How is that similar to what he said? He is talking about your right to choose, freely, without any fear of any kind of reprisal or punishment, to take the Vaccine. You compare this to an law and order issue? Traffic light has nothing to do with Personal freedom, nor does seatbelts. It is amazing how much non related comparison is being made.
Comparing This COVID to Smallpox is one such example. Smallpox had a death rate of 30 percent, which is not just higher, but extremely higher, and Smallpox could be eradicated, so the Vaccine idea makes perfect sense. However, and those same doctors that you trust, all agrees that COVID will not be eradicated, and the only logical comparison is to the Flu/Cold, not the other diseases.
As much as you cannot eradicate flu, you cannot eradicate COVID 19. Unfortunately, the Virus has claimed its place in this existence, and we have to adapt. That is why, in the very beginning, before they were bashed, ridiculed, attacked in the media, called names, the list goes on, there was a logical, medical, scientific opinion that our best option is to develop herd immunity. The sanitary measure were used to flattened the curve, and protect the ones that were at risk. However, and magically, all of that logic just disappeared and pouf the vaccine has become the miracle we all need. Yet, funnily enough, the vaccinated can still get it, spread it, even dye from it, yes because "no vaccine is perfect", even though smallpox was eradicated (proof that right vaccines can be perfect). Not only has the media pushed that Idea, but the politicians, the ones we have elected, gave themselves war like decrees (it was supposed to be for 3 months, and yet it is still in effect), and punished those that Dared think differently, even though they have proven Shit with their methods. We are supposed to believe that it works even though you need to be protected by the Non vaccinated. I mean shouldn't it the other way around? Then, to keep it up, boosters, and now another vaccine for the variant, and. well, we are still in the first phases, god knows where all of this is going. Making a Vaccine that has yet to prove itself mandatory, is an attack on personal freedom, and that act must be countered if it continues. When people are divided on an issue that is considered extremely important, one group has no right to impose his will on the other even if they were the majority. This is called minority rights, and is part of the Democratic process. I personally believe that the individuals not at risk running to take the Vaccine, are irresponsible, as they are reducing our natural adaptation to this Virus, and are creating more Virus resistant and potentially more dangerous. Am I right, Am I wrong? Lets say that the current situation favors my opinion... But Hush....