Montreal Escorts

The ugly UGLY side of this business!

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Nugie said:
"You know, I can't really decide between the Madagascar or the Tahitian vanilla. What do you think?"

LOL! My favorite is "wow, did you see the size of those cucumbers?":p

...I guess that is why I never pick up at the grocery store!:eek:



Village Idiot
Aug 23, 2005
NYC's armpit

To use your own vernacular:

Imagine, if you can, people whose generalities about morality and sexuality are different from yours. Maybe then, you will understand, that the rational consumer argument doesn't apply to 100% of the people out there. Maybe, if you can imagine, there are people whose decision-making process is based upon different values and logical reasoning. And then, maybe you will realize that some SP's and clients simply have different ideas about sex then you do.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Nugie said:

To use your own vernacular:

Imagine, if you can, people whose generalities about morality and sexuality are different from yours. Maybe then, you will understand, that the rational consumer argument doesn't apply to 100% of the people out there. Maybe, if you can imagine, there are people whose decision-making process is based upon different values and logical reasoning. And then, maybe you will realize that some SP's and clients simply have different ideas about sex then you do.

Beautiful, just beautiful...I couldn't have said it better myself!

Thanks Nugie for clarifying that many of us are capable of thinking in non-linear terms.;)

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Feb 26, 2006
What a load of crap - "low replication value." If you truly believe this, then you`re a lost cause in your normal relationships, never mind a relationship with an SP.

Let`s test this out, shall we? How many times have you been with a woman in the last year WITHOUT paying? You don`t need to answer that one out loud. I`m not here to embarass you.

GG, by the way, if you had any idea as to how silly you sound when you try to put down terminology I use. I`ve learned that type of terminology from guys who get laid from more women in a week than you have in the last five to ten years. We`re talking hot, hot women. If you don`t believe us, come out with us, and THEN try to talk down to me about it.

I`m a lost cause in my normal relationships? Hmm.. last I checked, *I* wasn`t the married one going behind my partners` back paying for sex on the sly. That`s called Projecting.

SPs understand better than most women the complexities of the male species. If a relationship develops, it`s typically the guys that are incapable of trusting their lady, not the other way around. If you were cheating on a girlfriend of yours that used to be an SP, she would figure it out very quickly.

No, those are YOUR issues of trusting your lady.
"It`s no secret that liar Won`t believe in anyone else" U2, The Fly

you and many others are slaves to socially predetermined notions regarding women

I`m actually going to point out that it is YOU who is a slave to socially predetermined notions.

Go back and read your posts to every SP on this board that you have messaged. How often do you find that you are sucking up, kissing ass, and generally coming off as "the nice guy".

How many threads have you started where you are CONSTANTLY trying to show every female on here your *sensitive* side:

SPs and MPs: Describe your ideal date...

Read that thread, and look at how HARD you`re trying. She`s already blown you off by the end. Even the other guys in the thread could tell. If you find yourself commonly in these situations, then you need to RETHINK a strtegy. Guys I know who get laid (20-30 girls a YEAR) wouldn`t EVER have your attitude in those situations.

How many times in the thread have you IGNORED everyone else in the thread EXCEPT for the particular SP in that thread, who you are begging to come and meet you?

Call me disrespectful ALL YOU WANT. *I* don`t pay women. I attract them. BIIIIG difference.

Seriously, your tone smacks of projection. And I consider you begin to open up your mind, as you will find that there are people out there with different models of thought than yours. Models of thought that you have never heard of, but get these people the kind of life you could only dream about.

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Feb 26, 2006
Nugie said:

To use your own vernacular:

Imagine, if you can, people whose generalities about morality and sexuality are different from yours. Maybe then, you will understand, that the rational consumer argument doesn't apply to 100% of the people out there. Maybe, if you can imagine, there are people whose decision-making process is based upon different values and logical reasoning. And then, maybe you will realize that some SP's and clients simply have different ideas about sex then you do.

I HOPE we have different ideas. Otherwise, we wouldn't have completely different ways of getting 'tang.
I can't even count how many times I've been hit on by women in supermarkets. Also in wine stores (if it seems like you know what you're doing).

Strategy #1: Hold a printout of a reasonably yummy recipe. Apologetically ask for assistance for finding ingredients. Invent interesting story as to why you are cooking:

"I started being a Big Brother to a kid in a foster home and I wanted to give him a real home-cooked meal."

