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The Trump Crime Family

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
^^^^^ Did you notice his approval numbers went up when the last impeachment proposal came up.

No it didn't. The day of the formal announcement was his highest approval rating all year, but that means people had been asked the question before the announcement. It has been drifting down ever since.
Really it hasn't moved at all. It is between 41 and 43 percent (other than the occasional outlier poll) and has been there all year. It doesn't move much. Will this change it? Who knows. I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Please let me know when it begins.

IF we are using Bred Sob's definition of there is no impeachment action until the vote to initiate formal impeachment proceedings, it hasn't started yet and you will probably notice it when it does. :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
People have been saying he will get impeached for quite some time . We shall see ...

I do think he will be impeached. It is hard to see an investigation making it less likely. Pelosi didn't even open the formal investigation into whether or not to do it until she had 215 votes supporting investigations and it is hard to go backwards from that in the face of the evidence. (Obviously, if it really does look like voting for impeachment will destroy you electorally someone might jump back, but they have mostly already made that calculation.)

That doesn't mean he will be removed though. McConnell has already made it clear that he isn't going to let that happen and it would take a massive public opinion shift for McConnell to change his political calculus on that.

My apologies to our American friends here but I’ve always disliked Trump even before he ventured into politics.

So did just about everyone who lived in the New York area for the last 40 years.

As for him getting a second term who knows. Not many expected him to win the first time and yet with the help of the wiki leaks scandal he was able to defeat Hillary albeit by a hair.
And this time around he’s in a position of power . He can more easily create situations that benefit him and he’s Machiavellian ways .

Absolutely. Even without cheating he has a massive advantage due to the electoral college situation. In general, Democrats are going to need to win by at least the 2 million + that Clinton beat him by, probably more due to demographic shifts. That's before adding in his incumbency advantage and he has now made it clear he will welcome foreign interference on top of the GOP attempts at voter suppression and voter fraud.

IT is very possible he will win re-election under those conditions.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So Mitt Romney is making his move to be top contender once the Trumpet finalized the implosion on himself.

I would have never never ever fucking ever believed that the USA would have come so low as to let their president be such a fucking cry baby and insulting machine of everyone who he does not like. This is a fucking nightmare haha WTF!! Wake up guys! The dude is a fucking joke.


Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Pelosi didn't even open the formal investigation into whether or not to do it until she had 215 votes supporting investigations

Just out of curiosity, where does this magic number come from? Although, as approximations go, it is not that bad, I have to admit.

That doesn't mean he will be removed though. McConnell has already made it clear that he isn't going to let that happen

Citation needed, as one esteemed member of this board is so fond of saying.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
So Mitt Romney is making his move to be top contender once the Trumpet finalized the implosion on himself.

I would have never never ever fucking ever believed that the USA would have come so low as to let their president be such a fucking cry baby and insulting machine of everyone who he does not like. This is a fucking nightmare haha WTF!! Wake up guys! The dude is a fucking joke.


I'll grant that Romney is old guard GOP but he isn't positioning himself as an answer for when Trump leaves. If so, he would have already led a rebellion. Nevertheless, in the face of the silence of most Republican Senators and outright spurious defense by House Republicans, that Romney said something at all is the closest thing to courage within the modern GOP.

Senate Republicans don't like Trump either, but they'd rather hold on to their jobs rather than anger their base. That is why Trump has always been the symptom and the Fox News-watching/anti-intellectual/racial animus (and now anti-democratic and anti-Constitution) Republican base is the disease (that seems to have metastasized). This part of the Republican base is now far more comfortable with an authoritarian than a President that operates within a democracy. The effect of Republican cowardice is leaving in office the most glaringly unfit person to be President. At this point, that Trump is in over his head on any random Presidential duty is obvious to anyone who has two neurons to rub together, or has any actual consistent principles worth defending.

You were being really generous with Trump's faults. Insulting people are being a fucking crybaby are two of too many. But the crybaby one made me laugh because I automatically saw this in my head:


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Trump was asked why he abandoned the Kurds. His incredible answer : Well they didn`t help us in WWII . By that reasoning he should pull US troops out of Germany and Japan.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Forget reasoning Cloud the americans elected this senile clown so they are stuck with the consequences now.

America is going down the drain because they are fucking selfish. They cannot realize wealth needs to be shared to some extend.



Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
^^^ yea sure . Trump probably thinks that the Turks where charging Normandy in WW2 ....

