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The Trump Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump accidentally confirms the story about wanting Saturday Night Live investigated during his presidency in a statement meant to deny the story.

Anything Trump doesn’t like is always illegal to him. He thinks his toddler emotion should be the law of the land.

Says it’s fake news, then admits it. Donald J Trump, the “J” stands for Jenius.

He's the smartest President ever. All the voices in his head are saying it.

He lies so much, he doesn't even know how to keep track of what he's denying.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump's grievances continue unabated. And those complaints appear to be driving away two of the people who were closest to him during his White House tenure: his daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Sometimes the former President complains for several hours about the "stolen" 2020 election. Other times, his frustrations emerge in fits and starts -- more likely when he is discussing his hopeful return to national politics.
And while he often has a rotating audience of cheering listeners, the gap between Trump and his daughter and son-in-law grows wider by the week, according to 12 former Trump White House officials, former administration officials, family friends, acquaintances and members of Trump's team who spoke with CNN about changes to the former President's current inner circle.

A large part of the reason for the separation is Trump's constant harping on the past and his inability to move on..


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 telling s'isole de plus en plus dans sa mégalomanie ;) ..pour le couple Ivanka--Jared les dommages collatéraux sont devenus insupportables....ils ont encore une longue vie devant eux et une crédibilité à rebâ route va être longue...BUT it's
never too late.....IVANKA should think to run vs his sick father....lollllll;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump while President wished that John Bolton and perhaps others would pass away to make his political life easier.
This shows Trump was a monster and a callous man who saw opportunity in the suffering of others.

This is very troubling; imagine if he got power again.

This is a man who mocked a reporter's disability and has repeatedly denigrated fallen Armed Forces soldiers and POWs. There are no depths to his depravity.

Lock him up he’s criminally insane.

He was president of the United States, it's incredible.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump is frequently referred to as little more than a reality show personality, doing whatever he can to get ratings.
And while that's not inaccurate, and even more appropriate comparison would be to say that he is a televangelist trying to dupe his flock. In many instances, much like a televangelist, he knows that what he is saying isn't true, but he also knows that the more he lies the more he can get them to open up their wallets.

Televangelist victims, all my sympathy. Trump victims, zero sympathy.

Televangelist was trump’s only true calling an he’s such a loser he missed it.



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Rudy Giuliani can no longer practice law after his New York law license was suspended for communicating “demonstrably false and misleading statements… in his capacity as lawyer for former president Donald Trump.” The decision comes as he, along with Trump allies Sidney Powell and Mike Lindell, request Dominion Voting’s billion-dollar defamation suit against them be thrown out.

Rudy, get over it, you're busted.

It's about time Giuliani is held accountable for his criminal activities.

Rudy, the judges listened to you . You are your own worst enemy. Trump is your next worst enemy.

He should have been suspended long ago, he is nothing more than a mob lawyer, crooked as they, power, and booze.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

During a recent interview with a reporter for Rolling Stone magazine, My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell said that Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election by 19 million votes, and he'll prove it eventually! In reality, as the reporter noted, Lindell's numbers about ballots and registered voters were already way off the mark, showing that the man hasn't even done enough research to prove his crackpot conspiracy theories.

Poor Mike and all for a man who doesn’t give a shit about him.

Hope Dominion takes him for every penny this huckster has.

The man is like his flyover at his rally - missing in action. The guy is a kook.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Former Republican Representative Barbara Comstock recently penned an essay for The New York Times where she begged the Republican Party to move on from Donald Trump, as he is the "patron saint of sore losers." She isn't wrong, and it echoes what we have been saying for months now.

Donald Trump was one of the biggest losers that the Republican Party has had in modern times, yet the Party continues to act as if he is their savior.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump feels used by Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner after both of them have made the choice to move away from Trump in personal and professional terms. And while this is hilarious, remember that Ivanka and Jared have not earned forgiveness.

Trump has used people all his life. Now he’s crying that he’s been used


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Fulton County DA launches investigation into former President Trump.

Mr Raffensperger showed himself to be honest and dedicated to upholding the law, unlike Trump, who never took much notice of the law where it was in conflict with his own self interest. Trump ought to answer for his disgraceful behaviour.

Remember that Trump is a Stable Genius.

Wow what a genius.

I think it's the first genius I know who is corrupt.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

As the investigation into the Trump Organization heats up in New York, Mary Trump, Donald's niece, has a warning for her cousins: Watch out.
Mary believes that Donald wouldn't hesitate to throw his own kids under the bus rather than taking the fall (should criminal charges arise).
She pointed out that she has known Trump his whole life, and that he has never changed, and the only thing that he cares about is himself.

I've always said that because that's the kind of guy Trump is.

The only person Trump won't throw under the bus is Trump himself.

He is a malignant narcissist, he will throw ANYONE under the bus.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Former President Donald Trump holds an outrageous "Save America" rally in Wellington, Ohio.

How retrumplican that they hold a rally during a press conference of a natural disaster in Florida. Totally disgusting.

I am hoping people's memories of what Trump did to this country will not be short. In four years, he made a huge mess. Divided the country.
Created "the American carnage" he said he was going to fix. And epitomized self serving interests and governmental malfeasance.

Should the blue sign not rather state 'save America from Trump' than Save America?

The Narcissistic needs his ego boost.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Nothing was invented, he had said that.

Trump Plans to murder Americans who oppose him.:eek:

Not a surprise coming from a monster Trump. And the GOP is complicit by their silence.

Not one bit surprised Trump would say and wanna do this. Just another Hitler of now days.

I'm telling you he wants nothing more than DICTATORSHIP, he wants to rule as if its north Korea.

"Just shoot them!" And some people say Trump is not a fascist.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Ivanka Trump was busted lying about Donald Trump's inauguration under oath, just like Don Trump Jr. This shows that the whole family is in trouble of going to prison.

The Trump Crime Family. The Family that Crimes together, goes to jail together.

Like father, like daughter being under oath means nothing to them because they have lied their entire life.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump's rally in Ohio was mocked by his own supporters who felt it was boring, bad, and showed signs of Trump's mental decline. This proves that while his base is large, many are going impatient with him.

The rally is nothing more than a Pity Party. All he is doing is trying to get them to donate to his own bank account.

Imagine being among those travelling to listen to this travelling whine fest. Get a life folks! Send Trump a box full of diapers and move on.

After doing nothing good as president for 4 years his cultists realize he has nothing good to offer. Better late than never I guess.

Donald Trump is in cognitive decline.
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