"My old high school teacher lost his wife, and I thought he would like it if I brought over some food."

Strategy #2: Linger over and thoughtfully ponder exotic ingredients (if female is present) and ask for opinions. Mostly useful in specialty stores:

"You know, I can't really decide between the Madagascar or the Tahitian vanilla. What do you think?"

Strategy #3: Only works in wine stores if it's clear the woman doesn't know anything. If she picks up a bottle and you can suggest something better, walk over and do so. Smile, and then leave. If she follows and asks if you work there, you're in.

Good post... I have tons of openers that I use that are non-sexual, and entertaining. The one about cooking is a demonstration of high value.

You can get a number/ email within minutes.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
He's actually Francis' nephew..., and Talia Shire's nephew as well (Adri-EEEENNNNNNNE!) lol. His family is insanely connected to the movie business... He's cousins with Jason Schwartzman and Sofia Coppola...Check it out here:

Hijack over!
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
"I don't pay for sex"

dudemtl said:
Call me disrespectful ALL YOU WANT. *I* don't pay women. I attract them. BIIIIG difference.

Seriously, your tone smacks of projection. And I consider you begin to open up your mind, as you will find that there are people out there with different models of thought than yours. Models of thought that you have never heard of, but get these people the kind of life you could only dream about.


Your skills at psychoanalysis are as pathetic as your posts. I will try to restrain myself but you did cross a line that you may have wished you had never done.

First, I have serious issues with someone who comes onto a board where people review SPs to question the concept of exchanging money for a good time with a beautiful lady. According to you, we are "losers for paying for sex." You're way ahead of the game, having "free" sex with "hot, hot women" by the boat loads without paying for it. That confirms what I thought about you: you're an extremely insecure and petty individual whose self-worth is attached to how many hot women he can score with.

Your insecurities come out again here:

dudemtl said:
GG, by the way, if you had any idea as to how silly you sound when you try to put down terminology I use. I've learned that type of terminology from guys who get laid from more women in a week than you have in the last five to ten years. We're talking hot, hot women. If you don't believe us, come out with us, and THEN try to talk down to me about it.

Yes, I can't wait to go cruising with you and the 'stud possee' to see how I can pick up as many "hot, hot" women as possible for FREE. Only then will my life have any meaning instead of the despair and void that I am subjecting myself to seeing SPs.:rolleyes:

The only person that sounds silly is you and your infantile mindset. You and and your group of friends couldn't embarass me if you tried. Assuming you're getting laid with all these hotties - and that is a big assumption - then what makes you think you're better off than the rest of us that are meeting up with SPs? All you're telling me is that you have a pseudo superiority complex, which is exactly the hallmark of an insecure and petty individual.

Sooner or later these insecurities will manifest themselves into all your relationships, especially your long-term relationships that you seem incapable of committing to since you need to prove to yourself that you can get laid with lots of hotties.

Dude, it's not about the quantity, it's about the quality - and I don't just mean physical appearance. An intelligent woman will read right through your facade and blow you off very quickly.

Now, as far as you pointing out that I have problems with my personal relationship and that proves that I am the one with problems, this is what I call hitting under the belt. Should we openly discuss your substance abuse here and how it has created a weak individual full of gross insecurities?

I never claimed to be proud of what I am doing, far from it. But at least I possess the humility and the compassion to try and make things work out with my wife. Far from "projecting" onto to you what I feel about myself, I am able to self-examine and learn from my journey into this hobby. I don't purport to "know it all" and I see that life is very complex and we are often faced with difficult moral choices.

You claim that I start threads showing my sensitive side. Yes, I am sensitive but my threads are not about trying to woo SPs. I don't ignore other posters and I welcome good exchanges. I think I have contributed a lot to this board in a short time and I continuously try to explore interesting topics, with varying degrees of success.

But unlike you, I do not have ulterior motives for posting. I like it when SPs share their thoughts but I am not here to work "HARD to pick up" Karma or anyone else. I know it's hard for you to understand this since your very existence is defined by your "strategy for picking up hotties for free."

I am very comfortable with myself and all my faults. I am mature and self-confident enough to realize that picking up many hot women for free will not fulfill me in any way, shape or form. Seeing an SP from time to time does bring me some happiness but this also does not fulfill me in the deeper sense.

