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The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
This regulation is probably more just symbolic virtue signalling to intimidate.

It is exactly this. A form of punition for not complying with their abusing agenda. Personally i don't smoke but had a lot of friends who did during my 20s and the weed was bough from a guy name "Shark" in zipplock bags ;) I doubt any smoker need the SQDC for their weed. When it comes to alcohol i don't drink much of it, i prefer good old beer so im not affected so far, but from my understanding you can still buy it online... Basically these new restrictions mean nothing concretely in term of public health and security but are just there to be annoyance, punitive, for peoples who stand their ground and put their body and health choice first.

Personally im prepared that this nonsense may extend to other places and whatever it take, i will stand my ground and not comply.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
..et il semble bien que la 3ème dose sera exigée pour le passeport vaccinal... ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It is exactly this. A form of punition for not complying with their abusing agenda. Personally i don't smoke but had a lot of friends who did during my 20s and the weed was bough from a guy name "Shark" in zipplock bags ;) I doubt any smoker need the SQDC for their weed. When it comes to alcohol i don't drink much of it, i prefer good old beer so im not affected so far, but from my understanding you can still buy it online... Basically these new restrictions mean nothing concretely in term of public health and security but are just there to be annoyance, punitive, for peoples who stand their ground and put their body and health choice first.

Personally im prepared that this nonsense may extend to other places and whatever it take, i will stand my ground and not comply.
In another words it is authoritarian or communist. The rules do nothing to protect, just another attempt at forcing vaccines that really are not doing what they were supposed to do. Only if more people woke up and stood their ground like did, dictators like Lego would be voted out.


Merb member
Dec 27, 2020
In another words it is authoritarian or communist. The rules do nothing to protect, just another attempt at forcing vaccines that really are not doing what they were supposed to do. Only if more people woke up and stood their ground like did, dictators like Lego would be voted out.
Legault government is pushing the envelope more and more....right now they're seeing how much they can push


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Legault government is pushing the envelope more and more....right now they're seeing how much they can push
Yep by the looks of it they can go very far because it seems Quebecors are not interested in freedom and love Socialism. People used to die for freedom, now they give up freedom for the illusion of avoiding death - Ted Nanik.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Legault government is pushing the envelope more and more....right now they're seeing how much they can push
Oh well, today it is the vaccine and tomorrow will be something else. As soon as tiger tries human flesh he starts to consider it as a legitimate food.
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Merb member
Dec 27, 2020
Oh well, today it is the vaccine and tomorrow will be something else. As soon as tiger tries human flesh he starts to consider it as a legitimate food.
Tomorrow will be a chip in your brain, so Legault will know where you're going at night, lol

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Je vous l'avais dit ...

Québec envisage d’inclure des documents financiers à votre identifiant numérique (msn.com)

Maudit que c'est plate d'avoir raison. Le "passeport" n'a rien de sanitaire, c'est un test run pour s'en allez vers cette identité numerique qu'on parle ici. Peut-etre que je suis un bizarre mais personellement mon téléphone il reste chez moi 99% du temps. Je l'amene juste si je pars de chez moi pour un boute. Pas pour allez marcher, pas pour allez au depanneur, meme souvent je l'amene pas si je vais juste chez un ami proche de chez moi.

J'aime pas du tout ce concept d'identité numerique... Dangereux et malsain !

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Be sure news will be busy soon will an epidemic of fake vax proof.
They will use this to justify chips.
Maybe even video proof of vax from the clinic.
Looks like finance data will be included in the chips.
Of course they on it.

Swedish startup unveils rice-sized microchip implant that ...https://www.dailymail.co.uk › article-10329221 › Swed...

Swedish company showcases microchip that can download ...https://www.foxbusiness.com › technology › swedish-com...

"Eventually, this technology will become standardized allowing you to use this as your passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc.,"

Contactless payment at Contact strip club haha my mind is melting.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Oui, pour ça tu as raison. J'aurais été plus confortable avec le passeport vaccinal avec une date de fin d'utilisation claire, comme Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois avait suggéré, il faisait de bons points sur les risques de son utilisation. Mais ça n'a pas été le cas, il faudra être vigilants. Comme je n'ai pas trop le choix de l'utiliser pour mon travail, je n'ai pas boycotté son utilisation.

Pour le NAS, il est grandement temps de changer ça par contre. Malheureusement la technologie prend toute la place dans notre société et tout s'en va dans cette direction.

Malheureusement c'est un peu le probleme en general. Beaucoup de gens se disent "bin j'ai pas le choix" alors ils le font. Et donc si toi tu le fait, ton collegue le fait, l'autre collegue le fait etc etc et ca deviens standard, quand en reality bin du monde auraient pas voulu le faire. Moi je suis pret a allez jusquau bout pour tenir mon bout, si ca veux dire pus de job, pus d'endroit ou je peux allez, hey bin tant pis. C'est une cause qui vaut la peine selon moi.

Il y a une journée prevue, je crois que le 22 janvier, ou les restaurant veulent ouvrir. Je sais pas ce que ca donnera, mais si tout les resto adhererais en meme temps, ca aurait un gros impact. Mais si c'est une 12zaine, c'est sur que non. Faudrait que les gens se serre tous les coudes et disent assez c'est assez pour faire bouger le gouvernement.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Des milliers d'individus auraient réussi à se procurer de fausses preuves vaccinales avec l'aide d'employés du réseau de la santé contre de l'argent.
Environ 150 dossiers d'enquête sont en cours, dont 30 pour fraude et corruption dans les mains de l'Unité permanente anticorruption (UPAC), selon la ministre de la Sécurité publique, Geneviève Guilbault. « Les faux passeports [...] sont des bombes à retardement qui peuvent vous exploser en plein visage », avertit la vice-première ministre.

La ministre mentionne que les contrevenants s’exposent notamment à des peines de fabrication et usage de faux. Un geste criminel grave.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Its announced today that segregation will end on March 14 (large store its tomorow, but bars and cinema its not before March 14), at least for business (international travel will still do it, and i think trains/plains too as its federal)

They say it didn't change anything but its damn clear the convoy and the population finally rising up helped.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Le passeport vaccinal sera suspendu seulement, ce qui veut dire qu'il pourra revenir à n'importe quel moment.

« Toutefois, il est clair dans l’esprit du gouvernement que la mesure contraignante restera dans l’arsenal pour combattre la pandémie si d’autres vagues survenaient. » https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1862015/suspension-graduelle-passeport-vaccinal-legault
Oui et c'est pour ca que les manifestations sont toujours d'actualité. Cette chose ignoble et discriminatoire n'aurait jamais du etre meme evoqué !

Sinon je lisais ceci ...

C'est rendu l'excuse numero 1, aussito que quelque chose est inquietant et que les gens se posent des questions LEGITIMES, on dit "theorie du complot". Je m'excuse mais le projet d'identité numerique est bel et bien reel et prevue, c'a n'a rien de "complotiste". Il serait temps que ce mot retourne pour les chose vraiment delirante et irrelles.
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