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The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
I never understood this preference for Apple. I hate Iphone. Has anyone tried if they are able to download the app on an Android phone? I want to keep visiting stripclubs.
As said before, regulation will not be fully implemented until september 15th. You will be asked for it, but no consequences even if you don't have any proof of vaccination.
The reason why apps are often released on iOS first is that it is easier to ensure compatibility. Only Apple products have it. On the other side with Androïd there might be glitches because there are different brands, Samsung but also others, and a phone is not just an OS (Operating System). So if the app is not stable on Apple platform it's better not to release it. Perso, my phone is a Samsung but my tablet is an iPad and it works much more better than my previous Samsung and Lenovo ones. If there is problem releasing the androïd app, no doubt this "no consequences period" will be extended... And we will continue to read and appreciate your reviews on stripclubs. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
You cannot compare vaccines that eliminate disease such as polio and so on to this vaccine. These vaccines eliminated these diseases because there is no mutation of them. They stay the same. It knew how to infect humans only. The corona virus have animal reservoirs (if you research the beginnings of covid how it was create, yes man made) which cannot make it go away.

These vaccines, you mentioned and so have I, are supposed train your body to fight the virus. The problem with getting THIS vaccine is that it is deemed obsolete so then why get it? I also ask again, why is the delta variant cases spiking in the middle of summer when vitamin D levels are at their highest.

The vaccine (as mentioned by Christina Parks in the video) does not prevent transmission of the pathogen. She even said they were never designed to do that. Watch and listen to the video. She also explains why this vaccine does not do any good for the delta variant.

She also quoted a CDC director that this vaccine has no ability to prevent the infection by this variant.

Sorry my man, I have too many receipts.

Let me take from another angle.

Imagine you are unvaccinated, I am.
We are sitting on each side of Mike who is infected. He infects both of us.

After one day, we both have the same viral load, after 2 days, mine is half, after 3 days mine is 1/4, after 4 days I have no viral load. You continue to have it for 7 days

During these 7 days we continue to operate in society. I infect 2 people, you infect 7.

Did the vaccine prevent infection ?
Did the vaccine prevent transmission ?
Did the vaccine slow down transmission ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
ONTARIO.....semble enfin que DOUG FORD ----après avoir rejeter l'idée---entende raison et annonce à son tour la mise en place d'une preuve vaccinale....bonne nouvelle....pas vraiment le province est sous haute tension et les provinces avoisinantes ont
franchi le en allait de sa crédibilité....on devrait en connaître les modalités en début de semaine....à peu près temps qu'il sorte de derrière le rideau. ;)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
And its society's right to refuse access to public services to a non vaccinated person. Example La rougeole, l'école et les enfants.

As for the flaw....yawn....a poor implementation will be patched, and an update sent out. The way these things become secure is by the cat and mouse game between the white hats and the black hats.

The system works all around
If it was a case by case of a personal business deciding i could accept it, being forced by the gov is NOT acceptable !!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Some restaurateurs are against the vaccine passport. One said that these are repeat customers and these friends, and I don't want to turn them down.

If they don't have their passport, I wouldn't want them as friends.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Do not bravo me. I choose for myself
Bravo CLOUD 500....was probably not an easy decision BUT i guess you did it for still enjoying life....lollll.

Do not bravo mean. I made the decision for myself but I support the freedom of choice to choose to get vaccinated or not. I also am against all these measures, it is ridiculous. It is not government's job to play grandma. I support self-accoutability, freedom, and small government.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
. It is not government's job to play grandma.
It seems someone does otherwise soon no one will have a grandma.
Government didn’t force anybody to get vaccinated. They are just keeping the unvaccinated away from grandma, if she happens to be in a place that is not essential .It is their choice just like you made yours.
When this started they were trying to keep grandma away from everyone else now that the shoe is on the other foot all of a sudden it is violating their rights. I have no problem with not allowing the unvaccinated to enter non essential places.
I think the covid passport was necessary and it will help keep businesses alive, I hope the Federal government gets off their ass and introduces one for all of Canada so that we can start travelling and it can be recognized and accepted by all countries without all the hassles and different rules by every country.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I strongly disagree with you. Vaccine passports is one step away from a nanny state and it leads to division and segregation as we are witnessing now. It is not government's job to social engineer society. Government has a role but right now government is too involved in everyones personal lives. The problem is authoriatanism. Authoriatarian governments are very destructive to society as a whole. Nothing good comes out of it. Orwellian 1984 is what we are living. And also government is coercing vaccines. It does not have to be direct forcing but it is a method to force something. I will always be on the side of freedom. Nothing is more important then having freedom. To clarify my stance I am not anti-vaxx, I am anti-authoritarian.


Oct 30, 2003
Visit site
In a way the vaccine passport is just normal basic human behavior: if every morning you enter the elevator with your coworkers and fart all the way to the 36th floor, it won't take long until they ban you from using the elevator, whatever your constitutional rights. Basic group self protection.

Other other hand, another goal is obviously to strongly entice people to get vaccinated (or no dessert for you Timmy), and that may not work as well as hoped according to

We'll see!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You comparision makes no sense. If the people ban you that is the choice of the people. See no government is involved to decide for those passengers. As for entice, the correct term would be "coercion". Big difference. Government should bud out of it. Not their place. Too much government over reach. I am more concerned with government over reach then covid. The media along with the government created so much fear that people are willing to comply with government overreach for the false sense of security. History has shown there is a very fine line between protecting citizens and eroding their civil rights and that line can be exploited in times of great uncertainty.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
ONTARIO....hey...FORD sort enfin se sa cachette----invisible depuis fin Juillet--et annonce à son tour--pas vraiment le choix--la mise en place d'un passeport vaccinal le 22 Septembre...mais insiste pour dire qu'il n'aime pas le faire....,MAIS que c'est important
et TEMPORAIRE ....hum...cela reste à ;) .


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
The only argument then is whether the unvaccinated should have full access to free or subsidized health care, to avoid overloading the system. If you deny them that, those vaccination levels will go up very quickly.
The problem is the medical system is made to not deny people services necessary to their choices. It's 100% who needs it the most in the short term.
Real example.

An emergency surgeon has to chose to treat a child in a car accident who if he isn't operated in the next 10min will lose his limb and have to live the rest of his life with a handicap. He had no control in this situation. A second person, a 60 year old motorcycle rider who chose not to wear a helmet, had a few too many beers crashes and has head trauma. If he is not operated in the next 10min he may die. You're a surgeon. You can only do one. You have the call. Who do you treat ? You don't have to answer, but in Quebec the rule would be you go for the motorcycle rider.
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