The federal grand jury in DC has returned an indictment on a yet to be named individual. Tick tock.
The federal grand jury in DC has returned an indictment on a yet to be named individual. Tick tock.
Trump indicated on 4 criminal counts.
Six associates of trump are involved too. Unclear if any of these co-conspirators will be charged at this time.
Based on the general description of the co-conspirators, it appears that Meadows is not one of them. That suggests Meadows is cooperating with the special counsel.
Trump indicated on 4 criminal counts.
.....anyway again and again AM so happy for this third indictmemt pour avoir voulu renverser et annuler le résultat du vote par des actes illégaux....special counsel said he wants a speedy process....let.s hope it will happen...and more to come for this bastard.
.....anyway again and again AM so happy for this third indictmemt pour avoir voulu renverser et annuler le résultat du vote par des actes illégaux....special counsel said he wants a speedy process....let.s hope it will happen...and more to come for this bastard.
I'm exhausted with Trump. I just wish he'd go away. But even if Trump got locked up tomorrow, the Republican electorate--the dog that wags the tail, the etiology of the disease in which Trump is just a symptom--is here to stay with us.
In 7-8 years, we went from "Lock her up" (for what crime exactly? They didn't know) to where someone on his gazillionth indictment like he was trying to punch all the holes on his indictment card like a Subway Rewards punch card only gets more popular with the Republican electorate! In the same breath, had their perceived opponents been mired in a fraction of the legal trouble Trump is in, they'd be braying about how he/she is unfit for office. It's all so exhausting and a portent of a bad future for this country.
That's what these corrupt lying assholes always do. They look at the crimes the GOP has committed and then accuse the Democrats of the same thing. It was TRUMP who used the DOJ as a political weapon. Look at what Bill Barr did. Look at how Donnie kept replacing people not just in the DOJ but everywhere in the government. If they didn't lick his boots just the way he wanted, they'd be out of a job.On CNN, a lawyer clown of Trump is trying to defend him.
He accuse the DOJ of politicising the Justice Department.
Trump va comparaître à 16h. today/WASH.....vivement photo/ empreintes digitales et menottes .....rien de moins pour ce criminel avec 5 morts et 140 policiers blessés sur la conscience....doit et va payer la facture pour son comportement criminel et vicieux.
Trump va comparaître à 16h. today/WASH.....vivement photo/ empreintes digitales et menottes .....rien de moins pour ce criminel avec 5 morts et 140 policiers blessés sur la conscience....doit et va payer la facture pour son comportement criminel et vicieux.