Appeal !..and le juge qui ne s'en est pas laisser imposé....l'a remis à sa place à maintes occasions cet outragieux moron....good job Sir.....and now the verdict!!!!!
Appeal !
Quand on connaît ce cheap/moron il la paye sûrement elle ressemble à sa femme/si toujours dans le décor....loll...peut-être même un threesome....loll.....who knows??????
Lol..and le juge qui ne s'en est pas laisser imposé....l'a remis à sa place à maintes occasions cet outragieux moron....good job Sir.....and now the verdict!!!!!
Well....the best way to get money from this coward than to b his lawyer....lolllllIf I were her, I wouldn't have sex with Trump for under 1 milllion $ !
Well....the best way to get money from this coward than to b his lawyer....lolllll
..and so ALINA will get her récompense and the job she is looking for
The white house is always full of incompetent yes men and women no matter their skill or competency regardless of who is President or which party is in power.He will put in high positions in the White House yes men and women no matter their skill and competency.
The white house is always full of incompetent yes men and women no matter their skill or competency regardless of who is President or which party is in power.
It is the way politicians repay the people that got them elected this is exactly why it is always the scum that rises to the top.
Not that I was a big Jeff Sessions fan but there is a good example. Fired him and replaced him with the sweaty Den who was charged with fraud selling Big Dick toilets, Matthew WhittakerAt the beginning of his presidency, Trump named some competent men. One example was Rex Tillerson former EXXON MOBIL Ceo. He was named secretary of state but was replaced when Trump realized that Tillerson was much more intelligent than he was.
I don't remember all of his supposed top men and women that he fired and replaced with much worse !
Ah, an Osteopath, the carnie of the medical world
This is a worthless, fluff, superficial letter. Let me read his chart and the charts from the specialists consulted, his lab work, and all testing done and I'll tell you how healthy he is ... or isn't.
My thoughts exactly. Anyone could have written that letter. There is no medical information, no medical data, nothing. The letter would have had more credibility had it been written by a chiropractor or a veterinarian.Ah, an Osteopath, the carnie of the medical world