He certainly received a lot of criticism for his reasoning
But in the end it wouldn’t have made any difference who was in charge . Whether it was some polished president spinning things around or a buffoon like Trump who doesn’t even care to give a decent enough explanation to justify why they abandoned the Kurds

The moment the Americans where put in a situation of having to choose between the two allies we kind of knew how it was going to turn out , so no surprise there .
They’ve been fighting each other for 30, 40 some years so this was a long time coming
And If the US allows the Turkish forces into Syrian air space then I don’t think the Kurds will stand a fighting chance


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
No church the thing is, and especially with the advance of technology worldwide, you do not want to piss of the turks, pakistanese and other semi-allied countries more then they already are.

Have you seen the population of most of these countries? Forget money if they get too much control just with their vast population they can take over the lead in the world and impose their sick values. A men there is a god and women are piece of junk shit who's role is to obey men.

Trump is making a good job at destroying the power america had over valued institution in order to save face for himself. I am pretty sure once we know his tax return, and who really owns his empire, we will understand why. Trump's a complete fraud. Hopefully he will collapse soon.



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
And if the 10,000 Isis fanatics held by the Kurds escape then we are back to square one. The West will be under greater threat than we were 3 years ago. Trump just lost his latest Homeland security chief. No American can feel safe at their local supermarket or church.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump says they will end up in Europe.

I guess he doesn’t care about Europe, especially it was only the U.K. that helped us out in Normandy.

Trump doesn't realize that ISIS terrorists can still get on planes or boats. By the way now he's sending 2000 American soldiers to Saudi Arabia to protect their oil fields and the arab butcher's family. Trump claims that the Saudis will be paying the US for this. In other words, Trump is turning the US Army into mercenaries. The United States of Blackwater. Meanwhile in order to protect his own financial interests in Istanbul he literally abandoned the Kurds to be massacred by the Turks....whom history has shown are very good at genocide. Trump's excuse? He was tired of having troops in the Middle East. Yet just a couple of days later he sends 2000 more soldiers to.....the Middle East. Unreal!

Now we receive news that the Turks have attacked American positions in Syria claiming this was a miscalculation. Of course we all know why they purposely are doing this: to kick Americans out of Syria for good. Trump's response to the Turk's attacks on his troops? Crickets.

When it comes to Trump and his criminal family, money talks. It's all about him and themselves. Trumps first, America last. MAGA!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
And if the 10,000 Isis fanatics held by the Kurds escape then we are back to square one. The West will be under greater threat than we were 3 years ago. Trump just lost his latest Homeland security chief. No American can feel safe at their local supermarket or church.
Latest news is that the ISIS prisons have actually been breached and that hundreds are already on the loose. Soon it will be thousands. Terrible!

All because of another impulsive decision made by Trump after talking on the phone with Turkish dictator Ergoyan. I'm also hearing today that the Kurds are now considering joining forces with the Russians in order to get cover from the Turks. Can't blame them. They're desperate from not totally getting slaughtered.

Elections DO matter.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
They do the same in US hated muslim countries... Their kids are educated full of hate of america before they are 12 years old...

What a fucked up world...

I agree but it's not only in muslim countries. Several years ago a former Russian hockey player mentioned how he loved living in Canada and in the United States. He mentioned in the interview that when he was growing up in Russia they were taught to hate America and that it was full of evil people. He literally said that they brainwashed young Russians into this type of thinking.

The Saudi people also hate Americans. Mainly because they've seen them as the protectors of their oppressors for as long as they can remember.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
He mentioned in the interview that when he was growing up in Russia they were taught to hate America and that it was full of evil people.

This is not just Russia but worldwide, you go to travel destinations and you will see Americans with Canadian t-shirts and caps so they will be treated better. There is an arrogance stigma for Americans and it has been around for a long time. Vendors in resorts can tell the difference between a Canadian and an American very quickly.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
This is not just Russia but worldwide, you go to travel destinations and you will see Americans with Canadian t-shirts and caps so they will be treated better. There is an arrogance stigma for Americans and it has been around for a long time. Vendors in resorts can tell the difference between a Canadian and an American very quickly.

I totally agree with your statement and i've also heard and seen the same thing. I also have many American friends who've even told me the same thing.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
GMA he wants to prove, like all imbecile bully dictator do, that he can do anything. That he is superior and above us.

Many many people become such grumpy imbecile as they grow old. The whole mantra "make america great again" is fucking all about that!

That's why I try as much as possible to keep myself as young and immature as possible. Beside I can hit it off better with chicks. Like you my friend ;)

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