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The Trump Crime Family

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Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I am glad that you gentlemen are enjoying the proceedings. I am sure that in his second term Trump will provide many more reasons for these entertaining "impeachments".


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I am glad that you gentlemen are enjoying the proceedings. I am sure that in his second term Trump will provide many more reasons for these entertaining "impeachments".

I am afraid you are correct.

Unfortunately this also means all shit is open from now on. You can lie and personally insult all your opponent. This is the beginning of the end of a great nation. This is the beginning of a banana republic or a shit hole like the Trumpet say. This is where the country is heading without proper regulation.



Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
I am glad that you gentlemen are enjoying the proceedings. I am sure that in his second term Trump will provide many more reasons for these entertaining "impeachments".

If he wins a second term, yes, he will. It isn't like he is going to stop abusing power or committing crimes. Will he abuse power enough that the GOP senators think he needs to be removed? Hard to say. The longer he survives the bolder he will be. By that point, however, even if the GOP turns on him, he may have shattered congressional power enough that there no longer is a system that can check the president. We could end up in like Bolivia.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
We're obviously not there yet. But a complete rejection of the legitimacy of the system is the kind of thing that points the way. I remain hopeful we won't get there.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Today's criming: Perjury!

The House of Representatives is now investigating whether President Donald Trump lied to special counsel Robert Mueller in written answers he provided in the Russia investigation, the House's general counsel said in federal court Monday.

And, of course, perjury is impeachable according to previous precedent from Clinton.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
By that point, however, even if the GOP turns on him, he may have shattered congressional power enough that there no longer is a system that can check the president.

Shattering congressional power is a lot like infidelity: it takes two to tango. Despite the fact that the Executive has accrued more power in recent decades, Republicans in Congress aren't powerless. Impeachment is still in the Constitution, after all, and Trump was impeachable well before Ukraine. It's just that staying in power matters more to Republicans than doing what's best for the country. What failed in the last three years wasn't that Trump turned out not to be Presidential. There was enough reason to be skeptical of Trump given how he conducted himself during the campaign. What failed was that at every turn, Republicans in Congress stood--and are still standing--by.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Despite the paranoid "it was done to cover up for Obama" angle. (Updated article here, there are many good points in this piece.

One is simply not reporting things. News that isn’t mentioned didn’t really happen to that outlet’s consumers.

This is, of course, the business model for Fox News and a bunch of right wing media. Epistemological closure is a big problem. Most people who aren't right wing use multiple news sources, while the Rebel Media/right wing news/Fox/Sinclair ecosystem goes out of its way to keep people from hearing anything outside their bubble.

Choosing what to report and how to spin it is a big deal. The MSM's concerted pro Trump agenda on 2016 massively sabatoged Clinton and even today they constantly report on "Trump supporters in the heartland" as if they were the majority despite various other groups who would be worthy of reportage.

Of course, he doesn't help his case by massively misrepresenting his examples. The Buttigeg fake black supporters thing was all over left wing media and showed up in mainstream media as well. Mainstream media won't shut up about how much Warren's plans cost, because she (unlike most politicians) has the guts to put real numbers down. Obama was constantly reported on as an unpopular president even though he only approached Trump's shitty numbers at his worst points while Trump has been constantly underwater.

The advice on how media can spin you is good, but he sadly pisses away the goodwill by immediately going for spin because he knows his audience won't actually listen to his own advice.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here

The media everywhere manipulate news for many reasons.
To me the dirtiest politics has to be in usa
We never see this cut throat stuff ,in our elections.
Obama was a very smooth speaker,a true politician.
Trump is a one wants to hear anything posative about him.
But hey ,more than half the americans ,voted him in.
What does that say.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
But hey ,more than half the americans ,voted him in.
What does that say.

It says that your facts are wrong. Trump got less than 50% of the popular vote. If it wasn`t for Russian interference and Comey`s blunder then he would have lost the electoral college too.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
It says that your facts are wrong. Trump got less than 50% of the popular vote. If it wasn`t for Russian interference and Comey`s blunder then he would have lost the electoral college too.

All the stuff happened before nov 8 2016 when obama was president.
Correction its a republic , you need the majoriy of the states.
Like he won.He spent $180,000,000 of his own money.
Cost hillary over a billion which she raised and lost.
She saturated her money in California and new york.
Shows she is dumb.

She was ahead in the popular vote
Figuring she would win.bad stratagy.
Russia haha they never found proof.Trump has control of the supreme court
Good luck impeaching him.
Hilary is a grinder, book smart ,but not bright.
Trump is super bright 1000 to 1.
Some is fact, some is opinion.dont bust you heads picking this apart.
Economy will be on fire next year ,as interest rates go to zero
It is over next year,
He will clinch a partial phase 1 trade deal with china
before dec 15 ,when the new tarrifs come.
he will get elected again with a 85% chance to win.
Unemployment is at 3.5% lowest in half a century.
Poverty rate is collapseing.
Cnn went from number 1 to 13 haha
Trump destroyed cnn
Fox we t go number 1


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
I'm glad you didn't just make up all the numbers above, that would be lazy.

I did like that you announced you were just going to pull things out for your ass though.

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
You lost me at , " Trump is super bright ".
Although I must admit that, he warned us about the link between windmills and cancer , and how you need voter ID to buy a box of cereal or enlightning us to just how Frederick Douglass has done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more..
A very stable genius indeed , as he has claimed so often.
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C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
What is more funny is a few things
1 you were so sure HIllary Rottencrotch Clinton would win
that you still cant get over the loss.

And i am guessing some people will have to be put on suicide watch
When he wins .........again. Now Thats funny.

Say what you will but...... he won..typed that really really slow.hahahaha
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