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The Trump Crime Family

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
True in general, but I think that politicians of all stripes and nations should be fair game. I have a feeling you might be the first to agree :)

Without a doubt, and usually every politician has earned the ridicule of all comedians.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Most self absorbed ego maniacs are born without a funny bone, I think that would include both Trudeau and Trump.

Trudeau is a self absorbed puppet yes... like a labrador who only wants to please... But i don’t want to compare him to a labrador in oder not to insult my favourite breed of dog :)

Trump is a racist ego maniac yes... with no humanity whatsoever. I despise people who think they are superior and who bully others to win.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Most self absorbed ego maniacs are born without a funny bone, I think that would include both Trudeau and Trump.

I don't know about Trudeau, haven't been following him that closely, but I think Trump actually can be quite funny, when he wants to. Some of his jokes are pretty good, in my view.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I think Trump actually can be quite funny, when he wants to. Some of his jokes are pretty good, in my view.

I would agree he has his moments.
Problem is some people are good at making jokes but have a real problem when they are made to be the joke. Trump in particular.
He will never forget Trudeau making fun of him.
He didn’t forget Obama making fun of him at that famous dinner, to the point that he actually ran for President, guess now Obama is not laughing anymore.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

Must admit that was hilarious. His wife was probably not nearly as amused.
Guess he has been seeing escorts ever since, then again escorts, pornstars, nothing new for him, not such a bad guy after all, would fit in well here on Merb.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
like father like son
Donald Trump Jr.

Donald Trump Jr. trashed Canadian PM Justin Trudeau via Twitter on Friday, citing job growth in America in comparison to job losses in Canada.

For perspective the US is about 10X the population of Canada so this would be the equivalent of America shedding 700,000 jobs. Yikes!

Maybe Justin should watch @realDonaldTrump & learn how to create jobs... or go back to being a substitute drama teacher

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^ The POS in Canada has recently said the Canadian economy is doing well, you can see that he has no clue.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
In his "throne speech" Trudeau mentioned his intention to introduce a digital service tax (among a few other brilliant initiatives), similar to what Macron is doing in France. Mr. Trump won't be pleased, I am afraid.

P.S. The linked article requires a subscription, but you can still get it using the standard trick: do a google search for the title ("Justin Trudeau charts liberal course for second term in Canada") and click on the first result.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Which is the right thing to do Bred.

For you information thirty-one US states now have laws requiring out-of-state retailers to collect sales tax. Why would France or Canada not do the same?


Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Which is the right thing to do Bred.

I have no doubt that Trudeau is not a space alien who arrived on a UFO, but he in fact has many faithful supporters in Canada.

And of course it seems easier to tax foreign companies than to develop your own. My opinion though (sorry for an impeachable word) is less interesting than that of Trump's.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I am not sure you understand the problem with Internet and worldwide taxes...

Mais bien sûr, way above my pay grade. Actually seems like a wise policy: first drive away your own companies (with well-thought-out measures such as language laws) and then tax those who have the chutzpah to succeed elsewhere.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
It has nothing to do with the chutzpah.

You buy an iPhone in Djibouti and you have to pay the Djiboutian's tax on it. Normal right?
You subscribe to Apple tv and you do not pay any tax. Why? You are still a Djiboutian... (if that is how we can people from Djibouti...). So not only you bypass TV service that could benefit a company of your own country but you do not return anything in the pocket of your own country either.

Apple on it's side will make sure that the money does not go into a Djiboutian's bank. Nope it will probably re-route the cash to the Netherland (à la Uber) or Ireland to avoid paying corporate tax in America.

Then they wait for Trump's favorable measure to bring back all that cash at pretty much zero taxes...

A few owner of that big American company will then be admired because they are worth billions... While middle class America has never been so poor and so are other countries...

Many Internet businesses have already, on their own account, start to pay taxes in the country they sell their service. For them it's simply the right thing to do.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Thank you for the lecture, I find the Djibouti part especially enlightening. Let us see what exactly Trudeau comes up with and whether or not he simply copies the French tax. Which is of course structured in a clearly discriminatory way with a transparent goal to target large American companies. I wish Mr. Trudeau all the luck in the world if he plans a similar approach.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I agree with Trudeau, we have very few large companies of our own, they cannot afford the high taxes, ridiculous language laws, so why not tax the American ones while he still can.

Of course if he manages to hoodwink the population with his carbon tax grab, which of course will miraculously all disappear and benefit no one except the government, then maybe we might just be able to create a climate where Canadian corporations can thrive.

Unfortunately Trudeau is as useless as Trump is corrupt.
Did I mention that I love politicians.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Unfortunately Trudeau is as useless as Trump is corrupt.
Did I mention that I love politicians.
agreed 100%
Do you know the difference to a car accident were a politician or a dog is hit by a car.
You see skid marks where the dog was hit.

They descided to switch from rats to politicians in labaratory experiments.
There is only so many things you can make a rat do
and they discovered they didn't grow attached to the politicians.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
China trade deal passed,phase evrything trump promised to do he got done.
china promised 200 billion in purchases in agriculture soya beans wheat corn and animal products
in return trump lowered tariffs on the 1st 250 billion.

It looks 100% he will be impeached by the congress
but the senate will throw it out because because congress is stacked with democrats and it is politically motivated.
never a president has been impeached in history with votes only from one side.

85% he will win the 2020 election
lowest unemployment for woman blacks hispanic and asians in history
1st time the poverty rate went down
most of the money which wen into the economy went to the working poor
he gave tax cuts across the board
he did it in such a way giveing tax cuts as well to the rich so he could own the republicans and give him the votes to help the working poor
the elites of the east and west coast and california who dont give a shit about anyone is who he went after.he lowers barriers to trade between the states.
so these very wealthy people had to compete.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
China trade deal passed,phase evrything trump promised to do he got done.
china promised 200 billion in purchases in agriculture soya beans wheat corn and animal products
in return trump lowered tariffs on the 1st 250 billion.

Has this been confirmed? I'm hearing that nothing official has been confirmed yet & also hearing that Trump may be making the whole thing up. Here's hoping that it's true since a deal with China would be good news for Americans.

In other news Russian State TV has confirmed today that Donald Trump is indeed Russia's agent.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Doc have you ever work with chinese? Telling you currently they are working their ass off to cut their dependency on the US to make sure they don't end up in such a mess again in a few years. That's their way of thinking now. They are not as loud mouth as the Trumpet but before you know it they will have cut dependency on the US by many billions per year. They know the US needs their house hold market of a billion so they have the long term lead.

Funny thing is all started because of the commercial imbalance. But the US had more to gain to keep the commercial imbalance as it was just a fraction of their total PIB. In other word the US economy was/is strong to handle the loss. Just like a loss leader product you need to maintain on the market because it drives your other products.


p.s. doc do not believe the news coming out of Russia... It's all biased like it will soon be in the US
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