Today AG JAMES says after he still bullied her....'' Trump show is over''.....can't wait to see....loll....enough....about time for action action action.....
Trump is the one facing 91 criminal counts. If anyone is going to prison it will be him.yup and he will pardon all his friends and make a special cell for Killery
Nothing has happened, huh? Well except for the fact he's been criminally indicted 4 times and charged with 91 criminal counts. He's in the process of being held criminally accountable for, as you put it, "everything he has done".Well dont be suprised if he skates! In the usa there is 12 types of justice not the word faceing.91 might as well be 1000 what a joke
washington post had a nice little article
Trump can still run for president in 2024 after being indicted twice
Though a former president has never been convicted of a crime, even that wouldn’t necessarily bar Trump from running again. And some advisers think the indictments could be good for his campaign.
think about everything he as done and nothing has happened to him
Fortunately, that's not even close to how the judicial system works in the real world. It's not entertainment. It's justice. All it will take is 1 conviction federally or in Georgia to send him away for the rest of his life.Takes all 12 jurors to vote guilty in a criminal trial.
35 percent of people view him favorably.
Little change in Americans’ views of Trump over the past year
63% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump, while 35% view him favorably. A year ago, Trump’s rating stood at 60%
35 percent times 12 is 4.
He only needs one of those four to do jury nullification.
Most likely two or three will, especially since Trump has announced that it is a political prosecution.
Fucking waste of time.
It is more entertainment from the Entertainment President.
Goddamn entertainment portion of the media empires long ago eliminated the news. The nightly news was once a staple of life. Now it is gone. Only Entertainment in the news now.
The Entertainment portion of the media got him elected by covering him nonstop when he ran. Then they got him unelected by pointing out his stupidity.
People watch all of this and buy the products that are being advertised while being entertained.
The Entertainment portion of the media would love a hung jury after hung jury For him. The 35 percent that love him will watch, and the similar percentage with Trump Derangement Syndrome will watch. And buy things that are advertised.
Attorneys and judges will get paid and enjoy their moment of recognition from the Entertainment portion of the media. Maybe like Judge Ito in the O.J. trial they will even get invited to be on TV shows.
A third of the nation wishes life would return to normal and wish he would go away, with no prosecution. But they are in the minority now. Politicians need to be celebrities now instead of serious legislators. Thanks to the Entertainment Industry.
Will never happen.Fortunately, that's not even close to how the judicial system works in the real world. It's not entertainment. It's justice. All it will take is 1 conviction federally or in Georgia to send him away for the rest of his life.
Will never happen.
It will absolutely happen. The trump show is coming to an end.Will never happen.
And you should hear what those brain dead Americans think of those with TDS.You could be very right, there are enough braindead americans for that to happen.
Or if you prefer Trump cult members.
And you should hear what those brain dead Americans think of those with TDS.
Just perhaps those with TDS just do not understand that many Trump supporters are just people who think Biden is a useless corrupt POS and looking for an alternative.I thought that TDS happlied to Trump fanatic supporters.
We don't have the same definition.
Those that you accuse of TDS are those who see how crazy and dangerous Trump is.
you seem to know everything difinitivly with convitciton could you give me the numbers for the loto max?
Seems to me you are trying very hard to rationalize, with far-fetched justifications and illogical rationale, why a criminal defendant should not be held accountable. And by the way it's the independent DOJ and states' attorneys general who are prosecuting this criminal defendant and not the Democratic Party.It is possible that you are correct, but the consequences will be terrible. Let’s assume they finally get an urban/suburban jury of twelve people. Seven relatively well-educated women of various races, two Black/Hispanic men and three white men, all of whom are at least a tad Metrosexual. And they convict Trump who is herded off to federal prison where he gets Secret Service protection, which many articles have indicated he is entitled to. They will have to cordon off a section of the prison for the group, otherwise there is the very real problem of having the guns of the Secret Service agents too near prisoners. The Media and tge Talking Head experts will have a massive hard-on talking about that.
And guess what, it will alienate the rural whites who support him, and they will send more Marjorie Taylor Green types to Congress.
The whole thing is fucking stupid. The hardcore Trump supporters who are not traditional business-friendly Republicans like Kevin McCarthy are an angry minority, but a sizable one. Trump managed to fire them up and get them to go out and vote. Their participation, along with the traditional business-friendly Republicans and the evangelicals, put the Republicans in the majority. You don’t manage to “mainstream” this group, i.e., make them business-friendly Republicans, by jailing their leader. It makes them more radical.
And let‘s not ignore the obvious stupidity of the Democratic Party. They had a chance to move to the center and get the majority back by attracting the business-friendly Republicans who are horrified by Trump and their new “country cousins”. They chose instead to keep glorifying Bernie Sanders, AOC, and the like, fueled in no small part by the exploitive media that needs to glorify radicals. And the Democrats don’t seem to understand that the prosecution of Trump puts his name front and center every fucking day. Name recognition matters a great deal in politics. The more name recognition, the more votes a person gets.
He needs to be locked up permanently in either prison or a mental institution. He's proven that he's eligible for both.