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The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009

I don’t know how you can come up with such ridiculous comparisons and arguments.
The unvaccinated however can certainly change that and it is free and painless and available to all.
This other argument that you don’t want government knowing your personal details, well they already do.

But I DO NOT WANT to take an experimental product developed in rush !! Thats a choice that society and governements should be respecting ! Its not about if i can change my situation or not, but if i want to do it or not and if not that its respected. Nobody should be segregated because they are vaccinated or not, or obese or not etc. Even if this can be changed. I always see botched comparison that the vaccine is like a seat belt or a smoke free area. NO ITS NOT !! Its a product that you have to get injected and stay there forever, its not like wearing a seat belt for 20 mins, or not having a smoke for an hour because you are in a restaurant.

And as i said before, i am even more cautious about the vaccines for 2 reasons, the first being the governement pushed peoples to get that Astrazeneca one when it was proven dangerous, even in minimal % and caused deaths/severe illness, they should never have done that. They cared more for numbers than peoples health. Yes its banned now, but its too late. Other ones is this CRAZY push on wanting everybody vaccinated. Does make me suspicious. Vaccine should be there and offered to all, and peoples should decide to take or not, end of story ! Especially in a concept that a vaccinated can catch/spread as well. I was reading today that among the 12+ the % of vaccinated is close to 85% !! Thats the damn objective they wanted originally and more. Just respect that you won't get to 100%, its impossible ! just be happy of what you got.

As for the second part, yes i have most of these things you listed, but the difference is they don't know where i go when i go, and most of these things are things i decide to share ! If i decide to pay with a CC somewhere, yes it show records i been there at that time etc, but i can also pay cash and its like i never really was there. Its my choice. My FB could be a fake name with a generic picture too. Taxes are filled once a year. etc etc.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
You continue to make unrealistic comparisons. You are right they are different but not for the reasons you mention.
Being over weight in no way will infect others to be overweight also, considering how many are maybe it does lol.
Not wearing a seat belt again will not make anybody else sick you are only endangering your own life,
Smoking yes, that is a legitimate comparison although one dose of smoke will likely not kill you like one dose of the Delta virus
so again not a good comparison.
You keep rehashing the same bs when in actual fact by not being vaccinated every time you step outside you are much more of a danger to everyone around you than a vaccinated person is, now you can keep living in this imaginary world of yours that you are not but there have been billions spent on statistics and evaluated by scientists all over the world that I think might just be slightly more intelligent than you or I and they all disagree with you. You think the World Health Organization is out to control poor old HM living in some rural area of Quebec and that is why they want people to be vaccinated.

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
While my heart is with Anna and Cloud500 on this one, I have slowly come to the conclusion that you and Fradi are correct in most of your posts on the topic.

North America has moved so far away from individual freedoms, there are so few true small businesses left, the conduct of business is so regulated, and the people (who are often often poor) in large cities are so dependent on government services such as mass transit, that there is little choice but to just give up power to the government on this subject, hopefully temporarily.

But unfortunately, it isn’t limited to Covid, nor is it likely to ever get much better. [...]

Yeah I'm uncomfortable with it and I think it's important to voice these concerns. But I don't have any better solution and I don't think there's any way to avoid it.

I do however still think that people are too quick to accept without any questions what they are told. I think there should have been a conversation about this issue and that we should have made sure this isn't used as a green light for abuse.

I also feel that the policies should have been more logical because too much of it is just nonsense, as I've pointed out a few times. Makes me feel like they think we're stupid and not really using objective facts to inform these policies. It just makes SOME seem arbitrary and often completely ineffective.

Like when you were a kid and you were told something that didn't seem to make sense and when questioning, were told Because I Say So.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
You think the World Health Organization is out to control poor old HM living in some rural area of Quebec and that is why they want people to be vaccinated.
Why the bullying? His opinions and concerns seems to be shared by a lot of people. The British government for one agrees. They no longer consider it as an epidemic but just another Virus (A LITTLE BIT MORE ANNOYING THAN FLU). Slowly, most restriction are being lifted.
There was a time when all scientist believed the Earth was flat, and burned all those that disagreed. Wonder who turned out to be right, the minority of scientist or the majority of their time?

There are some facts that you guys are forgetting and it is puzzling. Most of the people that had COVID survived it, even in the "at risk category". The further we go into the future, the better our immunity will be equipped naturally. The worst has literally passed. Lots of people had COVID and were not aware of it, this brings the death rate much lower if factored. My 85 years old neighbor died in winter because of the COVID it was reported, but the woman had all kind of sicknesses (diabetic, pressure, weak heart, etc.), I mean a regular flu would have killed her. Cases like these are Multiplied I am sure. This should at least make you question the validity that the only solution is the Vaccine, or at least understand the doubts that some of us have. The passport itself is not the problem, but making it mandatory to access services is (non essentials is just another BS term).
This is an indirect restriction, and in some cases, removal of your personal freedom of choice. Instead of forcing, maybe do a better job proving?

