You think Biden wasn’t surrounded by boot lickers lol.Sorry but the assasinition attempts has been made by Republicans.
Why ? Perhaps they realised that he was a dangerous dictator wannabe ?
Look at what the former members of his first Presidency said about his mental capacities and the danger he he was.
For his second term, his choices are based not on their qualifications but on their talent as ass lickers !
He picked a DEI Vice President a no talent salad babbling cackling fool.
The Biden/ Kamala duo will go down as the worst candidates in History.
Someone who had lost his mental capacity and he had to be hand led off stage and the other only being nominated because she was a woman and part of a minority.
Anyway bottom line the Dems lost BIGLY and can look forward to a well deserved ass kicking voted for by those dumb ignorant hard working people scorned by them.