To the first part of your post, the government is saying they will not restrict essential services (like the bus) but only non essential services . and is doing so based on "risk". The canoe example looks stupid, but in competitive canoeing, the guy in the back is breath the air of the guy in the front. While I think many of the decisions are silly, they are based in some time of measure. I know the government has taken input from several of the sports federations. Dog training ? My guess here is they assume nobody is going to get close to my dog

. Reality is the complete opposite. Dogs are magnets.
I agree there is a false sentiment of safety, but it's the level of safety vaccines bring. It's not 0 or 100%. It's grey.
As for the part of attitude, ridiculing and condescending comments, I feel this is in both camps, and particularly the extremes in each camp. "You're a socialist, you bend over to Legault, you're scared" no better than the other argument.
I would also bet that these types of comments would never happen in a face to face discussion over a beer. The internet brings out the worst. Things escalate quickly.
I NEVER ask someone on their status. It's none of my business. I have been asked multiple times, mostly by non vaccinated people. But they ask more on curiosity of why I made the decision....There are many people that are truly scared and I think we have to accommodate these people. But I have little tolerance for the "I don't have time" argument or the "There is a 5G chip in there".
Forced vaccination : I hope Trudeau loses his elections on his BS platform of vaccinating all civil servants. Accommodations should be made when possible. A HUGE majority of the civil service does not have public facing jobs.
You're just as close if fishing with someone.
Biodome : passport
Museum : no passport
LOL, I mean really. A 5 year old could see little sense that makes.
How is fishing an essential service?
This is a really good post and summary of how many of us libertarians feel.
But in fairness there are a couple of more decision points to make.
Even though he got derided for it, the U.S. politician Mitt Romney was correct when he said that corporations are people, too.
So strictly speaking, each business entity should have the right to admit or deny entry to anyone based on vaccination status.
And look at The Left’s other problem here.
You have many interesting comments but I refuse to make this a debate about the left the right.
I don't think that those of us who have supported or simply not objected to mandatory vaccinations are not fully considering what the objections are about.
We have dismissed it without considering the issues at stake or the concerns when it's becoming clear that this is not just a conspiracy theory.
Valid points are being made and questions raised by credible, knowledgeable professionals, which at this point have to be considered and addressed by everyone.
I'm not comfortable just dismissing it anymore. At this point, it's just blindly following the herd and uncritical trust in government.
This black and white approach makes it even harder to feel informed and know where to find truly unbiased information. It's like two propaganda campaigns. I want to be informed without the source of information having the intention to convince me that I need to agree with x position and only be given information that supports this.
We're all on the same side and we should all be able to make informed decisions.
I feel like I am not equipped to confidently say my decision is informed. I think that if people ask themselves, they might come to the same conclusion.
I also feel very strongly that we are opening the door to serious privacy issues and for governments to take advantage once they're in the door. I keep thinking of the 'shock doctrine' Naomi Klein has been writing about for a long time.
I think quebec acted too fast and that this 'passport' system didn't have to be imposed so rapidly. One of the very obvious reasons is that it didn't even provide enough time to actually comply for those who had not had their first dose yet or only recently got it. No other province in Canada has implemented such a system yet. (I know, Ontario is not too far behind)
Do I really want to provide not only proof of vaccination but my personal identification documents to business and corporations? Actually, no I don't want to give that personal information. Are people really thinking about what it means to give away their privacy rights like that?
You go to a bar and volunteer access to your health information, your name, your date of birth, some sort of identification number (RAMQ or driver's licence), possibly your address, your picture.. And you're cool with that?
You think that corporations will just ignore the ways this data can be used to their advantage, for profit? You don't think any of those places will not save and store your data in databases vulnerable to being hacked?