There are questions that have not been properly answered yet, such as the frequency of the Vaccines, its long term effect, why are the Chinese and Russian vaccines not recognized in the west? Medically they were not able to prove that they are not as effective, which lead me to the conclusion that it is just business. For these, and many more reasons, some of us are not convinced, and we would like to have our choices respected and not mocked or marginalized.
As stated in a post, one solution could have been that we take the PCR more often, another would be to leave it to businesses to decide, maybe a mix of these, but taking our choice away using the Virus as an excuse is not different than taking our choices away using terrorism as an excuse. Fear only generates fear, not solutions.

The World Health Organization is Funded by Governments, so it is not a really independent body. Like everything funded, some members will have more leverage than others. If the Medical Companies are lobbying the Governments to issue the mandatory passport, who says they do not have enough leverage to influence the decisions of the WHO, at least for the short term? Simplifying the issue just to the Health and Risks is, in my opinion very innocents. Politics and economics, I believe are the main factors that can define the Rules and Regulation that government develops. Even Security falls under the 2 categories (stability and opportunities). All this just to make the point that you cannot dismiss opinions because you do not like them, or understand them.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
For you not agreeing is bullying and mocking, and by the way I was answering someone who in the beginning had no problem with saying that all people over 65 should stay at home and not go anywhere so that the young can keep enjoying a normal life,
Now that the shoe is on the other foot all of a sudden his freedom is being violated.
I don’t dismiss ideas but like you I don’t agree with some.

I don’t care if somebody doesn‘t get vaccinated that is their right, that is not my problem it may be theirs if they get covid.
What I care about is that I don’t want my children or grand children or myself to be near anyone that is not vaccinated and since most of science is on the side that vaccination works and if I look at daily statistics that show here in Quebec 81 percent are fully vaccinated and yet 80 percent of the newly infected daily is still the unvaccinated I really don’t care how many paragraphs you write saying otherwise, it won’t change my mind.

There have been 4,500, 000 people killed world wide 27.000 in Canada and 12,300:in Quebec and this is probably grossly understated as no politician wants to see huge numbers of deaths on their watch.
There is probably not one family that hasn’t been touched by death or severe sickness from covid, mine has been , here in Canada and in the US and Europe.
These are not people I read about, not statistics, these are actual family members that have died from it. They were all older but that doesn’t mean they won’t be missed. There were many others who were relatively young and recovered from it, not one would volunteer to go through it again and they have now all been vaccinated.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I don’t care if somebody doesn‘t get vaccinated that is their right, that is not my problem it may be theirs if they get covid.
What I care about is that I don’t want my children or grand children or myself to be near anyone that is not vaccinated and since most of science is on the side that vaccination works and if I look at daily statistics that show here in Quebec 81 percent are fully vaccinated and yet 80 percent of the newly infected daily is still the unvaccinated I really don’t care how many paragraphs you write saying otherwise, it won’t change my mind.

