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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Be respectful to all members at all times.
As usual Donbusch gets it right. Same for sene5hos and cloudsurf. Fradi - well as usual that's a completely different story, right?
Did that make you feel better most people know who I am it is not such a big secret or should I say who I was , my ideas or way of writing hasn’t changed, it wouldn’t be all that difficult to fool people if I wanted too.
The difference is I look at both sides and despise all politicians, I am not blinded by the left or the right. I don’t have a hate Trump affliction at all costs like you do and some others here.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Be respectful to all members at all times.
In answer to Fradi's (or whatever other names he uses) question, yeah I have ideas of my own. I wonder if he does. It was about recognizing the intelligent posts of certain MERB members.
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Sorry Purplem but I don’t quite understand are you handing out grades today ??! You do know you can just press (like )anytime you happen to agree/like a members post
Why exactly did you feel the need to single out Fradi sir ? Is it because he changed his handle ? ... At one time I did the same and so have many other members here and besides most that frequent these boards already know his previous handle ,,, There might even be others on these boards with duplicate H , and going about promoting their own agenda a tiny bit ,,, but I didn’t see you calling anyone else out ?? ( perhaps it’s because they bring honesty and intelligence?)

This thread is about DT and to my knowledge all of us who posted lately here happen to be critical of the way the POTUS handled the epidemic , some more and some of us less but we ALL have that in common . The USA did poorly for XY reasons and it’s no rocket science thst one of them was because of Donald Trump . I also felt the need to point out the hypocrisy of the Media and the left/Democrats for criticizing EVERYTHING as if they would have been PERFECT handling the crisis given the chance

As for the Gentelmen you previously mentioned let me say that I as well like most here appreciate their posts ,,, the same way I enjoy reading Fradi’s posts which I think at time’s happen to bring a lot of objectivity and impartiality which is something I value

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Let me make a couple of things clear.
I am not a supporter of any politician and that includes Trump.
Do I think he mishandled this pandemic, completely he should have followed the advice of medical professionals who by the way fucked up royally also by down playing this entirely until mid April and actually telling the public not to wear masks.
Is everything his fault, not by a long shot, he doesn’t wear a mask, ok wrong example to set, but does this mean that nobody in the US has the capability to think for themselves, perhaps, after all didn’t they elect Trump.

Trump however is not to blame for this spreading all over the world that rests squarely on China for withholding the truth for so long and for allowing their infected citizens to travel an spread it all over the world.
The countries who have also fucked up as bad as the US and there are many just prove that Trump is not alone.
I am not proud of the way Quebec has handled this either, we have an egotistical fuck up in Aruda as our number one health guru who enjoys vacations while the province is battling a pandemic and then makes mistake after mistake.

As a last note to our American friends who seem to think that everything bad happening in the world today is Trumps fault. Who elected him?
I had no part in it I voted for JT so as you can see I am not beyond making mistakes either but I can admit it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
No Church: Thanks for pointing out that I had neglected to press the like button on the relevant posts of sene5hos, cloudsurf and donbusch. I had thought that my post praising them would be sufficient but I now see that it was not. I have corrected my error by belatedly pressing the like button for the pertinent posts of all three gentlemen and I apologize to them for not having done so earlier. I was also pleased to read your observation that "all of us who have posted lately here happen to be critical of the way the POTUS handled the epidemic". While that is largely true - and therefore very encouraging - there have, sadly, been some comments mixed in that partially (or in a few scattered cases totally) appear to absolve him of blame. Still, as long as a huge majority does realize how horribly he has mismanaged and continues to mismanage the handling of the virus (as well as just about everything else), that is indeed cause for celebration. Thus, I reciprocate your "cheers" with a very hearty cheers to you also!

Theresa April

Active Member
Jun 12, 2020
Gentlemen, will you be so kind to let me know when the next MERB anti-Trump Kumbaya singing is scheduled. I have a decent voice and would love to sing along.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I may only be allowed into your choir as a lip syncher as I went against the grain and don’t blame him entirely for everything.
I wonder if they can get Hilary as lead singer, it seems she has nothing much else to do lately.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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On July 9th , Trump crossed the 20,000 mark for false or misleading claims...
It took him 827 days to reach 10,000 but only an additional 440 days to reach 20,000.

Trump’s lies grow at an exponential rate just like the coronavirus or as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi aptly calls it, the Trump virus.

"I think with the president's comments today, he has recognized the mistakes that he has made by now embracing mask-wearing and the recognition that this is not a hoax, it is a pandemic that has gotten worse before it gets better because of his inaction and, in fact, clearly, it is the Trump virus," Pelosi said.

"The Trump virus," Pelosi reiterated. "If he had said months ago 'Let's wear a mask, let's socially-distance' instead of having rallies or political whatever they were, then more people would have followed his lead. He's the president of the United States, instead of being a bad example, making it like a manhood thing not to wear a mask."

