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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Why do you think we are doomed? The stock market has been super volotile, but while that isn't great, it isn't actually a reflection of overall stability of the economy.

All indicators are the economy will continue growing at a slower and slower rate for the next while, but isn't going to tank. Obviously, the truce in the trade war ends soon so if they don't hammer out some way to keep it from kicking in, that might screw things up. Any other major shocks are going to come from something unforeseen.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
You can't expect the stock market to go up every year especially after it's essentially went up for ten years straight. Fed policy isn't as accommodative now.

Since Trump takes so much credit for the economy, the liberal media seems intent on identifying every blip on the economic (and international affairs) radar. If you want to mix up your news diet, watch CNBC. It's part of the MSNBC and NBC news organization, but as a business channel they have to be more balanced in their reporting. You won't find universal love for Trump there as you might on Fox Business many hours of the day.

By the way, today's Payroll numbers were great. The funny thing is that isn't always great for the market. I'm also sure someone at CNN is poo-pooing the components of the data.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Do they have newscasts in Canada solely with LGBTQ anchors and reporters? Did Trudeau initiate them with public money?

Great sense of humor, noticed my error.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I wholeheartedly agreed with the point made earlier by jalimon and just tried to back it up the best I could.

Not sure if you agree or are a master at sarcasm. I see no doom for the US economy.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Could you please name the main three (or better five) of these "all indicators"?

I should note that "indicators" is an autocorrect fail from "indications", but I will guess three. (I am stunned to learn there are only five though.). Jobless claims, the stock market itself, and retail sales. (There is probably one concerning housing, too, I bet)

Am I close?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ You forgot the amount of panhandlers working the intersections standing in the median.
Vancouver has perhaps the most in Canada but I am noticing quite a few in Calgary lately.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Jobless claims, the stock market itself, and retail sales. ... Am I close?

Let's assume (for the sake of argument) that you are. If so, how do all these indicate that "the economy will continue growing at a slower and slower rate for the next while"? Not really asking for a lengthy dissertation, but a couple of basic ideas would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
How would I know? I'm not an economist. Like I said, I meant to type all indications, not indicators, where people might think I was making a claim about a specific forecasting model.

The indications I am talking about are a broad consensus of forecasts from various groups who do such things. They are pretty consistent with their overall predictions. Slower growth, but they don't see a recession.

If you have your own model and want to take it up with them, go ahead. These are pretty public, so you can probably find them yourself if you want to dispute their models.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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I just watched the second Sicario movie in which a few Muslims cross into the US from the south. I wonder if the Orange Moron raised the alarm of a Muslim invasion from Mexico not as an intentional lie to promote his wall, but because he spends so much time with the TV on that he is confused about what is onscreen and what occurs in reality.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015

Leading indicators tend to tell you where the economy is heading. Lagging indicators simply confirm what has happened in the economy,

Another thing to watch is Italy tipped back into recession and Europe as a whole is not doing that great. China's growth continues to decelerate. This hinges on the extent one trusts the Chinese government's economic statistics. The U.S. tends to be immune from global economic conditions, but slowdowns abroad will slow U.S. exports.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Neither am I. But then I am usually trying to refrain from making statements I could not possibly back up. Just a matter of personal preference, if you will.

I agree. Luckily, I backed up my statements (if you want me to dig up the various reports, I can, like I said, they are all public). That you seem to want to imply I was making a specific comment about my analysis of economic indicators in a formal framework when I already said it was a typo is your own problem. :) If I start claiming specific knowledge, feel free to call me out on it, though. I'm happy to back things up anytime. Also, sambuca seems to be good for specific claims as you can see below.

@anon_vlad - The "muslim prayer rugs" are from that movie, so is the "they have super cars that are better than ours", and the "they duct tape women".

So yes, she


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Told you where it came from. Offered to do the links if you are too lazy. Ask and you shall receive.

Still confused that you seem upset that I agree Trump hasn't doomed the economy, but we will see slower growth than before. Are you upset because you want Trump to have been an obvious disaster or are you upset because you want Trump to have bee a rocket boost to best economy ever? Because either way, reality isn't going to hand you something to soothe your polical itch.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
OK, one last time. You made a sweeping statement concerning the slower growth. I asked you to back it up. You responded: "How would I know? I'm not an economist." And then confirmed: "Luckily, I backed up my statements". Thank you for clearing that up!

I am done with this exchange.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
I just watched the second Sicario movie in which a few Muslims cross into the US from the south. I wonder if the Orange Moron raised the alarm of a Muslim invasion from Mexico not as an intentional lie to promote his wall, but because he spends so much time with the TV on that he is confused about what is onscreen and what occurs in reality.

I watched it a few weeks ago and thought the same thing when Trump said that. (If someone handed Trump a copy of 80s movie Invasion USA, he'll tweet that ISIS is now coming from Cuba and the only way to stop them is Chuck Norris!) But turns out art may have been imitating (fake) life. According to the Washington Post, prayer rugs at the Southern Border is an old right wing meme from as early as 2005.
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