There have been 4,500, 000 people killed world wide 27.000 in Canada and 12,300:in Quebec and this is probably grossly understated as no politician wants to see huge numbers of deaths on their watch.
There is probably not one family that hasn’t been touched by death or severe sickness from covid, mine has been , here in Canada and in the US and Europe.
These are not people I read about, not statistics, these are actual family members that have died from it. They were all older but that doesn’t mean they won’t be missed. There were many others who were relatively young and recovered from it, not one would volunteer to go through it again and they have now all been vaccinated.
I am so confused by this. It is like people are just repeating what the government says. If the vaccine lowers the risk of severe illness from covid (I do think this is all bs. A vaccine is supposed to prevent infection), then why are fully vaccinated people so concerned/scared with non-vaccinated people being near them? I find this so perplexing and not logical at all. It is also strange that no politician wants to see huge numbers of deaths on their watch yet have a poorly managed underfunded healthcare does not concern the politicians so much because that is the root cause of the problem. From where I stand the politicians are only doing what the majority wants, they want to be reelected.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Politicians always do anything and everything to maintain power, I think we can completely agree on that.
I think by now you must be aware of my stance on politicians.
Unfortunately if you look at the daily infected you will realize that about 15% of the newly infected are fully vaccinated people so no you are not immune totally and the 80% newly infected who are unvaccinated are much more likely to pass it onto you as they carry a heavier viral load, plus I have grandchildren who are unvaccinated so why would I risk them getting sick.
Yes being vaccinated you are much less likely to get covid or pass it on or end up in the hospital but why should I or anyone in my family or anyone for that matter be taking that extra risk.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Coronavirus is a huge class of virus that humans have adapted to over thousands of years. They screwed with the virus in gain of function "studies" and then screwed with the immune system through a spike protein vax of hundreds of millions of people. This spike protein antigen has been known for minimum 15 years with numerous failed trials published in national institute of health library. Herd immunity of coronavirus class pathogens through "vaccination" cannot exist because of the massive coronavirus reserves in mammals and birds. What a freaking coincidence that cases are rising to crazy levels 6 months into the vax program. This is just a temporal association but is damn suspicious. A respiratory pandemic in the middle of the summer???? Statistically this does not happen. The theory of "leaky" or "imperfect" vaccine is being put to the test on live innocent people. The pfizer is a very "narrow" and incomplete vaccine. Historically most vaccines were whole virus based eliciting a more natural balanced immune system response. This shit reeks of Eugenics. Nature has been thrown off balance by design. What a freaking dilemma...risk the vax to continue enjoying strip clubs, risk the vax then emergency measures close clubs permanently, or just no vax and get out of the city and never see another stripper or escort again. I'm pretty good looking and in full shape but could not care less to have a stable girlfriend. It is boring. It would be years of "withdrawal" to dissociate myself from strippers and escorts by leaving the city. You would think strippers would be the first to die during a pandemic but not one report of that in the grapevine yet. That could change with the vax. We shall see. Yes many strippers were sick and tested "positive". I got sick too last year after passing through Ft Lauderdale airport in Florida but sadly no test. The coming months will be a massive crossroad for all of us. What a freaking science fiction nightmare.. an mRNA genetic QR code tracking passport??? And people are happy going about flashing this at restaurants like they are a new special class?? Wait until that app tells when you can leave your house when the "climate lockdown" starts. No more escorts and sugardaddy girls either. Mandatory gps in all new cars. Damn WTF.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Just fathom the dilemma of a vax passport based on a potentially malfunctioning vaccine. This is cosmic entertainment for any aliens watching and documenting. This is crap only the "Joker" could put together.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Just fathom the dilemma of a vax passport based on a potentially malfunctioning vaccine. This is cosmic entertainment for any aliens watching and documenting. This is crap only the "Joker" could put together.
Hmmm. when is your horror movie about vaccines going to premier lol.
Will you need a passport to see it?
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Hmmm. when is your horror movie about vaccines going to premier lol.
Will you need a passport to see it?
It is premiering now as a real time live audience interactive show on stage earth. Script written by Rockefeller foundation (lockstep document) directed and produced by UN through your local government public/private corporate co-operation. Vaxxed or non vaxxed permitted to witness.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Just fathom the dilemma of a vax passport based on a potentially malfunctioning vaccine. This is cosmic entertainment for any aliens watching and documenting. This is crap only the "Joker" could put together.

The aliens are probably wondering why someone would inject a leaky imperfect vaccine so he can pay to get his crotch rubbed in a small booth.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

A high school in Lanaudière was the target of a group of vandals who tried to start a fire on the property and used graffiti carrying anti-vaccine messages on the buildings, on the night of Monday to Tuesday.

"In due course, those who forcefully vaccinate young people will be hanged," read the large blue letters on a school wall.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Vraiment incroyable d'en être rendu là .... harceler et apeurer nos jeunes de cette facon révoltante.....heureusement que l'immense majorité de nos jeunes ont plus de maturité que ces infâmes idiots et vont prendre les bonnes décisions pour eux et pour la sécurité
des autres.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
I think the withdrawal symptoms will be far worst than the vaccine side effects. Get the shot.
Here is a catch-22 in Australia haha from"Residents in apartment blocks locked-down by NSW Health are having their alcohol deliveries policed as part of a policy to limit the number of drinks being consumed each day". Take the vax or booze limits hahaha they going to have withdrawal.

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
I think the withdrawal symptoms will be far worst than the vaccine side effects. Get the shot.
Another catch-22 from Australia. Ya think you going to Sugardaddy or see escorts soon? hahaha From government website:

COVID-19 nominated visitor registration​

From 12:01am, Saturday 21 August, if you live in 1 of the local government areas of concern, you’ll need to register your COVID-19 nominated visitor (‘singles bubble’ visitor).

Nominated visitor​

You can have 1 nominated visitor if you live alone, meaning there are no other adults who live in the same home.

A nominated visitor is 1 person you can socialise with at your place of residence who:

  • can only be 1 person (and their dependent children, if there are no alternative care arrangements)
  • can visit you on more than 1 occasion
  • can accompany you in undertaking exercise
  • is not a nominated visitor for another person
  • resides within 5km of your home.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Here is a catch-22 in Australia haha from"Residents in apartment blocks locked-down by NSW Health are having their alcohol deliveries policed as part of a policy to limit the number of drinks being consumed each day". Take the vax or booze limits hahaha they going to have withdrawal.

Time to stock up on beer making supplies.

No way Legault every does that here. Beer and hockey are sacred.
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