You do not need to process them at all.If someone swims across the river or in a non port of entry, we don't shoot them; we get their ID and process them as refugees. But we need many more border agents and cameras to see them, etc; all in the border bill, Trump told his minions not to vote on since, instead of solving the problem, he wanted to run on it.
You simply round them up give them the proper forms that they need to apply for entry into the US legally from outside the US and then you march them back across the border from where they came and you do this with all of them that do not have the proper approval to enter the US. You do not need all the bull shit rhetoric just a bit of common sense.
Nobody needs illegal immigrants who are not vetted and who do not apply through the proper channels.
I have been an immigrant all my life in a couple of different countries but always applied through the proper channels did all the required medical tests etc…
Dems are not fooling anybody with their BS, they screwed up big time at the border they had 4 years to fix it.
It is always the same BS it is not our fault it is Trump lol then the word salads start, that went over well for them in the election
Now it is time for Trump to do it.