The bottom line dudemtl, is that you have to deal with your insecurities. You have serious problems and since I am a nice guy, I will not delve into it more on this board. Please restrain yourself in future posts.

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Nugie said:
Children, children, grammy loves you both equally! Now run along and play.:p

Sorry Nugie but I fail to see the humor in all of this. I apologize for getting into it with dudemtl but I cannot accept his accusations cause they're based on his warped sense of what it means to be 'successful' with women.



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
What a Mess!

GG - I think that addiction comment was a little much, but I understand that Mr.Dude is very frustrating though I am not reading his posts, just the ones you quote are quite difficult to read without getting pissed off! Eventually, Dude will see that sex is NEVER free, I don't care if you never took the girl out to dinner, someone has paid for it, either her or him (emotionally, physically, spiritual...)

This thread got me thinking about my own personal choices,... as I often do, I will share something personal about myself here.

I never understood that I was worth something until I worked as an SP. Before I worked, I would let everyone step all over me, I was very uncomfortable if someone paid for my meal, I felt that that would mean I owed them something. This business has taught me that this is not true. I have NEVER been paid for sex and no gentleman who has ever been with me has paid me for sex. Sure, some guys may think since they paid me, that I had to, but do you really think that I had no choice? That I couldn't have decided NOT had sex with a guy at anytime?

I recently went on 2 "civilian" dates, and they went horribly, I thought about how might it have been different if they were paid dates... well, the first one would have never happened (he was too young) and the second, I would have given his money back from the get go (my friend set me up with this guy - very weird!), let's just say, he was not clean. The weird thing is, I feel MORE pressured in a "civilian" setup, yet I am the one in control in a SP situation!

I believe that "civilian" relationships are more expensive... for both parties!


PS - disclaimer, I don't always make sense, and my logic may be faulty, but I am a heartfelt person, and emotions are not empirical!!
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Just-ass-weet said:
GG - I think that addiction comment was a little much

Yes, it was so sorry dudemtl...

Just-ass-weet said:
I never understood that I was worth something until I worked as an SP. Before I worked, I would let everyone step all over me, I was very uncomfortable if someone paid for my meal, I felt that that would mean I owed them something. This business has taught me that this is not true. I have NEVER been paid for sex and no gentleman who has ever been with me has paid me for sex. Sure, some guys may think since they paid me, that I had to, but do you really think that I had no choice? That I couldn't have decided NOT had sex with a guy at anytime?

I recently went on 2 "civilian" dates, and they went horribly, I thought about how might it have been different if they were paid dates... well, the first one would have never happened (he was too young) and the second, I would have given his money back from the get go (my friend set me up with this guy - very weird!), let's just say, he was not clean. The weird thing is, I feel MORE pressured in a "civilian" setup, yet I am the one in control in a SP situation!

I believe that "civilian" relationships are more expensive... for both parties!


PS - disclaimer, I don't always make sense, and my logic may be faulting, but I am a heartfelt person, and emotions are not empirical!!

Thanks for sharing Anik, I'll come back tonight...

Apr 16, 2005
The Game


I have a sneaking suspicion dudemtl is a graduate of the school of "Fast Seduction" as described in Neil Strauss' book 'The Game'. Buzzwords like "openers" and phrases like "demonstrate higher value" are dead giveaways. In an earlier post he talks about cruising with "Game". Proponents of this give seminars and conduct field trips to turn "AFC's" (Average F__k_ng Chumps) into pickup artists. Many shy and unsuccessful guys pay fees to attend these events. And the system works. But picking up girls and having a sound working knowledge of how to sustain a relationship are two different things. Just from the tone of his posts I sense a bit of highballing going on here. I'm not sure I agree with his take on relationships. And maybe the argument really isn't about relationships but the new found power of conquest and the disdain for those seen as "having to pay for it". I applaud your efforts at trying to keep this discussion on a mature level. Just my take on it and if I am wrong then I apologize but that is the impression I am getting here.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
No, because you have defined my job desciption as including sex, where I do not include it. I think a majority of good "civilian" employees do one or two things, that are not really part of their job, they added it themselves, because they enjoy it, but they are not paid to perform that task. An example would be back in the days when I worked at a Fish Market, I would bring along all the nutritional information, cooking methods, recipes, etc... because I like sharing that information with people, I liked being helpful. It wasn't part of my job, and if I decided not to do it one day, people would be disappointed, but I could easily argue that I was not paid to do that... no?

