prevent him from being the next republican presidential candidate….,
Let them have him!

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
I'm exhausted with Trump. I just wish he'd go away. But even if Trump got locked up tomorrow, the Republican electorate--the dog that wags the tail, the etiology of the disease in which Trump is just a symptom--is here to stay with us.

In 7-8 years, we went from "Lock her up" (for what crime exactly? They didn't know) to where someone on his gazillionth indictment like he was trying to punch all the holes on his indictment card like a Subway Rewards punch card only gets more popular with the Republican electorate! In the same breath, had their perceived opponents been mired in a fraction of the legal trouble Trump is in, they'd be braying about how he/she is unfit for office. It's all so exhausting and a portent of a bad future for this country.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
I'm exhausted with Trump. I just wish he'd go away. But even if Trump got locked up tomorrow, the Republican electorate--the dog that wags the tail, the etiology of the disease in which Trump is just a symptom--is here to stay with us.

In 7-8 years, we went from "Lock her up" (for what crime exactly? They didn't know) to where someone on his gazillionth indictment like he was trying to punch all the holes on his indictment card like a Subway Rewards punch card only gets more popular with the Republican electorate! In the same breath, had their perceived opponents been mired in a fraction of the legal trouble Trump is in, they'd be braying about how he/she is unfit for office. It's all so exhausting and a portent of a bad future for this country.

Of one my friend who knows much in history, tells me that Trump is using quite the same scheme as Adolph Hitler but not with the same goals.
Trump is an extreme narcissist that care only for himself.
His country doesn't mean anything.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
On CNN, a lawyer clown of Trump is trying to defend him.
He accuse the DOJ of politicising the Justice Department.
That's what these corrupt lying assholes always do. They look at the crimes the GOP has committed and then accuse the Democrats of the same thing. It was TRUMP who used the DOJ as a political weapon. Look at what Bill Barr did. Look at how Donnie kept replacing people not just in the DOJ but everywhere in the government. If they didn't lick his boots just the way he wanted, they'd be out of a job.

Look also at the entire corrupt GOP: defending Donnie when the whole world saw him doing his crimes in PUBLIC, while they're accusing Joe Biden of stuff when he's done nothing wrong (apart from having some documents from his VP days, just like Pence - but he and Pence co-operated fully while Donnie lied and obstructed justice). The corrupt GOP is also Hellbent on nailing Hunter Biden. He seems like a sleazeball and he did some bad things, but they were MINOR bad things and he's a PRIVATE CITIZEN who's not even in government, and the bad things were nowhere near as bad as the MAJOR bad things Donnie did and continues to do. The GOP is filled with slime and the lawyers working with them are in many cases of the same character, which is why some of them are unindicted co-conspirators in the January 6th filings.

The saddest thing is that so many Americans fall for Trump's lies and the GOP's BS. But these are the same type of gullible fools who also fell for George Santos's BS and by the way, I don't see Jim Jordan or James Comey rushing to bring Santos up on charges in front of their joke of a committee.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Trump va comparaître à 16h. today/WASH.....vivement photo/ empreintes digitales et menottes .....rien de moins pour ce criminel avec 5 morts et 140 policiers blessés sur la conscience....doit et va payer la facture pour son comportement criminel et vicieux.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Trump va comparaître à 16h. today/WASH.....vivement photo/ empreintes digitales et menottes .....rien de moins pour ce criminel avec 5 morts et 140 policiers blessés sur la conscience....doit et va payer la facture pour son comportement criminel et vicieux.

There will be important security measures for this.
We will see if his followers will show up in significant numbers.
Those we see at his ralllies are mostly aged white aged men and women.
I suspect that a good part suffer mental health decline !
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
..and many others only mobs qui n'acceptent aucune autorité/aucun sens démocratique SAUF la leur.....des irréductibles fanatiques /illuminés /enflammés par leur narcissique/criminel gourou.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Trump va comparaître à 16h. today/WASH.....vivement photo/ empreintes digitales et menottes .....rien de moins pour ce criminel avec 5 morts et 140 policiers blessés sur la conscience....doit et va payer la facture pour son comportement criminel et vicieux.

What is unbelievable is that his support from Republican in polls grows with each indictement.
I never thought that so many Americans live with only two brain cells !
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Ce bandit va plaider en défense par la bouche de ses avocats ..

1- la liberté d'expression/free speech.....hey come on...pas le droit de tout dire..... les mensonges frauduleux et les propos incitant à la violence extrême en sont exclus et méritent d'être condamnés/punis lourdement.

2-va dire qu'il a agi selon les avis prodigués par ses avocats verreux dont Giuliani et autres.......come on ....c'est lui qui leur disait quoi anyway ultimement il est ABSOLUMENT le seul IMPUTABLE/RESPONSABLE de l'assaut du 6 Janvier entraînant des morts
et des dizaines de policiers blessés.

3- et finalement ses avocats vont prétendre que TROMP croyait vraiment être toujours le Président/qu'il avait gagné et avait le droit de absurd it is....à son cette folie anyway ne justifie en rien l'appel à la violence extrême et à
une insurrection.......mérite seulement d'être interné pour le reste de ses jours.

There is no exit.....cette cause n'a aucune défense crédible en tout reste que le 2 cents.
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