The House speaker continued: "A briefing on the coronavirus should be about science and that is something that the president has ignored. It should be about governance and now he's finally embracing saying 'OK, it's OK to wear a mask.' So I think a good deal of what we have suffered is clearly the Trump virus."



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
On July 9th , Trump crossed the 20,000 mark for false or misleading claims...
It took him 827 days to reach 10,000 but only an additional 440 days to reach 20,000.
Practice makes perfect. Give credit to a guy who keeps improving.
Then again can you believe the people keeping count. I wonder if it is CNN they may just be slightly biased and added a couple.
It is unthinkable that a politician would actually lie or mislead you.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

U.S. President Donald Trump warned the coronavirus pandemic is likely to worsen before improving, during the first outing of his revived daily briefings on Tuesday.

The president's late afternoon appearance in the White House briefing room was designed to project a more commanding role for Trump, who has largely been absent in discussing the health crisis ravaging the country and has seen his poll numbers plummet as a result.

In a press conference that lasted around 30 minutes, Trump again said he believed the virus would disappear and insisted the American response to the pandemic was "much better" than in other places.

"It will probably unfortunately get worse before it gets better," Trump said -- echoing a prediction he made at the start of April of a "rough" two weeks ahead.

He no longer has the choice to listen to his advisors, because when he speaks without them it's catastrophic. Remember these good tips "Drink disinfectant, and put a UV lamp inside the body"


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The surge in contaminations in the United States has pushed unemployment up for the first time since the end of March and Congress is trying to find common ground on extending crucial aid for the unemployed, which will end in a week.

As a result, the number of newly unemployed has increased again, for the first time since the start of its slow decline in early April. Just over 1.4 million applications were filed between July 12 and July 18, up from 1.307 million the week before.

And "a second increase should follow next week, before requests do not settle again", anticipates Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics.
The last week of March still holds the all-time high: 6.6 million new unemployed.

In total, just over 16 million Americans were registered as unemployed in early July, and nearly 32 million including all those who are compensated because their self-employment has been reduced to nothing with the pandemic.

“The risk of repeated business closures is that temporary job losses will become permanent. This could lead to a slower (economic) recovery, ”warns Rubeela Farooqi of High Frequency Economics.

However, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow assured Thursday on Fox News that he saw "no break in the downward trend in unemployment" initiated since April.
For the unemployed, the arrival of August marks above all the end of crucial aid put in place since April, as part of the American recovery plan of the Trump administration and Congress in the face of the pandemic.

Trump will not be happy. But let's say it's kind of his fault.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump admits he 'often' regrets sending some of his tweets.

US president said that sometimes when he tweets he gets telephone calls asking if he really just said what was being reported.

When we recognize our mistakes, we are half forgiven.

He did this hoping it will give him more votes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Our good friend Sol really deserves the credit for the following. The words are virtually all his from another thread, but I made two important corrections. Where it says "Trump", Sol had written "Trudeau" and where it says "The USA", Sol had written "Canada". I find this corrected version more accurate but as I said at the start, full credit to our buddy Sol for writing the original analysis. (Note: The final paragraph in brackets below contains only my words, not Sol's.) Here we go:

Trump could crap in his supporters cereal and they would thank him for the peanuts. The POS is a dictator and will ruin The USA, thinks he and his party is above the law, figures his saying sorry and did not know is all it takes to get away with it.

(The only problem is that Bunker Boy doesn't know how to say "sorry".)


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It has been almost four years now and I have to give some of these guys credit.
To be able to be in denial so long and still be bitching about the fact that Trump won.
Guess you will be even more pissed after November when you will have the pleasure of his company in the White House for 4 more years.
I am sure all the media is hoping for a Trump win on both sides, along with all the comedians in the world.
He has kept all media folk in the US rolling in dough for 4 years single handedly yet some hate his guts.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Guess you will be even more pissed after November when you will have the pleasure of his company in the White House for 4 more years.

He has kept all media folk in the US rolling in dough for 4 years single handedly yet some hate his guts.

I wouldn't be upset, I'm going to be disheartened to see that there are people in the US who have been brainwashed so easily.

When a narcissist takes power it's normal to see these actions.

Definition of Narcissist:
A personality disorder in which an individual manifests as a constant and excessive need to be loved and admired.
He believes himself to be special and therefore considers that he should communicate only with special and high-ranking people.
An obsession with power, success and beauty. A lack of empathy.
Exactly like him.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yes he is special.

But he has some special people that I admire, and some that I don't admire at all, and Trump is one of them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Listening to this video, it will only take 2 minutes, and you can draw your conclusions.

Just yesterday in 2 minutes he said a lot of incorrect things. FDA condemns taking hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19

I listened to Trump for 2 minutes, and only found him pathetic.
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