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The Trump Crime Family

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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Valcazar, it's not going to matter. McConnell is already telegraphing that the Senate trial is pretty much going to be a redux Kavanaugh confirmation vote. As in, run a trial (or in Kavanaugh's case, conducting an extra FBI investigation) to give vulnerable Senators like Susan Collins cover and possibly let them vote as they wish. But ultimately, Republican Senators as a whole won't vote for removal regardless of what the trial reveals. The Kavanaugh comparison, of course, is that no outside evidence or extracurricular behavior on Kavanaugh's part could derail a foregone decision already made by Republicans to vote in his favor.

So despite corroborated whistleblower evidence, the WH's own rough transcripts, Trump admitting to everything on TV and adding China to the mix, testimony from State Department officials and now Mulvaney's admission, it will be business as usual for Republicans. I guess no good run can last forever. America's run as a legitimate democracy was good while it lasted.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
GMA he wants to prove, like all imbecile bully dictator do, that he can do anything. That he is superior and above us.

Many many people become such grumpy imbecile as they grow old. The whole mantra "make america great again" is fucking all about that!
Well so far he's got away with pretty much every thing he has wanted to do because he has the majority of Republicans in his back pocket. And since Fox News has pretty much acted like his own personal tv news network they'd done a pretty good job covering up his misdeeds and spreading his bullshit to unsuspecting viewers.

Although i despise Trump i absolutely chuckled hard the other day when it was confirmed that he'd be hosting the next G7 at the bedbugs-infested Doral resort. I laughed!!! I laughed because Trump was literally telling the American people a big FUCK YOU and that he'd continue doing whatever he likes! And you know what?? He'll once again get his way!!! I love it!!!! :whoo:

Trump and the cowardly Republicans have literally turned the United States into a banana republic! :)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Looks to me like in the above post Jaliman is writing about Trudeau and Doc calling the US a banana republic is hilarious, all economic indicators are up. Things are the same here but reversed with leaders and no criticizing of a left wing dictator but change the person and all hell breaks loose.. All points with calling Trump a dictator and thinks he is superior are moot unless you put Trudeau into the same category. You lefties amaze me with the hypocrisy you show in this thread.

You do not even live there and are more worried about him than the clown we have here


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
If Fox turns on him for real, that will be interesting. Fox is no longer the only new source for the right-wing nutjob set, so they can no longer be sure they can break Trump. That said, if they put their weight behind a new Republican hero I think that is a sign that enough power players think Trump is a liability that it is time to cut and run and worth a stint out of direct power. They got most of what they want with judges seated and a tax cuts passed, they may think it is time to let the heat die down and take the win.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
He is a cancer to our democracy and America's special place in the world

You got that right. It is surprising though that you have not yet brought up this obvious point in the cancer thread where it rightfully belongs. This insight promises us a breakthrough treatment of the horrible disease.

On October 4, 2020 don't go to bed, or at least wake up real early. Stockholm will be calling you.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Although i despise Trump i absolutely chuckled hard the other day when it was confirmed that he'd be hosting the next G7 at the bedbugs-infested Doral resort. I laughed!!!

I laugh too!! I am absolutely sure that in his own mind he was looking for a way to find a no cost solution to get rid of the bedbugs problem. So why not having the taxpayer pay for it! Fucking great! Because of course the resort will need government paid upgrades to receive the word leader. Fucking brillant. Why use your network to get corrupted advantage when you can do it on your own??

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Some of you are like a bunch of old women, look Melina is not holding his hand, bed bugs in his resort... From what, a 2016 claim by one person... Outcome
But one piece of good news: the property, for which Trump reported income of $76m in 2018, up from $75m in 2017, has not been officially cited for bedbug violations.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
As much as I despise this arrogant full of himself liar Trump I swear I am ready to kill someone who would say the word "quid pro pro" to me!!!

Can't hear it any more!!