I feel that way about this business, I am not paid to have sex with people, to provide GFE, to do anything, what I paid for is to spend time with someone. Anyone who has met me knows that this is how I feel, and how I am. I happen to enjoy sex, I happen to feel that sex has a great healing power, for myself and others, that I am a teacher, a student, an artist, and a work of art. I romanticize things, there's no question, but I will say it again, I have never been paid for sex...

I realize that I am kind hard to comprehend - if you figure me out - let me know! I rarely meet new people, and before I do, I make sure we are going to have fun together... I meet for coffee, for lunch, just so that neither of us ends up disappointed. I AM difficult - everyone will attest to that, but I am also sweet once I get to know you.


PS- Yes, I am flakey sometimes... but I write from my heart - without question. ;)
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Mr X

New Member
Feb 13, 2006
dudemtl said:
Go back and read your posts to every SP on this board that you have messaged. How often do you find that you are sucking up, kissing ass, and generally coming off as "the nice guy".

It is unfortunate that nowadays many would consider that if a person is nice, then he must have some ulterior motive. Why do some people make anonymous gifts to charities, or help a blind man across the street when there is nobody looking. I pity that person who feels nothing but a sense of loss when he does something nice and gets nothing in return.

dudemtl said:
How many times in the thread have you IGNORED everyone else in the thread EXCEPT for the particular SP in that thread, who you are begging to come and meet you?Dudemtl

I am a bit unclear on the concept here. Why would GG beg sp's to come and meet him if he is paying for the service. Is he a misfit, does he have a hygene problem. Could you enlighten us GG.


Feb 26, 2006
I feel that way about this business, I am not paid to have sex with people, to provide GFE, to do anything, what I paid for is to spend time with someone. Anyone who has met me knows that this is how I feel, and how I am. I happen to enjoy sex, I happen to feel that sex has a great healing power, for myself and others, that I am a teacher, a student, an artist, and a work of art. I romanticize things, there's no question, but I will say it again, I have never been paid for sex...

That just sounds like a 'legal definition' to me. Are this people coming to you to ask for your advice on taxes? Either way, you're deluding yourself. And if you choose not to read my posts, then it just says to me that you aren't ready to look at things from a different perspective. That they somehow scare you. That's fine. It's normal.


Feb 26, 2006
Selected quotes from GG:

Projection: "Please restrain yourself in future posts."

And in this post you said:

"Your skills at psychoanalysis are as pathetic as your posts."

"you're an extremely insecure and petty individual whose self-worth is attached to how many hot women he can score with."

"your infantile mindset."

"pseudo superiority complex, which is exactly the hallmark of an insecure and petty individual. "

"Sooner or later these insecurities will manifest themselves into all your relationships, especially your long-term relationships that you seem incapable of committing to since you need to prove to yourself that you can get laid with lots of hotties"

"I don't ignore other posters and I welcome good exchanges. "

"you have to deal with your insecurities."

Hmmm.. gettting a little mad there?
Pretty much EVERYTHING you just said that I quoted has more to do with YOU than it does with me. You don't know me. But somehow, you come off VERY aggressively when I challenge your way of thinking. If you fly off the handle this easily, then you have deeper problems that cannot be addressed here.

Here's the difference between you and me. I LET PEOPLE KNOW about my feelings on monogamy. I'm honest. I don't CONCEAL, MANIPULATE or LIE to people. Especially someone that I SWORE I would never lie to or cheat on. I have several long term relationships right now, and guess what?

People are OKAY with it because it's HONEST.

YOU, on the other hand, ARE hurting someone.

So BEFORE you try to throw your little knowledge of psychology at me, take a LOOK at your REALITY.

I HAPPEN to ENJOY scoring with a lot of girls.

So do you.

So do most men.

Difference? I'm honest with who I get involved with.

I ATTRACT women.

They are EQUAL relationships. If you can't understand that you can have a non-monogamous relationship with someone yet STILL have equality, then that is YOUR issue, not mine.

