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The Trump Crime Family

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
In an interview with MNBC/ MEET THE PRESS.....TROMP said clearly he is the one----en dépit de l'avis de ses avocats-----who took the decision de contester et nier le résultat de l'élection.....JACK SMITH must surely have been listening..with a large smile.....lollll


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Former GIULIANI lawyers sue for 1,3M in unpaid fees......that"s just a beginning......should ask his dear friend ----for whom it's pocket money---to help him a bit.....lollll.....BUT he already knows the answer connaissant très bien l'avare /greedy et cheap moron personnage.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
And now the title of this thread finally earns its name: Donald Trump found liable for fraud in New York. Judge orders cancellation of business certificates.

A New York judge found Donald Trump and his family business fraudulently inflated the value of his properties and other assets, in a major defeat for the former U.S. president that could severely hamper his ability to do business in the state.

The scathing decision by Justice Arthur Engoron of New York state court in Manhattan will make it easier for state Attorney General Letitia James to establish damages at a scheduled Oct. 2 trial.

Engoron also ordered the cancellation of certificates that let some of Trump's businesses, including the Trump Organization, operate in New York, and ordered the appointment of a receiver to manage the businesses' dissolution.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
And now the title of this thread finally earns its name: Donald Trump found liable for fraud in New York. Judge orders cancellation of business certificates.

A New York judge found Donald Trump and his family business fraudulently inflated the value of his properties and other assets, in a major defeat for the former U.S. president that could severely hamper his ability to do business in the state.

The scathing decision by Justice Arthur Engoron of New York state court in Manhattan will make it easier for state Attorney General Letitia James to establish damages at a scheduled Oct. 2 trial.

Engoron also ordered the cancellation of certificates that let some of Trump's businesses, including the Trump Organization, operate in New York, and ordered the appointment of a receiver to manage the businesses' dissolution.
Con-man, fraudster, pathological lier, narcissist, rapist, insurrectionist, fascist, looser. In other words the presumptive presidential candidate of the Republican political party. Republicans, you must be so proud.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Aghast, an honest NY leftwing judge came to this conclusion. I am shocked I tell you, shocked.
So every trial trump loses is rigged. Every judge who rules against him is a trump-hater. Every election he loses in stolen. Every adverse news story is fake. Every woman who says trump sexually assaulted her is a liar. Every cabinet member and White House aide who tells the truth is an idiot and a loser. It's that delusional thinking is what's really shocking.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009

Don Julio

Active Member
Jul 15, 2023
Now that is what's shocking.
The Democratic Party dominates politics in the state, with the Democrats representing a plurality of voters in New York State, constituting over twice as many registered voters as any other political party affiliation or lack thereof.

Just pointing out the bias in the NY state, most Canadians would not know this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Bias my ass. He was found liable for fraud because he's been guilty of it his whole sick, twisted, perverse, worthless life and the walls are finally closing in on the piece of shit. Unfortunately a lot of idiots and rightwing clowns are so in love with their false messiah cult hero that they can't see through the tons of BS that he, his enablers, the corrupt GOP and Faux News assholes keep spewing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
And the crapulous TROMP ORGANIZATION has his head office au coeur de normal que ce soit un juge NYORKAIS qui soit en charge et finalement passe à l'action vs cette bande /famille de criminels.


Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
Bias my ass. He was found liable for fraud because he's been guilty of it his whole sick, twisted, perverse, worthless life and the walls are finally closing in on the piece of shit. Unfortunately a lot of idiots and rightwing clowns are so in love with their false messiah cult hero that they can't see through the tons of BS that he, his enablers, the corrupt GOP and Faux News assholes keep spewing.
It’s only politics buddy you don’t have to be so angry and emotional, by hating Trump and the Republicans with that much passion it makes you fell in the Bias category more than everything else.
It’s getting so bad that you’re not even trying to make a point or express an opinion.
There is more insults and bashing in your little paragraph than in a 5 minutes Stone Cold Steve Austin promo.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
You hit the nail perfectly on the head, my friend. Of course I dislike Trump intensely, as multiple millions do. He's a sexual predator (guilty of rape, as declared by a New York judge), a bully, a coward, a draft dodger who insults and demeans legitimate military heroes (John McCain for example), a liar, a grifter, a traitor, a narcissist, a nasty SOB who insults anyone and everyone who doesn't kiss his 270 pound ass, a racist, a fraudster, a guy who has such a fragile ego that he even cheats at golf, a guy who sucks up to dictators and tosses aside allies, a guy whose total incompetence contributed to many COVID-related deaths, a guy who denies science, a guy whose actions led to women losing the right to control their own bodies, a guy responsible more than any other for the hatred and division threatening to destroy a once-great nation, and a guy described by his own niece (who detests him) as the most dangerous man in the world. The man is pure evil and pure slime. What's NOT to dislike about the piece of dirt?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
The Democratic Party dominates politics in the state, with the Democrats representing a plurality of voters in New York State, constituting over twice as many registered voters as any other political party affiliation or lack thereof.

Just pointing out the bias in the NY state, most Canadians would not know this.
That's not bias, that's democracy. The voters in NY prefer the Democratic party over the party of trump. And it's clear that trump and MAGA Republicans hate democracy.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Joint Chief Chairman General Mark Milley: We don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator.

The nation's top officer lauded the continued bravery of American soldiers during his speech and described how the oath they take to protect the Constitution encompasses "all enemies, foreign and domestic," placing emphasis on "all" and "and,"

"We don't take an oath to a king, or a queen, or to a tyrant or dictator, and we don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator," Milley said. "We don't take an oath to an individual. We take an oath to the Constitution, and we take an oath to the idea that is America, and we're willing to die to protect it." He continued, "Every soldier, sailor, airman, Marine, guardian and Coast Guardsman, each of us commits our very life to protect and defend that document, regardless of personal price. And we are not easily intimidated."


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
You do understand that NY has been a Dem state way before Trump or is that where your US history starts?
Of course I understand that and no that's not where my U.S. history starts. I proudly voted against Nixon - another criminal Republican president - so I have a lengthy political historical perspective. I was using what I consider to be a more accurate description of today's Republican party i.e the party of trump. New York prefers Democrats to both the former Republican party and today's party of trump ( AKA MAGA republican party ). I love New York. That would make a great t-shirt, wouldn't it?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Scott Hall----you remember that beautiful face/mugshot----bail bondsman-----co-defendant pleads guilty in TROMP'S Georgia election interference five misdemeanor conspiracy charges....5 years of probation/5,000 fine/200 hours community service....

in exchange for HIS TESTIMONY in the case. Pretty pretty sure some take good notes....lolll...much less expensive than to pay lawyer fees for months/years.....just saying......very very interesting......à suivre.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Scott Hall----you remember that beautiful face/mugshot----bail bondsman-----co-defendant pleads guilty in TROMP'S Georgia election interference five misdemeanor conspiracy charges....5 years of probation/5,000 fine/200 hours community service....

in exchange for HIS TESTIMONY in the case. Pretty pretty sure some take good notes....lolll...much less expensive than to pay lawyer fees for months/years.....just saying......very very interesting......à suivre.
This republican criminal broke into voting machines in Georgia. He is also linked to co-conspirator Jeffrey Clark. Clark is the former DOJ official who attempted to have the DOJ tell states, that Biden had won, that DOJ has discovered election fraud when it hadn't. Hall and Clark spoke on the phone for over an hour on January 2, 2021. As part of his plea agreement Hall must disclose the details of that call and everything else he knows about trump's election interference.
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