TROMP'S liars seek INDEFINITE postponement of documents trial......yeah sure....quelqu'un de surpris??????
Crooked Trump.
Why did "The Hill" publish Trump crime family opinion?
Trump says Biden 'dragging' US 'into World War III' by ...The Hill › policy › defense
Dang. Rewind 3 years ago:
Strange it was when Covid started.
President Trump halts funding to World Health Organization
Now this just this week from Germany.
Trump crime family has collaborators in Europe??!!
MEP Christine Anderson Issues Stark Warning to World Health Organization
Maybe Trump was ahead of his time?
I dunno.
Inside Trump’s Fascist Plan to Control All Federal Agencies if He Wins
Trump has a detailed plan to consolidate power if he retakes the White
No surprise, since Trump (according to his chief of staff) is an admirer of Hitler.
And it'll be a double-header. Indictments in Fulton County, Georgia and federally in Washington DC as soon as later this again expecting to b arrested and indicted soon.......yessssss.....plz plz plz makes my day.....lollll
BREAKING NEWS....TROMP says he has been told/informed Sunday he's a target/grand jury of JAN. 6th bet ....about time...again quelqu'un de surpris???????
Entendu hier/CNN.....beaucoup de ses sordides soldats sont déjà en prison....maintenant temps que le GÉNÉRAL aille les rejoindre .......can' agree more .....avoir l'intention de bloquer la certification en dirigeant une insurrection sur le CAPITOLE est une atteinte au fondement de notre démocratie et dans mon livre un acte de trahison qui mérite la guillotine.....procédez plzzzzzz.