Do you notice me throwing insults at you? Do you see me losing my cool? This is because your insults have *no bearing on my reality.*

And just so we can put to rest the idea that I think hobbying is for 'losers' : Personally, I would love to hire an escort. I see nothing wrong with it. However, I know myself, and I know that I have an addictive personality. As sex is addictive, and as hiring escorts are infinitely easier than meeting a girl you don't know for the first time and getting laid, it's a path I choose not to take. It must be wonderful to hook up with a hot girl you barely know. But it's a forbidden fruit for me.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
dudemtl said:
And just so we can put to rest the idea that I think hobbying is for 'losers' : Personally, I would love to hire an escort. I see nothing wrong with it. However, I know myself, and I know that I have an addictive personality. As sex is addictive, and as hiring escorts are infinitely easier than meeting a girl you don't know for the first time and getting laid, it's a path I choose not to take. It must be wonderful to hook up with a hot girl you barely know. But it's a forbidden fruit for me.

At least you admit your weaknesses, I give you that much! I read my post from this morning and while I found I crossed the line on the "addiction" comment, I still stand by most of the rest. I do feel that you have blatant insecurities that transpire in your writings.

Now, you're harping on this point, trying to exploit my weaknesses:

"Here's the difference between you and me. I LET PEOPLE KNOW about my feelings on monogamy. I'm honest. I don't CONCEAL, MANIPULATE or LIE to people. Especially someone that I SWORE I would never lie to or cheat on. I have several long term relationships right now, and guess what?

People are OKAY with it because it's HONEST.

YOU, on the other hand, ARE hurting someone.

So BEFORE you try to throw your little knowledge of psychology at me, take a LOOK at your REALITY."

Since when did you become my priest? I am willing to bet that in real life I am more of a moral and ethical person than you'll ever be. I struggle with my decision to see SPs but I need to see them from time to time. I would never intentionally hurt anyone, especially not my wife.

What do you know of my life? Absolutely nothing and yet you judge me and others for partaking in this "immoral activity."
When you get married and deal with a serious crisis, then come back here and tell me how easy it was to stick to your values and not stray from the right path. I do not judge you for succumbing to an addiction but you seem to love taking the moral high ground and rubbing it in my face that I am cheating on my wife.

You go on to write: "I HAPPEN to ENJOY scoring with a lot of girls...I ATTRACT women." Do you really think this is a fulfilling activity? Do you lie to attract women? Yes, you do. Are you always honest with them about how you feel? I seriously doubt it. In fact, this is also an addiction but you're too smug to admit it to yourself.:rolleyes:

Finally, trust me, you couldn't get under my skin if you tried. Ever heard of Teflon Don? Nothing on these boards will ever phase me. I am not here to insult you or anyone else but I do question your motives for coming here to stir up shit. Don't you have some hotties to chase after?:confused:


P.S. I met another beauty today and she was worth it!:D I'll come back later..
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Village Idiot
Aug 23, 2005
NYC's armpit
General Gonad said:
Nothing on these boards will ever phase me.


Dude and I picked up some hot, hot women last night. He said you were a faggot. And then I banged your wife for eight hours. I apologized for my tiny little penis, and she said, "Oh, don't worry, compared to GG's, it's monstrous!"

Also, the government says you owe them taxes.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
taxes? did you say TAXES?!?!?!?!

Nugie said:
Also, the government says you owe them taxes.

Now that stings like a kick to the crotch!!!:eek:


P.S. If you bang my wife again, let me know how it feels!:D


Village Idiot
Aug 23, 2005
NYC's armpit
dudemtl said:
I ATTRACT women.

So do I... I think. I am the Ultimate Wingman! I can flirt with the ugly friend all night long so you can score with the hot chick!!

But, "sometimes you feel like a nut... sometimes you don't...". Who's to judge you for wanting nuts or not? (Sorry, I quoted Michael Jackson's closing statement at his trial).

Dude, I think the problem is that this exchange has turned into a debate of personal ethics between you and GG. You have a certain lifestyle. I have a certain lifestyle. GG has his lifestyle, which CLEARLY involves occasionally peeing on young boys.

But "until you've walked a mile in his shoes" I don't think it's productive to criticize him for what he does or does not choose to do. Me, personally, I think GG is a complete weirdo for peeing on young boys. I think it would be more productive to poop on them, but hey, who am I to judge.

You've stated lots of personal opinions about who hobbies, why they hobby, and what SP's must be like. And yet you admit you never have.

If that isn't an indication of someone who isn't open minded, like you claim to be, I don't know what is. You stated you're here to learn more about the way other people think. Did you do so with the assumption that everyone on this board fits a particular mold?
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