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The Trump Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
"Trump has documents as president massive outrage, Biden has documents not president and not an issue. And that is only one example."

Yes, and it's a laughingly bad example. The difference is that Biden realized he had them, voluntarily notified the appropriate authorities himself and then cooperated fully with the authorities (pretty much like Pence did).

The traitor, however, knowingly took them, lied about having them, tried to hide some or all of them, and not only never cooperated with the authorities but actively attempted to deceive them and to obstruct justice.

Anyone who obtains their information from legitimate news sources knows this. Cultists who only watch, read, or listen to rightwing propaganda do not know it and end up falling for the reams of BS spread by Trump, the GOP, Faux News and various other rightwing cesspools full of lies.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
"Trump has documents as president massive outrage, Biden has documents not president and not an issue. And that is only one example."

Yes, and it's a laughingly bad example. The difference is that Biden realized he had them, voluntarily notified the appropriate authorities himself and then cooperated fully with the authorities (pretty much like Pence did).

The traitor, however, knowingly took them, lied about having them, tried to hide some or all of them, and not only never cooperated with the authorities but actively attempted to deceive them and to obstruct justice.

Anyone who obtains their information from legitimate news sources knows this. Cultists who only watch, read, or listen to rightwing propaganda do not know it and end up falling for the reams of BS spread by Trump, the GOP, Faux News and various other rightwing cesspools full of lies.

That confirm that Trump partisans belong in his Cult !


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Now the Republican states want to criminally charge women who travel out of state for abortions:

The Alabama attorney general wrote that he believed his office had a right to prosecute those who help women travel across state lines in search of an abortion. The filing comes in a lawsuit from two women’s health clinics and an abortion fund, which sued Marshall after he publicly stated his intention to criminally investigate organizations like theirs, which provide financial and logistical help to pregnant patients seeking to leave the state. In his response, Marshall unequivocally stated that Alabama, which bans all abortions with no rape or incest exemption, views any effort to help women cross state lines as a “criminal conspiracy”.

“An elected abortion performed in Alabama would be a criminal offense,” Marshall’s office writes. “Thus, a conspiracy formed in the state to have that same act performed outside the state is illegal.”


WTF is going to come up next? An underground railroad, just like the one that sheltered escaping slaves 200 years ago? Would be much easier to organize today but also too easy to infiltrate.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
A sad tale you posted Wetnose but typical behavior from the GOP - a party that has been bad for a long while but that became far worse when it endorsed Trump as its savior. Just like the Orange Emperor himself, his conscienceless toadies are scum who don't give a damn about American citizens. Like Donnie, the party treats even its own supporters - perhaps ESPECIALLY its own supporters - as fools, suckers and ATMs, all while spreading hatred and risking and ruining the lives of women, immigrants and minorities.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
This Trump situation publicly on World Stage to see for all.
This exposes so much of internal politics to World Stage.
Foreign entities studying this closely.
Even Putin takes notice "It is good that it is happening" omg.
Putin is part of BRICS so his friends watching closely too.

Russian President Vladimir Putin ... Donald Trump criminal charges

Immediately this below clip popped into my head.
I am certain it was in Putin's head.
Let them fight until one is dead and other is burned out.....then strike.

From russia with love
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Yep...,,BUT nothing will se considère toujours comme omnipuissant/omnipotent et intouchable.....un pourri de la pire espèce....a moron of the worst types....who will have the guts to shut him out????..


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
A federal district judge, that's who.
Let's hope so. The main problem is that Merrick Garland sat on his hands for far too long. I initially had high hopes for Garland, especially after the corrupt GOP had prevented his being named to SCOTUS. But sadly he's been a colossal failure as AG. Someone with a set of cojones would have been a better choice. At least Jack Smith seems okay in the job he's doing as Special Counsel. And the judge in the January 6th case seems really good.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
So I read in today's news: Trump was giving one of his usual horseshit speeches blasting Biden for being corrupt, incompetent, clueless, etc. and during the speech, self-described "very stable genius" Donnie said he is leading in the polls over...Obama (!) and also said that if bad things happen (like Donnie going to jail or Biden winning the next election) World War...TWO (!) might break out.

Someone find the right doctor for this idiot!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Here is a great video of Trump committing those braindead gaffes mentioned in the previous post. There's a lot of other good stuff also, including shots of spineless Kevin, fur-clad MTG and Boebert (although Boebert is not vaping or being groped in this one). Cohen is obviously a Democratic supporter, as some Trump cultists will probably point out, but who cares, since everything in the video is truthful and accurate (unlike the lies and garbage spouted by Trumpie, his cult followers and the spineless, corrupt GOP).

Trump descends into visible CONFUSION on stage during rally - YouTube


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009

Trump says it was "my decision" to try to overturn the 2020 election results.

So now the "stable genius" just confessed to the media. Does he think that the only place to take the 5th is in the court room?

I guess the last few months were NOT a witch hunt, Trump did LOSE the 2020 election, and the Democrats aren't fabricating some fake conspiracy against Trump.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I’ve been watching video clips of Trump from back in the 90’s all the way to today. I’ve noticed a considerable difference in his speech pattern. It’s like he’s two entirely different persons. Even if you just go back to 5 or 6 years ago you notice the difference. Today he speaks like a toddler. If someone who didn’t know him would just listen to the sound & ignore the video he’d probably think he was listening to a 6-year old!

Like his old man Trump likely suffers from dementia. He definitely has a diseased brain. Sad, right? Not really. If his own family doesn’t see it or care to do something about why should i care?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
In an interview with MNBC/ MEET THE PRESS.....TROMP said clearly he is the one----en dépit de l'avis de ses avocats-----who took the decision de contester et nier le résultat de l'élection.....JACK SMITH must surely have been listening..with a large smile.....lollll


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Former GIULIANI lawyers sue for 1,3M in unpaid fees......that"s just a beginning......should ask his dear friend ----for whom it's pocket money---to help him a bit.....lollll.....BUT he already knows the answer connaissant très bien l'avare /greedy et cheap moron personnage.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
And now the title of this thread finally earns its name: Donald Trump found liable for fraud in New York. Judge orders cancellation of business certificates.

A New York judge found Donald Trump and his family business fraudulently inflated the value of his properties and other assets, in a major defeat for the former U.S. president that could severely hamper his ability to do business in the state.

The scathing decision by Justice Arthur Engoron of New York state court in Manhattan will make it easier for state Attorney General Letitia James to establish damages at a scheduled Oct. 2 trial.

Engoron also ordered the cancellation of certificates that let some of Trump's businesses, including the Trump Organization, operate in New York, and ordered the appointment of a receiver to manage the businesses' dissolution.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
And now the title of this thread finally earns its name: Donald Trump found liable for fraud in New York. Judge orders cancellation of business certificates.

A New York judge found Donald Trump and his family business fraudulently inflated the value of his properties and other assets, in a major defeat for the former U.S. president that could severely hamper his ability to do business in the state.

The scathing decision by Justice Arthur Engoron of New York state court in Manhattan will make it easier for state Attorney General Letitia James to establish damages at a scheduled Oct. 2 trial.

Engoron also ordered the cancellation of certificates that let some of Trump's businesses, including the Trump Organization, operate in New York, and ordered the appointment of a receiver to manage the businesses' dissolution.
Con-man, fraudster, pathological lier, narcissist, rapist, insurrectionist, fascist, looser. In other words the presumptive presidential candidate of the Republican political party. Republicans, you must be so proud.
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