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Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
There's one thing I know about Western politics and Radical Islam. Whether you are in the U.S, Canada or Europe, if you are politically betting on relative peace with Radical Islam the radicals will always bite your politics in the ass.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
A refugee also raped people in Edmonton and another killed an Asian girl in Vancouver


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
There's one thing I know about Western politics and Radical Islam. Whether you are in the U.S, Canada or Europe, if you are politically betting on relative peace with the Radical Islam the radicals will always bite your politics in the ass.

That is because it's exactly what they want. They want to embark you in their fear game. They do not want piece at all.

Only "normal" Islamic themselves could eradicate them. How could it be otherwise? But they are not doing it either because they hate occidental just as much as radicals, maybe because of economic reasons or maybe because there all cowards.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
It seems are Liberal friends, Democrat friends and those who hate being labeled for their progressive political views (because you know, labels are so uncool), are awfully quiet here and elsewhere on social media this week.

You have AOC and the entire Socialist wing of the Democrat party sharing their utopian visions of the world they have planned for us all. Thank you, I'll pass. Then, you have Virginia. Where do you start? You have a Governor who erred greatly when he was a young adult. Then there is a Lt. Governor who has a Me Too attack being launched against him.

So many of you Progressives, idealistically thought calling out Republicans racist for microaggressions and legitimate policy that you disagreed with are in a pickle. Then the Kavanaugh lynch mob is stuck either defending or throwing under the bus an African-American Democrat. Oh and how, can the fringes of both parties be a nightmare.

I'll say what I have always said here and elsewhere. Those of you who gladly threw due process and justice under the bus to advance your political views, should really atone and join the rest of us who have held steadfast against this very dangerous idea that accusations in the sexual arena are automatically convictions.

Now that you control the House and several more State governments, realize governing is a bitch.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
^^ What are you even babbling about?

I've been gone this week because I had shit to do.
I am sorry you find AOC and others actually proposing policy for debate and trying to pass serious legislation upsetting, but that's how real governing works. It's hard.

As for Fairfax ( I assume that is what you are discussing), I'm not sure what your point is? Did you think Democrats are going to give him a pass because he is black? If he racks up serious accusations, he will be asked to step down. The bar for political office isn't the same as criminal prosecution. If you lose the support of your supporters, you can't effecively govern and in a representative democract that's important.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I'm sure people at Salem said "Hey, she has to be a witch, she's racked up some accusations." This crosses over into the MeToo thread where some of us have been arguing for some form of due process. Don't you find it odd that these accusers are coming forward as Fairfax might have a shot at gaining some real power? I'm not saying he's innocent, but I have to withhold judgment at this time. It's now far too easy to destroy politicians.

I don't think AOC is proposing policy. I think she is proposing utopian ideals.

PS- The whole thread is babbling. All 100 pages since July, 2017.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Do I see accusations timed for damage as inherently implausible? Not necessarily, no. One looks at these things case by case, which is - you know - what is happening. The reaction to the first accusation was *very* muted, now that a second has come up, people are more willing to say "step down, handle it like a private citizen, but being in the role you are now is damaging".

As for AOC, you may think her proposals are idealistic, but that's how democracy works. People propose goals, or specific ways of achieving goals, and then they are discussed and if enough think it is a good idea, they are implemented. Trump proposed a wall. Most people think the idea is stupid as he describes it, so they are refusing to implement it. AOC has proposed a 70% upper tax bracket, hoping to move closer to the kind of tax structure associated with one of its most consistent periods of economic growth in US history. People will have to decide for themselves whether they think that policy would be effective. As you know, it is very popular, but will that popularity survive the nuts and bolts of figuring out full implementation?

Meanwhile, to stick to the thread title, Ivanka Trump says she is completely sure her family is in no legal danger whatsoever, and the Inauguration is being investigated as a cess-pool of corruption and payoffs.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I, for one, salute AOC for her intellectual courage. It is a real shame that no one else was brave enough to take on the most serious problem humankind is currently facing. If not for her, farting cows would have been on course to take over the world in a matter of years, if not months. We definitely need more brilliant legislative minds like hers!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ There are so many insightful videos of her I do not know why she is not the frontrunner for the Democrats to dethrone Trump.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
It is an annoying Constitutional anachronism prohibiting really bright people from running for President until they reach the ripe age of 35.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Ocasio-Cortez won the Democratic primary 15,897 to Joe Crowley's 11,761. This is a very heavily Democratic district where 4,000 votes basically decided their Congressional representative.

Valcazar, I'm not sure what the point is of elevating every one of her policies. There are limits and constraints on humanity. She and some of her handlers seem to be already walking back some of her more far-fetched ideas. I do like her taking on campaign finance reform. I think that she could gain a lot of support and build a political base around issues like that.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
sambuca, she is a Freshman, but sadly she has been turned into a superstar by a combo of the Our Revolution media narrative desperate for a win and then the constant GOP attacks elevating her. Why I think that is ridiculous overhype, I also can't really blame her for taking advantage of the spotlight while she has it. So she has submitted a motion. You are on the record as thinking non-binding material shouldn't be bothered with, so you can safely ignore this since it isn't a law or intended to be.

But she's got 40-60 people signed on, so that means it is going to be a topic of discussion, which is a good thing. Environmental policy is important and she is laying down a marker. There is no way all of this ever becomes a complete bill, it will or will not get adopted as an aspirational document and then bits will be broken off and negotiated, compromised, etc. (The whole last few elements are going to have to be broken out as their own bills and proposals to even get talked about seriously.)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Why I think that is ridiculous overhype, I also can't really blame her for taking advantage of the spotlight while she has it.

Overhype? why? As you said who can blame her with Trump as POTUS really? He is a fraud and the result of a immense shitty digest of the media. Which strangely he despise... Go figure!
She can certainly make her mark and benefit from the hype as well. Especially with that killer smile and beautiful boobs ;)

It is an annoying Constitutional anachronism prohibiting really bright people from running for President until they reach the ripe age of 35.

The range to become President should be 35-65. Why?

Before 35 you think you know but you know shit.
After 65 you think you know all shit.


Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Before 35 you think you know but you know shit.

As far as AOC (an intellectual luminary, if we've ever seen one) is concerned, it is not yet clear if she knows shit. She is obviously well versed on the ins and outs of cows' farting, but whether or not she has graduated to more substantial output -- that remains to be seen.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
She can certainly make her mark and benefit from the hype as well. Especially with that killer smile and beautiful boobs ;)

She looks like a deer caught in the headlights of a mac truck doing 100 KPH.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Patron thinks that a major network cutting off one of Trump's speech is news. This can't be called fake news because it's non-news.
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