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The Trump Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump returned to his rallies this past weekend, and it could not have gone worse for the former President.
In fact, it went so bad that even Qanon supporters are saying that he needs to come up with something new to say because they'd heard it all before.
When even his most extreme supporters start to get bored with him, you know things are going downhill fast.

People will eventually get sick tired of the same song and just want something new.

When Qanon supporters call his rally boring, then you know Trump is boring.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump showed that he is mentally unwell in an Ohio rally speech where he continued to lie.
This shows that all the accusations he made against sleepy Joe Bien were really about him.

He's all over the place, delusional and angry.

So he just behaved as he normally does.

Maybe he'll never go to prison, but if he does at least 200 million Americans will rejoice...not to mention the vast majority of Canadians and Europeans.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Trump mocks Rudy Giuliani as a clown loser in crazy Interview.

Trump is right at Rudy is a Clown loser: but who hired him?

Giuliani's usefulness is done. Trump will not pay Rudy and distance himself.

Rudy is a loser ,but he was working for a bigger loser.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Rates of COVID infections in Red States are on the rise once again, and a recent poll shows that over 30% of Republicans say that they won't get the vaccine.
These selfish Republican Trump supporters are opening the country up to another surge of the virus as new variants continue to emerge.

They're keeping the Trump plague alive so no great surprise with covid.

"Selfish" is not the right word, it's "narcissistic" and "psychotic."

If they were capable of understanding this message, they would already be vaccinated.

Trump who was vaccinated in secret, and why does he not ask his supporters to be vaccinated, during his rallies?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump put out a press release accusing New York of a witch hunt, which is only happening because he fears he and his kids are going to prison. This proves that while charges haven't come yet, Trump still worries they are.

"If"he wasnt guilty, he should have nothing to worry about. The way he is acting, he is "guilty"

In jail or in prison it's the same thing

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Trump’s legal nightmare is coming true: criminal charges against the Trump Organization are imminent, and his money man Allen Weisselberg is facing the possibility of jail time. His former daughter-in-law and key witness in the probe Jennifer Weisselberg joins MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber to discuss the looming indictment.

Stable genius Trump snitch on himself, when he said not paying taxes makes him a smart businessman, if someone is suspicious of committing a crime and confess on national TV, they will charge them.

Unless Criminal trump is thrown in jail America cannot heal from his abuses.

I just want a picture with Trump standing behind bars in prison stripes.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

According to a new book by Michael Wolff, Rudy Giuliani had assured Donald Trump that Mike Pence would absolutely be able to overturn the election results with his role overseeing the certification of the electoral college votes.
This isn't how it works, and Giuliani was either knowingly lying to Donald Trump, or he is too ignorant of the process to be allowed to continue to practice law in the United States.

The former VP isn't as stupid as Rudy or former president. Not many people are.

In the Constitution, it says that the Vice President counts the electoral votes. It doesn’t say that he or she can nullify or overturn them.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Former FBI Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi warns that unless more actions are implemented, the Trump cult remains a violent threat.

Trump thinks he will be back in the White House in August. I think he misread the memo which said "Jail house".
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump organization and his CFO are about to be charged tomorrow, and this means that he and his company could be insolvent because the charges could force them to repay all their loans. This would break trump's heart because he loves money above all.

Trumpty Dumpty is heading for a big fall, and no one will be able to put him back together again.

Since the only things he cares about are himself and his money, this is the "Perfect" call.

For him, money is more important than people.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Trump supporter warns of civil war if Trump isn't reinstated as President.

Ahead of Donald Trump's rally last weekend, CNN spoke to several Trump supporters in the crowd, where one of them threatened another civil war if Donald Trump isn't reinstated as President of the United States.
The delusions among this crowd are too numerous to even count, but the shared delusion among Republicans that Donald Trump could somehow be reinstalled as President is truly frightening.

There will be room in the jail for Trump supporters.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Some members of the GOP are admitting that Trump is a loser.

Orange criminal in chief is America’s biggest loser.

Bardumb and daily circus is dying out like the original more popular Barnum and bailey did. Fun fact drumpf is the original circus peanut. Stale orange and nobody but sickos with no taste want anything to do with him.

Loser President will circle the drain doing rallies to more and more people who attend to laugh at him.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Parler rejected Trump.

Trump can’t handle any sort of criticism of him. By the way, that “routine audit” excuse is about to be blown up. The Trump Organization is expected to be charged with tax crimes.

Every time Trump has a crying fit or sulks because someone says 'no' to him, it makes me smile.

The evil orange clown is a malignant narcissist, so of course he can’t handle criticism.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg surrendered to authorites early Thursday morning as both he and the organization itself prepare for indictments to be unsealed later this afternoon.
No members of the Trump family are expected to be indicted today, but that doesn't mean that they are in the clear.
The investigation is likely far from over, and Weisselberg's indictment could be the bargaining chip that takes down the rest of the Trump family.

Trump will soon realize there is no loyalty to him when there is a threat of years in prison.
Weisselberg will absolutely flip to save his own ass, his family, and his finances. I’m sure he doesn’t want to spend his years in prison.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis doesn't want Donald Trump to hold a rally in his state while he is still dealing with the tragic collapse of a condo complex in the town of Surfside. But Trump being Trump has refused to cancel the rally, even though bodies are still being pulled from the rubble. DeSantis has done a lot of bad things for Florida, but his request to Trump is actually a very smart move.

Trump doesn’t care about anyone but himself only.

Trump has nether empathy or sympathy he simply can not understand why postponing is the right and sensitive thing to do.

Even the Trump loving Governor doesn’t want him around.

Did anyone think narcissistic Trump would ever do the right thing?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Republicans across the country are rushing to emulate Arizona's ballot audit procedure, but they might want to pump the brakes a little before they go all-in.
Recent polling, and interviews with Arizona residents, show that the audit is starting to backfire on the Republican Party, and a large number of voters now view the entire thing as a "joke" and a "waste of time."
People are moving on from the 2020 election, but Republicans are forcing them to relive the loss over and over again.

Free and fair elections would spell the end of white christian dominance in America.

mod: Moved from the thread about the Republican Party. This is more about the Republicans trying to appease Trump than about the Republicans.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Eric Trump just admitted that he and Donald Trump organization are guilty of tax evasion, but suggest it's not a big deal and they are being targeted by New York over more serious crimes.
This shows that Eric is stupidly admitting to doing crimes.

The Dumbest Trump does it again.

Eric is the sacrificial lamb of this family. And that’s so like them to trash New York despite living there all their lousy lives. Because the people of New York rejected them all.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump Jr went on Fox News and admitted that he and the Donald Trump company have dodge taxes through fringe perks, and suggested that everyone at Fox News does the same.
Much like his brother, Don's only defense is that everyone is as criminal as he is.

What a beautiful family!!!
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