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
First time I ever heard the saying. Must be tuned into the wrong media outlets.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I am listening to a Trump speech right now. It feels like being in Iran, Cuba or Russia. Total crap. A fucking bunch of lies and personal attacks. How can America go so low?

Sorry I will offend a lot of people but you need to be stupid to believe his shit. Ok maybe not stupid but have lost all faith in democracy. In the name of a few buck for the rich you prostitute yourself. Was it good?


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ Look how many believed Trudeau up here. Dumb fucks everywhere.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
I am listening to a Trump speech right now. It feels like being in Iran, Cuba or Russia. Total crap. A fucking bunch of lies and personal attacks. How can America go so low?

Sorry I will offend a lot of people but you need to be stupid to believe his shit. Ok maybe not stupid but have lost all faith in democracy. In the name of a few buck for the rich you prostitute yourself. Was it good?

“ Prostitute” wouldn’t be the most appropriate choice of word ,,, especially on a review board for SP’s , don’t you think ? Ahaha
Not very tactful or delicate but neither am I at times so no worries Jalimon

Well anyways I happened to listen to one of his “ make America great again “ speeches back in the days . Let me tell you that he’s not going to go down in history as one of the US Presidents with the highest IQ .

As for Democracy well that’s how it works no ? .... the MAJORITY of Americans for whatever reason thought him the better candidate for the job . When people start to view all politicians as inherently corrupt then I guess they vote for the one they think will best serve their interests no matter what their true opinion of them is .

And I completely understand your strong dislike for such a man being in office for what may seem like an eternity for many of us ,,, although I’m still not convinced he will be gone by 2020 .

All this quid pro quo stuff ,snd investigations won’t matter much . In the end I don’t see him getting impeached and being found guilty and removed from office .
And I hope I’m wrong but I’m just not getting the feeling that the Democrats have a strong enough candidate right now that would be able to beat Trump in the coming elections


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I agree with you NoChurch...

Pelosi knows impeachment will fail. She knows ultimately it will make Trump stronger as he will brag about wining again. Thing is Pelosi still went ahead with impeachment investigation because in the name of democracy what Trump did with Ukraine is totally wrong. Yes Trump will win 2020. Which will bring the USA even lower. But by then it wont matter much as China will have taken over as the world leader. No more leader of the free world. And that's when real shit will happen haha Do not trust these chinese fuckers.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^^ China has been the powerhouse for a long time now. They made Trudeau their bitch after Trump had us detain the daughter of the communications giant. Trump knew Trudeau would comply and knew the Chinese would retaliate. Trudeau should have said, Ooops, she escaped or at least given the girl a heads up not to fly into Canada. Trump 1 Trudeau 0.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
I agree with you NoChurch...

Pelosi knows impeachment will fail. She knows ultimately it will make Trump stronger as he will brag about wining again. Thing is Pelosi still went ahead with impeachment investigation because in the name of democracy what Trump did with Ukraine is totally wrong. Yes Trump will win 2020. Which will bring the USA even lower. But by then it wont matter much as China will have taken over as the world leader. No more leader of the free world. And that's when real shit will happen haha Do not trust these chinese fuckers.


You're on point as usual. We're so broken right now that a President openly admitting to foreign policy to advance his own interests isn't a bridge too far for a significant portion of the country. And we're so broken that a President that's not even getting Daily Intelligence Briefings regularly (aka not even doing his job, to say nothing of his other shortcomings) isn't enough to sour the usual half wits.

However, it's still up in the air if Trump will win in 2020. Sure, that he still has a fighting chance after everything that's happened speaks poorly of America right now-- but he isn't a shoo in yet. The 2018 midterm results showed that people are motivated. Democrats picked up House seats in Republican districts. I'm going to canvass for the eventual Democratic nominee. There is a chance I might not even like that person (Kamala Harris, Joe Biden) but at this point it doesn't matter. Our dumb two party political system leaves me with two choices: a potentially boring but sane, competent individual or some Joker that just wants to watch the world burn.
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