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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ I could be wrong but I took it as Patron was disgusted that it was a news story.
Just my take on it.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
A new low in Western Civilization.

“All the major network and cable news outlets carried Trump’s Rose Garden announcement live. But as the president’s rambling speech wore on, CBS cut away and returned to its regularly scheduled programming — which, on the East Coast, was “The Price Is Right.”

It's a good sign.

The media put this president were he is right now. They created this fucking Trump show to sell more. Trump played the game perfectly I must admit.

I think regular folks now need a bit less trump and go back to useless shows.

What's worse really having the population watch ignorant show or having an ignorant idiot in the white house?


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Up 2. The media did a number on you, read your post and tell me I am wrong ( you have many more like that ). The media in Canada helped Trudeau win, trash Harper and pump up that POS we have now. If Trump was here doing what Trudeau did you would be foaming at the mouth because the media would be all over it.
Relax about Trump, he is not bothering you or your children.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
The fake attack that was staged and reported by Jussie Smollett in Chicago is just one of many ridiculous news stories that recently seem to confirm our claims that the mainstream media is biased and incapable of presenting information objectively. As a Fox News commentator said tonight "if the narrative doesn't fit the facts, you make the facts fit the narrative."

I'm deeply concerned our media is rapidly moving from simply offering subjective commentary that is extremely biased to actually promoting and perpetuating misinformation. The narrative they are selling is that white men in MAGA hats are roaming the U.S. looking to attack people who don't look like them. Some of you have tried to sell that bullshit here. Sorry it ain't true.

I have friends that perpetuate this myth that the 2016 Trump campaign was populated with nothing but violent Nazi Brown Shirts. They actually believe the facts support this because they have been fed a steady diet of misinformation. The fact is the exact opposite. Liberal activists completely shutdown a Trump campaign speech in Chicago in 2016. (You know Chicago. Jussie Smollet's MAGA country. Lol)

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
^^^^^^ Up 2. The media did a number on you, read your post and tell me I am wrong ( you have many more like that ). The media in Canada helped Trudeau win, trash Harper and pump up that POS we have now. If Trump was here doing what Trudeau did you would be foaming at the mouth because the media would be all over it.
Relax about Trump, he is not bothering you or your children.

It's not entirely incorrect to say media ubiquity helped Trump. Not only did media like NBC prop him up as a competent CEO when actual reality was completely anathema to that, but he was good TV during the campaign because he had the nerve to say things most people running for President do not say. Anyone else would have been charred toast after Trump openly denigrated McCain, but Trump kept up the drama and the media followed the rallies while making money in the process.

Ultimately though, the nexus of hating Hillary and the fact that way too many stupid people exist gave us Trump. In other words, people are ultimately responsible for how they cast their votes. The media didn't vote for Hillary or Trump. I'm sure that's no different in Canada when discussing Harper and Trudeau. You conservative folk harp on about the media because you assume everyone watching is a lemming waiting to be instructed. By that measure, the disproportionate media coverage Trump received would have delivered him the popular vote, no? You dislike the mainstream media because it doesn't affirm your worldview when the media's actual job is to inform. You'd have no problem with mass media if it agrees with your views. (A good example of this was when Sambuca, our resident ombudsman, decries lamestream media all the time but then used the LA Times to prove that both sides were to blame at Charlottesville. Some genuinely irony-lacking funny shit right there)

As for the idea that Trump isn't bothering anyone in Canada, the tariffs would disagree with you. I don't know how Canada is faring under the new USMCA but it's rather narrow-minded not to see how Trump's actions reverberate around the world, to say nothing of policies that were specifically targeted at your country. All those Haitians and Nigerians that showed up in Canada as a consequence of Trump's immigration policies would disagree with you too.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^ Up 2. No, I dislike our media because they do not post all the fact, this SNC thing. Not much found in the right wing papers like the Star. They are throwing Wilson under the bus and make Butts look like a saviour. For American media... HRC was evil, would not have made a good president for working Americana, did you see the sour looks on their faces when the poll results came in, all were at Dem camps waiting to praise HRC and then Trump shit in their cereal.
Jaliman is one to watch, even the word Trump makes him twitch while Trump does not effect him. Trudeau effects him and will make his kids pay more taxes but that does not seem to bother him, why.... The media never told him to complain.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
By that measure, the disproportionate media coverage Trump received would have delivered him the popular vote, no? You dislike the mainstream media because it doesn't affirm your worldview when the media's actual job is to inform. You'd have no problem with mass media if it agrees with your views. (A good example of this was when Sambuca, our resident ombudsman, decries lamestream media all the time but then used the LA Times to prove that both sides were to blame at Charlottesville. Some genuinely irony-lacking funny shit right there.

Where the fuck do you expect me to get my news? I certainly don't follow Breitbart or Alex Jones' Infowars. When I've posted something from Fox News or the Washington Examiner, it's been dismissed for conservative bias out of hand. I actually believe the LA Times, unlike many media outlets, tries to offer different, well-articulated perspectives. When I can, I try to reference news media that has a reputation for not being conservative or pro-Trump.

