Just heard...he is fundraising like hell......ce moron n'a pas de limite à l'indécence..lolll....il jouit---for the moment--de ses malheurs....BUT le bon temps achève....lollllll
Just heard...he is fundraising like hell......ce moron n'a pas de limite à l'indécence..lolll....il jouit---for the moment--de ses malheurs....BUT le bon temps achève....lollllll
Infame GIULIANI concedes he made DEFAMATORY statements en regard de 2 election workers/ GEORGIA qui le poursuivent en justice et à qui il a rendu la vie impossible et misérable ces dernières années.....évidemment ce moron a agi sous les ordres de son pervers gourou ....grandememt temps de mettre ces 2 bandits hors circulation...et pour longtemps.
Infame GIULIANI concedes he made DEFAMATORY statements en regard de 2 election workers/ GEORGIA qui le poursuivent en justice et à qui il a rendu la vie impossible et misérable ces dernières années.....évidemment ce moron a agi sous les ordres de son pervers gourou ....grandememt temps de mettre ces 2 bandits hors circulation...et pour longtemps.
Sordide TROMP said today to the special counsel....''indictment will destroy country''... cela again est du chantage/menace de violence/turmoil......n'aidera en rien à sa cause...au contraire....plzzzzzzzzz come on and proceed......
Mob boss trump makes tricky Dick look like a boy scout.DOJ......Tromp tried to ''ulter, destroy,mutilate''evidence.....wow....that's big/obstruction......that doesn't remind you of NIXON.... .BUT in 1000 times worse and more odious.....lolllll
His supporters that's who. Politics is the biggest con job of his disgusting, worthless, grifting life.WASH POST....cette crapule/crook has spent 40M+ in legal fees this year.....and it's far from over....loll....and who pays the bills??????
Not only has the PAC, Save America, spent over $40 mil for trump's and associates' legal fees in 2023, it spent another $16 mil in the prior 2 years. And the PAC is attempting to recapture $60 mil in contributions given to another group supporting trump. The grifting never stops with this criminal con man.