Your critical post is the perfect example of the endless quibbling that epitomizes TDS. Like anyone interested in what's truly going on in the country, I have to take in several news sources and block out all the noise from the hard left and hard right commentators.

Like a moderate not-terribly political friend said to me once, if I can't trust the New York Times to be objective, where am I suppose to get my news?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
We have not talk much about it but what's you take on the emergency state ruling to build the wall?

When we talk about pure non sense bullshit made for regular folks who are as dumb as a trout you cannot find better then this ;)



Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I hear Jussie Smollett's defense attorneys are going to make a case for mental illness. It might be the first officially recognized case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

You might have a friend or loved one suffering from TDS. Please pick up the phone and join the fight against TDS today. You can make a difference in some hysterical person's life.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017

I have several "types" but my #1 is brunette, Van Morrison brown-eyed girls like her. Hell yes, she's hot. Only demerit is that she's way too skinny. She's gonna have to eat a lot of hamberders before she gets any beef.

Part of me wonders what today was really about. Cohen has zero evidence of the "new" info like Trump knowing about the Trump Tower meeting and the WikiLeaks dump. Everything else, including Trump arbitrarily inflating his net worth, wasn't new. That's been known since Trump said in a 2011 deposition that his net worth is what he feels like on that particular day.

It was downright laughable that Cohen pretended that exposing Trump as Individual 1 was new territory.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
We learned what we already knew. But no one seems to care anymore.

We knew what being loyal to Trump means. It means to lie until you die for any orders he gives you or he will expose you. Either way you are fucked.

Cohen is just trying to save what's left of his dignity.

I like the part when Cohen addressed other Republican telling them he knows how they feel ;) Many probably gulp hearing that.

Did any of Obama's close guard ever went to jail? How many of Trump's close guard are either jailed or under arrest now?



Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Falcone, today was because he was invited. And remember he had two closed door meetings. That is where the real meat is. All we got in this one was the new lines of inquiry about Trump's other crimes, a public admission SDNY has other investigations open, credible info on Trump knowing about the Trump Tower meeting and the Moscow deal, WikiLeaks back channels through Stone that were active during the campaign. Evidence of tax fraud.

You know, not much.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
38 lines of inquiry about Trump's other crimes, a public admission SDNY has other investigations open, credible info on Trump knowing about the Trump Tower meeting and the Moscow deal, WikiLeaks back channels through Stone that were active during the campaign.

I thought Cohen he said he had no knowledge that Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Falcone, today was because he was invited. And remember he had two closed door meetings. That is where the real meat is. All we got in this one was the new lines of inquiry about Trump's other crimes, a public admission SDNY has other investigations open, credible info on Trump knowing about the Trump Tower meeting and the Moscow deal, WikiLeaks back channels through Stone that were active during the campaign. Evidence of tax fraud.

You know, not much.

Given the closed-door testimony and fact that Mueller is still redacting info on ongoing investigations (that may farmed out to SDNY), we will see. But if the testimony behind closed doors is where it's at, to quote Beck, then it only buttresses the idea of public testimony being something of a dog and pony show especially given that we didn't learn a ton of new things. Trump is a racist, a con man and a cheat? Who knew?!

The only good thing from the public testimony was exposing Congressional Republicans as people who have completely ceded all authority. It was awfully telling that they railed against Cohen being a convicted liar rather than impugning what Cohen was saying right in front of them. Someone actually printed a poster board calling Cohen "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!" Then Jordan ranted on about the usual Fox News claptrap that had zero bearing or relevance on Cohen's appearance. Each time I think Republicans have hit their nadir, I'm always wrong.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
We can agree on "..........public testimony being something of a dog and pony show especially given that we didn't learn a ton of new things."

So based on that concurrence, I wouldn't be so critical of Republican committee members attacking Cohen. Is there really any point to three days of testimony and from what I hear now another day next week? Count them three or four days of testimony. And all this on top of the Mueller and SDNY investigations. It's all a bit ridiculous.

The funny thing about these dog and pony shows, partisans enjoy them when their side is conducting them. The Democrats on the committee want to give this guy this three plus days to criticize the President. It seems to set a bad precedent for future Presidents.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Attacking the substance of his claims isn't the same as attacking the man personally, which is what Republicans did. Calling someone "a liar" without disabusing the lie is a fruitless exercise. In their heart of hearts, Republicans knew they had no comeback for many of the things Cohen alleged and supported with documents. Note that I didn't say Cohen was able to prove everything with corroborating evidence.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
First off, thank you for having a civilized exchange regarding the Cohen testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.

I'm not sure I have heard anything revelatory coming out of the hearing. Perhaps just a bunch of supposition and some personal smears of Trump for icing on the cake. I could be persuaded if you can point out something Cohen revealed that went beyond the conspiratorial conjecture of connecting many dots attempting to get to Russian collusion.

From my extensive legal experience watching TV legal dramas, I believe disparaging a tainted and unreliable witness is fairly normal. While I realize these hearings are not a court proceeding, I don't think you are allowed to testify in a courtroom about another's character particularly when it's irrelevant to the matter in hand. There is no reason Cohen's testimony shouldn't take a day, day and a half max.
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